They Don't Know You Like I Do...

By ashleii_leii

35.7K 988 523

They want to tell me what's right, what's wrong, what's black, and what's white..... but they don't know you... More

1) I Will Name You Yiying (Edited)
2) Xiao Ying Must Leave the Mountain (Edited)
3) Lan Clan of Gusu's 3000 Rules (Edited)
4) The Boy With a Broken Finger (Edited)
5) Mom, Dad, I Have a Secret
6) Xue Yang's Adoption
7) Someone You Really Miss
9)A Lecture in Gusu
10) A Present From An Old Friend
Author's Note
12) Better Left Unsaid
Quick Question

11) You Don't Know Him

1.1K 44 54
By ashleii_leii

Author's Note: Since there's not a lot of scenes of the lecture itself I'm gonna make some stuff up. I'm trying to make sure the story follows the show as much as possible when needed but a lot of this stuff is not gonna be from the show since Yiying obviously isn't real and Xue Yang wasn't a prominent character until everyone was a bit older.

Conversations between only two people will not have name labels but conversations with three or more people will.

Also I remember at some point saying I would use the Youtube translations for the conversations, I take that back I'm using the Netflix subtitles lol. The Netflix subtitles are more grammatically correct compared to the YouTube ones. The only thing that bugs me is the translation of the way the characters address each other, but since I know those phrases I'll just change them when I need to.

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It was the second day of Gusu's lecture. Xiao Ying was tired because she didn't get much sleep, but she was happy. Xue Yang promised to meet her every night he was in Caiyi Town! The girl got ready in a cheery mood. She smiled as she brushed her hair, styling it into a half up half down style and sticking the pin she was gifted yesterday in her hair. (reference picture above) Putting on her white shoes to match her clean, crisp white robes, she headed out for breakfast with her brothers.

As Xiao Ying entered the room where the three ate together, she smiled at her brothers who were already there. "Good morning."

"Good morning little sister, you look better today," said Xichen.

"I'm feeling better today."

"That's good to know."

The three proceeded to eat in silence as the Lan principles state that when you eat, focus on your food, don't be picky, and don't leave any leftovers. The three finished and had some extra time before today's lecture began, so Xiao Ying decided to go visit her parents.

The walk there was not quiet like usual, she was greeted by many disciples along the way considering multiple clans were residing in Gusu as of now. Once she finally reached her parents' grave, escaping the chaos, she sat down in front of them not sure what to say.

"Where do I even start? I wish you guys could answer me, instead of it feeling like I'm just a manic talking to thin air." she paused to listen to the breeze fly by.

"You guys must be upset at me for sneaking out again last night. I know it's against the rules of Lan Clan, but I had to see him! He came back. How many times have I come to you guys in the past years crying that I would never see him again, and yet yesterday I was sneaking out to meet him like when I was younger. I felt like I was that little girl who was so eager to help that little boy with a broken finger again from all those years ago. Speaking of the past, how do you guys think Xingchen gege is doing? I haven't seen him in so long, I wish I could return to the mountain again, just once. Just once so I can check on my brothers and sisters, and Baoshan Sanren. I spent my first few years of life with them, you would think that I had forgotten it by now since we don't retain many memories from younger ages, but I remember everything. I just want to know if it's still the same. Xingchen said we would meet again in the real world eventually, I wish I knew when that is. The night Uncle Lan came to bring me back to Gusu, Xingchen said our bracelets would glow to let each other know the other is nearby, it hasn't glown once these past ten years. I have to go now, the lecture will start soon. I can't be part of the Lan Clan and show up late to my own clan's lecture."

Xiao Ying got up from her sitting position and walked back down to the classroom where other students began taking their places.

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Many disciples were falling asleep, only Yiying, Wangji, Zixuan, Yanli, Jiang Cheng, and other Lan disciples were sitting up straight. Grand Master Lan continued to recite the Lan principles as he walked around monitoring the students. As he made his way back up to his seat, Wei Wuxian stuck a note on his back with the drawing of a turtle.

Lan Zhan quickly removed the sketching and threw a glare in Wei Ying's direction, not finding the situation very funny. Xiao Ying on the other hand tried her best to hold in a giggle as to not upset her already annoyed brother.

The lecture continued until Wei Ying sent an enchanted little red paper figure towards Lan Zhan and Xiao Ying.

"Wei Ying!"

"I'm here Grand Master!"

The paper figure jumped from Lan Zhan's right shoulder, onto his left, and jumped off landing on Xiao Ying's right shoulder giving her a little wave hello, to which she smiled a small smile at the little piece of paper before Lan Zhan took the paper and crumbled it.

