The Fault In Our Stars - A Se...

By Mikkzz7

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COMPLETED. πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”ž The Fault In Our Stars is a Sen Cal Kapimi fanfic set after bolum 31 of the SCK dizi. Serka... More

1||E D A
2||S E R K A N
3||S E R K A N
4||S E R K A N
5||E D A
6||S E R K A N
7||E D A
8||E D A
9||S E R K A N
11||E D A
12||S E R K A N
13|| S E R K A N
14||S E R K A N
15||E D A
16||S E R K A N
17|| E D A
18||S E R K A N
19||S E R K A N
20||E D A
21||S E R K A N
Author's Note

10||S E R K A N

5.6K 254 34
By Mikkzz7

Last night was magical and when I woke up the following morning, I contemplated about fucking Eda senseless until I remembered every moment of the year that I'd lost, it was working so well last night that I wondered why I hadn't thought of that before. I had insisted that she stay the night with me in my house but she wanted to go home and I didn't want to push it, knowing that I'll be pushing her a lot to marry me in the coming days, I didn't want her to tire out just yet. I'm so considerate, I know. I picked up my phone and called her, wanting to hear her voice again.

"Hello love," I whispered through the phone.

"Hi Serkan," her hoarse voice came through, and I had no doubt in my mind that what I was afraid of earlier had happened.

"You're sick aren't you," I said, a little mad at myself for calling it out yesterday itself.

"Yes Serkan,"

"Eda I told yo-"

"I don't want to hear it," she cut me off, as I brought my hand to my head in frustration.

"I'll see you after work Serkan," I felt my eyebrows rise up in disbelief, was she being serious?

"Stay at home Eda, don't you dare go in to work today," I said as I threw over a coat and slipped on my shoes, knowing fully well that she was going to disobey me.

"Okay," she replied which made me stop in my tracks.

"Okay? Did you just say okay?", I asked her with confusion. Did Eda Yildiz just agree with me? I could get used to this.

"You're working from home today right?," she asked, ignoring my question.

"Yeah that's the plan," I said hesitantly.

"Okay I'll see you later," she said.

"Bye I lo-" I started saying but she'd already hung up. This was becoming a habit and I really didn't like it. I sighed to myself as I started removing my shoes. Just when I was about to remove my coat, it hit me. I facepalmed myself for not seeing it earlier and quickly wore my shoes back on while swearing out loudly. I grabbed my car keys and closed the door behind me forcefully, taking long strides up to my car, continuing to curse out loudly in the process.


"Serkan bey, I wasn't expecting you today," Leila said as she rushed up to me near the entrance.

"Evet Leila, I wasn't planning on it either but there was a change in plans. Could you an update on the riverside project to my room?" I asked as I continued to walk forward.

"Tamam Serkan bey," she acknowledged as she went her own way and I went mine. It's funny that I knew what I was going to see even before I entered the office, Eda stood by the table, with her hand on the edge, like she was finding it difficult to stand, examining what appeared to be a work file. She was wearing a longish trench coat with the collar up, flared trousers that went up to her ankle paired with black stilettos and sunglasses to hide her tired red eyes I imagine.

"Looks like you took me seriously when I asked you not to wear my clothes while hiding from me," I mused as I walked up to her, without any amusement in my eyes. She turned her head towards me but didn't say a word.

"Now you're hiding in your clothes, quite an improvement," I added sarcastically.

"I'm not hiding from you Serkan, I'm working," she said hoarsely as she turned to her file again, annoying me a little bit.

"You lied to me," I said as I snatched the file from her hands, wanting to see what she was so engrossed in. I didn't need to look at her to know that I was successful in pissing her off.

"No I didn't lie to you Serkan, you asked me to stay at home and I acknowledged the fact that you wanted me to with an 'okay' but I never agreed to it," she finished in one breath as she tugged at the corner of the file, but I'd had it tightly gripped just in the eventuality of this happening.

"Clearly, you've come prepared," I stated as I continued to stare at the file, not registering a single word of it.

