Ask and Dare (V&7K)

By GogglesBabe

11.4K 246 1.4K

Got any questions for your fave couple? Crazy dares? Reactions?? Ask em here and you'll get em!! The gang fro... More

Welcome to Our Channel!
•REQUEST FORM (closed)•
Hugo Having to Compliment Us?
2 Boys Trapped in a Room All Day Cuz They're Very Gay
Hugs and Reaction for Hugo!
Most Embarrassing Stories?
Varigo: Loathe or Love?
So About Those Requests-

Who's Scared of Tiny Green Elves?

1K 26 259
By GogglesBabe

Channel: AlchemyBookz

*camera crackles and pans out*

Varian: welcome back viewers! Glad to see your back for this week's new video!

Yong: yeah! hey guys! *waves enthusiastically* todayyyy, we're going to GET SPOoOOKYYYY...
*presses button*

Yong: As you can see, we get to answer this awesome person's question! About our BIGGEST FEARS!! *backs up from screen and shows his cape*

Nuru: *laughs* sweetie, what are you wearing?

Yong: Imma vampire!! They're super scary!! *flashes cape* thought it'd match the video!!

Varian: are vampires your biggest fear then?

Yong: Nope! But they might be someone else's!

Nuru: So who's going to go first on this? I don't think any of us are too eager to go telling everyone our biggest fears.

Varian: well, I guess I could go first...

Hugo: *pipes up* you know Goggles, Sparky's costume reminds that I came across something. There's a lot of vampire shit for you. Like a LOT-

Varian: what does that have to do with anything?

Hugo: nothing I s'pose. Just find it ironic since you can't stand looking at blood. You were called Vamparian or something btw

Yong: whoa!! How cool! Your name actually works in that pretty well!

Varian: *miffed* I can look at blood just fine thanks.

Hugo: not what I heard. I heard ya fainted. *smirks at him*

Varian: I didn't faint!! I got hit in the back of my head resulting in me PASSING OUT. There's a difference! Also! It drew blood! I'm lucky I'm okay after that!

Nuru: oh wow... did you get a doctor to look at that? *concerned*

Varian: yeah, I did. It was all good though thankfully *rubs his head laughing nervously*

Hugo: I bet you still can't look at blood without fainting-

Varian: *sighs and looks at him annoyed* I'm not scared of blood, okay? And speaking of scared, we have a video to do here. *points to camera*

Yong: Yeah I'm curious about what you guys are scared of... *looks up at them* you all seem to be so brave and grown up!

Varian: Ha... well, it isn't all what it seems *rubs his hair*

Nuru: *smiles at Yong* everyone's afraid of something... that doesn't just go away because you get older. I wish it did though!

Yong: that would be great!! Not to be afraid of anything!

Hugo: *snorts* if you weren't afraid of anything, you'd all die cuz you wouldn't have decent fear of like lava or jumping off a cliff. Fear keeps you in line and alive

Nuru: aren't you cheerful. Can't you be positive for once or at the very least not so cynical?

Hugo: sorry, I don't like sugarcoating facts. Oh wait, saying sorry was a sugarcoating as well.
I don't lie here.

Nuru: oh really? You don't lie huh?

Hugo: Heh, I never said I don't lie, 'cause I do. I just was saying I'm not gonna lie about simple facts by being "positive"

Varian: *intervenes between the two* well healthy fear isn't bad- hugo does got a point there. But we should move onto answering our fears. For the video.

Yong: yeah, you guys keep getting sidetracked *flapping his cape around bored*

Nuru: Alright, I'm sorry... *looks at varian* you're right we need to focus on the request.

Varian: yeah, you can argue later about being cynical with Hugo later if that's what you really want to do *rolls his eyes*
But I think we all have something better to do then that-

Hugo: idk maybe I'll get bored enough to start arguing again *laughs*

Varian: Hugo. Please-

Hugo: *tilts his head smirking* please what~

Varian: *nearly chokes face red*

Yong: you okay??

Varian: *coughs and glares at hugo* yeah, I'm fine. Just... surprised.

Hugo: *winks at him as he crosses his arms*

Nuru: I'm seriously not even going to question it. I guess I'll go first since this isn't happening unless someone responsible does it.

Varian: hey! I'm trying to get it going... I said I'd go-
He just... *inhales* *looks at hugo* stop being difficult and just do the video with everyone else please.

