MORE, james potter ✔

By -tothelakes

456K 11.3K 9.3K

OLD DRAFT, ella-rose, a strong-willed gryffindor, had always known james. they had been best friends since th... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
interlude : the aftermath
chapter nine
chapter ten
interlude: a conversation between friends
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
interlude: what now?
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
interlude: james' side
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
bonus scene: cuddling

chapter twenty-four

8.2K 226 166
By -tothelakes


     Ella didn't get to see James and the boy didn't know how to approach her quite yet. He believed her wholeheartedly but with exam stress, quidditch and doing pranks again, time slipped through his fingers. Neither of them knew how to talk to each other but between longing stares and heartache, they wanted to just see each other. Ella just wanted to be with him so when she heard he had Quidditch practice right after school, she knew she had to watch.

     She had some homework to do and hopefully she could catch him after practice if she was lucky enough. They could try and talk and Ella could really explain what happened without being a babbling unsure mess. She could just tell James the truth in the messiest but best way she could. It would help, her exam stress had come back ten times harder when first period came and she needed to talk to someone who could help her relax. Someone other than the girls.

     As she sat on the bleachers, Ella didn't even realise that James had been watching her. She was in one of his school jumpers - unbeknownst to her - and James couldn't help but find that cute. It was a little distracting when he was supposed to be focusing on Quidditch but he couldn't be angry at her. He just wanted to be around her and that was what he was doing.

     Ella tried not to let herself get too distracted from the notes she was making but she couldn't help herself. The commanding way he directed the team made Ella weak at the knees. The precision and focus he had on Quidditch was beyond anything she could understand. His smiles, hugs, kisses and cuddles were everything she needed at this point. With her father still looming over her - though a little more subtle now - and all the stress from exams, he was exactly what she needed. Her best friend and the boy she had never appreciated enough but now she wanted to in every way he would let her.

     He was the only boy that could save her from the inner turmoil and he was the only boy she would ever love. She was sure of that. Whatever Sirius thought she knew wasn't true. His thoughts were probably muddled since he was drunk and had been smoking so she didn't entirely believe a word he said. She just hoped that James would still have her, still loved her.

     Ella eventually found herself immersed in her note writing, time flying as she wrote contently. Trying her best to get everything done for the lesson the next day. She had left it very last minute but she knew that she would had the time now. She was only pulled out of her daze when she noticed large droplets on her textbook and quickly realised it was raining.

     She flicked her gaze up to find the team wasn't on the field anymore. Her eyes widened and she looked down at the ink already smudging across the page. A panicked gasp escaping her lips as she slammed it shut. Her hand reaching out for the inkpot, closing it and looking around before realising she had no coat. A soft groan leaving her lips.

     Her notes were about to get ruined until a coat dropped into her hands. The looming shadow of James making her grin and she was quick to bundle up her textbook with the coat before she stood up. Her hair already beginning to stick to her scalp as the rain got heavier. Rain dripping down James' nose as he offered a hand out to her.

     She took it earnestly and the two of them ran down from the bleachers, running into the Gryffindor changing rooms, the pair of them completely soaked by the rain. A soft chuckle left Ella's lips as they walked into the area. A place that they were very familiar with and it was deserted like it often was after the practices were over. Ella placed her protected book down.

     "That coat was meant for you but clearly you have your priorities," James said, nodding towards the book as he took his glasses off. Ella chuckled and shrugged, pushing her hair out of her face. She let out a soft huff of air before sitting down on the bench. James pulling his drenched Quidditch robe off. His undershirt and pants still on but it felt oddly exposing to see him like this.

     "My books are important especially my notes," Ella shrugged. James nodded and sat down next to her. His glasses were on top of his head and Ella had this overwhelming want to steal them from him. Her gaze flicked up to them and he inclined his head, encouraging her. Ella grinned and grabbed them, placing them over her face. But they were fogged up so she just pushed them into her hair.

     "We have a lot to talk about," James muttered. Ella nodded and then she turned to face him a little more. She wanted to talk to him about a lot of things but as she stared at him, all she wanted to do was kiss him. Her hand reached out to take his and their fingers tangled together.