"Now that you don't need my lecture, let me ask you. Are imps, demons, ghosts, and monsters the same thing?"


"Why not? How are they differentiated?"

"Imps are formed from living, non-human beings. Demons are formed from living humans. Ghosts are formed from dead humans. Monsters are formed from dead, non-human beings."

"Imps and humans are often confused. Give me an example."

"That's easy. For example, if that tree behind you is tainted by a certain energy and is cultivated into a conscious being that causes trouble, it would be an imp. If I take an ax and cut it down the middle so only a dead stump is left, and then it cultivates into a being, it would be a monster."

"What was the profession of the ancestors of the Nie Clan?"

"They were butchers."

"The heraldry of the Jin Clan is a white peony. What type of peony is it?"

"Sparks amidst snow."

"Who was the first in the cultivation world to focus on the rise of his clan rather than his section?"

"The ancestor if the Wen clan, Wen Mao."

Other disciples silently praised Wei Wuxian, but knowing the Old Grand Master, Xiao Ying knew he was about to shoot down Wei Wuxian's success real quick.

"As a disciple of the Jiang clan, you would be familiar with all these and know them by heart. Answering them correctly is nothing to be proud of. :et me ask you again. There was an executioner with parents, a wife, and children, but he executed more than 100 people. Then he died in public, and his body was left alone for a week. With the repressed energy of resentment, he started to haunt and kill. What should be done?"

The room went dead silent, disciples began turning the pages of their textbooks.

"Don't open your books! Think about this on your own!"

No one answered the Grand Master.

"Wangji, Yiying, tell him what should be done."

The two got up and began to explain.

LY- "There are three ways Grand Master. First, liberate. Second, suppress. Third, eliminate."

LW-"First, try to move him to his family and grant his dying wish, setting him free from his obsessiveness. If it fails, suppress it. If he is guilty and his hatred does not decrease, exterminate him completely. The cultivation world should stick to this order of measures. No errors should be allowed."

"As expected of the two younger Trio Jade siblings" whispered Nie Huaisang.

GM-"Not even one word was wrong. No matter the kind of person or cultivation, one needs to be as solid as these two. If one becomes complacent and proud just because they defeated a few mountain beings in their home and hold a lofty reputation, they would definitely bring dishonor upon themselves."

WW-"Grand Master, I have a question."

GM- "Speak."

WW-"Although 'liberation' comes first it, it is often impossible. 'To grant his dying wish' sounds simple. It would be easy if the wish was for a new piece of clothing, but what if the wish was to kill lots of people for revenge?"

LW-"Thus, suppression is after liberation. If necessary, elimination would also follow."

WW-"It's such a waste. I actually knew the answer, but I was thinking of a fourth way."

GM-"I have never heard of a fourth way. What is your solution?"

WW-"Since the executioner died abruptly, it's only natural that he turned into a ghost. Since he executed more than 100 people before he died, why not dig up the graves of those people, arouse their resentment, collect their heads, and use them to fight the ghost?"

GM-"How dare you! The essence of exorcising demons and annihilating ghosts is to liberate them! You do not study the methods of liberation to increase their resentment! You reversed the order and ignored ethics and morality!"

WW-"Grand Master, there are things that are not suitable for liberation, so why not find a way to make use of them? When Yu the Great tamed the flood, obstruction was the inferior method and redirection was superior. Suppression is the same as obstruction so isn't it inferior? Spiritual energy is energy. Resentful energy is also energy. Spiritual energy is in our dantian. It can split mountains and fill oceans for human use. So why can't resentful energy be used by humans?"

GM-"Then let me ask you again. How can you make sure that the resentful energy will only listen to you and not harm others?"

WW-"I haven't thought of it yet!"

GM-"If you had thought of it already, the cultivation world would not allow your existence! Get out! Go to Library Pavilion and copy the Chapter of Conduct a thousand times!"

WW-"Yes sir." Before Wei Wuxian could walk out, Xiao Ying spoke up.

LY-"Wait, Grand Master! You can't punish a student for asking a question."

GM-"Why so?"

LY-"As students, we have to be able to ask our teachers and mentors questions to learn more and to grow. You can't punish Wei Wuxian for being curious and asking a question. It's not that his way of thinking is wrong or unethical. The reason why using negative energy is not one of our methods is because no one has ever done it before. Because everyone followed the old rules and never questioned if there are other ways. I believe using the resentment and negative energy of anyone who is dead is out of fear it could hurt or harm others or the cultivator themselves. It's not that it can't be done, but rather not used because the point of being a cultivator and learning the ways of liberation is to keep the general public safe. That is the reason we become cultivators, to protect the people who can't fight against imps, monsters, demons, and ghosts like we can. If the negative energy got out of hand, it could cause harm to innocent civilians. Though it is a different way of thinking, Wei Wuxian shouldn't be getting punished for it."

