The Miscalculation

By silverfire0

353K 9.8K 2.9K

My name is Amara O'Connell. I wasn't born an O'Connell I was born a Potter. I have an older brother named Ja... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Story?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Face Claims
Face Claim for New Story
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I would like your input...
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Help and Other Face Claims
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important Question?
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter 18

8.8K 288 58
By silverfire0


Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian


The people who were in the common room nodded their heads.

"Now leave." I said

In less than five minutes everyone but my group was out of the room. I turned back around and sat back down. I look towards Marcus who looks apologetic.

"I'm sorry if I knew this was how he was going to be I wouldn't have given his name. Would you like me to set up a meeting with Adrian Puecy?" Marcus asked

"Yes, set it up for as soon as you can." I said

"I can set it up for now if you want?" Marcus asked

"No, set it up for tomorrow in the library." I said

"I'll go tell him now." Marcus said

He then turned and headed up the stairs to the male dorms.

"You guys can go up to bed if you want." I said

They nod their heads, I got up and headed towards my dorm. I knew Adom was following me. Once we were in the room I picked something up and threw it against the wall. I went to grab something else but Adom grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest stopping me. We stayed like that for a few moments. I hadn't realized I was crying till he was wiping tears off my face. I reached up and took the necklace off so I was looking at Imhotep.

"Why must I always have to prove myself? To fight to just stay above the water." I asked

"I do not know. Just remember that I am by your side, your parents, brother, Uncle, even Tom in your head. You are strong just remember all that." He said

I smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Imhotep." I said

"I will always be here for you Amara." he said

Imhotep lets go and went over to the broken lamp and cast a spell to fix it. Once it is back together he puts it back where it belongs. He then grabs the necklace from my hand and puts it back on. Imhotep changes into Adom.

"Try to get some sleep. You have a lot planned for tomorrow." he said

He kisses my forehead and then leaves my room. The room becomes silent but it doesn't last long.

He is right you know. I will always be by your side. -Tom said

How long will that last once you are no longer in my head? When you are back with yourself will that still be true.

I will merge with myself but once that happens nothing will change. I will still be by your side. The only thing that could stop me would be death. I know I can't prove it to you, all I can do is give you my word until the moment comes. -Tom said

Thank you, Tom.

Goodnight Amara. -Tom said

I felt his presence leave the front of my mind. I let out a breath and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once my shower was done I cast a quick-drying charm before putting on my nightclothes and headed to bed.

I woke up the next morning feeling a little better but still not me. I got up and got dressed before heading down to the common room. The boys were already there when I arrived.

"Good morning." I said

"Morning." they all said

We left the common room and headed down to the Great Hall. It didn't take us long to reach the hall and for the table to fill up. I did notice that Montague was not present, which did put a small smile on my face.

The boys and I were in the library waiting for Pucey. We were seated at our normal table so he could easily find us. He did find us and when he walked up I motioned to the open spot that was between Marcus and Cassius.

"You know why you are here, correct?" I asked

"Yes." He answered

"Good. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions, and the most important part is, to be honest." I said

"I understand." he said

"What is your honest opinion on muggle-borns?" I asked

He was quiet for a moment but he does ' answer.

"I don't like them." he said

"Why?" I asked

"Because of them, traditions are destroyed. Holidays that have been celebrated for years are stopped. Schooling is slowed down. Most purebloods and even half-bloods are taught the basics, but when we enter school we have to start at the beginning for the muggleborns and muggle raised. Laws that are completely against the old ways are being made to protect these people because they don't understand." Pucey said

We were quiet for a moment.

"Let's say that muggleborns were taught the things Purebloods were taught before entering Hogwarts, then what?" I asked

"I would hate them a little less." Pucey said

"Also has it ever went through your brain that maybe the muggleborns don't know any different about the traditions and holidays." I said

Pucey was quiet.

"Because the traditions and holidays are passed down through the family. So there is no way for them to know. I'll tell you the truth right now I have no clue about the traditions or holidays of the wizarding world. I was muggle raised and I am not ashamed of it. Theo, Marcus, and Cassius are showing them to me but if it wasn't for them I would have no idea." I said

"Honestly it never occurred to me that they didn't have access to any of the information." Pucey said

"So if they were told and they learned the information then what?" I asked

"I guess I wouldn't hate them as much." Pucey said

"Also what is your opinion on the current Minister and Ministry?" I asked

Now that got Pucey talking.

