Music Freak One Shot Book

By LazyLizzyAngelica

21.7K 200 328

Music freak one shots! I read a few of these and it looked really fun to write! (There is gonna be lot of Hen... More

New Crush β€οΈπŸ’–
Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwiches πŸ₯œ πŸ‡ πŸ€ŽπŸ’œ
Cosplay 🦸 πŸ’šβ€οΈ
Thanksgiving πŸ¦ƒ πŸ’šβ€οΈ
Truth or Dare β€οΈπŸ’š
After the Competition (part 1) β€οΈπŸ’™
After the Competition (part 2) β€οΈπŸ’™
Flower Pot πŸ’—πŸŒΈ
Untitled Part 15
Secret πŸ–€πŸ’“
Episode 6
Michael and Shannon
Papers and Crushes
Date Night β™‘
Been Thinking About You a Latte β˜•οΈ
Otaku Movie Night πŸ’šβ€οΈπŸŽ¬

Just Like Another Season πŸ’œπŸ€Ž

1.1K 12 3
By LazyLizzyAngelica

Ship: Lander!

I could hear crying in the other room. It was my mom. She buried her face in her hands sobbing.


She looked up at me. Her eyes red and puffy from crying. Her hair a mess. She looked at me then burst into tears.

"Oh Alexander!"

She pulled me close to her

"Mom are you ok?"

I asked very worried. I looked on the ground and saw a family picture, but my dad was ripped out, I wondered why?

"No! I'm not!"

She started crying even more.

A few hours later




I saw him slap my mother across the face.

"I'm leaving this place"

I started to cry. What was happening? Why was daddy hurting mom? Why was he leaving? Why? Why is this happening?

A few years later I found out. My father had left my mom and me for another woman. He had cheated on my mother for the last 3 months. I couldn't believe him. I was filled up with anger and sadness. I didn't know if I could ever trust anyone because then they would just leave me.


It was my best friend Luke, the only person I trust besides my mom.

"Are you ok?"

I was thinking about what I had just found out earlier that morning


I didn't know how to answer. Suddenly I got very sad, my emotions were taking control of me, I started to cry.

"Oh my god Zander! What is it?"

He pulled me into a hug. Just how my mother did when she found out-

"I-it's my"

I said through sobs

"Your what?"


I continued to cry

"What happened?"

I told Luke everything. This eyes widened


I clung to him

"Will you leave me? Just like my dad?"

I looked straight into this eyes. Tears falling out of mine. His face got red

"What?! I would never! You're my best friend! I will be leave you"

I smiled and cuddled close to him

"Thank you"

I whispered. Luke was very red, I don't know why?

Today is the first day of middle school. Me and Luke are in the same homeroom! I am very excited. I am walking and I see him.


I wave at him excitedly, and runs over to me

"Hey Zander!"

Suddenly my soon to be step sister Hailey pushed me into Luke

"Hey dorks!"

I fell into Luke. He started to blush, and I did too- wait I'm blushing?? Why? It's just Luke. Wait- do I like him? NO OF COURSE NOT! He looks at me with his perfect golden eyes- so perfect- my eyes move down to his lips-


Hailey starts laughing. Me and Zander totally embarrassed. Some other people laugh and point at us.


Ugh! I can't believe she's going to be my sister! She's so annoying

"You two are sooo cute together!"

She teases. I look at Luke flustered

"S-sorry!" He says letting go of me

"I-it's fine-" I say

Suddenly my crush walks past us, Taylor. I turn bright red. I can't help but stare at him- his grey eyes, and messy blonde hair. Suddenly he trips and falls. Everyone starts laughing, calling him train wreck. I go over to help him

"Are you ok Taylor?"

I ask helping him up

"Oh I'm fine- you know me and my bad luck. Thanks Zander!"

He smiles at me. I blush. 'So cute!'

"N-no problem"

I can't believe I helped him! I made a promise to myself at the beginning of the year that I wouldn't let myself get close to people, besides Hailey and Luke of course, but every time I saw Taylor my heart flutters, my knees get all wobbly, and I turn bright red. I can't ignore my crush on him!

"Zander! You touched Taylor now you have bad luck!"

Hailey teased me

"Shut up!"

I yelled at her

Today I saw a flier for the talent show.

"That might be fun!"

Hailey said grabing a flier.

"Yeah! We could all play a song together!"

