Madam President: The Sequel (...

By Queen_OfTheClouds

24.1K 685 626

After a whirlwind four years Rachel and Jennifer push to find balance in their professional and private lives... More

Author's Note
Cast Additions
Chapter 1: The Best Is Yet To Come
Chapter 3: I Hope You're Ready

Chapter 2: No Pressure

4.1K 143 92
By Queen_OfTheClouds

Jennifer's POV

"President Abner has laid out an ambitious agenda for her first 100 days in office, promising prompt action on unemployment, immigration reform, climate change, the homelessness crisis, and more. On Inauguration Day President Abner walked back several Trant era moves such as rejoining the World Health Organization and The Paris Climate Agreement. Both moves were seen as controversial by his opposition and other world leaders. During her term in office, President Abner will seek to rebuild those relationships that were fractured under the Trant administration...We have Senator Scott with us today to discuss President Abner's goals and the republican party's plans while under her administration."

"Rick thank you for having me. I'd like to start off first by saying I think it's great that Abner wants to strengthen relations with our foreign allies, but she's focusing on the wrong things right now. She has a country that is more divided than ever before. She needs to work domestically trying to build a bridge with the right side of the aisle before she does anything else."

"With all due respect Senator, I think that's a bunch of blather. President Abner did not create this divide, Trant and his comrades are responsible for that. I can't recall a time in the last four years when Republicans tried to build a bridge with the left. There were certainly cries for it, however no action. So I think it's a little hypocritical to expect for the Democrats to turn around and show the respect they weren't given."

"Trant, his supporters, and other conservatives alike have been branded despicable things from the left. The woman in the White House was recorded on tape calling us quote on quote rednecks. The right absolutely did not create this divide, the left did this with their hate and extreme policies."

"Oh come on you can't even utter the words President Abner, and you expect us to believe the right is going to welcome her with open arms? A congresswoman from Georgia is in the process of drafting articles of impeachment stating that President Abner didn't legally win this election. There can be no unity until there is acceptance."

"Look, a lot of people sat and watched on election night as Georgia mysteriously turned from red to blue. Ballots were still being accepted even after polling closed. In some counties there were more votes than people. We will not sit back and watch our democracy and the integrity of our elections be compromised by the leftest agenda."

"None of these nonsensical claims have been proven because they just aren't true. There is no evidence that President Abner didn't rightfully win this election. Yes, I said President because that's what she is, she's our President whether you like it or not. I think the sooner the right realizes that, both sides can come together and get to work repairing this country. President Trant conceded on election night. He called his successor and admitted defeat, end of story.  I think a part of him was relieved that he would be leaving office because he could not properly do the job. He's been out of the public eye since that night. He didn't attend the Inauguration, he did not congratulate President Abner or offer her words of advice which is a tradition. He cowardly left a note for her on the resolute desk in the Oval Office, which I'm sure was much more of an egotistical rant than anything else. The right is fighting a battle that he doesn't want to be part of."

"Abner said herself that the note was kind, but sure you and your network just keep pushing the narrative that Trant is the worst human being to walk this earth. Yes, he has his faults but no one cares more about this country than he does and that is why his supporters are standing behind him."

"Seeing the type of leader President Abner is I'm sure she didn't want to reveal the true contents of the letter, but regardless of that Trant should step up and publicly debunk these false claims that this election wasn't fair. He needs to call his attack dogs off of President Abner so she can continue to do her job which I think she's done pretty well so far considering what she was left with."

"That is not his responsibility. Everyone has the right to free speech unless of course you are republican, then the left wants to muzzle you."

"Ah come on-"

"Rick hear me out here. The US Attorney General and the FBI will look into these claims and if they are proven to be untrue I know that we will be willing to move on for the best of the country. But I will say this, we will fight to the death if the claims are proven to be true that this election was taken from Duke Trant."

"Look we know what the outcome will be. The big question here is are republicans willing to work bipartisan or will they be obstructionist? You all control the House and the Senate. Is President Abner going to have to jump through hoops to successfully make any changes during her term in office?"

"We may hold majority, but I still think that's entirely up to her and her party. Republicans are always willing to lend a hand, let's see will they accept it."

"Well there you have it. President Abner, if you found the time out of your busy schedule to tune in for this conversation today, I'll say that you have more people rooting for you than against you. You have a tall order ahead of you and we are counting on you to get it done. We know you can do it."

"No pressure."

"No pressure. Ok, thank you Senator Scott for coming on the show to offer your thoughts... Let's move on with our leading story for today, a mysterious virus is spreading across Wuhan, China. There have been 59 cases of the pneumonia-like virus reported in the last two weeks. Joining us is an infectious disease doctor to discuss how Wuhan is dealing with the epidemic."

I hear a knock at the door that pulls my attention away from the television.

"Come in."

"President Abner it's a pleasure to see you! How are you today?"

I stand up giving her a hug, "I'm doing well Helen, It's so nice to see you too. I once again want to thank you for taking on this role. I know that it was a big ask."

She rubs my shoulder,"I'm the one that's so very thankful. There's no greater compliment than the President not only entrusting you to be their physician but to also lead an entire medical unit."

"You've kept me up and running this long, I knew you would be the perfect person for the job."

"Well thank you, I promise I will not let you down...Before we get started, I was slightly briefed but I wanted to clarify what your goals are here today."

"Transparency is my goal. My tax returns will soon be released, and I want my annual physical exam to follow behind it."

"Madam President are you certain? Although it's been widely debated, the public is not entitled in any way."

"Helen, please call me Jenn. And to answer your question, yes. I know that it isn't required but-", I pause for a second looking down until I find my words. "As the first female President I am already being held to a higher standard than my precessors. I want to make it clear that I am ethically and physically prepared to carry out my duties."

