Thaw [Loki X Reader]

By 3rinisasimp

258K 7.1K 5.7K

Completed! Can you thaw something that's been frozen for thousands of years? Loki Laufeyson is a coldhearted... More

Meet the team
Space Battle
Return to Earth
Long Process
Up Late
Waiting game
Fightin' on Titan
Gauntlet Removal Service!
Space Princess
Sleeping Insomniac
Power Stone
The Beginning of the End-Game.
That one word....
Faded, for good.
A Soul for a Soul
A u T h O r S n O t E
Cooling down
Mission: Entertainment. [VOTE NOW!]
Luxry Cruise!
The Ship has Set Sail
When Life Gives You Lemon....
Hypothermia Cruise
Everything, I suppose.
Vlogs and Mischief
A Question from the Author
The Big Day?
The Big Day!!!
Princess of Asgard
After Party


10.3K 247 143
By 3rinisasimp

I was sitting in my bed, reading one of the books from the shelf in my room. It was about quantum mechanics. I didn't understand anything that I read but, it was better than doing nothing. I heard a loud knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called. Now even a second after, Natasha burst in, frantic.

"We have a situation. We need all hands on deck. Come with me." She walked out and I followed her to a large meeting room where all of the others were. "I know its sudden, but Tony insists on having everyone there." She said.

"Great, that's everyone, alright. So, there is a problem. With Thors ship." Tony started. "We recieved a distress signal from the ship not too long ago. The audio transmission is all kinds of screwed up, it's practically useless."

"Wait, there's an audio transmission?" Thor stood up from his seat.

"Yeah, but its indecipherable." Tony said, pulling up a audio file on a large, glass screen. He pressed play and a series of words that sounded like gibberish poured out of the speakers. Shouts were in the background and the voice sounded panicked. Whoever sent that audio call, wasn't having a good time. Everyone listened, trying to understand whatever was being said, but to no avail. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

"Play it backwards." I said, looking at Tony.

"I've tried, it's just gibberish." He replied.

"Just try it, I think I know what this is." Tony sighed and reversed the audio. I listened to it again.

"Now, speed it up." Tony did  as I asked and I heard words begin to form. He sped the track up even more and coherent words formed.

"Sierra. Oscar. Sierra. Tango. Hotel. Alpha. November. Oscar. Sierra." The voice carefully said each word, as if it was planned out.

"Shit. How did I miss that?" Tony remarked, writing the words down on a piece of pare, that also had coordinates on it.

"Thats Korg, but what the hell does that even mean?" Thor said, confused and stressed. I turned to him.

"Its a coded cipher. The person is saying: SOS THANOS, whatever that means." I looked around the room, hoping someone would know what the heck Thanos was or, who the heck Thanos was. My eyes fell on Loki, who face was completely white. He met my eyes and turned away quickly, trying to hide his face.

"Okay, so, is this Korg guy the practical joking type?" Tony asked, replaying the audio, and looking at the sound levels on the screen.

"Hes piloting a ship with an entire planet of people, Stark, no one there sends an SOS for fun." Thor snapped.

"Alright, well, everyone, suit up, were going for a ride!" Tony clapped his hands together and began to walk out the door. He stopped halfway and turned on his heels to face me.

"You." He pointed to me with a pen. "Dont have a suit, right. Shoot." He tapped his chin with the pen. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. Natasha was smiling down at me.

"You're roughly my size, I have a suit you can use." She turned to Tony and he nodded.

"Great, hope you like black, Y/N" He said, walking out the door. I followed Natasha to her room and she tossed me a sleek, all black suit.

"Thanks, Natasha!" I said, looking at the suit, it was made of a thick but light fabric.

"Oh, call me Nat and, no problem." I walked to my room, a few doors down. I went in and pulled on the suit. It was surprisingly comfortable and easy to move in. It had built in gloves and boots. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad. All black is the way to go. I walked out, and into the hallway. I saw Loki, headed down the hall, and caught up to him.

