Eternally hers

By m1nd15p0w3r

225K 10.6K 589

Ok in all reality I suck at descriptions. This is my first story please give it a chance but speak your mind... More

I'm Pregrnant
Finding my love
Building More
Getting Along
The Runaway
The Return
The Meeting
F*ck falling I fell
I loved you
Lovin Her
Adoring Her
The Run
Truth and Knowledge
A glimpse
And then there was life
In the Name of Science
Better Times
Lab Rat
Brighter days
Closer than ever
Water Sports
Ohhh Puppy Love
Deja Vu
Chill day maybe???
I'm Sorry You're What???
Never happened before
Who is Adit?
What Dreams May Come
Woe Is Me
When Darkness Turns to Light
Turning of the Tide
The Fallen
When Darkness Fell
I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Light
Finally There is the Light
And the Light Burns
Untitled Part 46
the Shroud is Ripped in Two
Bittersweet Sorrow
Expect the Unexpected
Ice Water Bath
Finally Peace Within
Back as One
I'm Drowning
A River of Blood
Fragile Beings
I Didn't Expect This
How Do You Bounce Back?
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Pain Reminds Me That I Am Alive
Pain In My Soul
My Selfish Acts
Blinded but Not by the Light
A Mystery Indeed
I Will Never Be Like Her
There Goes That Shroud Again
Will the Real Adit Please Stand Up
The Calm Before
My Bryson tiller
Rien de mieux
Who Knew???
At First Sight
Needed This
Shattered Beings
What The Future Holds
About Damn Time
the End is the Beginning
A Long Kiss Goodnight


982 68 5
By m1nd15p0w3r

Twisting my neck, I feel the bones along my spine realign. I've been sitting in this chair, prescribed by Kaira, by way of Adit. I still can't believe that muthafucka stabbed me. Man, fuck that, saying she stabbed me is putting shit lightly.

That...that...that muthafucka Kratos'ed me dude.

Like who the fuck does that to they homie? One quick answer Adit.

Fucking Adit does.

And then she disappears. The moment the first footstep crosses over clan lands, she is nowhere to be found. Three days later I'm still sitting in this chair, fucking broken. Kaira says its something about the metal and genetic material that makes up Adit's blade. Other than the fact of knowing she stabbed me on purpose, I feel like she did it for a deeper reason. Her words of caution, her complete distrust towards the beings gathering below.

"Stop thinking so hard love," Kaira says, walking past me, running her fingers through my dreads. Her nails gently scratching my scalp. "You're giving me anxiety." Smacking my lips, I lean back in the chair and continue to watch our 'guests.'

She moves around the chair, squatting in front of me. Her forever opaque eyes glimmering in amusement, locking to mine. I swear the call out to me, forcing my eyes down to her.

Fuck man she is so beautiful.

I lick my lips and try not to smile. The love adorning her face as she looks at me speaking volumes. "I'm not going crazy babe."

"I know."

Blinking I return my gaze to the field. "Something is out there babe." I look back at her. "Something is waiting out there to destroy us." She sighs, averting her eyes. "Someone," I continue.

Its like watching an enemy army gathering at the gates, seeking a way to invade your home. Not only are more of them working their way through our territory. Scoping out all our secrets before presenting themselves at our door. I watch as the guards surrounding the area move farther out and double up.

Can't say Adit didn't get everyone prepared.

"You ready to get out of this chair?" Kaira asks, still playing with my dreads as she stands up. "See what kid of strength we have in those hips." Caressing over me. "Cause riding just ain't cutting it for me," she says winking as she steps back. She fingertips dancing over my skin, down my arms to my hands. Grasping them she tugs slightly.

I drop my head and look at her through my lashes. Her eyes telling me that she can do this all day. She leans back onto the railing, patiently gazing at me. Sighing I allowing her to pull me up. Feeling the burn in my legs as a push my upper body forward. They shake as I am brought upright, rising up. She steps forward, catching me as I sway forward a little. The pinch in my hips causing me to stumble.

You're talking about one week. Seven whole fucking days since I have been able to stand. The pull in my wound is nothing compared to the twinge along my waist. My upper lip twitches with the residual pain, lingering in my thoughts.

Kaira dips and slides her body along mine, pulling my arm around her shoulders. Her free arm sliding around my waist. She supports me. Turning towards me resting her hand along my sternum. "We have to go down there," she tells me. She drops down to her knees, massaging my aching legs.

Grunting I stare at the beings below. "It's been three days Kaira since anyone has seen or heard from her. Even Aja is becoming agitated." I shake my head thinking about her last visit when she was checking up on Kaira and our daughter. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Hmmm," Kaira agrees pinching me. She stands up in front of me. Raising my shirt up she smirks trailing her fingers down my side. I snicker. My eyes going wide as I realize I feel no pain at the movement. She glances up at me. "Seems you are well enough again. And just in time for the meet and greet."