     "We could talk or I could kiss you and show you how I feel that way?" Ella asked as she shuffled over. James watched her, knowing this was a bad idea. Avoiding what they really needed to talk about was a terrible idea but he couldn't help but want to just kiss her. He had been desperate to just be close to her again and she was offering it. He didn't really want to reject that.

     "I think kissing," He muttered. Ella grinned and then moved to straddle his waist. Her arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him. It was soft and gentle but when he began to kiss back, it quickly became passionate and desperate. His hands gripping her waist, keeping her close like he was afraid that he would look her again. That was very unlikely but he still seemed so worried.

     Ella was quickly breathless from the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth and sucking on her bottom lip before going back to making out with her. Ella didn't even know how to react, she just went slack and allowed him to do whatever he pleased. It's all she wanted, all she wanted was him but she pulled away first. Panting heavily as she rested her hands against his chest.

     "Bleedin' 'ell..." Ella chuckled softly as she rested her forehead against his. He smirked as he looked into her eyes. He leant forward and pecked her lips a few more times before he moved to slowly kiss across her face to her jaw. Nipping at her jaw before he moved to her neck. Ella tilted her head, pushing her hair out of the way to allow him better access.

     He hummed softly against her skin, goose-bumps travelling along her skin as well as the warmth that made her skin blush a slight pink. He pressed a few more soft kisses against her neck, sucking the skin into his mouth before he soothed it with his tongue. Ella gripping his shirt tightly at the familiar feeling that sent her stomach flipping.

     "James..." She muttered softly though it came out as more of a breathy moan. Her hands relaxing when she felt him mumble a compliment against her skin. She couldn't quite work out what but she was sure he called her gorgeous. It made her smile and she moved her hand to pull his face back to hers. His face full of admiration as he stared at her, "M'sorry for everythin', I missed you so much," She said, looking into his eyes. He gently shook his head and cupped her cheeks, pulling her right back in for another kiss. This one was softer, gentle, trying to tell her that she didn't need to say a word. It put Ella's mind at ease and she let him continue spreading hickeys across her neck, marking her like he always did. Something she was certainly not opposed to.

     "James!" The voice of Remus called. Ella let out a soft groan but James didn't seem to mind. Trailing kisses down, pushing her shirt off her shoulder a little so he could gain access. But Ella pushed his chest when she spotted Remus walking in. A soft sigh escaping his lips as he saw them, "I should have just left you when you didn't come back to the dorm," Remus said, shaking his head softly. James pouted softly against her skin before he sighed.

      "You really should have," James muttered. Ella rolled her eyes, feeling her cheeks heat up as she glanced back at Remus. Her arms keeping a hold of James so she didn't slip out of his lap. His lips still peppering soft kisses before he finally pulled himself away. Remus met the curly-haired boy's gaze and cocked an eyebrow. James shook his head slightly and Remus sighed.

     "What? Why're you lookin' at each other like that," Ella asked as she looked between the boys. Remus shrugged and James was quick to make an excuse for himself. He didn't want Ella to know about what had happened in the dorm with Sirius or just about anything that had happened. James was never proud of his actions especially when he had been as angry as he was.

     "I was getting James to invite you to the birthday party that Sirius is throwing for Layla but it seemed he was preoccupied with kissing you and didn't do his job," Remus covered for his friend as he looked down at her. Ella looked to James and then back at Remus before she finally moved off of James' lap much to his dismay. It felt awkward sitting there with James like that. Remus was their friend and shouldn't have to see that.

     "M'not goin' to skip my best friend's birthday, am I?" Ella responded looking to Remus. He nodded in response and as she sent him a smile. Ella brushed her shirt down but it only stuck to her skin. It was still wet and she had yet to perform a drying spell not that it seemed logical. From what she could see outside, it was still wet. Remus' hair and clothes showing that perfectly.

     "I suppose not," Remus said as he watched her. His gaze briefly flicked to her neck and his eyes scrutinised the marks before he looked up. She sent him a sly smile before looking down at James who was pouting now. He wanted to be alone with Ella again it seemed which she really had no problem with. She wanted to be around him more than anything. And Remus was quick to take the hint, "Right, I'll leave you two alone," He said as he turned away. Ella rubbed her face with her hands, chuckling softly.