WW-"Oh, very well said young Miss Lan."

GM-"Yiying, sit down, meet me after the lecture is finished. Wangji, take Wei Wuxian to the library, he can't leave that building until a thousand copies are done!"

LW-"Yes Grand Master."

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walked out of the classroom while Lan Ying sank back into her seat next to Jin Zixuan.

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Once the lecture was finished and everyone left the room, Xiao Ying walked up to her Uncle's desk and stood in front of him.

"Lan Ying."

"Yes Uncle?"

"Why did you stand up for Wei Ying like that?"

"It's exactly like I said earlier. I'm not saying he's correct but he shouldn't have been punished for asking a question. We as students should not be punished for asking questions."


"Uncle I'm not saying it is ethical! I'm just saying that he should have the right to ask questions and be curious about things. That's how students learn and grow!"


Old people, I tell you

"Yes Uncle." Xiao Ying bowed and left the room.

If he thinks I'm not gonna stand up for what's right just because I'm a Lan disciple and should agree with everything he says because he is the Grand Master he obviously hasn't paid enough attention to me these last ten years I've lived here. Xingchen and Lan Zhan were the ones that raised me not him, so he doesn't know how I am.

Xiao Ying's thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into Jiang Yanli.

"Greetings Miss Lan."

"Greetings Miss Jiang, please call me Lan Ying."

"Alright then, please also call me Yanli. I just wanted to thank you for standing up for Ah Xian. He can be a bit mischievous at times."

"It's really no problem. He wasn't wrong for asking questions, my Uncle is just strict and likes order and likes having things be done a certain way. He's old in age and old-fashioned. Obviously, as a newer generation, we're bound to have different ways of thinking. Young Master Wei seems like a very smart young man."

"Thank you for your praises Lan Ying, and thank you again for standing up for my brother. I'll get going to study now."

"Alright, have a good day Yanli."

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After studying and some swordsmanship lessons, Xiao Ying made her way back to the back of Cloud Recesses to sit by the waterfall and enjoy the silence again after today's events. Hearing footsteps behind her she spoke,

"Wei Wuxian, I stood up for you today against my Uncle which almost gave me a punishment. I hope you aren't repaying the gratitude by pulling a prank on me, that would be mean."

"That is very brave, but I am not Wei Wuxian Miss Lan."

Xiao Ying turned around and was met with Wen Qing, again to her surprise.

"Oh, it's you, Miss Wen. What are you doing so far into Cloud Recesses today?"

"I was looking for you again."

"May I ask why?"

"I think I should be asking you questions instead."

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" (A/N: the sass is coming out y'all)

"What are your relations to Xue Yang? How do the two of you know each other."

"That's my personal business, I am not obligated to share that with you. If I remember correctly, he told you I was an old friend. That's what I am."

"So you aren't just nice and passive like everyone says you are."

"I am a rather calm person, but I stand up for myself and others when I need to Miss Wen, I'm sure you would understand that as one of the only female cultivators from Wen Clan and having a younger brother."

"I do. Sorry if that came out like I was intruding your personal life, but it's out of concern. You truly seem like a very nice girl, you shouldn't mix yourself up with people like Xue Yang."

"We haven't seen each other in ten years, why is that? When we met as kids he was rather nice."

"Because you were kids. He's not the same person anymore. Being part of the Wen clan changed him. I'm sure he'll pay you a visit at some point because he is in the area for a few days. Whatever he says or does, don't trust him. You don't know him. Not anymore anyway."

"Yesterday when you gave me the pouch, you said that a friend asked you to drop it off. Why refer to him as a friend if you think of him otherwise?"

"It was the polite thing to say as we met for the first time yesterday. He and I aren't friends, we have quite the disagreements and differences. He also hurt my brother, we're nowhere near friends. I'm telling you to stay away from him out of concern. You have no idea who he is or what he does. Have a good day Miss Lan."

Wen Qing turned to leave but paused when Xiao Ying spoke.

"Before you go, no one else knows about him. When we were kids, I strayed away from a group of Senior Brothers and Sisters in Caiyi Town when I heard someone crying. He was sitting under a tree outside of the town with a broken hand. I fixed his hand and gave him some food and candy. He didn't have anywhere to go but didn't want to come back with me to Cloud Recesses. He claimed that my Uncle would hate him for who his parents are. So instead, Xue Yang slept in the woods outside of the gate. I took him a blanket and gave him food and water every night after everyone else slept. That's how the friendship started, but he was adopted by the Wen clan and left."