I said turning to Luke and Hailey. They both nodded

"We can practice during lunch"

Hailey said

It's the day of the talent show! Me and Hailey's parents are coming and I think Luke's are too. I am looking out at the audience and see Taylor!

"You gonna confess?"

I turn around completely unaware someone was watching me


Luke smiles

"C'mon Zander I know you like him! You can't hind anything from me"

Completely embarrassed I try to hide my feelings

"Pfff as if! He's too clumsy- and his hair is always so messy, and his eyes..."

Suddenly without even realizing it I started going on and on about Taylor

"Hahah! Zander you totally like him! You sound like me when I talk about my crush-" he covered his mouth

"Ooooo so you have a crush?"

I walk to up to him looking him straight the eyes, he walked back completely red.


"You can't deny it Luke I heard you~"

I said in a sing song voice. He was as red as a tomato

"So who's the lucky one?"

I ask with a smirk. Luke looked as if he might faint

"I-I umm they, ummm, Zander you're really close"

He says putting his hands on my chest

"Oh sorry, I just won't leave until you tell me who!"

I said. But he still refused to tell me who. So I put my hands on his waist

"Tell me~"

I whispered in his ear


A 6th grader was staring at us

"Are you two kissing?"

The small one asked. I got red

"NO! I-I was just trying to find out some information!"

I said stepping away from Luke. I just realised what I had done- I don't know what came over me! Luke was just in complete shock of what I had just done

"S-sorry Luke- I-I don't know what came over me"

Luke stared at me


He stopped, then smirked

"Sooo do you like me?"

He asked putting his hands on his hips


I was completely caught off guard by that question- I mean honestly I don't know- I don't think I do- but do I? No! I can't- oh crap was I being seductive? I might of

"I- umm, wait why?"

He turned red

"Umm no reason- you just were acting really umm- well-"

He jumbled with his words

"Hey love birds"

It was Hailey

"We're on soon get ready"

I nodded and grabbed Luke's hand

"C'mon Luke, we better get ready. Oh! And this is not over. You will tell me who you like ok?"

I looked at him. He looked at me and blushed


First day of High School

*flash back*

"Hey Zander!"

"O-oh! Taylor! Hi!!"

"Hey- well I just wanted to thank you- well for being my friend! Most people avoid me, because of well- my luck, but you always were there for me! And well I'm moving to the UK tomorrow and I am really glad you were my friend"

"Y-ya friend-"

"Well- I better go. Umm bye I guess"

And he left

*end of flash back*

"Hey Zander. You ok?"

I looked at Luke, I just remembered 2 years ago when my old crush had left to another country

"Oh yeah! Just remembered Taylor-"

Luke frowned

"Oh yeah- your old crush"

Why was Luke upset?

"You don't still like him? Do you?"

"Oh no-"

I don't like anyone right now- and that's for the best.

"Hey guys. I was thinking of starting a music club! How do you like that idea?"

"I love it!"

I said

"Sounds great"

Luke added

Later that day me and Luke met Hailey in the music room, with her was a small girl with pink hair.

"Guys meet Millicent, she plays the electric guitar!"

"I sure do! Oh and call me Milly"

"Nice to meet you Milly"

Luke said shaking her hand

"I'm Luke and I play the drums"

"My name is Zander and I play the piano"

I said introducing myself

"Well I think we are going to have a lot of fun!"

Hailey said smiling

"Hey freaks!"

Augh! It's Drew and his punks, Liam, a tall, creepy guy, Henry, a short, weird, weeb, and Jake, the girl charming bully. They've picked on us and our club for years.

"How's your little band doing? Heard your main singer moved, too bad he made you guys sound half decent"

Jake high-fived his friends. Hailey walked straight up to him but I held her back.

"Don't waste your time on him Hailey"

She sighed and walked away with me. They laughed. God why must we be mocked all the time? Down the hall I could see Zoey pointing and laughing at Milly who was picking up papers that she had dropped. Luke was down with her picking the papers up as well.

Today a kid from the grade above saw a flier we put up saying we were looking for new people for our music club. We only have 4, and we want some more people. His name is Sean

"Hello Sean! I'm Hailey, the club president, what do you do?"

"Well, I like to produce music! I can't really play an instrument per say- but I love putting the music together with just the right beats. Can I show you what I've worked on in the past?"

We nod. He pulls out a computer and clicks on a file. Some pretty good music starts to play.

"Wow! That sounds great!"

Milly says nodding her head to the beat.


