Ask and Dare (V&7K)

By GogglesBabe

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Got any questions for your fave couple? Crazy dares? Reactions?? Ask em here and you'll get em!! The gang fro... More

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Hugo Having to Compliment Us?
2 Boys Trapped in a Room All Day Cuz They're Very Gay
Hugs and Reaction for Hugo!
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Who's Scared of Tiny Green Elves?
So About Those Requests-

Varigo: Loathe or Love?

817 14 39
By GogglesBabe

Channel: AlchemyBookz

*camera opens up*

Varian: hi guys! Nice to see you again!
*the gang all smiling except Hugo*

Hugo: *yawns and leans further back into his seat* Yeah, nice doing this when I was trying to sleep-

Nuru: *raises eyebrow* it's 9 in the morning, you should be fine.

Varian: Lets just get to those questions! *not wanting them to fight*
*presses button with gusto*

Nuru: well if that dare isn't a recipe for disaster I don't know what is. *facepalm*

Varian: *looking at the screen* well, it doesn't sound that bad to me, it'll be a healthy exercise for me and Hugo. *smiles at him warmly* Besides, I'm pretty sure he knows what I already don't like from before aha-

Yong: are you sure about that? I think the things you used to hate about each other now you like about each other *grins*

Varian: what are you talking about?

Hugo: I think it's pretty obvious Freckles- *stretching*

Nuru: *exasperated* your constant bickering is like an old married couple, and you both can't tell me you don't enjoy doing it. I know HE *looks at Hugo* doesn't mind it.

Hugo: *shrugs* what can I say? He looks adorable when he's pissed off.

Varian: I DO NOT!!

Hugo: *smirking* yes, yes you do. You're scrunching up your shoulders and ur' face is getting red like it always does.

Varian: *visibly relaxes his shoulders and crosses his arms* I don't do that- *annoyed*

Yong: *holding back laughter as he points toward him* you're doing it again

Hugo: and Sparky, don't you agree he looks cute and tiny while doing it?

Yong: *nods* sorry Varian, you look kinda like an angry kitten or something I can't lie here! *laughs*

Nuru: how about we just get the dare and then we can cool down with the holidays, since we're already on this.

Varian: great idea, since it's obvious Hugo enjoys ticking me off, I'll tell something I hate about him.

Hugo: *snorts* this should be good, cuz you *boops Varian's freckled nose* can't hate anything about me

Varian: Oh don't be so sure- *pushes his hand away*

Hugo: okay then, what do you hate about me then? *looks at him smugly* Lets hear it Shortstuff.

Varian: *annoyed* well I don't exactly love it when you keep calling me short for starters-

Hugo: *interrupts* PFFFT- you LOVE it when I tease you, I don't know who ur' kidding with that.

Varian: *face reddening* you didn't let me finish Hugo! And I was trying to maybe be more nice about what I hate here but I'm about to change my mind!

Yong: oof- yeah.. you might not want to interrupt him again- *nervous laugh looking at the gays*

Varian: yes, thank you Yong. At least you get it.

Hugo: What? That you hate me interrupting you?? Again, false, cuz I've done it several times and I'm still here aren't I?

Varian: Just because I haven't strangled you yet doesn't mean I'm not okay with it!! And no, that's not it necessarily!!

Hugo: heh- I wouldn't mind you doing that. *smirks*

Varian: *completely ticked off* *goes off* THAT! *motions at him* THAT right THERE! I hate how you don't respect or take a situation or person seriously!! You always turn it into a joke and keep pushing buttons and crossing lines for your entertainment!
*tries to calm himself* And.. and that's, that's not okay!

Hugo: *taken aback* Well to counter that, You know what your problem is? You're to goddamn sensitive and serious Hairstripe. So serious in fact to you're work that you're always overdoing yourself, and never letting yourself just actually enjoy when idiots like me come around to lighten up the mood.

Yong: *feels awkward* *scoots back discreetly from the heated gays*

Varian: *hurt* well I'm not sorry I care about other people and think about others! I like taking things seriously! And I like being caring and thoughtful!!

Hugo: what? And you're saying I'm not?? Just cuz I poke fun at your height or other shit? *motions at him upset*
I'm plenty thoughtful!
That's why I fucking hate it when you always grant favors for others instead of just saying the magical word, telling them NO! But you're too worried about being helpful to think about helping yourself properly!

Varian: it's better then hurting people and criticizing who they are, and if you're not doing that- it's like you're being too friendly!

Hugo: okay, now you're making zero sense, *holds his hand up* First, you yell at me for being too mean basically. And now you're mad at me for being too nice?!

*poor Nuru and Yong just sitting there quietly watching them argue*

Varian: I-I DONT know! *feeling stupider by the minute* It's like if you aren't making fun of someone in a rude obnoxious way it's almost like you're flirting with them! I don't know!

Hugo: *incredulous* WHAT?! *confused* so are you mad cuz you're jealous or some shit because I'm too nice? And you're also pissed at me for being mean?