"You really are the angel everyone makes you out to be. All I ask is that you stay away from him because he doesn't deserve the care from someone like you. He's evil. I will take my leave now."

"Have a good day Miss Wen."

Wen Qing bowed and went about her day. Xiao Ying sat back down and pondered the conversation that just occurred.

He's evil. You don't know him. Do I not? Did ten years really change him that much? Xue Yang, what did the Wen Clan do to you?

Xiao Ying's thoughts were interrupted by a little red paper figure landing on her shoulder and poking her left cheek. She giggled and turned around being met with Wei Wuxian.

"Your fuddy-duddy brother crumpled up my last one before it could say hi to you."

"Young Master Wei, what brings you here?"

"Please, call me Wei Wuxian or Wei Ying. I was looking for you. I ran into Miss Wen and she said you were here. What were you guys talking about?"

"Girl stuff..."

"Oh okay well, I was coming to say thank you for standing up for me, and would you like to be friends? You have great skills in both academics and cultivation. Your reputation is known far and wide, don't you want to be my friend? Better yet you can be my mei mei. Shijie is older than me and Jiang Cheng is a pain in the butt I want a younger sister. I'm much more fun than that boring Lan Wangji."

"You really do just joke around all the time don't you Wei Wuxian?"

"I don't joke around! I'm just a fun person."

"Yes we can be friends Wei Wuxian, but I have a feeling I'm gonna start getting into a lot of trouble with you around."

"What's life if you don't experience new things?!"

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am right! See?! I'm much more fun than Lan Wangji! He's awful, he's almost as bad as Jin Zixuan." (A/N: y'all these two met like two seconds ago and Wei Ying is already talking shit lol)

"Lan Zhan gege is not bad, he's just very persistent on following the rules. That's how we had to grow up. Uncle Lan was busy as Clan Leader and Xingchen was busy being a Clan Leader in training so we had to grow up fast by ourselves. Lan Zhan thought that if he grew up that way, it would be less of a burden on our Uncle and older brother."

"And what about you? You're the same but also different from them. I heard you were supposed to be adopted by Uncle Jiang and grow up with me, Jiang Cheng, and Shijie."

"My mother is from Lan Clan and my father is from Jiang Clan. According to what Baoshan Sanren and Uncle Lan told me, the two were running away from bad people who were trying to ambush and kill them. Whoever those people were, they got to my parents. Before they were murdered they hid me and I was found by some senior brothers and sisters who lived on the mountain with Baoshan Sanren. I grew up on that mountain until I was about 6 years old. Then I was brought to Gusu by Uncle Lan. I miss my senior brothers and sisters from the mountain, I can't ever go back though. Those are the rules, after you leave the mountain you don't return."

"Baoshan Sanren?! You knew her?"

"She was my mother figure for the first six years of my life, why?"

"My mother was one of her disciples! And your father was like a brother to my father. Wow look at us, we are practically family! You really are my mei mei."

"I guess so haha, it's crazy how life works."

"Do you ever miss them?"

"My parents or my family back on the mountain?"


"I didn't know my parents so I can't say I miss them, but I do wonder what it would be like if they were alive. If my parents were alive though I would've never met my family on the mountain. I miss them every day of my life. I just have hope that they're living good lives without me."

"This conversation is getting really sad...Do you want to go fishing with Nie Huaisang and me?"

"Really Wei Ying?!"

"I came to ask if you wanted to be friends not for us to sit here and cry!"

"Oh alright fine. I'll go fishing with you guys. Did you finish your punishment?"

"No... I still have 300 more copies to transcribe."

"You do know Lan Zhan is probably tracking you down then right?"

"He'll be running after me for the rest of the time I am here for the lecture then. Let's go!"

The two laughed and ran to find Nie Huaisang. This is the blossoming of one crazy friendship.

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Yay! Two chapters in the same week?! Who am I?! This took so long to follow the script for the lecture scene gosh it took me two almost three days to write this R.I.P my brain and my eyes. 3600 something words not counting this ending author note, that's the most I've written on any chapter I think, it's a new record.

Dantian, or dan tian, translates from Chinese to mean "field of elixir." It describes what's believed by some to be the seat of life force energy in the body.

Idk what dantian is... it was part of the script and that's the definition I found so... take that information and do with it what you will lol cause I don't know.

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