She nods her head, "We always have to double exceed expectations don't we?...Whatever information you do or do not want to disclose you just let me know and I'll tailor the report to your liking."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now I know you have a full day ahead of you so I don't want to keep you", she reaches into the cabinet to retrieve a medical gown and hands it to me. "I'll leave the room while you get undressed."

Before she exits she turns back offering a smile, "I can't even imagine all the pressure you're under, but just so you know I think the world collectively sighed when you were announced as the winner of the election. My youngest daughter came to me just the other day and said maybe one day she can too be President. Two months in office and you've already changed the world."

I smile. Since I was sworn into office it's been hectic. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but the constant criticism if I even sneeze the wrong way is tasking. I've been working to establish a healthy balance of media consumption through all of the noise, because at the end of the day I know my work will speak for itself. So when I hear positive feedback from the normal everyday person whose life I'm directly impacting, that means much more to me than anything else.

While I wait for Helen to return I reach for my personal cell phone to notice I have a text from the woman that always puts a smile on my face. While she has her own stuff going on, she continues to be a rock for me during this journey. Her playful and loving nature both calm me and help me put things into perspective. That's why on election night I knew I couldn't lose her. We need each other, we're stronger together.

"That first day feeling", the message reads along with a selfie of Rachel smiling with her hand propped under her chin.

"I'm so proud of you. You're going to do great...BEHAVE!", I respond back with a smile.

"Behave? What am I a dog lol? I guess I'll try...Have a good day. Good luck with your briefing ❤️."

It's been two months in D.C. and Rachel and I are slowly but surely becoming accustomed to our new setting.

While I've been settling into office, she's been pursuing her career by taking interviews with the most prestigious firms in the city at my suggestion.  As you probably guessed, she wasn't all that impressed by any of them...So I missed the mark there, but I wanted to ensure she didn't place all her eggs in one basket. Ok, and the fact that Tanya was involved with her decision didn't quite make things any easier for me. But ultimately I stepped aside. Even though Tanya and I have our differences, Rachel is the one thing we can agree on. We want the best for her. So in that sense I am thankful for her giving Rachel guidance. We're both following our dreams and that's all that matters.

I hear another knock on the door and put my phone away. Helen returns back to the room where she begins to examine me.

"5"7 and 135 lbs, that brings you to a BMI of 21.1...good. Go ahead and sit upon the table for me so I can listen to your heart. Deep breath in, now out, one more time....beautiful. Now I'd like to check your pupils to see how you respond to light...Are you still wearing your glasses?"

"When needed."

"That's good. Just remember that they aren't just for reading. You want to train your eyes as much as you can now. Especially as you're reading documents and in front of your electronic devices so often."

"I've been trying to force myself to make it more of a habit."

"I know they can be pesky, but trust me your eyes are going to thank you later on...Your ears look great. Let's move onto the cognitive assessment. How have your migraines been lately?"

"Actually sightly more frequent than usual. I've been powering through them, but I could definitely use a long-term solution so it doesn't interfere with my work."

"The fact that you're having them more frequently is normal, especially with your new role and the added stress . But when they become so often and painful that they're starting to disrupt your everyday life then we have an issue...I'll up your Zomig dosage, but if they worsen we may need to reassess and get you on something a little stronger."

"That sounds like a plan."

"How's your diet?"

"Great, my nutritionist has gotten together with my Executive Chef  to create a meal plan in order to keep me honest."

"An Executive Chef, where do I sign up for one of those?", she laughs.

"Oh it's easy, all you have to do is take office."

"Now that I think about it, frozen dinners after a long days work will have to suffice."

I chuckle.

"Honestly, your diet and exercise habits have never been an issue. You eat cleaner than most of my patients."

"Good thing you're not there to see my cheat days."

"Hey we all deserve a cheat day here and there. As long as we do it in moderation."

She takes a look down at my chart, "Speaking of which. Let's talk a little bit about your alcohol and smoking consumption."

" I would say no more than usual."

"Ok, walk me through it. On average how many drinks are having a week?"

"I don't know, maybe a drink or two every other night. Less when I have a full day ahead of me."

"That's about average, and smoking?"

"I don't keep count."

"It doesn't need to be precise, give me an estimate. About how many cigarettes a week are you going through?"


She nods her head noting it down.

"Packs", I say for clarification.

She stops writing and looks up, "Ok, we're going to have to work on that. Let's try to bring it down to at least 2 to start. Considering your family history I would really like for you to get down to 1."

I nod my head.

"Just try to be mindful that while it is a stress reliever, it can increase anxiety and tension."

"Well I certainly don't need more of that now do I?", I smile. "Let's keep that bit out of the report."

"Of course. This report is at your discretion...Lay back on the table for me and I'll perform your breast exam."

"I'm feeling that dense tissue that we discovered on your last mammogram."

"Should I be concerned?"

"No it's very common in women and men. It just means that you have a higher proportion of glandular breast tissue than fatty tissue. We'll continue to monitor it to make sure it doesn't turn into anything else, but for now I wouldn't think twice about it."

"That calms my nerves."

She smiles, "That's what I'm here for." She takes a look through my chart and back up at me, "Now to everyone's favorite looks like you're overdue for a Pap smear."

I throw my head back playfully.

"You have no idea, I have patients that either give me every excuse in the book on why they can't get it done while I'm seeing them or they avoid rescheduling all together... I know it's not fun, but it it'll be over quick....Lay back on the table and place your feet into the feet rest...Now scoot down just a tad, bringing your pelvis towards me. Perfect. Let me know if you feel any discomfort and I'll stop....Inserting....Swabbing...And we're all done, you can sit up."

