
By Din_Djarins_Wife

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A Pedro Pascal story. - You move to LA and met a man who will change your life. - the cover is my artwork. More

Moving Day
School is back
I am not a hero
Holidate- Part 1
Holidate pt 2

First Dance

746 20 44
By Din_Djarins_Wife

Sorry, I have not updated in a couple of weeks, I have been busy with school, but in a few weeks, it is spring breaks, so I will try and write more chapters, so I am able to update regularly. Thank you to all those who have stuck around and welcome to anyone who is new! I hope you enjoy this next chapter. 




A couple of weeks after your first date. Work has been going well, and you have written a couple of chapters for your new book. It is another Monday, you wake up and shower and get dressed in your normal attire. You grab your daily iced coffee from the shop across the street. 

During these past couple of weeks, you and Pedro went car shopping because you were getting tired of taking an Uber every day. Your new car is a newer ford escape, in red of course. Once you grab your coffee you get into your car. Fleetwood Mac starts to play, and it is your favourite song, Dream. You sing along to the lyrics on the way to work. 

Your drive is peaceful and relaxing, it is a wonderful fall day, Thanksgiving break is only a few weeks away, but the staff ball is in a week and you and Pedro have been planning your outfits since you asked him last week. With his favourite colour being purple you are trying to find a dress that is not too flashy but still has some flare. 

You arrive at the parking lot, grab your bag and what is left of your iced coffee and walking to your office. You organize everything and you feel a buzz in your pocket. 

Pedro: Good morning xo

You: Good morning xo

Pedro: Have you found a dress yet?

You: No, this is so stressful I have not been to a fancy event like this in a while

Pedro: When you find your dress send me a picture, I wish I could be there to shop with you

You: awww, I wish you were here too, but you got work to do. 

Pedro: I will be home soon, just in time for the dance. 

Your boss knocks on your door. 

"Come in," You say, he opens the door and walks in. 

"Good morning," he says. 

"Good morning, I am not sure how this ball works, but um I will be needed two tickets total." 

"We begin to hand out tickets on Friday, but I will let them know." He replies. "Who is the lucky person?"

"Ummm, Pedro." You were unsure if you should say his full name. 

"Well, I look forward to meeting him, I did just pop in to ask how you are adjusting."

"Wonderfully, all my classes are going great." 

"That is wonderful to hear, I will let you get back to whatever you were doing, have a good day."

"You too." You say as he walks out. 

You pick up your phone to text him back.

You: I cannot wait (Heart emoji)

Pedro: I have to get back to set, but I will facetime you tonight.

You: Sounds good break a leg

Once you put your phone down you being to grab everything for your first class. It is an intro course. 


You get home from work around 5 pm, you stated later to write some more. 

You: I just got home, I am going to shower and eat dinner and then I will be free. 

Pedro: no worries, I just finished up here too. 

He is filming this new movie called 'We Can Be Heros' It has shark boy and lava girl in it, which you are excited about. 

You: I cannot wait to see the new movie and I know Taron cannot wait for season 2. 

Pedro: Well tell him that it is soon lol 

You: I will let Taron know that Pedro Pascal aka THE Mandalorian said soon lol

Pedro: Wait till he hears that he is invited to the premier. 

You: are you serious!? He is going to freak.

Pedro: It is the least I can do. 

You continue to talk and then shower and grab a quick bit. You are tired for some reason so you lay in bed with the tv. 

You see that your phone is ringing. It's Pedro on facetime. 

(This is what he looks like when he answers)

"Hello, sweetheart." He says, your face turns red. 

"Hello babe, how was set today?"

"Pretty fun, Boyd and I were messing around a lot, so the same thing as when we were filming together for Narcos."

"I could tell you guys had chemistry." 

"Oh, yeah?" 

"Yes." You say laughing. 

"So, how was your day?"

"Pretty good actually, my classes went smoothly, I got more writing done and grading, so all in all it was a good day."

"Well look at you go."

"I try," You say with a laugh. "With Narcos." He laughs. "What?" You say laughing. 

"Nothing." You love his smile and his laugh, it makes you happy. 

"Well, okay, so like this was based on true events, but like was Javi really that much of a ladies man." He laughs. "It is a real question."