     "You're such an 'orny bastard. 'E could 'ave caught us doin' a lot more than kissin'," Ella pouted as she walked over to him again. James shrugged as he stood up, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against his chest. Her palms resting against it as he looked up at into his gorgeous eyes. Finding herself getting lost in them.

      "I'd never fuck you somewhere this open," He whispered in her ear, softly nipping her earlobe. Ella let out a soft squeal and felt him lift her up. Her legs quickly moving to wrap around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. A soft giggle escaping her lips as they walked towards the showers. James knew where they could be privacy.

     "I've been waitin' for you for so long," Ella mumbled against his skin as she peppered soft kisses. James grinned, glad to finally hear her say those words before they got too far, "I bloody need this," She added as she sucked a soft mark onto the base of his neck. James gently bit his lip and placed her down once they were outside the shower stall.

     "Come on," He said as he stripped his shoes and shirt. Ella taking a moment to admire his chest, making a teasing comment as her fingers ran down his chest to the waistband of his pants. His gaze moved to her, a dangerous look in his eyes and a giggle passed her lips as James attacked her with kisses. The two stripping eventually and taking up one of the stalls for their illicit activities.


     Ella woke up on Layla's birthday feeling happy and content for the first time in a while. Her and James - though had yet to really talk about everything - were together and Ella got to celebrate Layla's birthday with her. Something that Ella loved to do more than anything. So, she of course started the day by spoiling Layla with various gifts, most of which she had lied and said were for her mother.

     Layla had barely let Ella go once she had gifted them but they eventually broke away. They needed to head down to breakfast and get their mail. Also they had to see the girls. Layla and Lily seemed to be truly dating now but Ella didn't pressure Layla to tell her. Instead, she let the two girls do as they pleased and when they had all gifted gifts at the table, it seemed better.

     Two of the Marauders had got presents and that was James and Remus. James' was very last minute but he had managed to get it. Remus' was thought out as it always was, the pair having interacted often and dealing with Ella's shenanigans had brought them closer over the course of the year. Peter gave her a cute handcrafted birthday card and Sirius simply said happy birthday and claimed his gift was the party. A declaration that Layla did not object to.

     The day went on as all days did except now there were more 'happy birthdays' than on a normal day. By the time the party was finally beginning, Ella had never been more relieved. She had decided to go for the red floral dress that James loved on her and some high heels that she struggled to walk in at first. She eventually got used to it and with some lipstick and a wave of her wand, everything was ready. She was content, she felt good and she had never been happier to go out and cause trouble.

     When they walked down the party was already in full swing. The room lit up by various coloured lamps and the music felt louder than ever. So many people everywhere and Ella had to squeeze through people to just find anybody she wanted. The quiet corner was filled with her friends talking loudly and openly. Sirius seemed to have claimed some alcohol for the group and he was the first to spot her.

     His jaw dropped slightly and she sent him a smile. He nudged James who looked up and had a very similar reaction. Though there was something else in his eyes when he saw her. Ella sent him a massive grin and plopped herself right into his lap. Lily and Layla - who were together on the other armchair - shared a look before Ella pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

     "I missed you," She mumbled against his lips. Her words quickly earned her a whack to the head from Marlene who was sat not far from them. Ella whined and her head shot to her friend before she realised everyone was looking at them, "What?" She asked. Remus shrugged and then reached out to grab the bottle from Sirius' grasp.

     "Nothing, we're gonna play some drinking games if you'd like the join us?" Remus asked. Sirius then snatched the bottle back and glanced at Marlene who he looked at far too adoringly for what had been said the other night. It left Ella slightly confused but she knew Sirius' life and feelings were complicated so she just focused on the game.

     "There's no question, if the rest of us are getting pissed, she is too. Especially after what we've heard about her," Sirius shrugged as he grabbed a few glasses from the side. He then poured a healthy amount in each and shared it out. James and Ella had to share a glass and so did Sirius and Marlene and Lily and Layla. And not long after when Kalia seemed to appear, Remus and her shared as they began to talk amongst themselves. The drinking games seemed to be coming later. Well, that was until Sirius spoke up to declare the start of a round of truths.