Hugo: how am I being difficult?

Varian: dont act stupid. You know.

Yong: *out of nowhere* I'm scared of dragons.

Hugo: dragons? Really?

Varian: okay guess we're doing this then-

Hugo: *laughs* don't you have a whole celebration with dragons in Koto?

Yong: well... yeah-
And they're terrifying!! They're just so big and kinda creepy! Also they eat people!

Nuru: awww sweetie...

Yong: and I know it's a costume... for the celebration and stuff but it looks creepy!! It scared the shit out of me when I was younger!

Varian: *GASP*

Nuru: *GASP*

Hugo: *indifferent*

Nuru: HUGO LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!! *angry mom mode activated*

Hugo: I didn't do nothin'

Varian: you've cussed so much you passed it to Yong now! He's only a kid!

Yong: *nervous laugh* oops...

Hugo: it ain't my fault. Plus I was cussing when I was like nine or something- this is nothing right here.

Nuru: YOU CANT JUST- *glares at him before looking away* I cant believe you...

Hugo: all he said was shit

Yong: yeah it's not that big of a deal... *trying to help Hugo out*

Varian: lets just move on please... I don't want to get stuck ranting at hugo. *kneads his brow*
Hugo, try to lighten on the language please and Yong no more cussing for you.

Hugo: heh, you guys are just something... *raises an eyebrow*

Varian: *glaring at him*

Hugo: *rolls his eyes* fine whatever-

Nuru: I told you he was a bad influence.

Varian: you drop it too Nuru. He's still my boyfriend.

Hugo: awww- I'm touched *smirks*

Varian: just do me a favor and shut up.
*looks back at Yong* you were saying about the dragons?

Yong: uhhhh, yeah- I'm terrified of them. Especially the parade one- yeah. *plays with his cape* I'm scared of real dragons and pretend ones...
I just don't like them

Varian: That's Alright Yong, everyone is afraid of something. Tho' I actually heard from Rapunzel that dragons are quite gentle and amazing! Maybe you can conquer your fear a bit if you hear about the nicer and fascinating side of dragons!

Yong: maybe...

Varian: well I'm afraid of letting people down. Disappointing them. That's harder to conquer *nervous laugh* I mean, I can screw up anytime. At least dragons are rare-

Yong: *hugs him tight*

Nuru: you won't disappoint anyone Varian, you're an amazing friend! We love and care about you!

Hugo: yeah don't worry about disappointing the bastards out there. The only opinion that matters is mine here Freckles.

Varian: *hugs Yong back* thanks guys... and thanks Hugo-

Nuru: of course Varian! We're here for you!

Yong: yeah! We're your friends! You're my family too!

Varian: awwww YONG!! *squeezes him tight*

Hugo: I'm here too- *pushes Varian's goggles down onto his head grinning* I'm not gong anywhere

Varian: *laughs* what someone jealous? I can give ya a hug babe if you want it? *smirks at him*

Hugo: idk ur a little short to reach me all the way up here. Ya should probably stick to your size department-

Varian: Hey I'm 5' 3'!! That isn't that short!!

Yong: *giggles wiggling out of his hold watching them*

Hugo: yeah it is Pipsqueak, most girls could tower over ya- *stands up and looks down at him* you're short

Varian: tower?! What, like an inch? that isn't that much *grumpy*

Hugo: they're still tallerrrrr *chuckles* and you're still a god damn tiny angel

Varian: *blushing* IM NOT TINY!! I'm a perfectly normal decent height!! And I'm still growing!!!

Hugo: *smirks* yeah, sure. Whatever ya gotta tell yourself to make you feel better about being short.

Varian: *outraged noises* tch- you like me being shorter anyway! Why are you acting like you want me to be taller?

Hugo: because ur the same height as most girls- it's hilarious

Varian: *launches from the couch and tackles him to the floor*

Nuru: *facepalms* oh my god you guys...

Yong: you mean gays! *watching excited*

Hugo: *falls over surprised* GEEZ GOGGLES!! What are ya a CAT?!

Varian: *pummeling his face and hands as Hugo fends him off*

Hugo: heh- you're fucking cute like one. You're like an angry kitten~

Varian: aghhhh SHUT UP!! I AM NOT!!

Hugo: *grabs him and flips him onto the floor* yeah you're right, you're better then that ;3

Varian: *face completely red* LET GO OF ME!! GOD HUGO!!