"You on the other hand told me that you're working from home but here you are," she insinuated and I almost lost it at her audacity.

"Only because I'd knew that I'd catch you here," I said as I now started to read the file.

"And you thought what? You'd come here and order me to leave? You don't affect me Serkan Bolat," she said and I lifted my hands to her face and removed her sunglasses, only to be proven right, her eyes were red and droopy although I didn't say a word about it, I tucked her sunglasses in my pocket as if saying, You don't have to pretend you're alright, I know you're not.

"I don't affect you? Oyle mi? Yesterday begs to differ," I said smoothly, as she flustered.

"I- I..." she began.

"Save it Eda, you're going home, I'll drive you," I said as I touched her arm for the first time since last night.

"You're hot," I said.

"Yeah so I've heard," she replied cockily making me lose my shit.

"No Eda, you're burning up, you have a fever. Did you take something for it?" I asked with concern.

"No, I didn't even realise Serkan..." she genuinely sounded confused.

"I'm fine, trust me," she said, shaking it off immediately, but I could tell that she wasn't. Just when I was going to tell her that, she fell back onto the chair after losing her balance.

"Okay you're clearly not fine, let's go," I said as I slipped her hand over my shoulder and led her towards the door. She wasn't even protesting now, she knew that I was right.

"I hate that you're always right Serkan Bolat," she muttered under her breath voicing my thoughts, clearly she becoming delirious with her fever rising.

"I love it though," I smirked as the entire office saw us leave together, Guess we're official now, at least this saves me some trouble, I thought to myself.

"Serkan!," I saw the figure of Selin enter the art life building just as we were about to leave. Eda sighed besides me and so did I. Couldn't she take a hint? I didn't want her anywhere near me or Eda.

"I'll go home myself Serkan," Eda was saying, still sounding a little confused as she tried to break free from my hold.

"You're not going anywhere Eda," I whispered as I tightened my grip around her.

"What are you doing with her?" Selin's voice thundered as she neared us.

"I thought I asked you to never come before me again," I said blankly.

"She's got you all wrapped up around her finger, hasn't she?" Selin sneered at Eda, who was too tired to even look up.

"The she you're referring to is my fiancee Selin, I'd watch my tongue if I were you," Selin's face contorted into the most ugliest expression I have ever seen. She opened her mouth to say something but I didn't let her.

"I have video evidence of all the shady shit you pulled at Art Life, I'd leave and never come back if I were you, otherwise I'm going to the police," I said, meaning every word of it.

"Are you firing me?" she asked stupidly.

"No Selin, I fired you a long time ago, I'm just reminding you now- you were fired so don't keep coming back like you still work here," I explained it to her like she was a three year old, which she was. She stared at me for a minute, not able to process what I'd just said.

"Unless you get out right now, the next time I see you, It'll be in court," I said as I walked past her with Eda at my arm. I didn't turn back to look at Selin but I was sure that she'd got my message loud and clear, and this time she'd have no choice but to listen. Finally, I turned around to look at Eda, who was only getting worse by the minute.

"Did you just call me your fiancee again?," she asked as she clung to my chest, unable to walk without support. 

"Shush," I said as I brought a single finger to her lips.

"It has such a nice ring to it," I said to myself a second later, Eda didn't react to this and I'd like to think that she was warming up to the idea. We walked for a few minutes until we reached my car and unlike the day before, it was sunny and bright outside.

"Hadi," I said as I lowered myself and helped her into the car, after which I walked to the other side and sat in the driver's seat.

"Why are you driving, I want to drive," she said childishly, clearly the fever was messing with her head.

"Trust me babe, you drove enough yesterday," I winked at her suggestively.

"Stop talking in sexual innuendos when I'm sick Serkan, It's already very hard for me to co-" she stopped when she realised what she was admitting to me, And I felt the smirk on my face widen.

"It's already very hard for you to what canim?," I asked as I looked to the other side, trying to hide how happy I was with her unsaid admission.

"It's very hard for me to control myself from falling asleep Serkan," she managed and my head did a one eighty degree flip, but she was the one who had her face turned towards the window now. 