Varian: YES! I mean, that's not exactly it!! *groans exasperated* I just want you to be more courteous of people's space and boundaries!!

Hugo: *sarcastic* Oh. So I'm guessing what you're saying here is, that I, should be more like you. And just, let myself get all walked over in helping them and trying not to offend them. *crosses arms*

Varian: that's.. that's not what I'm saying!! *frazzled*
And would it really be so horrible for you to be that way? *tearing up*

Hugo: no- yes... UGH. *rubs hand over his face* it just feels like you're complaining about y'know, only what makes me ME here-

Varian: well how do you think I feel...
*looking away trying not to cry*

Hugo: Freckles, for the love of- *deeply inhales*
Freckles, I'm not saying I don't like who you are, I mean why else would I want to be with you? I love you, what I don't care for is you stressing yourself out over others nonstop.

Varian: *sniffs*

Hugo: look, it's great you care, it's one of the things I admire about you alright? *voice softening* I just want you to be cared for too.

Varian: I-I'm sorry... *wipes his eyes roughly* I didn't mean... I wasn't trying to say I wanted you to not be yourself- I... *sniffs* ugh...
*collects himself*
Can you... could you please try be nicer to people, y'know... just not being so up in their space?

Hugo: ... I guess-

Varian: *seeing he's hurt* Hugo, *takes his hand gently* as much as I said I hated the things I did... I do love how in the right situation you can make people laugh. Giving them and me something to joke about and taking a scary or hard time into something better. I love who you are... as much as you love me.
*looks at him, doing a small smile*
We both just want what's best for the other, and I know it'll be harder for you to get along with others and have a better relationship if you always are so carefree, y'know? I don't want to change, just improve.

Hugo: *holds his hand back* so just to be clear, you don't hate me right?

Varian: only as much as you hate me. *kisses his cheek*

Hugo: *grins* *gentle blush going across his cheeks* thanks Freckles, just don't go kissing Feldsbarg if he asks.

Varian: *laughs* aha- yeah no. You don't have to worry about that.
*suddenly remembers the camera and looks at it*
oh shit- we did all that fighting on camera... *nervously laughs*

Nuru: and us. Don't forget that.

Varian: oops- uh yeah... sorry guys.

Yong: it's all good, you were only doing the dare ^^

Hugo: these dares are getting so emotionally draining I swear.

Yong: it's bringing you guys closer together though! And honestly for being told you hate someone's qualities I'm surprised it went as well as it did!

Varian: mmm... could've gone better, we probably should've had that talk privately.

Nuru: let's face it. You two idiots would've never had that talk on your own anyway so this person just helped fix that. *smiles* I'm just glad I didn't have to break up any actual fighting

Hugo: *offended* hey-

Nuru: just saying as it is about you two. Probably would've gone to Var tackling you.

Yong: yeah then to the gays kissing and making out

Varian: GUYS! *face red* and Yong! What the hell?

Hugo: *snorts*

Yong: hehe :3

Nuru: you've tainted the child *shakes head disappointed* despite my best efforts

Yong: well yes, but actually no. *laughs* the Internet has done a better job at that.

Hugo: *concerned* yeah, no more internet for you without adult supervision.

Varian: *smiles* that's probably a good idea.

Yong: you can't stop me! Plus since this is Moony's place and have got her permission, you guys can't do squat. *smiles*

Nuru: and moving on from Yong's blossoming rebellion we should move on to the holidays- *cuts in* we're still on video.

Varian: right, we can talk to Moony later about Yong's unlimited internet access after we finish up.

Yong: Did you ever tell each what you liked about the other?

Hugo: *smiles* oh good point. *looks at Varian* I like ya Sweetcheeks~ *winks*

Varian: *blushes*

Yong: Hugo that's cheating, you can't just say you like all of him.

Hugo: *laughs* oh I didn't I-

Varian: *covers his mouth* yeah Hugo, *face red*, why don't you tell me something you like about me that's PG and not so generalized.

Nuru: *mom glaring Hugo warningly*

Hugo: *takes his hand off* Fine, *sighs* I like your voice when you sing, it's nice-

Varian: *blushes again* *smiles* thanks

Yong: aww yeah, Varian's pretty good at it! *agrees enthusiastically* Also Varian, it's you're turn!

Varian: mmm, I guess it is then. *looks at Hugo face getting redder*

Hugo: *grins* so whatcha like then?

Varian: I like your hands, grin and piercings. I just like your everything. *chuckles happily*

Hugo: *smiles wide* good to know- but do ya like my kisses?

Varian: *covers his face* >//<

Nuru: okay you two, you were very nice, but now ill start off the holidays! *smiles at them* My favorite one is Hanukkah, it has a lot of good memories for me and wonderful dinners with my family all around the table. *happily sighs* And lighting the candles is such a beautiful moment of hope and life.
It's one of my favorites because of the warmth and light that brings people closer together.

Yong: that sounds really nice!

Varian: definitely, I really enjoy Christmas for the same reasons! My dad and I never had a whole lot, but we'd always have a roasted duck to eat and I'd give him a gift I made.
And now I can celebrate it with more people like the princess and you guys.

