The Choice ꨄ

By ggiia17

5K 227 124

You have always admired Cedric Diggory, you realize you might actually have a chance. Out of nowhere the last... More

1|𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝᯽
2|The thorn in my side
3|False hope
5|Pretty boy❦
6|Will you?
7|Jealousy ☃︎
8|༆Yule Ball: Part I༆
9|༆Yule Ball: Part II༆
10|༆Yule Ball Part: III༆
12|Comfort ❣︎
13|Same old pain ☕︎︎
14|I'm sorry
15|Party ♪
16|"Dancin in my room..♫"
17|Overprotective much?
18|The thought of you
20|Our little secret ❁
21|I can explain...
22|Im at Peace...kind of
23|Guilt ᯽
!!Story Update!!
26|By your side
29|Second task
31|My Best friend
33|Fix it ⁂
34|Selfish and Selfless?
!Cast list!
35|A step forward
36|Competitive nature
37|More curious by the day
38|My distraction
39|Like vs Love
40|Third Task
42|-Start of summer-
43|Something new
44|Night & Day
45|Time stands still
46|Just dancing
47|Reality Check
48|The Death Eaters
49|Sixth year
50| the final choice

32|Fun and Chaos

47 3 5
By ggiia17

Longg chapter!
This is gonna be good.
2280 Words

  Tonight was the party. It would also be the first gryffindor party I've ever been to.

  Fred and George are always at every party. Let's just say..they go all out.

  Since they'll be planning the party it'll be really fun. I remembered that Cedric would be going too.

   That would give me the opportunity to talk to him more, and possibly get closer with him.

  As I walked through the hallway with Draco by my side, Fred and George were talking to a group of first years. Obviously, I listened in the conversation..

" guys can come but only for a little while." Fred said. "Of course, there is a fee."

   Fred put out his hand and the one kid handed him a bunch of coins.

"..and drink the butter beer, not that other stuff." George added as he winked with a grin.

  "Ahh, that's not a bad idea Fred. Bet you could make a lot of money if you charge all the first years." I said.

"Yeah, we have to pay for the alcohol somehow." George said.

    I shifted my eyes over to Draco. He stood next to me acting like he couldn't care less.

    I shoved him with my elbow slightly and motioned towards the twins. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Draco and I can help with that. You guys just get the stuff set up and we'll bring the drinks." I said.

"Reallyyy?" Both twins said.

  "Yeah, why not." I shrugged.

Draco looked over at me and glared.

When the twins walked away he turned to me.

"What the hell Y/n." Draco complained.

"What, it's not like it's a big deal. You have so much alcohol that you don't even drink." I said.

   He scoffed, he knew I was right. He would never admit it though.


   Draco and I walked through the hallway and went outside. It had been spring now, it was kind of warm outside. Little flowers started blooming in the grass. I put my bag down and threw myself on the ground.

   As I laid on my back the warm sunlight came through the clouds. Draco dropped his bag and laid next to me.

  We were under a tree so the light didn't hit our eyes. Sitting in the sunlight made me tired, although it was the one time I felt absolute peace.

  I looked over at Draco, who was already staring at me. He gave a half smile and went back to closing his eyes with his hands rested behind his head.

  There was silence until I heard the grass moving, I opened my eyes. Draco leaned over to his left and picked a small purple flower that had been growing under the tree he liked.

  He looked at me and sat up, I did the same.

  He got closer to me and placed the flower behind my ear.

  He sighed, "alright, come on."

  He held his hand out as he stood over me.

I grabbed his hand and got up.

"What?" I asked cluelessly

  "We have class, obviously." He hissed.

"Yeah, duh..." I said.

  I had forgotten what time it was.


  I walked through the hallway with Pansy and Blaise to go to dinner. Draco said he would catch up with us later.

D͟R͟A͟C͟O͟'S͟ P͟O͟V͟:

  Tonight was the night I would officially ask Y/n to be my girlfriend. Unlike everyone else, I actually trusted her.