"Nice cover, but I see right through you" I whispered as I got my hands on the steering wheel, she didn't respond but I took that as her silent admission. The car ride was mostly silent, I didn't want her to stress out and I could tell that she was finding it hard to keep a conversation going so I just let her be.

"This isn't the way to my house," she realised when we were two minutes away from mine.

"I know, we're going to mine," I said as I took a right turn. I love sick Eda, I thought to myself, no arguments, no tantrums, just silent acceptance.

"No sex either," she said with a forced smile and I couldn't believe that I'd voiced my earlier thoughts out loud. 

"I can go without sex if that means you wont fight me on every little thing I say," I lied through my teeth as I drove into my apartment parking.

"That was so convincing," she feebly said as she closed her eyes. I smiled to myself, she was so adorable, every second of the day.

"We're here Eda," I said as I brought the car to a halt and when she didn't respond, I turned towards her only to find her fast asleep. 

"Oh Eda," I murmured as I got down from the car and opened the door on her side. I didn't want to wake her up so I gently lifted her up from her seat, seeing to it that I didn't jolt her awake in the process. I kicked the door shut and carried her bridal style to the elevator,

"Se...Serkan? Is that really you?," she murmured as we entered the house. I was just about to respond when she started murmuring again.

"Y- you really don't remember me?" she was asking and that's when I realised that the poor thing was in the middle a nightmare.

"I can't live without you," she was saying and I saw a single tear drip down her cheek. That was my limit, I couldn't bear to see her that way anymore.

"Eda wake up," I said as I lay her down on my bed. I propped up a pillow and made her lean back against it. She was writhing in pain and showed no signs of hearing me, making me feel helpless.

"Sakin ol Eda! I'm right here," I said sadly as I stroked her hair. She opened her eyes a few minutes later, looking around feverishly. It felt like a bullet had pierced my heart, If Eda was so burdened with these emotions, why couldn't she just talk to me? Why didn't she say anything earlier? Why did I find out about it only by accident? Is there more that's going on that she's not telling me? All of a sudden, I had a lot of questions but absolutely no answers..

"Serkan, what's the matter?" she asked as she brought her hand to my face after overcoming her initial stupor.

"Serkan don't worry, it's just a fever, I'll be alright," Eda tried to force a smile as she looked at my pain stricken face, and I only felt worse because she wasn't being honest with me.

"Were you having a nightmare," I tried to probe, but I already knew.

"N- no, it's just the fever," she stuttered but her hesitance gave it all away. I knew she was lying and that was all the proof that I needed. I felt hurt as an immense sense of guilt pulsed through my body. I just wanted to hold her and tell her that I wasn't going anywhere, that I was sorry for all the pain that I'd caused her, but I didn't know how to tell her all this while pretending to be oblivious about her nightmare. Stop overthinking it, a voice in my head said and I decided to go with it. I shifted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her, covering us both with a blanket.

"I'm never going to leave you Eda," I said slowly.

"Not even if you yourself ask me too. You're stuck with me till the very end." I added when she didn't say anything. She turned sideways to wrap her arm around me and I welcomed it wholeheartedly.

"I want to hug you but I also don't want to give you a fever," she said slowly as she started to release the hug. 

"I don't mind," I said as I stopped her from removing her arm from around me.

"Iyi," she said as she returned it back to where it was, relieved by my consent.

"I love you very much," I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Me too Serkan," she said as she clutched onto me tighter, making my heart flutter.

"Do you want me to get you some soup?," I asked her, suddenly remembering that she hadn't had anything to eat. I tried to move but Eda didn't budge.

"Serkan, please don't go...stay with me," Eda pleaded and she sounded so sad that I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"Always Eda, I'm never leaving," I replied as I spooned her further into me. I was the reason she was like this, so broken inside and I'll spend my whole life trying to fix what I broke, to make her smile a real smile again, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.


Loved writing the emotional update. Hope you guys enjoyed it as well!

Please do vote and share if you did. <3



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