I sit upon the table while she begins to bag and label.

"I know we've had discussions in the past, but now that your life has changed a bit I wanted to see where you currently stood...Do you and your husband want to expand your family?"

Her question makes me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"We've always wanted to, but could never quite find the right time."

"I know this may sound absurd, but there's no better time than the present."

I raise my eyebrow.

She closes my chart and takes a seat, "You'll be turning 41 this year. As time goes by, it increases the chances for high-risk pregnancy...If you wanted to wait until you're out of office that could be a few years if you decide to run for re-election."

"Being pregnant while holding office sounds more than just absurd, it sounds like a career-ender."

"No one is saying you have to make a decision right away. As your health provider, I am just here to bring things to your attention and provide you with options." She hands me a brochure that reads Embryo Cryopreservation.

"In the event you don't want to make the decision anytime soon, embryo cryopreservation is also an option. Your eggs and your husband's sperm will be joined to create embryos that can be stored away until you're ready or if you want to seek a surrogate."

"That's a lot to think about."

Being a mother has always been another one of my dreams, but it has never seemed realistic considering my career. It's long hours, lots of travel, and a ton of uncertainty, but it's my everything. I like to put all of myself into what I'm doing, adding a baby to the mix would certainly take away from that. Not to mention Greg and I are done. We'll never be together again. Especially in the way that is needed to bring another human life into this world. And Rachel? Her life is just beginning. If I told her I want to have a child, that would only further complicate things and she would surely run in the other direction. When I promised her things would be different this time I meant it.

"And that's why you should make the decision that is best for you when you're ready...I'm sorry, I know I put you in the hot seat today asking you an abundance of questions, but I just have one last one before you go on your way."

"That's ok, you're only getting me prepared for my press briefing later today", I smile."What's your question?"

"Your mental health is also important. How's your support system?"

"My team is great."

"Not your external support system, your internal? How are your friends and family helping you cope with your new role?"


Greg's POV

"First Gentleman, is there anything else I can get you?"

"No, that will be all for now Katie. Thank you."

I smile as she narrowly fumbles over herself curtseying out the door.

Michael lightly knocks on the door grabbing my attention, "I heard The Office of the First Gentleman was coming along nicely, but you've really outdone yourself here Greg."

"I'm only trying to follow in your footsteps. How's it going Mike?"

"Ah man it's going."

"Come on in, close the door...The VP life treating you good?"

"Let's just say I can certainly get used to this."

"Good because if everything works out the way it's supposed to, you'll be living like this for a while. How are we coming along with the committee appointments?"

He sighs,"Respectfully, your wife is one stubborn broad."

"No one knows that more than I do...She giving you a hard time?"

"Not so much as she wants to be involved in everything. Even the minor stuff she wants to be included in."

"That's definitely my wife", I say shaking my head."Is she at least being receptive to your picks?"

"She says she's taking them into consideration, but then throws out other names to her advisors. She's trying to be pc and fair, whatever the hell that means. If she had some other far-left idiot by her side, this country would be run by the diversity bunch and the rainbow coalition."

"If she isn't biting at your suggestions, then you aren't doing enough. Look Mike, I helped sell you to her as VP because I knew we were like-minded. I knew you could see the vision."

"Greg it's a lot easier said than done."

"I don't think it is. Jenn is emotional past the point of normalcy but one thing about her is she'll always listen to the facts. You need to work on selling these people to her. Package them as not only the best choice but the only choice. Highlight their qualifications, background, their social reach."

"I know what I'm doing. Let's not forget who the politician is here."

"I could never, you always know you're talking to a politician when they sell you a load of bullshit...Why don't you try not to forget who's running stuff ?"

"Well since you got all them brains, then maybe you should do your own dirty work."

"Fuck", I utter. "We can't self-destruct before we even get this going. I need you just as much as you need me."

"Look I know how you gung-ho you young fellas get, but listen to an old head. I got this Greg, just give me some time to persuade her."

"I'm trusting you."

"And I'm going to come through. Why don't you loosen her up for me some? Take her for a stroll in the rose garden,or what once was the rose garden, put together a nice dinner, romance her a little bit. Give her what you were fixen to give that little staffer that waltzed out of here with a gleam in her eyes."

I smirk.

"We got this brother", he says getting up shaking my hand."We're both going to be very wealthy men once our time here is done."

I nod my head.

"I'll catch you later. Your wife and I have a date with the press."

"I'd say I'm jealous, but I'm not. Have fun with that."

He laughs as he exits my office.

I sit back in my chair hoping everything falls into place.


Rachel's POV

"I hate this place. Nobody here is going to help me, my hearing is about to start. How don't they know who is going to represent me?"

"It's going to be ok Kev. If we have to use our last dollar to get you a real lawyer we will", a mother consoling her son says as I walk inside the public defender's office, or as I like to call it my new oasis.

Before leaving for D.C. I was unsure what my plan was going to be once I got there. However, Professor Cook brought the public defender's office into my peripheral view and I was immediately thrilled at the possibility. As luck would have it, they had an immediate spot that needed to be filled. I interviewed for it by going through multiple rounds of panels and situational exercises. I felt I did well during the process, but while I waited to hear a final answer Jenn suggested I interview elsewhere. I did just in case, but thankfully I got a call back last week that said I got the job. The public defender's office just makes so much sense to me. My passion for law didn't happen overnight, it accrued after witnessing the system let down people over and over again. In my new role, I will fight with everything in me to stop injustice if I have a say in it.

"Good morning what office are you here to visit?", the security guard questions as I approach the front desk.

"Good morning, the public defender's office. I'm a new employee."