"I'm not surprised that both you and Cassius share the same opinion when it comes to Ministry and the Minister. But this gives me the impression that most of the Purebloods think." I said

The Purebloods at the table exchange looks.

"Yes." Marcus said

"But most of our parents pay to have people from the Ministry in their pocket. I know my Dad does." Draco said

The others at the table looked at him like he just gave out a family secret.

"I already knew that most have ministry workers working for them. So don't look at him like that. At least he was honest about it. If you guys are going to be part of this court then I expect complete and total honesty." I said

"Does that mean I'm in?" Pucey asked

"Yes, it does." I said

"Thank you for the honor and this chance. I hope to prove myself to not only the group but also to you." Pucey said

"I know you will. Now let's get back to studying there isn't much time left till the end-of-year exams and I will not allow anyone in my court to be less than perfect when it comes to these exams." I said

"Well, we are going to have to do a lot of studying because I don't believe Pucey has ever gotten an O on his exams." Marcus said

Pucey glared at Marcus and gave him a lite shove.

"Please tell me he is lying." I said

"In a way he is. I have gotten O's before on exam's they simply don't happen very often due to the fact that I'd rather play quidditch and ride my broom than study. But at the same time, I have never gotten lower than EE's." Pucey said

"So at least you aren't at the A or P." Adom said

"But do tell if any of you have had a grade lower than an A." I said

No one answered my question which at least gave me a little hope that we might be able to get all O's.

"But I will say that I got O's and EE's on my O.W.L.S" Marcus said

I stop what I was doing to look at him. I folded my hands and rested my chin against them.

"That's right you graduate next year." I said

Marcus nodded his head and Adom gave me a look he knew I had many questions to ask.

"And what do you want to do after you graduate?" I asked

"I thought about maybe getting a master's in something and joining the Ministry. My family has always had someone working in the Ministry." Marcus said

"So is there a department you want to be in?" I asked

Marcus was quiet for a moment.

" there a department you want me in?" Marcus asked

"Yes, there is if it is possible I would like for you to join the Department of International Magical Cooperation." I said

Everyone at the table looked at me. Marcus looked like he wanted to ask me a question but decided against it.

"Of course, I will talk to my father and see if he can get me into that department." Marcus said

"Good." I said

I then dropped my hands and went back to looking through the book I was reading.

What are your plans? -Tom asked

I have control over four magical countries and I hope to add two more. So I thought it would be a good idea to have someone in the part of the Ministry that dealt with the other countries. Why, do you think I made the wrong move?

No, I think it was a good move if he can get into that department it would be helpful. It also helps that this department has different divisions. But due be prepared he might have to work in another part of the ministry then be moved there. -Tom said


When I was done talking with Tom, I noticed Adom giving me a look. I shake my head at him. We stayed in the library for another hour before leaving and heading back to the common room. The moment we all walked into the room everyone knew I had done it. I had done all the steps, meet all the requirements. I sat down in my chair and banished all my books and my bag to my dorm room.

"I wish to address all of Slytherin" I said

"All of Slytherin won't fit in the common room." someone said

"Hogwarts will make the common room big enough." I said

Soon everyone left the common room to go get the whole of Slytherin House.

"What do you plan to do?" Cassius asked

"I will be laying down the ground rules, and how I expect them to act when they are not in the common room." I said

He nodes his head. He then moves so he is standing behind my chair, the others follow his example and scatter around behind my chair. I can hear the sound of footsteps of people on the stairs and soon the common room was growing to a size where everyone could fit. Once everyone was here I looked around the common room, I noticed the Montague was present but trying to hide.

"Many of you will not understand what has been going on, while others may know exactly what I've done." I said

The room was quiet the only noise was the sound of the fire.

"I was challenged by the person at the top of the Slytherin Hierarchy, and I won. I made friends with people from different years. And now I will set some rules that will always be followed.

Rule number one, if you have an issue or problem with a fellow Slytherin you are to deal with it in the common room. We have enough problems with the other house they don't need to see us fighting each other. If you cannot handle it between your selves go to a perfect, if that doesn't work go to Professor Snape, and if I have to solve the problem it won't be pretty.

Rule number two, what happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin. Nothing should be repeated to anyone else be it to a teacher, someone from a different house, or even your parents.

Rule number three, no more bullying, I do not want to hear about any of us losing points because we were bullying or picking on another student which leads to my next rule.