     "This is going to end badly, Padfoot," Remus warned and the boy shrugged. He poured himself some more of the fire-whiskey and then proceeded to fill everyone's glasses up. Ella clinging to James as she held onto the glass. She was already slightly tipsy and the wide grin on her face was pretty evident of that. She had barely even had anything.

     "We all know the rules, we ask a question. If you don't want to answer, you drink up," Sirius said. Kalia glanced around at the group with an uneasiness in her gaze. Ella gave her a reassuring smile and giving her a thumbs up of reassurance. Then the games began and it started with Remus who James came up with a question for.

     "How much does your advanced hearing let you hear?" James asked curiously as he rested his head against Ella's shoulder. She let out a 'oh my god' clearly finding the question to be a very incredible one. James pressed a kiss to her neck and mumbled for her to be quiet.

     "It depends if I want to I can hear down a corridor, I just have to focus on one voice," Remus shrugged. He then wrapped an arm around Kalia's waist. The Ravenclaw snuggling up to his side as they sat sprawled out across the carpet, "Or two voices if someone is arguing," He added after a moment. James nodded and the questions quickly moved around the group. Various interesting and basic questions being asked as they moved around. It then came time for Ella to be asked and she did not want to answer. Most of the fire-whiskey going down her throat at that point. The question then came to Kalia and then Remus before making it way around a few more times.

     The questions grew from basic to curious and absurd as the night went on. But as usual, nobody was as drunk as Ella was. Soft giggles escaping her lips at the stupidest things and the grin never leaving her lips despite her best attempts. She just couldn't get over her own happiness and the continuous questions had caused her to spill her guts so much.

     "How big is James' dick?" The question for Ella came out of nowhere and it obviously came from Marlene. A smirk on the blonde's lips as everyone looked at her. Nobody more astonished and confused then Ella who wasn't entirely sure how to answer it. She was stumped and she then looked at him and he tilted his head, whispering for her to tell them.

     "It's big. 'E 'asn't measured it 'cause life ain't a dick-measurin' contest, Sirius," Ella said lacking her usual subtlety as she turned to look to watch Sirius. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "It barely fits most of the time," Ella added after a moment. Her hand grabbing the glass she took another sip to cover her embarrassment. James was just as embarrassed but Ella's openness was far too amusing to him.

     "She's an open book, what else do we wanna know?" Layla commented as she leant back in her chair. Lily rolling her eyes but she did certainly have questions she wanted answers to. So Lily took the liberty of starting this little game.

     "Did you enjoy it when I kissed you?" The redhead asked curiously and Ella hummed in thought. James taking the glass back from her. Ella threw her head back as she tried to think about it before she nodded, sitting up.

     "Definitely. I mean he is just all about the passion and his lips are always bleedin' chapped but you were gentle and your lips were soft." Ella responded after a moment. James pouted and Lily grinned, glancing over at Layla. It seemed the fringed girl agreed with Ella's points but she wasn't going to tell Lily that quite yet. That was something to talk about another time.

     "Did you lose your virginity to James?" Remus asked and James gave him a look. Ella seemed taken aback by the question but really the drunkeness only made her drop the shame she had been holding. The mask that kept her from being open with her friends. She needed to be open now and drunk Ella was the perfect excuse.

     "Yeah. I used to think that was weird since we were just fuckin' casually then but at the same time, I wouldn't 'ave 'ad it any other way," Ella shrugged, her Mancunian accent only seemed to become more prominent as she drank further. James smiled at her confession and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, whispering that they could stop if she wanted, "Come on, ask me more questions. All my cards on the table, come on," Ella encouraged as she moved a little bit in James lap.

     "This is a dangerous game, El. Are you sure?" James asked and she nodded. Her gaze flicked to him for a moment and she pressed a quick kiss to her lips before looking to the rest of her friends.

     "M'far too closed off, ask me anythin'," She said as she looked around. They all went quiet for a moment and then they all seemed to have a question. It - of course - started with Marlene who proceeded to ask Ella about how long she and James had been together before she admitted her feelings. Ella answered a little too truthfully for James liking but he tried not to let it bother him.

     Sirius was next and he asked about how often they had shagged while he was in the house. That one required Ella to confer with James very briefly before coming up with a number that was far too big for Sirius' liking. The face he made was beyond amusing for Ella who broke into a fit of giggles that was only qualmed with a few kisses from James.

