Dreams • Jasper Hale

By glxssysativa

116K 2.6K 718

"Dreams of loneliness, Like a heartbeat, drives you mad In the stillness of remembering, what you had, And wh... More

Im kinda confused
Authors note
The end
Surprise !!!


2.5K 70 50
By glxssysativa

A date.

I'm going on a date.

With Jasper Hale.

I get out of bed and immediately start getting ready. I walk into my bathroom and do my normal routine, but I go a little bit harder in the shower.

Somehow I manage to not get my hair wet, making me feel accomplished.

I walk out of my bathroom only to see Karmen sitting on my bed. I yelp causing her to smirk, "it's sunny out, and I want to wear your clothes." I roll my eyes and motion to my closet. "Knock yourself out, just don't grab the angel dress." She smiles and skips over to my closet. I walk over to my vanity and begin to do my skincare, and body care.

"I'm taking the cherry dress. What are you getting so dressed up for?" I look at her through the mirror as I rub a little bit of my body shimmer on, "I have a date with Jasper Hale." Her eyes widen in shock. I scoff and walk over to my closet, "don't act surprised, you heard the argument between me and Amethyst." She shakes her head, "I just knew you found another mate, I didn't know who."

I glance over her body, she's not lying.

"Well, now you know now if you excuse me, I would like to get dressed." She nods and walks out of my room. I grab the dress along with a thong and my strapless bra.

I finish getting dressed and look at myself in the mirror, "I look good."

My curves are showing off well, my skin looks soft and is shining, I feel like me. I slip my shoes and and grab my bag.

I walk down stairs and drop my bag on the couch, "oooo Willow looks hot!" I wink at Juniper and grab a cup of cranberry juice. "I heard you were going on date with Jasper. I'm glad you gave him a chance, He was really upset about you running away the other day." I frown and take a sip of the tart drink. I didn't know he was upset about me running away, he hides his emotions well.

Aunt Amethyst makes her way into the kitchen and I ignore her. Karmen and Delilah come down and I smile looking at them," you both look great! I see you went through my closet Dels?" She blushes and grabs some fruit. I chuckle and wash out my cup, "Are you guys ready?" I ask as I grab my keys.

They nod and we walk out to the car. We get in and I quickly hook my phone up to play music, pretty soon I was reversing out the driveway and flying down the street.

I fly into the schools parking lot with Maddison Beers "BOYSHIT" playing.

Of course everyone is looking and I can't help but to smirk at the attention. I look at Karmen out the corner of my eye and she also has a smirk on her face. "You guys are such attention whores." Delilah says grabbing her bag. I shrug and grab my bag, "I feed off it." She scoffs and gets out of the doorless jeep. She quickly walks ahead avoiding the stares of everyone else.

"Make an entrance or go our separate ways?" Karmen asks as she re-applies her staple red lipstick. "Mmm, make an entrance and separate in the lunch room." I state as I check over my face one more time.

I turn the car off and we get out ther car, walking arm in arm into the building. Some of the student body is outside and they whisper as we walk in.

I catch the eyes of a couple of boys and I smirk as they all start pushing at eachother trying to figure out who I'm looking at.

We finally make it into the building, and it feels like a scene out of a teen movie.

Everyone is looking at us as we strut through the hallway with confidence.

I can feel the lust radiating off of boys and a few girls, it feels great.

I soak it in and giggle at the feeling.

We make it to the lunchroom and it's the same thing, stares.

"Is it possible for us to be tipsy off of lust?" I laugh at her question. "Who knows, but I feel great." She agrees before we break off. She walks over to Dels while I walk over to my make shift friend group.

I go to pull the chair out but Mike beats me to it. I give a smile and sit down. Everyone stares at me so I decide to play dumb, "what? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"You look hot!" Mike says.

As much as he annoys me I smile, "awww, I know." Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes. The lust from everyone is making me feel good so I decide to be petty, " aww don't worry Jessica, Mike isn't my type. You can still chase after him." Mike face faulters and Jessica blushes. Angela hits me for being rude but the others laugh. "Why are you so dressed up will? The weather can't be the only reason." Tyler asks as he pulls out his hacky sack.

I debate on telling but I decide it wouldn't hurt, "going on a date with Hale, gotta let him see what he's gonna lose if he messes up." Everyone but Angela's jaw drops.

"What!? You're going on a date with Hale and didn't tell me!?" Jessica basically screams. I scrunch my face up in irritation, "you're not my friend, you're Angela's. So I don't have to tell you anything." She disregards my jab and looks at me like I'm crazy. "This is Jasper Hale! The quietest out of the Cullen's! The one who doesn't talk to anyone at all! and you asked him out in a date?"

