Black clover : The adventure...

By SimpForNoelle

47.1K 808 580

What if asta wasn't sent to the orphanage and lived with his mom and liebe ? What if asta trained with anti-m... More

What now ?
The start of a journey
Black Bulls
Dungeon pt2
The Royal Capital
Attack on the capital
Important question
The prophecy
Zagred is here
Magic parliament
Preperation for battle

I choose....

4.3K 71 78
By SimpForNoelle

Right now everyone was shocked that a mere peasent was going to fight a magic knight captain.

Rando 8 : D-Did the wizad king say that he'd fight with magic knight captains.

Rando 9 : Yeah, he's so done for

Asta : H-Hey umm, wizard king sir why do i have to fight magic knight captains again ?

Julius : Actually, i just wanted to see some fighting. 'in reality i really want to see the full extent of his power knowing that he is magicless'

Nozel : Sir, i do highly recommend you cancel this match

Julius : I know what i am doing Nozel. Anyways, you won't be fighting every captain you'll only be fighting 4 of them.

Asta : a-and who are the 4 i'll be fighting ?

Julius : You will be fighting, Yami sukehiro of the black bulls, Nozel silva of the silver eagles, Charlotte Roselei of the blue rose knights, and Fuegoleon vermillion of the crimson lion kings

Nozel : 'why do i have to waste my time with this stupid peasent, i'll just finish him off without my gimoire'

Yami : 'guess i'll get to see more of that mysteroius power of yours'

Charlotte : 'i'll be fighting beside yami, thank you so much julius'


Everyone was ready now, the whole stadium was watching the fight between these 5. Liebe then appeared on asta's shoulder peaking the interest of everyone there

Julius : 'is that what i think it is '

Liebe : All right so how faar do you wanna go ?

Asta : Let me handle this first, they probably put me up againts the captains to bring out my full power.

Liebe : Fine but i'll just stay here in case something happens

Asta : Sure

Announcer : All right in 3...2...1... HAJIME!!

Asta started by taking out his demon-slayer sword and got into a fighting stance.

Nozel  : I'll finish this in an instant. Mercury magic : Rain of silver

asta then brought his sword up and it grew in size

Asta : Black Divider

All the silver was nullified , Nozel was shocked that one of his stronger spells were nullified in a single swing.

Asta : Is that all you got ?

Nozel grew angry, he was about to launch another spell when Yami zoomed passed him. ASta and yami clashed swords. They were swinging their swords hen Yami knocked out asta's sword.

Yami : You're mine kid

Asta : Demon-destroyer 

Another sword sword appeared blocking Yami's attack, The other captains were shocked at the show of skill.

Asta : Come Demon-slayer

The sword that was knocked out came to asta, he jumped on top of it riding it like a broom.

Yami : Damn this kid is a handful

Asta rode his sword towards the other captains.

Asta : I'm coming for you next braids

Nozel : Huh, don't under estimate me peasent. Mercury magic : Silver regal spear

Asta easily dodged the spell. However he did not see that Fuegoleon was casting his own spell

Fuegoleon : Fire creation magic : Leo rugiens

A ray of fire hit asta spot on sending him far away. He quickly stabbed his sword to the ground stopping his rolling. But he was quickly stopped when briars came rushing at him and immobilizing him.

Charlotte : Sorry kid, but you're done for.

Asta : I don't think so 

The sowrds then were levitating as if he was controlling them. The swords then cut off the briars setting him free.

(Viewing platform)

Yuno : 'so this is the result of you're training asta?'

Julius : 'this kid can nullify magic huh, you are an intresting one'

(Back to fight)

Asta then put his swords back in the grimoire. On cue yami appeared with his grimoire opened.

Yami : You better be ready for this kid. Dark magic : Dark cloaked avidya slash

Asta smirks as he calls his second sword

Asta : Demon-dweller

A sword came up and landed in asta's hand.

Asta : Demon Dweller : Black slash

The attacks collided creating a decent explosion from the impact. Asta is seen on his knees exausted while all the other captains are visible. But when the dust cleared asta saw only yami. He then sees the others in each side of him. The captains started running at him with their magic intact. Since asta was too tired he was forced to use Liebe's power.

Asta : Liebe 20%

LIebe : roger

Asta then grew devil wings and he was covered in black markings. The captains were shocked to say the least. The spectators were also somewhat shocked.

Nozel : 'what is that power?'

Yami : 'Man i'm starting to like this kid more and more'

Asta was flying avoiding the projectiles and then landing. He sees that the captains completely surrounded him. They started running at him at high speeds. He had no time to dodge and his body was starting to ache, but he had an idea.

Asta : Liebe we're doing that

Liebe : But you haven't mastered it yet

Asta : Well it's now or never

The captains started running at him knowing that they won but they started to thing other wise when they see asta was smirking and had his hend held out straight. What happened next shocked them.

Asta : Anti-mana zone : Anti-magic : Field of despair

The captains were shocked that asta at such a young age could use mana zone.

Fuegoleon : 't-this kid can use mana zone?'

Yami : 'mana zone at his age?'

They were to late a darkness started to envelope them. They tried to use magic but felt as if their magic had been taken. They also couldn't move as they were immobilized.

