love: a test run

By garethroijones

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This collection of poems came out of an experiment for a project a fellow poet and I are working on. The task... More

Day 1. the sounds of love
Day 2. Love Poem to my Best Friend
Day 3. the last afternoon of summer
Day 4. the long deep trek across the bottom of the world
Day 5. portrait of three key times in my life
Day 6. your
Day 7. rede
Day 8. enchantment
Day 9. the path of love
Day 10. explaining the universe, using the physics of love
~ here ends the sample section ~
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gareth roi jones' poetic manifesto

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By garethroijones

If you’re still with me, I want to say one quick(ish) thing about poetry.

I love it...

I love its depth. Its passion.  Its profundity.  Its multiple insights into the human condition.

I love the way it plays with words.  I love how it deals with the essence.

I love its pith.

I even love reading another poet’s work & going: Sheesh, why do I even bother. She has just nailed it. Or: I can’t believe he managed to say something that complicated, so simply. You may as well pop your pen down.

But I don’t. I keep trying. Barely a day goes by where I don’t write a poem or poem fragment or edit a poem. Often several of these options, executed with varying degrees of skill.  I swear there’s something wrong with my brain which seems to exist purely to say – that’s a good idea write that down, or there’s a poem in that image, or an image in that mood, or a mood in that play of light.  Or whatever. Constantly. 24 / 7.  Every book I read, every time I go driving, every conversation I have. Write it, write it, write it. & every so often, something comes along & you go wow! that was pretty darn good. Which keeps me going.

Barely a day goes by where I don’t read a poem by someone else. I  just  love  it.  I only wish more people read it. But I understand why they don’t. Because there’s three types of poetry.

Bad poetry: type 1 – because it’s banal.

Bad poetry: type 2 – because it’s wanky & esoteric.

Good poetry – everything else. 

Poetry has to say something (not that’s been said before type 1; nor in ways no one can decipher, type 2) but in a way that is unique, interesting, different. In a way that pulls you up, makes you stop, think, be startled, engage the person on the other side of the words. (Writing this after assembling the 30 poems previous – I’m suddenly paranoid I don’t stop startle engage the reader enough – but hopefully it’s just pre-uploading paranoia.)

Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, & making music with them.

As that great artist & thinker, Salman Rushdie perfectly captured it -- A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, & stop it going to sleep.

That’s what I hope to do. Name. Point. Provoke. Argue. Shape. STOP THE WORLD GOING TO SLEEP.

& discover a world of readers who wanna stay awake with me . . .

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