Rule number four, I never want to hear the word Mudblood come from any of you. I understand that it will be difficult for you not to say the word which is why this is the rule. Also, I don't want it spoken outside of the common room.

Rule number five, each year will pick a person to talk to the court. I do not need everyone coming and trying to talk to us. Theo will be the one you speak to. The only time you can come up to one of us and not Theo is if you have a problem.

The sixth and final rule is that we will stick together. Slytherin is our home, this is our house, if something happens to one of us it happens to all of us." I finished

I looked around the common room, which was still quiet.

"Are my rules understood?" I asked


I could tell that it was not said by everyone. I stood up from my chair and the fire grew taller and turned green. Most of the younger years took a step back I moved so the fireplace was behind me and I was standing in front of the portrait of Salazar Slytherin.

"When I ask a question I expect an answer. Are my rules understood?" I asked

This time everyone answered yes, and I felt the power shift.

"My name is Amara O'Connell, and as of today I am the Slytherin Queen." I said

The days that followed went by fast and smooth. I had thought that I would have to show at least a few people that my rules were to be followed. I was currently making my way to the third floor when I hear crying coming from a window. I walk towards the crying to see Neville Longbottom, crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked

He jumps and looks up at me, he then looks at my robes and sees the Slytherin crest on it, and tries to back away.

"You don't have to be scared of me. I won't hurt you I just want to make sure you are okay." I said

"I-I-I'm fine." he said

"Can I sit down?" I asked

He looks next to him almost like he doesn't want to say yes but he did. I sat down next to him.

"You aren't crying because of a Slytherin are you?" I asked

"No, I'm not, I'm crying because..." He trails off

"You can tell me I promise I won't laugh or make fun of you." I said

"I'm crying because Ron and James were making fun of me. They were calling me a Squib because I'm not good at casting spells." He said

"Can you feel your magic?" I asked

"What do you mean by feeling my magic?" Neville asked

"When you close your eyes and look for the magic inside you, do you find it?" I asked

"I've never done anything like that." Neville said

"Okay then let's do it now." I said

"What-what if I can't feel anything?" Neville asked

"Neville if you didn't have any magic you wouldn't be sitting across from me right now. Trust me Neville I think you do have magic, I just think we need to figure out how much is there. Plus connecting with your magic will let it come to you a lot easier." I said

"Okay, what do I have to do?" Neville asked

"Close your eyes." I said

Neville closed his eyes.

"I want you to take slow and even breaths." I said

Neville starts to breathe in and out.

"I want you to think about magic. You will feel a pull and I want you to follow the pull." I said

Neville gives a small nod and I can tell he is trying to find it.

"I-I can't find it." Neville said

He was about to start crying again. I gave him a small smile and took his hands. I took a deep breath and focused on sending my magic to find his when I found it, I smiled.

"Can you feel my magic within yourself?' I asked

"Yes." he said

"Now find it." I said

A few minutes went by but I soon felt his presence. I slowly pulled my magic away.

"Don't follow me I want you to see what my magic was wrapped around." I said

Soon I had pulled all of my magic away from Neville's core. I opened my eyes and could see Neville smiling.

"That's your core Neville, that is your magic. I want to enter your core let it surround you, to fill you. Let it flow through you just as your blood does." I said

Neville nods his head. I gave him a few minutes and I could visible see a difference in him. He wasn't sitting as stiff and he looked more relaxed.

"Now I want you to leave your core, and come back." I said

A few moments pass and Neville opened his eyes and looked at me.

"How do you feel?" I asked

"Amazing, I feel light and free." Neville said

"Good." I said

I hand him back his wand.

"Try casting a spell." I said

Neville waves his wand and a Lumos is cast. It was cast very well but it still seemed something was stopping the spell.

"Neville is that your wand?" I asked

"Yes." Neville said

"Did you get it from Ollivander's?" I asked

"No, it was my father's. Now it's mine." Neville said

"Well, that's why the spell still isn't at its best. You need a wand that is all your own. So this summer you are going to go to Ollivander's and get yourself a wand." I said

"I don't think my grand will let me do that. She was the one that gave me my dad's wand. I think she wants me to be like my father, but I don't know how to do that I've never met him." Neville said

I took Neville's hands into my own.

"Neville you don't have to be anyone but you. You are perfect the way you are. I think that your Grandmother would be surprised when you tell her you want your own wand." I said

Neville smiled at me, but still looked unsure about everything.

