Love Language **Sequel to Atl...

By montanastories

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1.2K 85 4
By montanastories

Danielle in m/m

I pulled up to the studio I got out and locked my doors then I walked up to the building and walked inside seeing a man that I never saw before I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Excuse me."

The guy didn't respond I rolled my eyes and walked over to the guy and reached up tapping his shoulder. He turned and looked at me he pulled his phone out and then removed his AirPods.

"Sorry bout that I wasn't expecting anyone to come in."

"Who are you?"

"You don't remember me."

"Sorry no."

"Wow I thought that my first love would remember me."

I thought for a moment then my mouth dropped.


"In the flesh."

We hugged.

"What are you doing here?"

"My dad is no longer in the military so we moved back to At-," I cut him off.

"I mean here in my studio."

"Your studio," he asked.

"Yeah Luminous Skin it's owned by me and Destinee it's our esthetician studio."

"I'm filling in for my pops he had told me to come here and do the final touches of painting."

"Well so far you did a great job."

"Thank you."

"You said you're filling in for your dad so that mean y'all are in business together?"

"We are."

"That's good."

"Yeah but he's getting older so I'm hoping that he'll turn his company over to me but I'm not sure though I haven't been working with him that long."

"I'm sure that he will you're a hard worker so I'm sure he'll see that."

"I hope so."

"Well I just coming in to see the progress don't let me stop you."

I turned to walk away but Messiah grabbed my hand.

"Are you free tonight?"

"I am."

"Can I take you out for dinner?"

"Yeah as friends right."

Messiah stepped closer to me.

"Nah we're going on a date so be ready and have a bag packed."

"I'm not having sex with you."

"It won't be our first time and who said we was having sex," he spoke with a raised eyebrow.

I cleared my throat.

"What time should I be ready," I asked as I changed the subject.


"Okay I'll text you my address your number is still the same."

"Yeah you and Des don't stay together anymore?"

"We do we just moved."

"Oh okay."

"I gotta get going."

"Alright beautiful see you later."

I nodded and walked towards the door before I could walk out Messiah stopped me.

"Dani your cash app still the same?"

"Yeah why?"

"You'll see."

My phone went off I looked down seeing that Messiah sent me money I quickly looked at him but his AirPods was back in his ears and he went back to work. I shook my head and walked out my phone dinged seeing that it was an unknown number but I know that it's Messiah so I saved his number and responded back to his text. Once I was inside of my car I sent my mama a text letting her know that I was on the way to the shop to get my hair did as well as a mani and pedi.

I picked at my fingers as I sat across from my therapist Dr. Howard she cleared her throat and I looked up. I've been here for 45 minutes and I already told Dr. Howard what happened that night so I feel somewhat better.

"Destinee you've been picking at your fingers for the past 10 minutes."

"I have oh sorry."

"What's going on you called me saying that you needed to have an emergency session with me."

I let out a sigh.

"The nightmares have started back and his sister reached out to me asking me to drop the charges."

"And what did you tell her?"

"That it's not happening."

"Okay when did the nightmares start back?"

"3 days ago."

"What are they this time?"

"Him getting out of jail and coming after me but I know that it's not happening."


"Plus it keep going back to when I was 17 at his house and everything happened to me I can't seem to shake it."

"Have you thought about sharing your story with the world like I have suggested?"

"I'm afraid to do so what if I don't reach anyone."

"You will just give it a shot."

"Well my aunt is having another seminar in 2 weeks-," she cut me off.

"You should be one of her speakers."

"Am I ready for that?"

"I believe that you are you've opened up to me after over a month and you've made great progress."

"Thanks I'll talk to my aunt about me speaking."

"Okay thats it for your session come back in two weeks after the seminar and tell me how it went."

"I will."

We said our goodbyes I walked out and went to the front and paid the receptionist I walked over to the elevator and pressed the down button the doors dinged. I stepped onto the elevator and pressed 1 the doors closed and I unlocked my phone going to my messages with my aunt Haze I sent her message asking her can I speak at her seminar in 2 weeks. She agreed and told me that I'll be her 3rd speaker she also gave me the location and what time the seminar starts.

After I told Dr. Howard I felt a little relief but also scared of how she was going to react which wasn't what I expected. I can't continue to let my what happened in the past hinder my present and my future I know I said that I'll never date or be in a relationship again but after much thinking I do want to eventually get married and start my own family but first I have to heal myself and move on from the past. I don't know if I'll ever forgive him but if I do I know that it'll be for me and not him and I'll never forget what he did to me.

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