"That is fair, I like how you say Javi." That causes you to blush. "But not to that extent really, in TV and movies you have to exaggerate everything because why would you want to true story that is kind of boring, chasing Pablo was not easy, but it was not like Narcos, well some of it was, it was a very violent time in Colombia, I am happy to see the country rebuilt itself from that."

"How I say Javi?"

"Is that all you got from that?"

"Uhhhh." You laugh. "I got some of the second part of that."

"But yes, the way you say it just sounds cool I guess, random question, do you know Spanish?"

"I know a little, like enough to have a simple conversation, but I know if I keep watching Narcos over and over again." 

"How many times have you watched Narcos?" He asks jokingly.

"uhhh, next question."

The night goes on, he makes you laugh at stupid dad jokes and by the time you know it, it's already midnight. You are becoming sleepy. You both end up fall asleep on facetime. 

You hear a noise and begin to wake up. 

"Good morning sweet heart." You hear him say. You turn over and see that facetime is still open.

"Good morning." You say laughing. "Did I fall asleep?" 

"We both did I guess and I did not want to end the call without saying goodbye. And plus I do not have to be on set today."

"That's awesome, but sadly I have work, not much, but I still have to go in." 

"Someone has to educate our youth." He says laughing. 

"That is true, I can't wait for Friday."

"Me too." He smiles. That smile makes your world go round. 

"I have to get going, but I will text you." You smile. You hate saying goodbye. 

"Alright, talk to you later, sweet heart."

"See ya soon babe." 

You hang up the facetime. You plop your head back onto your pillow. Is this your life now. Your heart is pounding. You feel as if you are in a romantic comedy. 

Fast forward a couple days, it is now Friday. Pedro came home late last night and you picked him up and went back to your place.  You both get up around the same time. He is just wearing a shirt and boxers. You are wearing one of his shirts that is clearly to big on you.You do not have class on Friday. He makes you breakfast, you start up the coffee because you both need it. 

"How do you want your eggs?" He asks. 


"Giving me a challenge." He says with a laugh. You walk behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. "Of course." He turns and kisses your forehead. After a while you both get back to making breakfast. 

You set up your table with plates and your coffees. There is  not much of a conversation while you two are eating. 

"Wow these are amazing!" Is all that is said. 

After breakfast you both clean up. He washes and you dry and put away. 

"I am going to take a shower if you don't mind." He says, it is close to 11am now and the ball starts around 7, which seems forever away, but time will go quick. 

"Yea, go for it, I will grab you some towels." He follows you towards the bathroom. As you are grabbing the towels he wraps his arms around you. 

"You are beautiful." He says before he spins you around and kisses you on the lips. His touch is gentle, but causes you to get butterflies in your stomach. You lean into him more. After what felt like eternity, he gets into the shower. 

You try and compose yourself. You grab some water and do some writing while he is in the shower. You hear the water turn off. There is steam coming out from the bathroom. He is in a towel. 

"Nice pressure." He says. 

"Uh, thanks." you say as you are typing, not noticing that he is right behind you. 

"So what are you writing?" He scares you. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He says laughing. 

"Uh, it is a fiction about a young girl, who had a troubled past." 

"Oh wow, that sounds really good, can I read it once it is done."

"Of course, you can have one of the first copies." 

He kisses your head. "Thank you." He walks back to the room to put clothes on. After he is done changing, you hop into the shower. Your shower was not as quick as his was. It is now closer to 12:30pm. 

5 hours till the ball

You walk out and put on loose clothing, so when it is time to put on the dress you do not mess anything up. 

You both eat lunch around 1:30. It was pasta, that he made with a sauce recipe he used as a child. 

Around 2 you being to do you make up. You pull your hair into a loose bun. Pedro is sitting on the couch watch 'The Crown'. 

You go for a simple smokey eye look and a burgundy lip stick. That look look about an hour and a half. 

3 hours till the ball. 

You undo your bun and let your hair fall, he is still sitting on the couch. 

"Are you going to get ready soon?" You ask. 

"Yea, around 5pm."

"Men." you say with a laugh. 

You blow dry your hair and curl the ends. you tie the top part of your hair back, so it is a half up, half down look. That look much longer than expected because you have no used a curling iron since grad school. 

1.5 hours till the ball. 