"I have no clue where I'm going, this place is a maze!" I said, walking swiftly, trying to match his pace.

"Oh. this way." He said, not even looking at me. He turned a corner and quickly walked down a set of glass stairs. I followed him, all the way to the outside of the building. I saw the others, gathered in a large hanger that had a helicopter among other large planes. I walked into the huge building, footsteps echoing.

"So, ah, I may be stupid but, didn't the SOS come from a ship, in space?" I asked , scanning the building for any kind of ship that would fit the situation.

"Yes, were only taking the ship up there halfway, we've got some buddies that are meeting up with us." Steve said, pointing to the roof. He looked around, at everyone. Someone was missing.

"Where the hell is Banner?" He said, looking to Tony, who shrugged and started up a set of stairs to the roof. Everyone followed him up, including me. Once we got to the top, I saw a huge ship, sat in the top of the building. I had no idea how I missed it in the first place. It was enormous and grey, with giant circular propellers on either side. I saw a small figure, dashing to the building. It looked to be someone in a red and blue suit. As it got closer, I saw that it was Peter.

"Hey guys, wait up!" He shot a line of something from his hand and catapulted himself up to the top of the building, landing with his feet, teetering on the edge of the building. He flailed his arms and regained his balance.

"I-I  wanna help. Please, Mr Stark." He panted, trying to catch his breath. His suit had a spider logo and webs all over it, with what looked like a hood at the back.

"Uh, no, kid, go back inside, it's too dangerous." Tony said, halfway inside the huge ship.

"Bu-but, Y/N is going, why can't I? How can I be a part of the team if you dont let me help?" He protested. I had to agree, I was the newest member, I had barely been here one day, and I was going on a mission already. I could tell that Tony was very protective of Peter.

"If I may, he does have a point." I said, looking at Tony. He pressed his lips together, closed his eyes, and sighed.

"Just...get in the Helicarrier." He said, walking into the ship. I turned to Peter, who looked surprised. He turned to me and smiled, walking into the ship. I followed Peter in. The ship seemed larger on the inside than the outside. Benches lined the wall along with equipment and suits. Parachutes and weapons were all crammed into one area. I followed the group further into the ship. We got to a huge room, full of computers. A huge window showed the view from the roof. Bruce was standing at one of the computers.

"There you are! I wanted to get everything up and running, since we dont have any SHEILD agents on such short notice." He said, tapping on one of the screens. A huge screen lit up, with a strange looking map. We all walked up to an upper balcony, people began talking seats at the long, circular table. I stayed standing, along with Peter and Loki.

"So, who's flying this bird?" Tony asked, looking around.

"We really should've thought this through." Thor said, setting down a large hammer on the ground next to him.

"Were going to have to get Fury to send us some SHEILD agents, aren't we?" Clint said, a set of arrows and a bow slung around his back.

"So, I got here early for  nothing. Sweet." Bruce slumped down into a seat.

Tony tapped a screen and after a few seconds, Nick Fury's face filled the screen.

"What? Do we have an issue with the new recruit?" He asked. Okay, ouch.

"Hi, Fury, and Y/N is literally standing right here. We have a situation, with one of Thor's  fleets. We need some agents to help get the helicarrier off the ground." Tony said, tapping his foot impatiently. I looked to the others, they all seemed calm, except for Thor and Loki, who looked restless, which made sense, it was their people on that ship. Peter was playing around with his suit, opening and closing a contraption on his wrist. As Tony spoke to Fury, everyone stayed silent and barely looked at each other. I looked around the ship, it was high tech and had lots of expensive equipment. A SHEILD ship. Once again, I could've laughed at the irony, but, this wasn't exactly the time for humor.

"Right, thanks Fury." Tony ended the call and turned to us. "Theyll be here shortly. Fury's making sure they're here as quickly as possible, we should be leaving shortly." Thor nervously shifted in his seat, his hammer was next to him. Insane. I can't believe that I'm on a mission with the Avengers. "While we have the time, let's go over the plan, well, my plan." Tony started explaining the plan for how we would regain control of the ship.