"Walk straight ahead and take the elevator to the 4th floor...Room 403. Good luck, you're going to need it."

Way to make me feel leery before I even step foot inside. "Thank you."

"Room number 403, here we go", I say to myself as I approach the door.

As I enter the room I see cubicles filled with paperwork but not any people. I walk back outside to make sure I'm in the correct room. Yep room 403, where the hell is everyone?

I slowly saunter inside hoping to find some sign of life.

"Everyone clear? You know the deal, get to work", I hear from a voice that sounds like it's nearing.

In a flash, I witness bodies rounding the corner to enter the office where I wait. They quickly get seated and get to work.

"Hi my name-", I say to the man that looks like he's the authoritative figure in charge.

"You must be my new hire, follow me."

I follow behind him down the hall to his office.

"Have a seat...Remind me of your name again."

"Rachel Taff."

"That's right, let me pull your file", he adjusts his glasses while flipping to my resume. "The USC Gould School of Law."

I sit there silent as he audibly judges.

"No kidding you worked for the President for a great deal of time back when she was Senator?"

"I did sir."

"How was that experience?"

"It was great, I learned a lot."

He nods his head.

"So you're coming all the way from California, what brings you to D.C.?"

"I was born and raised in California. For me to gain any real-life experience I need to venture out of my comfort zone. I felt there was no better way to do that than to pick up and go Washington D.C., our nation's capital. I also like to think of it as the home of law", well that and someone very special to me occupies the White House.

"Very good. Well allow me to introduce myself, my name is Robert Jones, if I like you then you get to call me Bobby. I've been with the public defender's office since before you were even alive, and have been practicing law even longer. I've seen people come and go through this office like a revolving door. Do you know why that is?"

"They don't work hard enough?", I respond.

"No, it's because they try to do things their own way. As your boss I only have a few ground rules, but they are a must for you to fair well in this office."

I nod my head as a sign that I'm actively listening.

"Rule number one, listen to me and you'll be ok. Rule number two, do your work and you'll be ok. Rule number three, the last but most important rule, never go to trial."

"I'm sorry?"

"I'm going to give you the same advice I give everyone on their first day. The lawyers on the other side of this are better you."

I sit up straight in my seat unsure if I'm hearing him correctly.

"They are more talented than you, they work harder than you, they have the judicial system and the rest of the government on their side. You will not win against them and that's why you will not try. A lesser charge, a plea deal, avoiding jail time, I consider those all wins, even if it's small. As long as you get something, then you've won. I expect everyone in this office to at least be able to do that or you wouldn't here....Is that understood?"

No." Yes."

"Good, I'll start you off on misdemeanor cases until I think you can handle felonies. Do you have any questions before you get started?"

Several. "No, not at the moment."

"You seem sharp enough, I like that. Just get your work done and you'll be fine here."

I give a fake smile. This guy can't be serious right?

"Follow me, I'm going to show you where your workstation is located."

He walks me back down the hall and through the door where the cubicles reside.

"You'll be set up here. Everything is functioning and ready to be used. This is your login and password. Spend a few minutes getting set up and then head down to room 420 to get your parking pass and badge."

"Ok, thank you."

I take a seat at my new desk and immediately notice the tons of case files stacked in the corner. It doesn't even intimidate me, i've dreamed of this for so long. I can't wait to get to work.

As I begin to login in on the computer I feel eyes focused on me. But instead of acknowledging it, I continue to get acquainted with my new workspace.

"Who's the new booty?"

"I guess she's replacing-...what was the last girl's name?"




"That's not it."


"Yeah, Tori! She was up and out of here in no time."

"How long do you think this one lasts?"

"I'm going with three months."

"I'll say six, she doesn't look like a deer in headlights like the others."

"Fine, I'll be happy to take your money", the girl standing a few cubicles away from me says to her male counterpart. 

I glance in their direction and they stop giggling.

"How do I get in on that bet?", I question.

"Oops our bad, we didn't think you could hear us."

"It's kind of hard not to when you're only feet away from me."

"Look we were just joking around, it's nothing against you personally. It's just that we think that your desk is cursed. No one that sits there lasts over six months", they say walking over to me.

"Yeah well, they probably weren't cut out for the job."

"Oohh the energy. You may have finally met your match in the office Bri."

She slightly rolls her eyes.

"Hi my name is Chris", he says introducing himself.

"Rachel."  Can you tell I'm in a really good mood today?.."And I'm not really the superstitious type. Whatever curse you think there is I'm sure I'm going to break it."


Jennifer's POV

"Madam President are you ready?'

"Let's do this", I say shaking my hands out and taking a deep breath.

"And we're on", says my new press secretary Jasmine as she pulls back the curtain to the East Room.

I walk out with my head held high trying to ignore the sound of camera flashes and lights. I step up to the podium taking a look around the room. Every moment I'm in the position I try to take it all in.

"Thank you, please be seated...Good morning, how are you all today? It's nice to see so many familiar and faces. Before I open up the floor for questions, I want to give you a brief progress report on where our nation is as I mark 60 days in office. On day one we took swift action by rejoining the World Health Organization and The Paris Climate Accord, two vital resources for our nation. Day two in office I signed many executive orders advocating for public safety such as the executive order on Safer Policing for Safer Communities, the executive order on Civil Immigration that will cease all deportations that were approved under the previous administration. I have called for better access to voting, discrimination-free education and workplaces, and so much more. As I stand before you today, I can say proudly that we are in a better place as a nation and economy than we were a couple of months ago. And we'll only continue to better ourselves as we move forward. My promise to the people has always been to put them first, and that is what I intend to do. I'm listening, I hear your cries, your worries, and your concerns. I'm here to tell you that change is coming...Now I"ll happily take questions...Zack, go ahead."