"Well Sean, I think you would be a perfect audition to our musical family!"

Hailey says welcoming Sean into our club. We smile. This is very exciting

We all introduce ourselves and spend the rest of the time talking and having a good time. It was nice!

I walked into the music room. It was a fine morning when I saw Hailey.

"Good morning Hailey"

She turned around with an excited look on her face

"Zander! So you know about the competition?"

I nod

"Well, what if we put up filers for people to join our club? It would be great! I talked about with the other members and they said it was a great idea!"

I didn't think it was such a good idea. I thought we all sounded great on our own.

"I dunno Hailey-"

She rolled her eyes

"C'mon I already made filers, lets go"

She lead me out the door so we could go put up some filers.

We were outside when we walked by Drew and his gang.

"Oh look it's the music freak club"

Drew said as we walked past

"What a bunch of nerds!"

The dumb dwarf laughed

"Oh look! It's the monkeys that have nothing better to do then look down on others because it's the only way they deal with their daddy issues"

The boys laughed

"C'mon Hailey we have more important things to do then engage with these imbeciles"

Jake started to talk with Hailey. I was so annoyed, why can't we just go? Hailey finished talking and we heading to the big bulletin board

(I'm gonna skip to episode 5 when Zander walks in to Stacy kissing Luke)

My eyes widen as I see Stacy clinging onto Luke's shirt, her eyes closed. She pulls away

"Luke, the truth is, I've liked you for a really long time now! I don't know if you've ever seen me that way, but- I think you could come to like me!"

'No, no, no! This can't be happening! Luke is going to get with Stacy and I will be alone, I can't believe I've been enough of a fool to fall in love again.'

"Stacy, I-"

Luke notices me. I close my eyes and I run away. Memories of my father leaving me and my mother flood back. I run outside

"Zander, stop running!"

I stop, breathing hard. Luke starts to laugh

"You run fast"

He grins at me

"Why are you running after me?! Weren't you just about to accept that girl's feelings?"

"What?! N-"

"You, should go back to her. Don't let me get in your way"


Tears fall down my cheeks. 'Why isn't he leaving? I can't stand this! It's too painful."

"Just leave already!"
I scream

"I don't like that girl Zander! I like you!"
Luke confesses. My eyes widen and I look back at him


We stand there, Luke blushes and looks down.

"Zander, I'm in love with you. I have been, for a really long time. That song Hailey for me, I wrote that about you!"

"I-I thought you only saw me as a childhood friend?!"

"You've always been more than that! I wanted to tell you for so long- but recently, it seems all I do is make you uncomfortable. I never seemed to find the right time, or the right way to tell you. I guess, I'm probably making you uncomfortable now-"
"You're wrong! You've never made me uncomfortable. When you would get close, I got scared that I didn't want you to notice how I really felt about you- so I, pushed you away! I just wanted to protect our friendship. I- didn't want to lose you"

A tear falls down my cheek. Luke smiles

"Zander, you'll never loss me"

The wind blows through our hair, as Luke starts to walk towards me

"I-i I'm not like Stacy you know. I'm uptight and I'll probably call you names a lot"

Luke scoffs

"I know~"

"I'm suborn, a little selfish at times, and I get jealous easily-"

Luke grabs my face and pulls me into a sweet kiss. I am shocked at first, but then give in and kiss back closing my eyes. Luke pulls away

"You're also charming, witty, and extremely handsome. On top of that, you have a beautiful smile"

I blush

"Luke! Don't say such embarrassing things."

He smiles

"I love you Zander"

I almost feel like crying

"I love you too!"
I fall into his arms as we hug. I pull away from the hug, and look into Luke's beautiful golden eyes. I just want to kiss him again. He smiles at me. His smile is so sweet. I give him a quick kiss again.

"So, are you my boyfriend now?"
I ask. He giggles

"I would love that Zander"
He pulls me close

"Let's walk home"
I grab his hand and we start to walk

(Hello! This one shot was a tab bit longer than usual. I wrote this months ago, planning to make this a Lander Fan fiction, but ditched the idea and made this one shot book instead. I honestly did not know what to call it. Sorry for not posting for a week! Let's just say- I've found an amazing book and I could not stop reading it! But I finished it- well gotta think of another one shot idea, I'm kinda stuck in writers block, I am also trying not to just write Henriam one shots. Also- Happy Late Birthday to Elliot!! Ok bye!)

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