Living in Reseda

By Caroline1954

2.3K 84 4

Hazel Lopez has lived in her small Reseda apartment with her mom and Abuela for as long as she can remember... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Churros
Chapter 2: New kid
Chapter 3: Meeting the Neighbors
Chapter 4: Pepto Bismol
Chapter 5: Opening a Dojo
Chapter 6: Demetri and Eli
Chapter 7: Walking With Miguel
Chapter 8: Empanadas
Chapter 9: Dinner at the Larusso's
Chapter 10: Kicking
Author's Note
Chapter 11: The Halloween Dance
Chapter 12: No More Karate
Chapter 13: Closing the Dojo
Chapter 14: Making up
Chapter 15: The Third Student
Chapter 16: Cafeteria Fight
Chapter 16: Enrollment Surges
Chapter 18: Lip
Chapter 19: Dating Advice
Author's Note

Chapter 17: Larusso Auto

65 2 0
By Caroline1954

Third Person POV

The next day Demetri quit Cobra Kai, mentioning something about prostitution. Miguel tried to convince him otherwise, but his plea fell on deaf ears.

"Why should I learn when I have you two?" Demetri asked as the three kids walked to science class. They stopped at the stairway as Kyler came around the corner. He eyed Miguel and Hazel before scurrying away. Miguel grinned.

"Come on Hazel! He can't quit right?" Miguel asked as they made their way into the classroom.

"Huh? Oh yeah, that sounds nice," Hazel asked as her cloud of thoughts thinned to hear what Miguel asked her. She was thinking about what Mr. Larusso had said on the phone earlier. He called that morning and told her he wanted to practice karate at the dealership with her. Oh, and she was trying not to think about what kept her up last night and had her barely picking at her food at dinner even though her mom had made one of her favorite dishes.

"Mija what's wrong?" Her mom had asked.

"Nothing! I'm just not that hungry," Hazel said. There was no way she was telling her mom that was thinking about how Miguel had made her feel in the dojo especially with all the company at the table.

"Come on, you have to eat some!" Her mom said when Hazel hadn't continued. After a few more minutes of badgering from both Hazel's mom and her Abuela, she took a tone she didn't think she had ever used.

"Just leave me alone," Hazle snapped. Silence settled over the table but Jake broke it.

"It must be that time of the month," Jake had said wiggling his eyebrows at Peter. Peter had nearly choked on his food but his mom shut it down. Hazel had told herself she was just upset because she thought she only liked Miguel as a friend, but her blushing earlier that day showed her thoughts were clearly wrong.

"You think it's nice Demetri's quitting?" Miguel asked, bringing Hazel back to the present.

"Oh. No, that's not what I meant. Demetri, you should stay," Hazel said before finding her seat as the two boys followed behind her still discussing karate. Sam entered the classroom and a round of giggles followed. The rumors hadn't died out and the jokes were just getting worse.

"Thanks for the blow pop guys. Really never gets old," Sam said sarcastically as she pulled a lollipop off her sweater where it was stuck to her shoulder.

"It's cause she gives blow jobs. Get it? Blow pop... blow job," Demetri said nudging Miguel.

"Yeah. I get it," Miguel said looking at Demetri with a weird look.

"It's just a rumor," Hazel added, trying to stick up for her friend.

"Hey everybody! Who let the pigs out? I did, because I ordered the fetal pigs," The teacher joked, chuckling at his own statement. No one laughed and he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Get in your groups."

"Mr. Palmer, my partner is absent," Sam said walking up to the front of the class.

"Who wants to take Samantha in? This little piggy needs a group," Mr. Palmer said, addressing the whole class. No one answered. "Don't all volunteer at once," He added.

"We'll take her," Miguel said after another beat of silence, beating Hazel to it. Sam smiled gratefully at him and went over to grab her bag. Technically Hazel wasn't in their group but she sat behind them and they talked in class all the time. Sam walked over to them, accidentally bumped Demetri's arm, and put her bag next to Miguel. Demetri looked at his arm in wonder as Sam spoke.

"Thank you. I'm gonna go grab a chair," Sam stated with a smile.

"Yeah. No problem," Miguel replied, staring at her dreamily. And there it was. Hazel's heart clenched in jealousy.

After everyone got their supplies and the tools they needed, they slipped their gloves on and got to work, cutting open the pig. The group mostly worked in silence not really knowing what to say. Miguel poked the pig with his knife while looking at the diagram he had in front of him. Sam broke the silence as she tried to figure out what to put on the worksheet.

"What were you thinking for sex?" Sam asked, staring at Miguel. His eyes grew wide as he squirmed uncomfortably.

"Uh... uh... I mean... uh... I've, I've..." Miguel stammered.

"Because in the male, this tract opens up near the umbilical cord," Sam said pointing to the diagram they were using. Miguel let out a breath as Sam continued. "So I think ours is female," Sam finished looking from the diagram to the pig.

"Yeah, um... yeah, I concur," Miguel said awkwardly. Hazel watched the conversation play out from behind them and rolled her eyes while biting back a laugh, wondering why this bothered her so much. After a few more seconds of silence, Sam spoke up.

"Thanks for, um... helping me out, by the way," She said. Sam had turned her seat so that she was facing Hazel and Miguel.

"Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm sure you would've found another group," Miguel said completely oblivious to what Sam was thanking him for.