"Thank you Madam President, My first question is why did you make the decision for your press office to hold daily press briefings, people are wondering if it's a bit redundant. And my second question is what do you say about the claims that this was a rigged election? More specifically calls for your impeachment?"

"To answer your first question, I made the decision for my press secretary to hold daily briefings because our goal is to always be transparent. In no way are these briefings redundant. The press cycle is hardly is 24 hours anymore. Events that happen should be relayed in real-time. The American people should have access to information that affects them. Secondly, I haven't commented on the false election claims because I am laser-focused on doing the job I was elected to do. I like to live in the present and not the past, the election was called months ago. With that being said my administration is fully complying with all Federal Agencies during this investigation. We know what the outcome will be, but we will be happy when the noise around it ceases and we can fully focus on serving the American People."

"Thank you Madam President."

"Thank you, next. I'm sorry your name?"


"Hi Melissa, what's your question?"

"Thank you Madam President, my question goes back to some of the executive orders your signed into action. Since the election, there have been concerns regarding how local law enforcement agencies are dealing with the amounting pro-Trant and Black Lives Matter counter-protest across the nation. We've seen in some cases the Black Lives Matter supporters and supporters of yours treated more harshly, while pro-Trant protesters disputing your election win have almost been applauded by law enforcement. Can you comment on that and why you haven't called for the stop of these protests?"

"Thank you for your question Melissa. I signed the Safer Policing for Safer Communities executive order into action for that very reason. Law enforcement must use better practices when performing their duties. Our brave men and women that put on that uniform are the top of the line, so I know that they are capable of meeting the moment and adapting to new policing techniques. The executive order will provide resources such as more training to ensure that we don't have any more of events take place as we saw over the summer and these past few months surrounding the election...To follow up with your second question Melissa, I have not called for a stop to these protests because everyone has the right to free speech whether it is something I disagree with or not. I know that former President Trant has loyal and enthusiastic supporters, and they want to see their guy back in office. At a certain point, hopefully when the investigation is concluded these protests will cease. What I will call for is the safe expression of free speech...Next question, go ahead Oscar."

"Thank you, my question is how you plan to work with the Republican majority-led Senate and House. You have several cabinet positions that still need to be filled. It seems like you are having a hard time getting your picks confirmed. And secondly, there have been many conversations about division. What are you and your administration doing to repair the divide?"

"I have nominated several highly qualified professionals that are ready and eager to get to work. Politics is what holding them from serving the American people. One way or another we will get these great individuals confirmed, and my hope is for it to be sooner rather than later...If you look back at my time as a Senator on Capitol Hill I always reached out and wanted to work bipartiansly. I still want that, but want I can't have is this division to affect the lives of our citizens. I was elected to do a job and I'm going to get it done with or without their support."

"Madam President if I may, that sounds like you don't care to gain Republican support moving forward."

"I'll say it's not my chief concern at the moment. There are far more pressing issues."

"Thank you."

"I'll take two more questions before I send us all on our way...Colleen please."

"Madam President you made it clear that you want to strengthen our relationships abroad. Have you spoken to any foreign leaders since you took office? and do you have any foreign trips planned in the near future?"

"I said it's been sixty days in office, six zero, not six hundred", I joke which makes the room erupt in laughter. "I have received calls from other leaders congratulating me on the election, and their shared excitement to work together. While I don't have anything on the books yet, my team and I are looking forward to getting those meetings set up...Ok, last question."

"Thank you, my question is relating to foreign relations. Are you and your administration monitoring the situation that's happening in Wuhan, China? And do you have any concerns that this virus could make its way to the states?"

"Thank you for that question. Foremost I would like to offer my prayers to those impacted. At this time information is limited. I know as much as the everyday person. My health secretary has briefed me and is working diligently to relay any information that is given. It is unknown how this virus is transmitted and how it originated. As we receive information the American people will know too...Ok, thank you everyone for spending the morning with me, as I always I enjoyed speaking with you and taking your questions. Please enjoy the rest of your day, thank you."

I step down from the podium and a reporter that was unable to ask his question tries to gain my attention.

"President Abner! President Abner!"

Frank begins to escort me out of the room, but I stop him to take the question.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you, what's your question?"

"Thank you Madam President, my agency would have written me if I didn't get a quote."

"Who are you with?"


"Oh very good. I'm sure they'll be happy to know how tenacious you are...What's your question?"

"Will you place travel restrictions on those returning from China?"

"I will not, like I stated we just don't have enough information at the moment to make such a drastic move."

"Thank you Madam President."

I walk backstage and my press team is surrounding my press secretary who is holding a cake. They cheer when I round the corner.

"You guys, what is this?", I smile.

"You just made history again. The first female president to successfully get through a solo press briefing", they all clap.

"I couldn't do this without you all keeping me so informed, so thank you and keep up the good work. However, no cake for me. I just stepped on the scale today...please eat enough for me", I smile.

I head back to the Oval Office with Frank by my side.

"I'm not surprised, but you're a natural at this."

"With the amount of pressure on my shoulders I have to be", I say as Frank opens the door."It's been all go, so I haven't had the time to sit down with you and ask how are you settling into your position?"

"This is something else isn't it?", he says looking around.

"It is. I walk these halls every day and still can't believe it sometimes."

"Come on you dedicated your life to this.  You better start believing it", he smiles. "You know for me it's all coming along. Being back with the government in an official role is something I didn't see happening again, but when duty calls."

"How's Jensen taking your orders?"

"The cat feels slighted. I do something and he tells me how he did it when he was in charge."