"How about you and your grandmother come over to my house sometime this summer. While there you can tell her and I'll be right there with you." I said

Neville smiled grew even more and his eyes shinned.

"Really? You want me to come to your house?" Neville asked

"Of course. You can even meet my little brother I'm sure he would be happy to meet you. It would be good for him to know someone outside of the family." I said

Neville nodded his head.

"Now the end of the exams should be easier than they would have been but you should still practice. But if someone gives you trouble I want you to come down to the dungeons and wait outside the Slytherin common room." I said

Neville's eye grew huge at the mention of the Slytherin common room.

"Don't look so nervous, Neville. Just say you are there for me and nothing bad will happen to you." I said

"Okay." Neville said

I hear the sound of shoes approaching us.

"Amara it's time to go." the voice said

I turned my head and saw Adom waiting for me. I turned back to Neville.

"It's going to be okay Neville. By the start of next year, everything will be better." I said

"Thank you, Amara." Neville said

"No problem, Neville." I said

I got up and headed to Adom. We then turned around a corner.

"What were you two talking about?" Adom asked

"He was upset because he could not make his magic do as he wanted. So I showed him that trick you taught me. It helped but not a lot. Turns out he is using his father's wand." I said

"What does him using his father's wand have to do with his magic?" Adom asked

"Using a wand that is not made for you will not give good results. So him using his father's wand is blocking him, making it harder for him to cast spells." I said

"Then why would be he be using it?" Adom asked

"His grandmother is making him use it. It would seem that she is trying to make a copy of her son, by using her grandson." I said

Adom simply made a noise.

Adom, Theo, and I were walking by the courtyard when we overheard Jr, Carrot Top, and Hermione talking about the exams.

"I've always heard Hogwarts' end-of-year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable." Hermione said

"Speak for yourself. All right there, James?" Carrot Top asked

"Yeah just fine. Just thinking about everything Hagrid's told us." Jr said

"Why, we just finished exams." Carrot Top said

Jr was quiet for a moment before he turns and starts to run towards Hagrid's hut. Adom and I exchange looks.

"I can't believe he just now figured all of that out." Adom said

"Figured what out?" Theo asked

"Remember that the reason Jr and his group got in trouble, and Hagrid had to send his dragon off." I said

"Yes." Theo said

"Well someone had to give him the dragon egg to hatch. Seems he just now figured out that Hagrid must have told him about the other dangerous creatures he has raised like I don't know a three-head dog." I said

"So you think the person that gave Hagrid the egg wanted to know how to get past the three-headed dog." Theo said

"Yes." Adom said

"And how long did it take you to figure it out?" Theo asked

"I knew the moment I was told about the newly hatched dragon." I said

Theo nods his head, and we continue on our way.

The three of us were walking past the Transfiguration classroom when Jr, Carrot Top, and Hermione going running into it. We stop and listen to them.

"We have to see Professor Dumbledore, right now." Jr said

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London. Your father, mother, and Mr. Black went with him." McGonagall said

"They are all gone? Now? But this is important! It's about...the Philosopher's Stone." Jr said

"How do you know." McGonagall said you could hear the shock in her voice.

"Someone's going to try and steal it." Jr said

"I don't know how you three found out about the stone, but I can assure you it is perfectly well-protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly." McGonagall said

We hear them start to walk, so we quickly start to move so that they don't know we were listening in on them. They walk down the hallway, we exchange looks and turn and follow them.

"That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy." Jr said

"And with Dumbledore, Professor Black, and your parents all gone." Hermione said

We all stop walking when Snape suddenly appears behind them.

"Good afternoon. Now, what would three young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" Snape asked

"Uh...we were just..." Hermione trails off

"You want to be careful. People will think you're...up to something." Snape said

He looked up at us but didn't say anything. He turned and in a very Snape-like fashion left.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked

"We go down the trapdoor. Tonight." Jr said

With that, they took off down the hall.

"So they are going to go down there?" Theo asked

"Yeah, but they aren't going to find anything." I said

"What do you mean?" Theo asked

"I mean what I said. The stone is no longer down there." I said

"How?" Theo asked

"Let's head to a place with no ears and eyes." I said

We make our way back to the common room. When we got to the common room I made my way over to my chair. When I sat down the court moved so they were also around me. I put up an Egyptian spell that made it so only us could hear what I said and that what was said couldn't be repeated.