Hugo: you started it pipsqueak

Varian: You wouldn't shut up about my height!!

Hugo: cus it's fun getting you worked up over it- you're all sensitive about it bitch~


Nuru: *clears throat* BOYS!! We're on video still-

Varian: yeah HUGO- *glares at him face completely red* get the hell off of me

Hugo: if that's what ya want- *stands up smirking* we can hang out later ;3

Varian: *stands and pushes him down on the couch* you still have answer the question you idiot. *glaring at him* And After this I'm doing my own thing away from you-

Hugo: good luck with that, I'm still gonna bother ya

Varian: not if I lock myself in my lab you won't

Hugo: ahaha, you're adorable *looks at him* I pick locks you dumbass

Varian: WELL STOP PICKING LOCKS THEN!! Or I'm just going to trap you in here! *holds spherical goo trap vial*

Hugo: 'fraid I can't do that-
Wherever ya go I follow freckles *puts arms behind his head* plus ya can't restrain me, ya too innocent for that

Varian: -_-  try me.

Nuru: FEARS! Fears guys! Video? *clears throat again*

Hugo: *ignores her* go ahead, it's not gonna stop me pipsqueak.

Varian: why are you like this?!

Hugo: idk you tell me

Varian: *looking like he's about to strangle him*

Nuru: OKAY, guess we'll be moving onto my fear then next! I'm scared of leprechauns!

Hugo: Pfffft- What?! *sits up staring at her*

Nuru: you heard me!! *embarrassed but holding her head high*

Varian: *breaks out into laughter*

Yong: you're afraid of those little green elves? Why?

Hugo: I can't believe.. out of all the stupid things you could pick-

Nuru: they're just... UGH-
They pinch you for no reason! And lead you into believing they have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow... why would I like them?!

Hugo: who's asking you to like them? *laughing* what I'm wondering is why and HOW the fuck you're afraid of them.

Varian: *laughing still* I'm sorry Nuru, but leprechauns?!

Nuru: they're just kinda creepy!! A lot! And they like remind me of gnomes!!

Yong: Gnomes?

Hugo: oh this is too good- you're afraid of little garden ornaments too *grinning at her*

Nuru: THEYVE GOT BEADY LITTLE EYES!! They follow you around!! And I swear to Artemis they're evil!! They freak me out!! Have you seen them?!

Yong: I-it's okay Nuru *pats her arm seeing she's worked up* I won't let them hurt you *giggling*

Nuru: and they're hats!! Why do they all wear those pointy hats!!!?

Varian: *wheezing*

Hugo: because they're gnomes ya dunce- they cant hurt ya. How stupid is it you pick gnomes and leprechauns...

Nuru: oh yeah? What are you afraid of huh? I bet it's something stupid- *crosses arms glaring at him*

Hugo: it's definitely not gnomes *snorts* like some idiot I know

Nuru: just tell us ya stinking son of a-

Hugo: LANGUAGE! >:3
We don't want to be using bad words Nuru.

Yong: but you use them all the time?

Varian: oh gosh- you guys are killing ME! *laughing tears*

Nuru: just tell us what you're scared of! Unless you're gonna be the only one chickening out-
Everyone else has said what they're afraid of-

Hugo: you just can't handle the fact that you're bad at following your own rules your HIgHnESS-
But sure I'll tell you, it's two things, bugs and losing Freckles. Who if he keeps this up is going to die of laughter on us.

Yong: I did not think you would say bugs...

Nuru: *smiles At him* BUGS? NOW, that's STUPID.

Hugo: it's not stupid, it's a perfectly reasonable fear!!

Yong: but you're like way WAY bigger then a teeny bug! Why are you afraid of them?

Hugo: they're just so gross!! And just... *shudders a little* I HATE EM OKAY? *crosses arms*

Nuru: look at the cool tough guy getting all disturbed at the thought of bugs-

Varian: awwww Hugo, *grinning*, you don't have to worry about losing me *pauses before smirking* Or the bugs. I'll protect you.

Hugo: *glares at him* oh shut up-

Varian: Nope! Sorry. >:3

Yong: does that mean you're afraid of beetles?

Hugo: are those bugs Sparky? Yes, yes they are- *annoyed* so what do you think.

Yong: ... does that mean you're scared of ladybugs?