Pedro finally starts to get ready. 

"Wow you look stunning, I cannot wait to see your dress." You blush. 

"I hope it looks good on me."

"Oh honey, it will." He looks you up and down. 

"Go get ready." You say as you nudge him. He begins to style his hair. He only puts some gel in it to keep it from becoming frizzy. You make some final touches on your make up and hair. It is now time for the dress. 

This is your dress

This is what Pedro looks like

You being to put on the dress. Everything is perfect. Your hair, your makeup and dress. 

"Wow!" he says standing at the door way. "You look, wow." You smile. 

"You look amazing as well." 

"That dress is stunning and the person inside on it is even more stunning." You blush. "Our car is here." 

"You called a car?" 

"Of course." You smile. 

"Well lets go then." 

You arrive to the enterence and a man opens the door for you. You get out and Pedro is right there to hold your arm. You both walk into the ball room. It is stunning, there are table towards the back and an open area with a giant chandelier above the dance area, with a string cortet planning in the corner. When you walk in, everyone turns and looks at you. Well it is most likely because of Pedro. Your boss walks up to you. 

"Hello, Y/N and this must be." He pauses. 

"Pedro." He extends his hand, they shake hands. 

"It is an honour, how did you get him to come?" You turn to Pedro. 

"She asked me." Pedro says. 

"Wow, thank you for coming." 

"We are going to find our table, nice seeing you." 

You and Pedro walk away. 

"I think he thinks that I did this as a charity thing." Pedro says. 

"I think so too." You say laughing. 

"Can I get a picture of the two of you." A camera man says. 

"sure." You say. 

He snaps a photo and leaves. 

"That will be online within a few hours." he says. 

The dean of students heads up to the microphone.

"Everyone if you may find your seat, dinner will be served soon." 

You two find your seat and you are with some people you do not know.

"You're THE Mandalorian." The person across from us says. 

"Uh, yup." Pedro says. 

"Can I get a picture?" 

"Sure, but can it be after dinner?"

"Works for me, this is the way." You look at Pedro after he says that. 

"It is a famous line in the show." 

"Ah, I probably should watch it then." He smiles. The servers bring out the food and it becomes quite. 

"I am going to go to the bar, do you want something?"

"Uh, red wine, any brand." 

"Sounds good, I will be right back." He kisses the top of your head. And everyone at the table looks at you. 

"Are you dating him?" 

"Uh, we never talked about it."

"wait this isn't a charity thing?"

"No, why." 

"Like he is super famous and you're just a professor." 


"Have you even seen The Mandalorian or Game of Thrones?" This person is making you mad. 

"No, but I have seen Narcos." Luckily Pedro arrives right after that. "Thank you." You take a big sip. He came back with a glass of whiskey. 

After dinner the dance floor becomes more full. Pedro stretches out his hand. "Dance?"

"Sure, but I have two left feet." 

"Don't worry." He hold your hand as you walk to the dance floor. You both have had a few drinks. Once you get to the dance floor a slow song plays. 

He grabs your waist and pulls you in to him. He takes your other hand and places it his. He begins to sway with the music and you follow him. You can feel people's eyes on you both. The song plays on, you flow well with him. He is graceful, unlike you. The song ends and he stops and looks into your eyes. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. You nod your head up and down. he leans into you. His hand on your waist, he dips you down and places his lips on yours. Everyone is for sure looking at you two. He pulls you back up. You have a smile on your face. 

"What." He asks. 

"Nothing." You say. 

Another song plays, but at a faster pace. You begin to dance again. You have no idea how many songs went by, but as the night went on the more people left. By the time you two were done there was about half the people left. 

"Before we leave, lets take a shot." You say.

"Wow daring, what kind?" 

"Tequilia." His eyes widen. 

"Even more daring." You both walk over to the bar.

"Two tequila shots." He hands you the shots. It is an open bar. You tap the counter raise it up and shoot it down. 

"I am very impressed." He says before he takes his. "Another please." 

That was the last thing you both remember. Some how you both made it back to your house. 

You wake up, with him next to you in boxers and you're in a bra and underwear. 

"She lives to tell the tale."

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❝ 𝘺𝘰𝘶 '𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦 . ❞ Pedro Pascal's characters x reader