"If he gives you a problem you'll let me know?"

"It won't get down to that." His phone beeps and he looks starts getting up. "I"m sorry I gotta head out. I have a meeting regarding the Texas trip."

"Enjoy...Hey Frank when things settle down a bit I'd like to block off an evening to have a family dinner with you Rachel. I have yet to visit the place since you've settled in."

"Let's do it. I'm sure she'll be happy about that. How's her first day going?"

"She hasn't checked in yet. Hopefully, things are going well."

"I'm sure she's making her presence known...bull in a China shop", he smiles closing the door behind himself.


Rachel's POV

After I take my badge photo and get my parking pass I return back to the office to find Mr. Jones at my desk looking through the files.

Chris and Briana glance at me and quickly look back down at their work.

"Hi Mr. Jones-"

"Ah Rachel you're back ...Perfect timing, here's your first case", he says handing me a file.


"I thought it would be more of an orientation day myself, but the arraignment for this case is today. The young lady that had this desk prior to you left before we could get any of her cases reassigned."

"Ok." When I said I was eager to get started I meant it, but this certainly quick.

"Your first client is downstairs. Introduce yourself and tell them to meet you at the courthouse....You know where that is right?"

"The court I was sworn in at?"

"See you got this. Have fun", he says walking away. 

"Is this kind of thing normal here?", I ask Chris as I stand there baffled with the file in my hand.

"Very...Good luck."


I grab my bag and rush to the elevator where I quickly flip through the file. I look at the mugshot and notice it's the boy I walked past earlier with this mother.

As I walk towards them I can tell they are frustrated.

"Hi, Kevin?"


"I'm Rachel, I've been assigned to your case."

"Hi, I'm his mother. No one here is telling us anything? Where is his previous public defender?"

"She's no longer with the office. I've been hired in her spot."

"So you're new?", he questions.

"It's my first day actually."

"You don't look that much older than me. Have you ever represented someone?"

"As second chair, but you're my first solo case."

"Fuck I'm going to jail."

"No offense to you young lady,but we would like someone more experienced. My son is innocent, these charges should be dropped altogether."

"I can assure you that your son will be ok with me. This is a simple arraignment where we hear the charges and plead."

"Yeah but you've never done this before", he says with his face buried in his hands while his mother consoles him.

Jennifer's POV

I turn on my iPod and take to Google against my better judgment. I mean can you blame me? I'm only human, and after my first presser I want to see some feedback.

The first headline I come across reads  "President Abner takes girl-bossing to the next level." I exit out to click on another. "President Abner doesn't care to bridge the nation's divide. Should America be worried?"

As I continue on I see a balance of positives and negatives written.

"President Abner restores order in the White House", I read aloud smiling. I don't need the validation, but sometimes it's nice. I've dreamt of moments like this, and now it's reality.

I put down my phone and turn up the music singing along.

"Ice, ice baby
Ice, ice baby

Alright stop, collaborate and listen
Ice is back with my brand new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know
Turn off the lights, and I'll glow

To the extreme, I rock a mic like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
Dance, go rush to the speaker that booms
I'm killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom

Deadly, when I play a dope melody
Anything less than the best is a felony
Love it or leave it, you better gangway
You better hit bull's eye, the kid don't play
If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it", I playfully sing and move around The Oval with my heels off.

Lost in the music I fail to notice someone enter the room.

"Maybe they should start requiring a psych evaluation to run for President", Greg says pausing the music.

"I agree, I'd be the only one that passes."

"Yeah I doubt it."

"What is it Greg? I'm in an excellent mood and I'm not going to let you or anyone else ruin it."

"Just coming by to check in on you. There are so many wings to his house that I hardly see you unless we're at an event."

"I think that's been my favorite part about the move."

He smirks, "I watched your presser from my office, you did well. You're really coming into your own."

His humane comment catches me off guard, "Thanks."


"And I guess thank you also for really stepping up the last couple of months. Our differences aside, I appreciate it" I say.

"We make a good team when we need to be."

"Well keep it up teammate."

"You too, try not to screw this up huh?"

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Well I'm here if you need anything. Mike is here....You have a lot going on, utilize him. I know he wants to get his hands dirty."

"I'm sorry Greg I'll have to take you off the books as my husband if you want an advisor role. Just FYI, it pays significantly less."

He smirks. "I'll leave you to it Vanilla Ice", he says turning the music back on.

"Ice, ice baby...Vanilla Ice, ice baby" he animatedly spins on his toes busting a move before exiting the office.

Rachel's POV

After convincing them that I do know what I'm doing and I'm their only option for the moment, Kevin and his mother agreed to keep me as their public defender. I don't think I would ever be able to live down being fired by my client on my first case.

Once we arrive at the courthouse I ask to speak to Kevin alone, away from the judgment and bias of his mother. Thankfully for me he agrees.

"Kevin I've read your case, I've seen the photographic evidence but I would like to hear what actually happened from your perspective."

"I didn't start that fight, they provoked me. I was only defending myself."

"Ok so take me to the beginning. What happened that night?"