"Now, we'll ambush the ship, whoever these guys are, they won't be going anywhere, they're caught in their own web, all we have to do is squash these punks and the ship is back on its merry way. It won't be easy but, we are  the Avengers."

"Nope, no way." Thor sat forward. "There is an entire planet of people on that ship, they'll be massacred."

"Hes right, the enemy will be trapped, but so will the people, our  people. We can't just haphazardly charge in and hope they will spare the civilians." Loki said, walking to the table where everyone was sitting. Everyone nodded.

"Alright then, do either of you have any ideas on how to do this then?" Tony asked, sarcastically motioning to the two.

"How much can she take?" I asked, putting my hand to my chin, thinking. Everyone turned to me, confused.

"I beg your pardon?" Loki asked, turning around to face me, and arching his brow.

"How many people can fit in the ship were using?" I said, pointing to the image of a ship in the corner of the screen.

"Oh, right. Stark?" Loki leaned his hands on the table, and  looked at Tony, who shrugged.

"Dont know, Quill isn't exactly the sharpest knife. In fact, none of them are." He said, looking at the screen and pulling up a scan of the ship's blueprints. The blueprints were a mess, random scrawlings were littering the entire thing. There were random doodles all over the image of the ship.

"What a tin can. I dont think the ship will be able to hold us, let alone all those people." Tony said, craning his neck to make out some of the words that were written on the blueprints. "Why is it that the only people we can get on short notice are complete morons?"

"Well have to ask them when we meet up, Y/N, please continue." Steve said, turning to me.

"Well, if we can get at least a third of the people in that ship, that's significantly less people in the crossfire." I said, tapping my chin. "Thor, do any of those people know how to fight?" I turned to Thor, who's eyes widened.

"Surely you are not thinking of putting my people in danger!" He said, leaning forward, on the table.

"Our  people, brother, and, yes. A large amount can fight. But, what are you thinking?" Loki responded. I walked next to him, looking at the screen. I tried to make out the ship's blueprint.

"If we take the people who can't fight and get them on the other ship, then they will be safe." I looked at him. "But, we dont know anything about the people who took control of the ship, their could be hundreds of them. We need to use what we have to our advantage." I looked around the room. Everyone seemed to agree. Nat gave me a nod of approval.

"Were the Avengers. We dont need to recruit civilians." Tony said, tapping the screen and pulling the map back up.

"Tony, I understand but, if we can't get everyone on the safe ship, crowding all the innocent people in a corner like a bunch of sitting ducks is just asking  for unnecessary and completely preventable deaths." I replied, hoping he would see what I was trying to do. He looked to Thor, who nodded.

"You're right, but getting innocent people to fight space pirates is also asking for unnecessary and preventable deaths." He said, leaning on the edge of the table.

"Asgardians are very skilled warriors. They know how to handle themselves in battle. Y/N is right, and so are you, Stark. But, we have a better chance at success if we go with Y/Ns plan. It's the safer and more effective option." Loki said. Thor nodded and looked to me.

"I agree. There are lots of skilled men and women on that ship." Thor said.

"Okay, then why is the ship sending out distress calls?" Tony asked, furrowing his brows. He had a point. My plan may have just went out the window. So much for a good first impression. A sensor beeped in the room. A group of people walked in, along with Nick Fury.

"Fury, its about damn time!" Tony called.

"Hello to you too, Tony." Fury replied as the people with him began working at computers, getting the ship ready to take off. Lights turned on, and within a few minutes, the ship started to hover, with a loud, mechanical whir. Fury had walked to the table we were at. He smiled at me.

"Enjoying your first day, Y/N?"

"Yes, it's been eventful." I replied.

"Y/N was the one to propose a plan that actually made sense." Nat said to Fury, who gave me a nod.

"Ready for takeoff, sir!" A woman called from the lower deck.

"Well, get this bird in the sky, we've got a hot date with a captured ship!"


*everyone ready for the mission*

                YN                                         Nick

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