"Meet and greet?"

She partially turns her body towards the crowd, wrapping one arm around me. "Them. Almost everyone is here."

"Everyone but Adit," I mutter, catching her hint.

"Mhmm," turning fully to me. "You are perceived to be her child, love. The others down there will look to you to receive them. As will our people." She pulls me into the house before getting behind me and pushing me into the bathroom.

I turn grabbing her wrist. "You not joining me?" I ask pulling her flush against me.

She smiles while shaking her backing away from me. "Go, I'll be out here when you're done."

After getting fresh and clean, I step out of the bathroom to see Kaira getting her hair done by Morgan. She connects her eyes with mine through the mirror. She gestures behind her to the cushion laying on the floor in front of the bed. Going over to sit on it, James enters the room. I go to stand back up but he holds up a hand with a shake of his head.

"You do not bow or rise for anyone," he tells me.

"Why all the pomp and circumstance, James?"

He sighs taking a step back. "We are in our monarch." I stare at him waiting for him to continue because the shit he just said was too simple to understand. I raise my hands moving them around one another. "Adit is king, you are a princess. Everyone else is subjects to the realm."


"Game of Thrones, love." Kaira says coming to sit behind me, her fingers immediately going to my dreads, retwisting and fashioning them to her liking. I smile knowingly because Kaira will never allow anyone other than her to do my hair. From the time we became a couple only her hands have touched my head. "Adit is Robert Baratheon. Everyone down there is Frey, Lannister, Bolton, Tyrell, etc. etc."

"And who am I in this?"

Her eyes meeting mine in the mirror again. "You are Jon Snow. Not Baratheon blood, but the true heir to the throne."


Okay now I feel like I am getting somewhere. I look at James as he shakes his head me. Somewhere I can hear drums going off.

"Come it is time," James says as he and Morgan began to help Kaira and I dress. I am struck dumb, looking in the mirror at myself. I am dressed in a gold sarong adorned with beads and necklaces to cover my top half. Kaira styled my hair up into a crown, with an actual crown placed along my hairline. Gold cuffs incase my wrists with gold snake armbands around my biceps.

Kaira steps into my view and I have forgotten how to breathe. A tiara of some kind is sitting on top her head. Her hair up and twisted to cascade down her back. Her sarong a deep purple with gold links placed around her waist. A light gold chain wrapping around her stomach. A purple silk or satin looking cloth is placed around her chest area. Where my accessories are metal, hers are cloth. A part of me can understand the underline meaning of this.

James and Morgan lead us outside and fuck dumb, I am now stupid. A procession lined up and down the street in front of our home. Rows upon rows upon rows of pack members filing in, in abundance. Everyone dressed in sarongs, with beads and/or jewelry adorning them. The kids all dress appropriately, the little girls with flowers in the hair. The boys with twined leaves or soft branch placed on their heads. Percussions spread and intermixed through the bodies.

This is some real Coming to America type shit.

They split apart at the seam creating a space for Kaira and I to enter, before enclosing us again. I can see over the heads that the others are gathering and slowly following us, as we march along the streets into the forest. We march along, following the water to the fields. The trees open up in front of us. I am in complete awe. I know the teenagers and kids have been out here everyday setting up for this.

"This is where the games will be held," James says.

We walk further coming up on a grand open stadium. It is set up as a massive outdoor arena. I look up at the sky searching for Harry Potter playing Quidditch. Kaira gently snorts to my rights. I look over at her trying to hide a mile. Biting her lip, she leans into me, running her hands down my arm. Grasping my hand.

"You've already caught the golden snitch love," her warm breath tickles my ear. "Plenty of times."

But dude on everything this shit is like Hogwarts, backyard edition. But only if your backyard is the size of ten football fields. And at the head a podium big enough to hold a one hundred and fifty bodies easily. I note that it is only up to fifty. Lanterns are thrown throughout the place.

"This is where meals and communal gathering will be held," James' voice suddenly sound on my left. Blinking out of the gaze from this white eyed beauty I nod. "You are only really asked to be present for supper."

Why? "Why?" I ask incredulously. "This is Adit's gig why am I mainstreaming it?"

As he opens his mouth to answer a light appears, bright enough to revival the sun. It is blinding and fierce. In one breath all around me drop to one knee. The light solidifies, Aja stands in its place as the glow around her dims. I look around and start to feel subconscious, slowly lowering my body I am tisked. I look up and see Aja giving a quick jerk of her head.

You bow to no one. I hear in my head.

Aja, what the heck is going on?

She holds out her hand, palm out, towards me. Her eyes bidding me to join her on dais. I look at Kaira, though she hasn't dropped to her knee, her head was bowed. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to Aja. As I stand in front of her, she begins to levitate until she is eye level with me. Placing her hands on my cheeks, she bows my head, placing a kiss on my forehead. My body begins to tingle, volts run through me. I feel electric shocks traveling through my veins.