"I meant with the fight," Sam clarified. She was talking to Hazel and Miguel but she was only looking at the latter.

"Oh. Yeah, someone had to take care of those assholes," Miguel said, a bit of cockiness laced into his usual calm voice.

"But nobody else did," Sam said. The two stared into each other's eyes not saying anything. Hazel cleared her throat and the two kids looked away from each other blushing. "That was a pretty nice roundhouse," Sam said to Miguel.

"Thanks. I'm taking these karate lessons-" Miguel started.

"But you telegraphed the sweep," Sam said, cutting him off. "When you lift your foot like that, it shifts the weight to your back leg. More windup, less power," She added.

"Wow. You know your stuff," Miguel said, clearly impressed. "I guess I should be taking lessons from you."

"That was a freebie. Next one, I'm gonna expect money up front," Sam joked.

"Oh. Of course, of course," Miguel replied, also joking. The two shared a smile.

"Do you guys want a banana?" Sam asked, pulling a bunch out of her backpack. "People keep leaving them in my bag. It's because of that stupid rumor I'm sure you have heard about me."

"Oh, no," Miguel said, trying to be nice at the same time Demetri said yes. Miguel gave Demetri a look.

"Stupid, stupid rumors. Hurtful lies. People are monsters," Demetri played off when he saw Miguel's face.

"Yeah, you shouldn't worry about it. Those guys are assholes to us too. They call my 'Rhea so..." Miguel said.

"Not anymore," Sam replied. Miguel thought about it for a minute before answering.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Not anymore," Miguel said smiling at Sam. The rest of class was spent with Miguel and Sam flirting, Hazel trying not to throw up, and Demetri totally lost in his own world.

When school rang Hazel walked out of the classroom alone because Miguel and Sam were still giggling over something together. 

"Hazel! Are we gonna hang out?" Miguel asked calling her as she tried to escape school.

"What? Oh," Hazel said as she turned around to face him. "I can't today. I... well... my mom... needs me?" she said scrambling for an excuse.

"Oh. I'll see you later then," He said his smile falling. She felt guilty as she saw him go but she had only told Sam she was going to Mr. Larusso's and decided against telling Johnny and Miguel. Johnny would say she was fraternizing with the enemy and she didn't want him to get upset over nothing. 

Hazel started her journey to the dealership after checking in with her mom to tell her where she was going. Her mom was happy Sam and Hazel were friends again and she told her to say hi to the Larusso's for her. Hazel made it to Larusso Auto in 20 minutes which was a relief because it was starting to get hot outside and she was starting to sweat. Hazel walked in and the cool air conditioning hit her making her let out a hot breath as she stared at the showroom in awe. Cars she could never even think about affording were scattered in a neat arrangement across the floor, completely shiny and untouched. Plants and a coffee stand were in the back and adults in nice clothes with big smiles on their faces helped show customers around the nearly spotless showroom. She started the familiar walk to Mr. Larusso's office. Sam and she used to hang out all the time at the dealership when they were little and she missed it. The dealership was like a second home to her, well besides Sam's real house and the library. She smiled as she remembered playing tag, hide and seek, and other silly games in the showroom. She turned the corner and walked into Mr. Larusso's office where a boy was standing obviously waiting for the dealership boss.

The boy turned around when he heard her come in and he could quite possibly be the most good looking person Hazel has ever seen. He had dark brown hair that was longer than the typical crew cut but not too long that it would be annoying, striking hazel green eyes, and when he smiled he showed perfect white teeth. As she studied his face there was something... familiar about the glint in his eye and the way he carried himself. Hazel must have been staring a while because he smirked.

"Pictures last longer," He said, winking. This made Hazel blush furiously and look down. He chuckled. "Robby Keene," He said, holding out his hand.

"Hazel. Hazel Lopez," she said shaking his hand. They held hands longer than a normal handshake would last and when they finally pulled away he kept looking at Hazel's face. "Something on my face Keene?" Hazel teased. Now it was his turn to blush.

"No, I just... I feel like I've seen you before," He admitted.

"Really? I was thinking you looked like someone I knew but I wasn't sure who," Hazel said.

"Well, according to my teacher I look like the weatherman he watches."

"I don't think you look like him."


"Nah. You're better looking."

"Am I now?"

"Oh no, did I just inflate your ego?"

"Maybe a little," He replied, smirking. They both started laughing as Mr. Larusso came into the office.

"Ah, Hazel. I see you met Robby! That's good. Saves me a trip," He said smiling. "Are you two ready for today's lesson? It won't be too long. Just a half-hour or so," He said, clapping his hands together.

"Lesson?" Robby asked looking at Mr. Larusso with a quizzical look.

"Yeah, Hazel and I are going to start doing some karate together. Mostly defence because she learns all her offence in Cobra Kai." Mr. Larusso explained, rolling his eyes at the last part.

"What can I say? I'm getting the best of both worlds," Hazel said shrugging with a small smile.

"I wouldn't call learning from Johnny Lawerence the best," Mr. Larusso snorted. Johnny's name triggered something in Robby. He looked at Hazel and realized where he had seen her. He witnessed her hug his dad. The dad he never hugged, the dad who was never there for him but was clearly there for her.


Author's Note!

Drama!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Thank you so much for 500+ reads!!!! Thank you for the new votes! I really appreciate it! I will try to update again today or tomorrow! If you have enjoyed the story so far please consider voting/commenting!

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