     The questions then flipped between curious questions and the inner-workings of her relationship with James. Eventually they got bored of Ella spilling her secrets and embarrassing herself turning back to the group discussion. A question from Sirius to Kalia seemed to catch them all off guard. A vague question about a ball and a family secret. Kalia brushed it off and drank the fire-whiskey. The question disappearing from everyone's minds as soon as it was done.

     Eventually the party turned to dancing and everyone finally joined, dancing and singing along badly to the music that was playing over. Ella was far too drunk to even sing coherently and after a little over half an hour of dancing had her knackered. James felt the same and the two ended up stumbling back to his dorm together.

     James originally had the intention of fucking her but they were both too out of it to be able to. So instead, they both switched to pyjamas. Ella wearing one of James' jumpers that made her feel protected and was long enough to cover her ass. James wearing his usual pyjamas as they got into bed. Ella felt ridiculously drunk and knew she would have a terrible hangover in the morning. However between James' soft kisses and her own exhaustion she fell asleep quickly.

     The two snuggled up together all night as their friends slowly trickled into their dorm. Kalia ended up staying with Remus that night while Sirius didn't return to the room at all. No doubt with his girlfriend and Ella only realised she wasn't in her dorm when she woke up at close to 4am with the incessant want to be sick.

     She had to pry James off her and she stumbled across to the bathroom, barely throwing up into the toilet. Her hands gripping the toilet seat as she threw up the contents of the day. The sick burned her throat as she tried to keep her hair out of her face but it was impossible. She was getting sick in her hair and it only made her hurl more.

     It was then that James came to her, roused from his sleep by her movement and the sound of vomiting. It made him worried and he was quick to cross to the bathroom as soon as he was conscience enough to fathom it. When he saw her, he was quick to sit by her side. He was glad he didn't throw up but seeing her in pain made his heart ache.

     "Are you okay?" He whispered softly as he pushed the hair out of her face. Grabbing a towel to quickly clean the sick from her hair. He pulled her hair into a makeshift ponytail to keep it out of her face as she heaved one more time. The vomitting had turned to dry-heaving and she continued to cough once she was done. Her cheek rested against the side of the toilet as she closed her eyes. Trying to prevent the tears from falling, her throat still burning. A sigh escaped her lips as James gently rubbed her back.

     "I don't want to drink again," She muttered softly before she lifted her head up. Her head ached and it felt like a jackhammer was being slammed against it. He nodded as he looked at her and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. He then grabbed the towel that he had cleaned her hair and lifted her face. He wiped the sick from her lips and placed his hand on her cheek.

     Ella hated the warmth of his skin but at the same time couldn't resist being close to James. A soft mumble of complaint escaping her lips but she was too tired. Her yes falling closed as she wrapped her arms around James, pulling him closer. Between the headache and the hangover, she just wanted to sit with him and be around him. She missed him.

     "Come on, let's get back to bed, I'll get the hangover potion for you in the morning," He said softly. Ella nodded and then with his help, got to her feet. His hand holding her as they walked back to the bed. All of their roommates soundly asleep and James was quick to get them into bed. He spooned her, allowing her to get to the air and when he realised how stuffy the room was, he picked his wand up and gently waved it in the direction of the window. It opened and the cold night air blew through the window.

     "Thank you, Jamie, so much," She muttered softly, snuggling back into the boy. He placed his wand back in it's place next to her wand and shrugged slightly. He didn't see the need to be thanked but pressed a few kisses to her head to show that he appreciated it. His attention then turned to getting her back to sleep and all it took was soothing words and him stroking her hair to have her back to sleeping like a baby. The boy letting out a soft smile as he nuzzled into her, letting himself fall asleep not long after.


𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ! hello, so here we are!! ella & james are being the loves of my lives once again and i simp for them daily. but yes! they are basically together now and being their adorable fluffy selves, i promise no more surprises :) the ending is close now :( i think it's like 6 chapters away-ish? BUT! once someone is finished im gonna start work on ella's sequel which is yet to be named and lemme tell you... it is going to be FUN! VERY VERY FUN!! so yeah, i hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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