This Week in Literary History?

By mikeb63

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Thanks for reading "This Week in Literary History" but this is the end of the line. The past year has been fi... More

Irish Novelist James Joyce Died on January 13, 1941
Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility" was Published
Stephen Crane was Born - November 1, 1871
Louisa May Alcott Published First Short Story - November 11, 1852
Herman Melville's "Moby Dick" was Published - November 14, 1851
Lewis Carroll Sends Manuscript to Young Girl - November 26, 1862
Mark Twain was Born - November 30, 1835
Willa Cather was Born - December 7, 1873
Jane Austen was Born - December 16, 1775
Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" was Published - December 19, 1843
Stephen Crane Survived Shipwreck - January 2, 1897
Jack London was Born - January 12, 1876
Edgar Allan Poe was Born - January 19, 1809
J.D. Salinger Died - January 27, 2010
Western Novelist Zane Grey was Born - January 31, 1872
John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" was published - February 6, 1937
Sylvia Plath met Ted Hughes - February 25, 1956
Theodor Seuss Geisel was Born - March 2, 1904
Jack Kerouac was Born - March 12, 1922
Nathaniel Hawthorne Published "The Scarlett Letter" - March 16, 1850
Novelist Anna Sewell was Born - March 30, 1820
Maya Angelou was Born - April 4, 1928
O. Henry Published "The Four Million" - April 10, 1906
Part 25 - John Steinbeck Won the Pulitzer Prize (May 6, 1940)
Part 26 - William Faulkner's "Go Down, Moses" was Published (May 11, 1942)
Part 27 - Dorothy Richardson was Born (May 17, 1873)
Part 28 - Novelist Dashiell Hammett was Born (May 27, 1894)
Part 29 - Walt Whitman was Born (May 31, 1819)
Part 30 - George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was Published (June 6, 1949)
Part 31 - James Joyce met Nora Barnacle (June 16, 1904)
Part 32 - Novelist Michael Shaara was Born (June 23, 1923
Part 33 - Pearl Buck was Born (June 26, 1892)
Part 34 - Ernest Hemingway was Wounded During World War I (July 8, 1918)
Part 35 - E.B. White was Born (July 11, 1899)
Part 36 - Ernest Hemingway was Born (July 21, 1899)
Part 37 - Virginia Woolf Married Leonard Woolf (August 10, 1912)
Part 38 - Novelist Jacqueline Susann was Born (August 20, 1918)
Part 39 - Theodore Dreiser was Born (August 27, 1871)
Part 40 - Robert Frost Traveled to the Soviet Union (August 29, 1962)
Part 41 - John Steinbeck was Awarded the Medal of Freedom (Sept. 14, 1964)
Part 42 - Stephen King Published Two Novels in One Day (September 24, 1996)

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was Published - February 18, 1885

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By mikeb63

This week (February 13-19) in literary history – Cotton Mather died (February 13, 1728); Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest premiered in London (February 14, 1895); Charles Dickens is celebrated in New York City at the Boz Ball (February 14, 1842); Fyodor Dostoyevsky married Anna Snitkina (February 15, 1867); Novelist Richard Ford was born (February 16, 1944); J.D. Salinger married Claire Douglas (February 17, 1955); Moliere died (February 17, 1673); Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published (February 18, 1885); Novelist Toni Morrison was born (February 18, 1931); William Faulkner completed Light in August (February 19, 1932);  Nobel prize winning author Andre Gide died (February 19, 1951) 

Highlighted story of the week - 

On February 18, 1885, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published. Twain (the pen name of Samuel Clemens) first introduced Huck Finn as the best friend of Tom Sawyer, hero of his tremendously successful novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876). Though Twain saw Huck's story as a kind of sequel to his earlier book, the new novel was far more serious, focusing on the institution of slavery and other aspects of life in the antebellum South. 

At the book's heart is the journey of Huck and his friend Jim, a runaway slave, down the Mississippi River on a raft. Jim runs away because he is about to be sold and separated from his wife and children, and Huck goes with him to help him get to Ohio and freedom. Huck narrates the story in his distinctive voice, offering colorful descriptions of the people and places they encounter along the way. The most striking part of the book is its satirical look at racism, religion and other social attitudes of the time. While Jim is strong, brave, generous and wise, many of the white characters are portrayed as violent, stupid or simply selfish, and the naive Huck ends up questioning the hypocritical, unjust nature of society in general. Aside from its controversial nature and its continuing popularity with young readers, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been hailed by many serious literary critics as a masterpiece. No less a judge than Ernest Hemingway famously declared that the book marked the beginning of American literature: "There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since." 

Check back every Friday for a new installment of “This Week in Literary History.” 

Michael Thomas Barry is the author of six nonfiction books that includes the award winning Literary Legends of the British Isles and the recently published America’s Literary Legends. Visit Michael’s website for more information. His books can be purchased from Schiffer Publishing, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s Books, Amazon and other fine book sellers.

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