  I don't want to get hurt.

I know she likes Cedric but..does he love her?

...because I do.

     I had went out and found a bracelet that I knew she would like.

   I needed to get some alone time with her at the party. Maybe we could sneak off into the astronomy tower.

   I've never cared about someone this much before, other then my mum.

   Sure, I've done things with girls before, but she was different.

I needed her.

Y͟/͟N͟ P͟O͟V͟:

  As I started eating Draco walked in and sat next to me.

    His leg was shaking a lot. I've never really seen him anxious before. He usually plays it off very well.

  "Are you good?" I asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." He scoffed.

After he said that Blaise grinned at him.

Somethings going on that I don't know about.

We all continued eating and talking.

"Crabbe, you looking to dance with anyone special tonight?" Blaise asked.

  He shrugged.

Blaise rolled his eyes.

"It's alright mate, you'll find someone." He stated as he put his hand on his shoulder.

  He looked over to his left at a hufflepuff girl.

    Her name was Meredith, she was in the same year as us.

She looked at him and shyly waved with a smile.

  He waved back with a goofy expression on his face.

I smiled to myself and looked down at my food.

Alright, that's cute not gonna lie.

"...Y/n." Draco said annoyingly.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Let's go, we have to pick out drinks for the party." He said as he got up.

  I followed him as we went to his dorm. He had an entire cabinet full of whiskey, bourbon, and one bottle of red wine.

     He bent down and opened the cabinet. He looked through trying to find a full bottle.

"How's this?" He asked.

  "Don't ask me. I don't drink really." I said.

"Tonight you do," Draco demanded.

    As we walked out of his room I realized we needed cups.

"Wait, we need c-

"I got them already." He said.

  I raised my eyebrows in shock.

  Im surprised he remembered.

A͟f͟t͟e͟r͟ d͟i͟n͟n͟e͟r͟:

    It was 8:30, everyone was in their dorms getting ready.

Pansy had been in the shower for an hour.

"Pansy, hurry uppp." I said as I hit the door.

"Unless you want to join, don't rush me." She hissed.

Finally she came out of the bathroom. She had her hair in a towel and she had on a green robe.

"Geez, took you long enough." I teased.

I closed the door and turned on the water. I needed to figure out what to wear.

They said casual, so no dresses.

I had been in the shower for about 15 minutes when I heard a knock.

"What?" I yelled.

"I forgot my ring. I don't know why I keep losing it around you of all people."

It was clear that wasn't Pansy, it was Draco.

"I'm in the shower, I'll give it to you after." I said.

"Nooo, I need it now," he whined.

"B-but I'm in the shower..."

"Mhmm....and?" He added.

"...I'm naked." I said.

"Okay...and? Nothing I haven't seen before." Draco said.

I sighed, "whatever come in I guess."

I tried to hide behind the curtain.

He came in and walked up to me.

"...Can I help you?" I yelled.

"Yeah, you can." He pointed to my finger.

That's weird, I don't even remember taking it.

" oh- uh, my bad." I said sheepishly.

"I forgive you, but there's a way you can make it up to me." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Can't you just wait until the party to be all...weird like that,"I laughed.

"I suppose I could." He shrugged.

When he left I let out a sigh of relief.

When I was done I put on my black bath robe and put my hair in a towel.

When I walked out of the bathroom I looked at Pansy.

"So, what happened?"She said with a grin.

"Nothing happened, he came in and took his ring back."

She shrugged.

We did our hair and makeup, it was 9:45 now.

We both looked in the mirror at ourselves.

"Looking good," I said.

"And as usual, you too," Pansy replied.

When it was 9:50 we started leaving. All the other slytherin students were on their way out as well.

When we got to the gryffindor common room I saw Fred and George.

They ran up to me and both give me a big hug.

"Glad you're here." George said.

"Me too, so where's the drinks?" Fred asked.

I laughed, " Draco's bringing them, he should be behind us somewhere."

The room was already pretty full.

It had just been the Gryffindor and Slytherin in there, along with a few Ravenclaws.