Charlotte : 'm-my magic is gone?'

Nozel : 'how does a mere peasent have this much power'

The other people were also shocked at the display of skill.

Rando 10 : Mana zone never heard of it

Rando 11 : They said it's difficult to master, but he does it so effortlessly.

Julius : Mana zone huh ?

(Back to fight)

The captains were frozen, and then spikes started to appear from the ground and reached them just stopping before they could hit. 

Asta : I-I win

Asta then collasped in the ground. The medic's came to get him. Liebe was watching everything with joy.

Liebe : You did well bro

Announcer : T-The winner is Asta of Hage village

Everyone was dumbfounded that 4 of their best captains were easily defeated by a peasent, however some did not take it well.

Solid : H-How did a peasent win ?

Nebra : I mean they are on a handycap, so it could be natural. he knew mana zone too.

Julius : Well that was entertaining, let us continue with the exams.

(Timeskip to end of exams)

The magic knight exams were finished, Yuno got into the golden dawn and even got all 9 captains to raise their hands. Asta was still in the infirmary resting after his fight.

(In the mindscape)

Asta : Where the heck am i ?

Liebe : You're in your mindscape

Asta : W-Wait the match ?

Liebe : It's over, you won remember ?

Asta : Oh, yeah. I barely won if it wasn;t for mana zone. But i collasped instantly after that. And i could tell the captains were holding back.

Liebe : yeah well you won, I think nacth would be proud.

Asta : I hope so

Liebe : Well you're waking up now, see ya

Asta : See ya Liebe

Asta then slowly woke up to the view of 10 people in front of him. he could make up that it was the magic knight captains and the wizard king. Asta quickly jolted up not wanting to look weak.

Asta : H-Hi there

Julius : Hello asta, i am julius novachrono the current wizard king, and i have a few questions ?

Asta : s-sure

Julius(fanboy) : What magic was that ?, how can you use mana zone ?, What was that form you turned into ?, What was the creature that appeared on your shoulder ?

Asta : umm, w-what was that i didn't get any of it

William : Julius-sama, i think we better get down to business.

Julius : O-Of course, Asta actually we were all here to talk about you 

Asta : m-me ?

Yami : Yeah, you. We sensed you didn't have any mana so, we were confused at what magic you used. We can't really tell if we were gonna choose you for our squads unless you tell us.

Jack : Yeah, no one really wants a magic knight with a mysterious power

Asta : 'Yo liebe, help me out here. I don't know what to say'

Liebe : 'Just tell them about anti-magic, don't tell them about nacth and mom's death'\

Asta : So, my magic is called anti-magic, it nullifies all types of magic. The reason you don't sense mana is because my anti magic courses through my body nullifying my magic.

Charlotte : Anti magic huh that's rare

Rill : Yeah, i have never heard of that before

Asta : Am i finished ?

Yami : Yeah i gue-

Julius : One more thing, what was that creature that appeared on your shoulder 

Asta/Liebe : 'Noooo'

Asta : Ohh umm that ?

Julius : Yes, i though it was oneof the 4 guardian spirits, but knowing you don't have any magic peaks my interest more.

Asta : 'Liebeee'

Liebe : 'Just tell him about me and your relationship nothing else'

Asta : Allright, i guess i'll come clean. The creature that you saw wasn't a spirit.

Fuegoleon : What is it then ?

Asta : It's a devil 







Everyone : NANI!!??

Asta : Just what i said

Gueldre : A devil ?, Shouldn't we kill it ?, Or may be you, You could be a spy

Asta : No, the devil isn't hostile. He's close to me. He won't attack any of you.

Nozel : How do we know that ?

Asta : If you don't believe me i'll just bring him out myself

Asta then holds his hand out and places his grimoire.

Asta : Come Liebe

A figure then appeared beside asta but it started taking shape, when it was fully visible everyone could see the devil except he was asleep ?. People jaws were dropped at ths action. Asta then kicked the devil not to hard just hard enough for it to wake up.

Asta : Oii liebe wake up you're embarresing me infront of the wizard king

Liebe : Huh what do you mean ?, I'm in my grimo-

Liebe then sees everyone lookng at him wierdly.

Liebe : Oooo, tell me this is a dream ?

Asta and the others : No it isn't

Asta : Anyways, This is my devil companion and brother , Liebe

Jack : What do you mean brother ?

Asta Then explains everything up to now (Except his mother's death)

Julius : Ohh, well nice to meet you Liebe. I am Julius Novachrono

Liebe : h-hi, i'm l-l-liebe

Asta : Don't worry wizard king he's just nervous, He was always looking forward to meeting you ya know. He even made a script.

Liebe : W-What h-hey no that is no true

William : Well since now we know everything, we'll start to choose if we want you in our squads or not.

All the captains rasied their hands surprising asta and liebe. Liebe fainted due to the shock of it and had to go back into the grimoire.

Asta : 'Hmm if i wanna be wizard king i could go for the golden dawn they would be the ideal choice, but they are all snobby nobles and i wouldn't fit in. I think i made my choice' \

Asta : i choose the










Black bulls

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