"Willow asked who out on a date?" Bells asks as she sits down. "Jasper hale!" Bells looks at me with a glare that's doesn't go unmissed by me or Angela. "Did he turn you down? Seems kinda desperate to throw yourself at someone considering he is dating Alice."

Everyone looks at me in silence waiting for me to go off but I laugh instead, "first of all, I didn't ask anyone shit. He asked me out Isabella. Second off all, he isn't with Alice. I made sure of that before I said yes,-" I look her up and down and smirk to myself. "Learn how to dress before you come for me and maybe Edward would give you the time of day."

Her face drops and she looks down in embarrassment. The bell rings signaling we have 5 minutes before class starts. I stand up with Angela and walk out of the lunchroom

I walk into the lunchroom and see majority of the students outside. I try to spot Angela but I don't see her, I only see Jessica and Isabella. I huff and walk out the doors and towards them.

Jessica sees me and her face lights up. I sit down on top of the table and cross my legs. Jessica goes to say something but she notices Bella looking around. "The Cullen's aren't here."

"What they just skip?" Bells questions. What is she so nosey for?

Jessica shakes her head and stops basking in the sun, "no, doctor Cullen and his wife always calls them out when it's sunny and they go hiking or camping. I tried that on my parents, didn't work."

Bella hums and fiddles with her hands.

Suddenly Angela comes running up squealing, "guys! I took control just like you said and I asked Eric to the dance!"

Even though Angela deserves better than a boy who shows interest in her friends more than her, I'm happy for her. "I'm happy for you Ange!" I give her a hug and plant a kiss on the top of her head.

"Great! We should totally go to port Angela's early before all the good dresses get cleared out." Jessica says. Both her and Angela look at me, "and you're definitely coming! You have great style and I trust you with picking out dresses."

Maybe I could get along with Jessica.

"Port Angela's? You mind if I come?" Bells asks shyly. I go to tell her "no" but Jessica beats me to it by saying "yes".

As quick as the lunch period starts, it quickly comes to an end. I grab Angela again and we walk back into the building. "Are you going to go? To prom?" I shrug at the question.

"I don't know, I usually do but I don't think it would be the same without my parents." I get sad at the thought.

Ever since I was in highschool I would go. Me, Alec, and Izzy. My mom along with Mrs. Lightwood would spend all day getting us ready and pampering us. Once we were ready, we would walk down the stairs and dad would say we look too grown. Mommy would tell him to shut up and then the pictures would start. Of course daddy would threaten Alec to treat me right even though we weren't dating.

Doing that without any of them just seems wrong and hurts to think about.

"Willow?" I snap my head towards Angela only to see her looking at me with a weird look. I notice we are already at our next class. "Sorry, I was thinking of old memories." She gives me a sad smile and squeezes my hand.

"I understand. Come on, I think we are watching a movie today."

I allow her to pull me into the classroom and to our seats.

I'm walking down the steps with Karmen talking about our day, " what does Bella have against you?" I roll my eyes and shrug.

"Don't know don't care. If I didn't have to worry about the pack being on my back she would be dead by now." Karmen laughs making me laugh with her.

Suddenly her laughter stops and she stands in place, "Karmen?" She points making me follow her finger.

My eyes meet Jaspers and I fight the urge to smile.

He standing next to Rosalie's car with a small smirk on his face.

I grab my purse and give my bag to Karmen. I walk over to him and smile feeling all the eyes on me. I stand in front of him and look him up and down, "You look nice." I fight the urge to tell him he looks handsome. He looks me up and down, his eyes lingering on my torso a little bit longer, "You look beautiful."

I blush and look away from him. "I know you don't like for them to use their gifts, but I wanted to make sure I got things right." I quirk an eyebrow at him.

He hands a small bouquet of buttercups.

My heart skips a beat causing him to look at me in panic. "You picked right, t-thank you." I gently take the bouquet and smile at him. He leads me to the other side of the car and opens the door for me. I get in the cherry red convertible and wait for him to get in the car.

He gets in and immediately pulls out of the lot, flying down the street. "Way to make an exit Hale." He smirks and stops at a red light. "So, are you going to tell me where we are going?" He looks at me and mutters a "No" I lean in closer to him and pout.

"Pleaseeee?" I slightly bat my eyelashes at him. He leans in, still a decent length away from me and says "No". I lean in closer and ask again, "pleaseee Jasper?"

He gets closer to me, making our noses touch, "nope," I huff and lean back in my seat. He laughs and steps on the gas, sending us flying once more.