It was still early, and this was pretty busy.



By this time all the houses were here. It was very loud and crowded.

Everyone was drinking and dancing.

Fred and George were already drunk and the party had only started 15 minutes ago.

   I saw Luna and Neville sitting next to the fireplace. Luna had a fluff ball on her head and Neville was hugging a plant.

I felt someone poke my shoulder.

I turned, it was Cedric.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey Cedric, whats up?"

"Uh, well I was wondering if you wanted to dance."

   Hehe yeahhhh.

   "Sure, let's go." I said as I led him to where everyone was dancing.

   Draco hated dancing. A part of me always thought I did as well. But, I liked this.

Cedric spun me in circles. We danced for a while.

   When we needed a break we went and sat on the common room stairs.

"I'm having a really good time." I said.

"Me too Y/n." Cedric said while he smiled at me.

The loud music boomed as we enjoyed each other's company.

Fred got up on the table, "I'd like to make an announcement!" He shouted.

George was sitting on the couch with a drink in his hand and Angelina was sitting on his lap.

"Thanks everyone for coming," he started getting emotional. "I just- I'm just so happy..." he slurred.

"Okay, come on." Ginny said as she helped Fred get off the table.


The music started up again.

Cedric and I laughed about how drunk Fred was.

He got up to get more drinks.

Suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

Draco pulled me close.

"Meet me at the astronomy tower in 5 minutes," he whispered in my ear.

I watched him leave as Cedric walked back up to me.

"You doing alright Y/n/n?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

I took a gulp of vodka as Cedric stared at me.

He put his hand on my arm.

"Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"I told you Ced, I'm fine."

Oh shit, Draco.


"What?" Cedric asked.

"I'll be right back," I said as I ran out the door.

I have to admit I felt bad leaving him there, but I couldn't leave Draco alone on the astronomy tower.

I ran through the hallway and went up the stairs.

As I went up I saw a lonely looking blonde boy looking at the sky.

"Hey," I said.

He didn't say anything, I walked towards him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

His had was shaking as he held on to the railing.

"It's okay," I said as I put my hand on top of his. "You can tell me anything, you know that."

He cleared his throat.

"I'm not really good at this sort of thing," he said. "But I really care about you, a lot. I've never felt this way before, about anyone. I-

He took his eyesight off his hands and looked back up at the sky.

" you Y/n. And I want you to be my girlfriend." Draco said.

I felt my heart drop. But in a good way.

Draco didn't like talking about how he felt. I knew it was hard for him to let his guard down.

"I got you this."

He pulled out a ring box. He opened it and revealed a pretty silver ring.

I remember when Cedric got me a ring too.

"Draco I...."

I didn't know what to say.

He put his hands in his pockets and looked down, letting out a sigh.

"I..I can't take this." I said looking at the ring.

"Why not?" He asked.

"'s just I-

"You had no problem taking the one Cedric gave you, why should I be any different?" He exclaimed.

He stepped closer to me as he raised his voice.

"I told you how I felt, do you even know how hard that was for me?"

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pushed me against the cement wall.

My head hit the wall as he yelled.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't let him see that he got to me.

He suddenly let go and backed away.

"I-I'm sorry..."

His eyes filled with tears. It was the first time he ever actually hurt me.

I threw the ring box at him and ran off.

As I sprinted through the hallway I finally stopped near the Gryffindor common room.

I sat on the stairs and rubbed my head. My heart started beating faster and faster.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. I started to hyperventilate.

Usually when I had panic attacks Draco was there to calm me down.

I started to cry, I took deep breaths.

When it slowly stopped I rubbed my eyes.

It was 11:50, the party was still going.

I held my head in my hands and cried.

I couldn't process what had happened.

I felt myself collapse as my eyes slowly closed.

A/N: OHHHH we about to hit 1k!!!!

Also this was a long ass chapter soooo I really hope you liked

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes, I suck lmaooo :)

As usual please leave suggestions.

Updating soon enough.


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