Yong: New Year's really pumps me up personally! There's fireworks and delicious steamed buns stands everywhere and I love the energy! *excited* Besides getting slightly terrified from the dragons, I really love it *laughs*

Nuru: awww *hugs yong* that's alright sweetie.

Yong: *beams and hugs her back* what about you Hugo?

Varian: yeah! What's you're favorite holiday babe? *hugs his arm as he holds his hand*

Hugo: I was going to say my birthday but now I'm rethinking that. *shrugs* I like Halloween a lot.

Yong: *laughs* never thought that of as a holiday but I guess you're right! I can't wait to be older!

Varian: *smiles* there's nothing wrong with that Hugo, those are enjoyable days.

Nuru: let me guess, it's your favorite because you like scaring people.

Hugo: *laughs* that and superstitious stodges back home left out perfectly good food for the spirits of the dead. And me, needing food, is not gonna let that go to waste.

Yong: you know they actually exist though right? *nervous*

Hugo: pffft- right.

Moony: *pokes head in suddenly* did someone say Halloween??

Hugo: *jumps* ack! Where the hell did you come from?!

Moony: this is my house Hugo, you shouldn't be so surprised *laughs* anyway, how's that vid coming?

Varian: oh hey moony *smiles* it's all done I think now actually, I just need to  close it. And yeah, Hugo here was the one who mentioned Halloween, it's one of his favorites.

Moony: oh neat! Once you finish it I'll send it to her! *smiles wide* Also if you guys are interested I got great Halloween movies I'd love to share with ya after ur done!

Yong: Awesome!!! Are they scary though??

Moony: nah not really, but you've got to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and the classic Halloweentown.

Hugo: that sounds boring as shit.

Varian: *elbows him* don't mind him, we'd love to check them out. Also Hugo, I've already watched the nightmare one and it's good. I enjoyed it.

Nuru: oh that reminds me, Moony, Yong has been having way too much freedom to your internet.

Yong: hey! No I haven't!

Moony: He's really sweet and responsible though whenever I check up on him, I've just been letting him on some things. *looks at Yong concerned* you haven't been reading fan fiction have you?

Yong: I'm the president of the Varigo fan clubs now so yes.

Nuru: oh my god....

Hugo: Kid, what the fuck?

Moony: yikes. Oops- *laughs nervously* yeah, Yong maybe ya need to lighten up on the content for your friends here. That's kinda awkward for Hugo and Varian.

Varian: *clueless* is fan fiction bad? And what is it exactly, and why am I in it??

Nuru: you don't want to know Var. *pats his shoulder* believe me.

Yong: awwww cmon moony- don't act like you don't ship them *accusingly* why else would we be here with you.

Moony: hey! Don't turn this on me, I'm giving the gift of the modern 21st century!

Hugo: yeah, Sparky here has a point. You ship us hard don't ya- *brings Varian close*

Moony: You're free to go somewhere else y'know, but I figured you'd get fangirled to death. *miffed* *looks at Varian and Hugo* Honestly, it's safe to stay here like you have been, but I do recommend you explore some too outside of the home. Maybe go to the mall or something.
And of course, you're two adorable idiotic men, why wouldn't I love your stupidity and fluffiness. *snaps picture*

Varian: *blushing* uhh... thank you??

Yong: see? Shipping you two isn't weird at all. I should put this up on the Varigo blog. *gets up and types something on the computer*

Nuru: Yong, stop what you're doing and come back here to finish this video!  *drags him back*

Hugo: we're still rolling?? I thought it was off. *looks at camera*

Moony: oh yeah! Heh- I'll just let you finish up. *holds up movie cases* then you can check these out.
*motions to camera*
Oh and Hurry up please, she's been waiting for a while on this. *smiles*

Varian: yeah, all we have to do is say goodbye pretty much, why the hurry though? *looks at her curious* you know this Melenora user?

Moony: well duh, she's my best friend why wouldn't I want to give this to her myself, she's a big fan of you guys too *blushes*

Yong: ya sure she's just a "best friend?" ;)

Nuru: awwww do you like her??

Varian: that's so sweet! Have you told her?

Moony: oh my god guys! *blushing hard* she's my girlfriend alright!! Now stop awwwing me and finish up please!

Hugo: I had a feeling-

Moony: yes yes now just finish *waves at camera and goes to it* before I just turn it off myself

Varian: *laughs beaming* yes ma'am. Okay guys, let's finish this.

Yong: *jumps up from his seat energetically* thanks for watching!! We're sponsored by moonshadowwolf17 who's got a crush on the person we're making this video for, which is awesome!! So this is for you girlfriend of moony!
So subscribe! And hit that like BUTTON *hits the air, thumbs up*

Nuru: *laughs* we'll see you next time!

Varian: this is AlchemyBookz signing off! *waves* bye guys!

*camera goes dark as Yong giggles mischievously*

Moony: Aha- so hello and hi to you wonderful viewers, got the gays here.

Moony: and yes, I got a gf, move along. See ya later- ^^

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