This pack was created for you Imani. These are your people. Protect them as you do your mate. You are the voice over all packs. You word and your law are final.

"No. Um hmm," I say shaking my head and wanting to step back, but Aja seems to be holding me in place. "No, don't think so." A soft smile graces her features. "Aja this is Adit's place, she is the leader her. I can't lead these people. I don't even know how to turn into a rabbit yet." She just continues to stand there smiling at me. "Y'all set me up, didn't you?"

Hush child, no one set you up. When Adit healed you, you became a part of her. Her blood runs through you more so than anyone else on this planet. It is only right for you to be her heir. Plus, there is no on better and no one I trust more than you to be at the head of my pack. She looks up, her eyes scanning everyone behind me. Call on me whenever you need to.

I no longer feel her hands on my, but the lingering effect stays with me. I turn and look at Kaira. Her head is still down but she is looking at me through her lashes. I raise my arm holding my hand out to her. She comes and encloses my hand.

"Can I do this?" I ask her leaning down and placing my forehead against hers.

"Yes, love you can," she answers kissing me.

How the fuck did I get here? I just wanted a life with Kaira and our child.

"You knew about all this didn't you?" I ask her.

She licks her lips. "I had a theory."

"You could've shared minx," I say as I lean down to peck her lips. Looking over her shoulder at the still bowed bodies. I look at James and as if he can feel my eyes on him, he looks up. I roam my eyes over everyone, really wanting them to get up. He smiles as he takes the hint, and slowly one by one my pack stands up. The only ones missing is the guys and Adit. And of course, the outer guards. The inner guard. Scoping around aahhh some kids.

Kaira slaps my stomach, giggling. "Stop." She leans in and wraps her arms around me, turning to face the people. She reaches up and places her hand against my head. A weird buzzing follows. "You must address your people." I blink rapidly, casting my eyes down to her, my neck jerking as my head follows. She smiles. "But only when you're ready, love."

Looking up I see James approaching, he is giving instructions as he comes to stand in front of us. He bows his head, first to me then to Kaira. "You definitely knew about all this."

He smirks, "Yes I have known about this moment my whole life. We are blessed into the pack knowing you are our Alpha."

"I am Alpha what is Adit?"

He collects his thoughts for a second. "Adit is legend," he says meeting my eyes. His words put me on edge, Kaira can tell as she rubs my chest. "The Coming of Age is more your ascension into the title."

I look at him, "I thought it was for the teens and young adults transitioning into adulthood."

"Oh, it is," he says nodding and smiling. "But they are doing it under your official command. Your first act as Alpha."

"I'm sorry what?" Stepping back before I slip up and snap, I breathe in deeply through my nose, exhaling through me mouth. "What...exactly what is expected of me for all this? For right now?"

"Absolutely nothing. Just your presence." He states. A wild sound drifts then echoes over the crowd. James sets his jaw and turns back to me. "The first pack is two hours out," he starts. Quickly, turning around he bellows out "POSITIONS!!!!!."

The crowd disburses orderly, everyone spreading out to designated areas on both sides of the stadium. Wrapping around in masses, not lumped together but scattered. I am confused by the arrangement. Kaira squeezes my hand pulling me down. "This is a strategic maneuver, love. It traps the enemy." She looks out onto the field, tilting her chin at all entrances and exits covered by our people. "All the kids are in one spot constantly being watched."

I take note of the teens standing close to the area, taking patrol and guarding the little ones. Young adults surrounding them. Every one of them decked out in warrior gear. Short sarongs around their waists. Daggers belt to each side. All adorning a bow with a quiver full of arrows strapped to their backs. The females wearing chest bindings, the guys bare chested. Moccasin boots on their feet.

"Everyone really shows out for this don't they James?"

"Most definitely Imani." He smiles showing off perfect teeth. Slightly on the canine side. "Every pack likes to brag. Some are very bigoted. We like to consider ourselves above the petty games. We have class."

"Can you tell me anything about the other packs?" I ask him.

"Of course," He glances at Kaira before continuing. "Not all clans or packs are like ours. We allow a variety of weres to live here. We don't turn our backs to rogues but offer them shelter. A stable environment that we want them to call home. We are the only pack to do this. We do not hold your life against you. Many of us currently residing here have been the worst. Other packs turn their noses up at us." His demeanor begins to change. His drip turning thuggy. Anger is radiating under his skin. "They are all pomp and circumstance. Basic monarch." He looks bashfully at me and I am struck dumb by his suddenly youthful appearance. "Pompous asses."

I snicker a little. "How old are you James?"


I am shucked and shocked. "He is 17 in immortal years, love."

"Well damn, do you know everything?"

Her laughter tickles my brain, filling me with warmth.

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