His posture sinks and he looks down to the floor with his hands folded as he recounts his story. "I'm a part of a local social advocacy group that promotes equality and fair treatment for all. Me and my group planned an event for the night of the 6th to protest police brutality and white supremacy. We intended to peacefully march from Virgina Ave all the way to Capitol Hill, and that's exactly what we did. The cops wouldn't let us on Capitol grounds, but we stood toe to toe with them making our voices heard. It was about an hour into it and we notice a large group of people show up with their big trucks and Trant flags. They got into our faces and tried to stir stuff up. The police stood there doing nothing as they began to antagonize us and call us out of our names. Still we didn't give in, we knew what would happen if we acted. So we just stood there, we stood there until the cops got tired and more cops came in riot gear. We were peaceful there was no riot, if anything those skinheads were in the process of starting a riot...I still remember it like it was yesterday, me and my friends were standing side by side until the cops shouted something out and started to move in on us. They began to pepper spray us, tase us, and hit us with their batons. The white supremacist used that as an opportunity to beat on us too. It was the people there for peace and unity against all those white supremacists...When I saw things breaking out I tried to calm the situation. I'm used to using my voice and platform to be a solution. However, when I was speaking into the bullhorn I was knocked in the back of my head which caused me to fall to the ground. I tried to get up but two dudes kept kicking me. I was able to grab ahold of one of their legs bringing him down to the ground. I'm on the wrestling team so I used what I learned in practice. I shifted my weight and gained the dominating position. I put him in a chokehold while the other dude tried pulling me off. I fought him to protect myself and that's when the police snatch me up and arrest me for battery. You have to believe me, I was only defending myself."

"I'm sorry that this happened to you Kevin."

"Yeah me too...My last public defender said I should plead no contest to get a lesser charge. What do you think?"

"It's starting to make more sense why she isn't here any longer...Kevin you can't plead no contest , while you won't be admitting guilt to the charge you will be admitting to the statement on record. Your recollection of events drastically differs from the written police and victim statements."

"Does that surprise you? You know how it is for people that look like us."

"It doesn't surprise me, but I can not advise you to plead no contest. Kevin I believe you, we need to plead not guilty."

"What happens if I do that?"

"My boss won't like it much, but you'll have a chance to possibly avoid jail time and be able to tell your truth."


As our arraignment time nears Kevin nervously paces back and forth down the halls.

"Look are you sure about this? My mom said she would pay for a real lawyer if it came down to it. I thank you for your advice and stuff, but -"

"Kevin I believe in you and this case, and I am a real lawyer. A lawyer that thinks we have a fair shot if it goes to trial."

"I need more than a fair shot. I need to know I'll be found not guilty. I can't put my mom through this. She sacrificed everything to get me into Howard. I can't let her down."

"I can tell that you and your mom are close. I know that she wants what's best for you, and that would be pleading not guilty. You remind me of my friend Terrance. He was also given an unfair deal. The cops framed him for doing something he didn't do. His case of injustice is what inspired me to get into criminal justice. This system is broken neither you are Terrance should be treated the way you were because of the color of your skin...Kevin I may be new to this, but it's in my blood. I will not let you and your mother down I promise."

"Case number 245, case 245", the court bailiff shouts out into the hall.

"That's us" I say getting up.

"I love you baby. Stay strong in there", Kevin's mother says giving him a kiss on the forehead.

We enter the courtroom and I feel full of nerves. And it's surely not the good kind. It's the kind that feels like I'm going to piss myself at any second now.

"The court calls the case of The District of Columbia versus Kevin Watkin case no. 245...Sir is that your true and correct name?"

"Yes, your honor."

"In case no.245 you have been charged with the offense of battery. Your file indicates that you have been warned of your rights at the time of your arrest. Did you understand all of the warnings given to you at that time? "

"Yes your honor."

"You have counsel coming by the way of the district public defender's office. Is that correct?"

"Yes your honor."

"Counsel please state your name for the record."

"Rachel Taff."

"And Ms. Taff have you properly informed and advised your client on the charges brought against him?"

"I have your honor."

"Will the prosecutor please read the indictment."

"Yes your honor. The grand jury charges that on January 6, 2021 around 9 p.m. in the District of Columbia the defendant used force and violence to commit criminal battery on victims Ted Rosen and Wes Adams. The defendant has also been charged with inciting a riot and disturbing the peace, all in violation of United States code 2101."

"Thank you. Now Mr. Watkins, This courtroom proceeding is your arraignment. The purpose of today's proceeding is to inform you of the range of punishment for the offense for which you are charged and to take your plea...You are charged with the crime of battery, inciting a riot, and disturbing the peace. These are class A misdemeanors. The range of punishment for this offense is a fine not to exceed $10,000 and confinement in the county jail for a term not to exceed 365 days or both such fine and confinement...Do you understand the charges against you and the full range of punishment for these offenses?"

"Yes your honor."

"Kevin do what you feel is best", I whisper.

"How do you plead?"

"I want my voice to be heard", he whispers back.

"I plead not guilty your honor."

The district attorney across from us stands in shock as he hears we want to go to trial. From my lecture from Mr. Jones earlier, it seems like the DA office hasn't had to get their hands dirty in awhile. Hopefully that works in my favor.

"Because the defendant pleads not guilty the case will enter trial....Mr. Watkins you are hereby ordered to appear and be ready for trial one week from today...Counsel, you will need to inform the courts if you want to enter a bench or jury trial within the next upcoming days."

"Thank you your honor, I will promptly inform the court after discussing with my client."

"If neither side wants to raise anything further this hearing is adjourned."

Kevin turns to me nodding his head. "I'm ready to fight this."

I smile rubbing his shoulder.


"Just a little heads up, Bobby is looking for-", Chris says before he's cut off.

"My office now!!!", Mr. Jones yells out before I can even place my belongings down.

"Good luck with that."

I take a seat at his infront of him as he sits caressing his beard.

"Did I tell you to sit?", he says adjusting his glasses.

I quickly stand back up.

"Now I know you're not hard at hearing, because when I told you the ground rules you said you understood...So it must be something else I'm missing here right?"

"No sir."

"So you want to do things your own way? Is that correct?"