Nuru: *holding back laughter as she looks at Hugo*

Hugo: *red faced* ITS A BUG!!! So again, WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

Yong: well... they're not that bad. Ladybugs are nice y'know-

Hugo: no they're disgusting.

Yong: they can be lucky!

Nuru: *grinning evilly* *busts out* THERES A LADYBUG ON YOUR SHOULDER-

Yong: yeah but it won't hurt y- *is cut off by Hugo's yelling*

Hugo: SHIT!! Get the FUCK OFF OF ME!! *waves his arm like crazy and brushes it off all jittery looking disgusted*

Varian: babe, calm down

Hugo: *grabs flamethrower* Someone kill the damned beast!!! *looking around the room for it scared*

Yong: it's okay Hugo!

Nuru: it's a ladybug. LADYBUG. It can't HURT YOU-


*ladybug flying around the room*

Yong: *plays the Jaws theme on phone as the ladybug heads towards Hugo*

Hugo: *pulls Varian in front of him and shoves the flamethrower into his hands* TAKE CARE OF IT!!

Nuru: *concerned and amused* NO FLAMETHROWING!! It's A LADYBUG!!

Varian: uhhh... babe. It's going to be alright- *laughing nervously*


Varian: BABE, seriously it's going to be okay.

Yong: all they do is fly around and look cute! *still playing Jaws theme*

*ladybug intensifies*

Hugo: TORCH IT!!!



Moony: *stomps into room and captures the ladybug in a jar* THERE. *looks at room* Now would everyone just calm the HELL DOWN?! You're going to burn down MY HOUSE!!

Varian: ...

Hugo: *staring at the jar terrified*

Nuru: ...

Yong: *Jaws theme playing in a loop*

Moony: Yong, I love you but turn that off.

Yong: hehe, sorry. >:)
*music cuts off*

Hugo: *yell whispering* get the thing out of here *glaring at the jar*

Moony: I will alRight? But where the heck DID YOU GET A FLAMETHROWER?!

Varian: he just pulled it out from under the couch-

Moony: dammit... forgot I put it there- well just hand it over please. Before anyone gets ideas-

Nuru: ... *looks at Hugo* you're ridiculous...

Hugo: ITS A BUG!!

Yong: yeah he's afraid of them!

Nuru: I'm afraid of gnomes yet you don't see me blasting them with a flamethrower!

Moony: that's enough guys. Varian, just give me the flamethrower and I'll take care of the ladybug as you finish up your video.

Yong: YOURE GOING TO TORCH IT?! *eyes big*

Varian: ... why do you have a flamethrower under the couch anyway? *suspicious*

Moony: No- I'm not going to *exasperated* I'm not torching the ladybug.
And that doesn't matter. *takes flamethrower*

Varian: but-

Moony: sssshhh... it doesn't matter. *nods toward camera* proceed on-

Yong: thanks for saving the ladybug!

Varian: yeah...

Hugo: I fucking hate this place-

Moony: sure, see ya guys later. *turns* And Hugo, your boyfriend won't let the bugs hurt you so please stay away from my stuff.

Hugo: ill do whatever the hell I want-

Varian: don't worry I'll watch him

Moony: thanks- *leaves*

Yong:, I guess we completed the video then? *looks at screen*

Varian: apparently. Hugo did more then enough flirting... *looks at Hugo who's still holding his shoulders*

Hugo: you liked it. So don't give me shit over it

Yong: yeah you looked pretty flustered *giggles*

Varian: *face pinkening* WE FINISHED NOW- and almost blew the place up. So we should wrap this up now.

Nuru: good idea-

Hugo: yeah I'm over this video-
so blah blah blah we're sponsored by that shitty lady who won't let us flame-torch that bug to ash. *salty* letting it live..

Varian: ahem, *nudges Hugo*, moonshadowwolf17 sponsors us and yeah she gives ya great behind the scenes footage. So yeah, hit her up and give us a follow if you haven't already!

Yong: smash that like button and comment on what you'd like to see next!

Nuru: until next time on AlchemyBookz...

Varian: bye guys! *goes to camera*

Moony: *from another room* ah SHIT-

*ladybug flies into studio*


Varian: uhhh... *looks at screen* yeah.. see ya later- *screaming and running from everyone* *camera cuts to black*

Moony: heyyyy guys, so yeah today's video got a little out of hand but I was able to capture our stupid gays-

Moony: Also that bit with the flamethrower it's totally not for anything illegal! ;3

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