"Why are we in an abandoned parking lot?" I question as he parks the car. He gets out and speeds to my side to open the door,

"Do you trust me?"

He holds his hand out towards me, waiting for me to grab it.

"Not fully, but somewhat." I grab his hand and let him help me out of the car. He closes the car door and leads me to the edge of the woods, "this is weird Jasper." I mumble as I look around.

All of a sudden I'm picked up bridal style. I gasp in surprise at sudden action, "a warning would have been nice." I say looking up at him. He smiles and adjusts his grip, "Sorry darlin', hold on tight." I melt a little at the nickname he gives me.

Doing as told, I wrap my arms around his neck and hold my face in his chest. He takes off running and I feel the breeze flying though my hair.

Not even a second later he stops. He lets me down and I stumble a bit, causing him to grab my waist. He steadys me and slowly takes his hand away.

That's when I'm able to fully look around.

We are in a clearing.

The grass is a little bit over my ankles, along with a few wildflowers and mushrooms. There's a creek maybe about a 3 minute walk away. A big willow tree is looming over it, the vines swaying in the wind. Some logs with moss are placed down, most likely for sitting. A few butterflies are flying around, along with a deer or two at the creek.

It's beautiful.

It's something straight out of a fairytale.

"Come on," he slowly grabs my hand and we walk towards the tree. When we get closer, that's when I see a small picnic set up.

"Do you like it?" I can hear the nervousness in his voice, I could feel it too. "I love it...a lot."

He smiles and I pull him to sit down with me. My eyes light up in excitement when I see a bunch of fruit along with the fruit sandwiches. I also see cranberry juice and a few pieces of cheese.

That's when I realize something.

"You can't eat any of this."

I frown as I look at him. I hope he doesn't expect me to eat this infront of him when he can't enjoy any either.

"That's taken care of. You're aunt gave me something , an elixir I believe, that lets me eat at least for a whole day. I knew you would throw a fit or at least be weirded out if you were the only one eating and I was just watching."

He thought about everything.

"You went through all of this for me?"

He nods.

"Maybe I will stop giving you a hard time."

He chuckles and motions towards the food. "Come on Let's eat." I immediately grab a little bottle of cranberry juice and open it. He grabs a strawberry and stares at it, "how long has it been since you have eaten normal food?" I ask after a take a sip of my juice.

"A long time," I nod and grab the strawberry from him. I swing my leg over so I'm straddling him, and hold the berry up.

His hands grab my hips at my sudden actions. "Try it," I say staring into his eyes. He looks at me, then eyes the fruit. He slowly takes a bite out of the red fruit. He scrunches his face up and I laugh, "it's sour." I shrug and finish it with no problem. "More for me, you can eat the watermelon. I hate watermelon."

I get off of him and sit back in my original spot.

"So I heard something interesting today," I grab another strawberry and dip it in the whip cream. He raises an eyebrow and waits for me to continue. "That Carlisle takes you all camping when it's sunny. I don't think that's true, so what's the deal?"

"What makes you think it's not true?" He picks up a piece of cheese and eats it. "Well for one, if it was true,  I would hope you wouldn't ditch family for me. Plus, rose never said anything about camping. So what's the truth jasper?"

He. Chuckles, "you wouldn't beleive me if I said we sparkle in the sun."

"You sparkle.....in the sun?" He nods making me giggle. I grab his hand and teleport us a few feet away so we're in the sun. During the process he somehow ends up on top of me.

The sun shines down on us and his whole face begins to shimmer. I caress his face, my thumb gliding over his glass like skin.

Our eyes connect and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"If I kiss you, will you run away?" I shake my head and let our lips connect. My legs wrap around his torso, pulling him closer to me. I bring my other hand to his face and continue to caress it. I feel his hands grab my thighs and I sigh out into the kiss.

I pull away when I need air and stare at him.

"Did you have a good time?" I take his hand as he helps me out the car. "Shockingly, I did-"

We walk up the steps of the porch and stop at the door, "-maybe we could do it again?" I push my hair behind my ear and look up at him. "The date or the kiss?" I snatch my hands away from him and push him away. He smiles and grabs me again, "I'll take you on another date." I give a small smile and place a quick peck on his cheek.

We hear a low growl making us turn our heads. We see one of the shifters on the edge of the property growling. I go to tell them to fuck off but jasper beats me to it, " I should go, I'll talk to you tomorrow." He squeezes my hands and plants a kiss on my fore head.

I watch as he walks towards the car and speeds off.

I huff and watch the dirt settle to the ground. The wolf yips as if it's happy and I glare, "fuck off paul!"





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