"It's not that I want to do things my own way it's just-"

"You're new and from Los Angeles thinking you're hot stuff. You want to make a name for yourself, I've seen it time and time again. But young lady you will not get that opportunity here...You're fired!"

"Fired? are you serious?"

"Do I look like a joke to you?"

"No sir...I advised my client to plead not guilty and go to trial so that his testimony can be heard. He deserves a chance at speaking his truth. I think he has a good chance of beating this case."

"You think or you know?"

"I think."

"Exactly, you think. You don't know. You have not gone to trial, you have not argued a case. The DA's office is going to eat you alive and spit you out....You may have cost a young man his freedom today trying to play does that make you feel?"

" I didn't mean to-"

"But you did...You want to be a big girl? Try your case, but it's the last one you'll ever try here. Once the trial is over you're done. Now leave my office and go home for the day."

I swallow my pride with my head held high exiting his office. I walk back into the office where Chris and Bri are impatiently waiting for my return.

"We probably should have told you that every now and then he tunes into the court arriagnments to see how we're doing", Bri says.

"It doesn't matter. Your little curse continues, after trial I'll no longer be here."

Chris makes a sympathetic face while handing Bri money out of his pocket from the bet they made earlier.

"Kevin Watkins is a young man.....Kevin Watkins is young man who went out one fateful night to exercise his first amendment right to protest. He-"

My phone rings barring me from practicing my opening statement.


"Hey", Jenn says giving me a look over FaceTime.

I look at the time, "Shit! Sorry I lost track of time."

"That's ok, I'm sure you're still exhilarated from your first day", Jenn says with a smile. "How did it go? I want to hear everything."

"It wasn't exactly what I expected."

"You're going to have to give me more than that. How are your co-workers? How's the work? Do you see yourself being there long-term?"

"Jenn I got let go", I say deciding to just pull the bandage off.

"Let go? As in?"

"After I complete my assignment I'm unemployed ."

"What happened?", she says with a dismayed look on her face.

"I kind of broke all of the ground rules and pissed my boss off in the process."

"Please tell me you didn't."

"Didn't what?"

"Pull a Rachel Taff."

"What does that mean?"

"It means coming in hot like a bull in a China shop, exactly the way you came into my office the very first day you started...Does that ring a bell?"


"I told you to behave."

"I'm an Aries. It's in our nature to do the exact opposite of what we're instructed."

"Rachel you have to let that stubbornness go. I'm not your boss anymore, I can't shield you anymore."

"I know, but it's hard to not be stubborn if it's for the right reasons."

She sighs.

"Before I could even get settled in properly my boss assigned me a case that was scheduled for a hearing. I met my client, met his mother, read the facts of the case and advised him to plead not guilty based on the evidence and his account of events."

"Let me guess your boss advised you not to go to trial and now you are?"

"How do you do that all the time?"

"Rachel, this is why I wasn't so keen on you taking your talents to the public defender's office. It's a whole nother ball game than if you were at a private firm. Public defenders always try to refrain from going to trial because it is timely and costly. They loose resources having your time spent on one case."

"I get that, but my client isn't guilty. I wouldn't be fulfilling my constitutional duty if I didn't properly advise him to the best of my knowledge. He just turned 18 and now he's possibly facing a year in jail and this mark on his record which will follow him for life."

"Honey you have such a big heart, and I know you are excited to help people but you have to follow the rules, follow the system."

"At a certain point you got tired of being told what to do and you stopped following the system. I know you don't want to admit it, but your record as District Attorney still bothers you to this day. If you continued following the system and not gave a fuck about the people behind the file do you really think you'd be where you are today?"

"That's true, but I knew when to pick and choose my battles....Do you think your relationship with your boss can be salvaged?"

"I doubt it, he seems really strict. Possibly I can persuade him if I win this case."

"Then it looks like you better win."

"I will. I promised Kevin."

"When you get past this because I know that you will, you can't ever promise a client that again. You don't know what will happen in that court. I made that same mistake when I was an upcoming attorney and I had to look my clients and their families in the eyes to apologize when I didn't deliver on my promise."

"I didn't really think about it that way."

"You'll learn all of these little things as you go, but we have to get you started first...I know we're both under immense pressure, but we can't let it beat us."

"I won't. I'm going to win my case, keep my job and break the curse."

"Curse?", she questions raising her eyebrow.

"I'll tell you about it when I break it...Enough about my madness. How was your day? I recorded the briefing and watched it when I got home. You killed it."

"You think so?"

"Ok if you want me to stop being so stubborn you're going to have to stop being so modest...Haters said you wouldn't make it this far, they said Trant would embarrass you in the election, they said you would fumble up on stage when asked tough questions....I think you're allowed to talk some shit."

Jenn smiles, "I'm so ecstatic. You know how dreadful the months leading up to the election were. But I fought through it and while still not perfect things sure are certainly looking up."

"No one deserves this as much as you."

She smiles.

"You're so close, yet so far. It seems like forever since we've seen each other in person."

"I know. I told Frank earlier today that I want to arrange some time to come over. We can have dinner and have some alone time."

"Alone time huh? I like the sound of that."

"Don't get carried away I meant to enjoy each other's company...Although my pap smear today is the first time I've been poked and prodded in months."

Her comment makes me burst out laughing.

"We definitely need to change that...How was the rest of your physical?"

"It went well. I have some news I think you'll be happy to hear."


"I'm going to try once again to give up smoking."

"Are you serious?"

She nods, "It's not going to be easy, I'll probably be really grouchy for a few weeks."

"But it will be so good for you. And you know I'm here to help you along the way."

"Thank you."

I notice Jenn pull the phone away from her.

"Everything ok?"

"I hope so, it's awfully late for my health secretary to be calling."

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