"So what did you mean?" Theo asked

"Wait what have we missed?" Pucey asked

"So a while back we found out that the third floor is housing the Sorcerer's Stone, and is being guarded by a three-headed dog. We also found out that James Potter Jr and his tag-a-longs believe Snape is trying to steal it. Earlier we heard them tell McGonagall their belief and they were shot down. They plan on going down the trap door tonight to beat him to it." Theo said

"And the problem is?" Cassius asked

"I already have it." I said

They all looked at me.

"A few days ago after class Adom and I went down the trap door and bypassed all the protections and got the stone. It sadly wasn't all that hard, the dog was stopped by music. The next was simple devil snare, following that was a bunch of flying keys, and then a giant game of wizard chess. After that was a troll, and the last thing was figuring out a riddle and drinking the right potion. After that we had to trick the Mirror of Erised," I said

The group kind of just looked at us.

"So you have the Sorcerer Stone. The stone to grant immortality. The stone that can turn things to gold?" Jugson asked

"Yes." I said

"What is going to happen now? I mean aren't they going to notice when nothing leaves the mirror?" Pucey asked

I raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look that asked if thought I was that stupid. Theo and Jugson also gave him a similar look.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question." Pucey said

"True it was a stupid question, but it was a valid point." I said

"We transfigured a normal stone into a look like of the stone. We even put a little magic in it so that it would glow and shimmer like the real one." Adom said

The group nodded their head.

"I am very impressed you don't even look like you did anything. I wonder what they will look like when they come back up from the trap door." Theo said

"We won't know till they come back up. Until then what did you guys do on your exam?" I asked

"I believe that I got O's in everything but history." Pucey said

"I think I did the same." Cassius said

"Well, I do believe I got O's in everything." Jugson said

"I won't know till we get the test back and neither do you guys. All we are doing right now is a guess." Theo said

I took down the spell I had up.

"So what are your guys' plans for summer?" Theo asked

"My family will most likely go to one of our summer homes." Cassius said

"Mine will most likely do the same." Jugson said

"Do you all have summer homes?" I asked

"Kind of." Draco said

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"My family had some but after the fall of the Dark Lord. My father was sent to Azkaban and most of our assets were taken by the Ministry to pay for damages that happened during the war. Also for the pain and suffering of the victims of the war." Theo said

"It happened to every family that was sent to Azkaban charged as a Death Eater." Draco said

We were all quiet for a moment.

"Is it possible for me to get a list of every person who was sent to Azkaban for be a Death Eater and if they had money or land taken because of it." I said

"I'm sure it can be done."' Cassius said

"Good I would like it by the middle of summer." I said

"What do you plan to do once you get it?" Jugson asked

"I'm not sure yet." I said

The group started to talk to each other and I once again started to read through the little black book of blackmail. That I planned to add to as I learned things. I was about to turn the page when I felt a presence and the movement of sand out of the corner of my eye. I shut my book and stood up, the others quickly stood up as well.

"No need to stand I'll be back, continue with what you were doing." I said

I left the group and headed towards my room, I knew that Adom was following. We both stepped into the room.

"Report" I said

The sand formed.

"The group has gone down the trap door. The others stayed to watch we thought it best you were informed." the soldier said

"Thank you. Return to them if you feel like they might fail come to me again." I said

The soldier nods and blows away with the wind.

"Do you think they will fail?" Adom asked

"I do not know they might." I said

"What are you going to do if they do end up failing?" Adom asked

"I am going to make sure that Dumbledore and the Wizarding World continue to think that idiot is their hero." I said

Adom nodded his head and we left my dorm room to head back to the common room. I sat back down and went to pick the black book back up when I was stopped.

"So what did they have to say?" Theo asked

"That Jr went down the trap door." I said

The group nods and we all once again go back to what we were previously doing. A good amount of time passes before I feel a shift. I let out a huff of air and then move to stand up.

"I won't be coming back for the rest of the night, see you guys in the morning." I said

I then head towards my dorm with Adom following close behind. As soon as the door shuts the sand soldier is forming.

"His two friends are down it is just him. We do not believe he will be able to do as you need him to." the soldier said

I nod my head I quickly move to my wardrobe to change from my skirt into a pair of pants. When I stepped away I noticed that Adom had turned around so his back was facing me.

"You ready?" I asked

Adom turned back around.

"Yes." Adom said

I turned back around and faced the soldier.

"Take us down." I said

Adom and I stepped up and the soldier grabbed a hold of us. Sand clouded my vision and I felt hot and cold all at once.

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