Riverdale Mafia princess (REW...

By Darlingangel200

16.9K 151 8

For Sophie Angela Salvatore her life is perfect well in account her father being top dog leader of a Mafia ga... More

Met the character
New kids at Riverdale High
A Night To Remember
Shadow of a doubt
Judgment Night
A brand new world
Labor day
Fortune and men's eye
So Above So Below
The Midnight Gang
The great escape
The Red Dahlia
Walk on Fire
Big Fun
The Raid
Fear the Reaper
Prom Night
The Dark secret of the harvest house
Survive the night
A birthday to remember
New rules schools
In Treatment
Varsity Blues
Woman of Honor
The idea of March
How to get away from murder
To Die For
The Locked room
Wicked little town
A surprise for two
The Preppies murders
Back to school
Fire in the Sky
Lock and Key
A cheerleading squad with family
The Pincushion Man
Strange Bedfellow


135 2 0
By Darlingangel200

Me and my family went for breakfast at pop's as we sat in the booth waiting for Thomas

"Hey sis Um wanted to ask what those noise were coming from your room two nights ago" asked Damion with a smirk i was confused

"What are talking about" he shrugged

"Let's say this "oh Thomas yes right their" I blushed deeply as Stefan and mom looked at me

"Screw you big time Damion"

"What it's First time I heard you idiot our rooms our like five meters away from each other your lucky I didn't bust down the door and knocked his ass out"

"Oh coming from the guy that brought home girls just for his little sister to Suffer while his boning them in his room" I rolled my eyes at him

"You better be using protection if your doing it Mija I don't want you to be pregnant and in highschool"

"Mom I swear were safe I'm on the pill"

"Since when" asked Stefan being the over protective brother of course

"Since none of your business I'm just trying to be safe okay I promise"

"Okay Mija" then Thomas showed up

"Hey Damion Stefan hello Ms. Salvatore"

"Hello Thomas sit down with us please"

"I ordered for you" I told him

"Thanks babe" he wrapped his arm around me we spoke about everything and mom being my mom asked her questions which happily he answered right so yeah then our phones rang

"Oh the SAT scores are back Dami what did you get" he smirked

"Perfect as always"

"Yeah right" said Stefan as he snatched his phone from Damion

"No way you didn't even study"

"A gift I guess" I rolled my eyes at that

"What about Stefan"

"I did Good what about you"

"Perfection as always"

"I'm so proud of my babies"

"What about you Thomas"

"Yeah I did Good" I smiled

"Good I love it" we kissed then the next day at school Kevin came up to me and told me the news

"OMG Kevy your dad marrying Josie mom ohhhh I'm big at weddings EHHHHHH me and Thomas be there" I kissed his cheek and ran off to find Thomas who was talking to my brothers I hop on his back

"Hey what's got you in a good mood"

"Guess who got invited to Kevin and Josie parents wedding" he puts me Down and turns to me

"You did" he boop my nose I nodded yes

"So Thomas will you be my date for the wedding"

"Of course my beautiful princess" couple days go by and I was talking to my cousin at her locker

"Do you think it's crazy I'm planning my future wedding so soon with Thomas" her eyes widen

"Your what" she chuckled

"In my head of course and Well he always tells me I'm his one I'm his Queen and I know I'm his everything and so vice versa but I don't want to scare him with this idea of us being together forever"

"Don't fret baby prima he loves you and I know you two will be together forever" I smiled the Cheryl came over the PA

"Attention, students, it's time for the daily announcements. As Riverdale High's first openly lesbian Student Body President, I'm announcing the launch of a new club, an LGBTQIA Alliance, with the mission to find and support our fellow queer and questioning students. In that spirit, this week's blind item will be on theme. A certain oh-so-hunky, all-American RROTC cadet is afraid to come out of the closet. Well, let's show this cadet that Riverdale High is welcoming, so and his Broadway-loving boyfriend can finally PDA like the other sex-crazed couples dwelling amongst us. Also, for lunch today we're having Shepherd's Pie. Thank you." Our eyes widen

"Please tell me Cheryl did not just out Moose on the PA for everyone especially his father to hear" I said nervously to Toni who was mad then we found her in the restroom

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"Toni calm down" I told her

"Just now? About the sweet, sweet revenge I'm gonna get on Mumsy. Hopefully with a little help from you and your trusty camera, O shutterbug of my dreams."

"Cheryl this is not that"

"You just outed Moose."

"No, I didn't. It was a blind item, Toni. For all anyone knows, I wasn't ever referring to him."

"Moose's father could have heard that announcement."

"Oh, my God, is this our first fight?" I faceplam myself

"Cheryl, get some perspective! Did you know that my uncle hated the fact that I dated girls? well my other Uncle" she Meant uncle Julio Jackass I hate him

"That's why the Serpents were so important to me. They were like my nonjudgmental family. And now I don't have them I only have my cousins" I held her hand 

"Toni, I'm sorry. I didn't realize..."

"Of course you didn't. Because you're too busy being Cheryl, causing chaos regardless of the consequences Look, babe, I get that you're mad at your mom, and you're pissed that you're not going to some hoity-toity college that I could never get into or afford..."

"If it's about money..."

"Cheryl, just stop and listen to me Highsmith College was your legacy. The Serpents were mine. Now they're not."

"Toni, I'll... I'll fix this."

"What part?"

"All of it You are the most important person in my life. I'll do whatever it takes to make all these things right. But I may need your help Sophie chip in" I smiled

"Anything for my big cousin and her girlfriend" I said later that day I went home when I got to my room i see Thomas their with a big white present

"Baby what's this"

"Only the best for my princess"

"Aww baby this must have cost a fortune"

"Well actually your brothers help me out" I smiled at him

"Their finally threatening you as family mi amor" he eyes widen


"Nothing it's just you never spoke Spanish before netherless told me you loved me in Spanish" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Well then te amo" he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me


I was making to eat for my babies when Damion came towards me with the mail

"Here you go ma"

"Gracias Mijo" I kissed his cheek and he walked off I see a bunch of letters from Emilio then one that caught my eye when I opened it I gasped lightly so the boys wouldn't hear me when I read it I knew what I had to do so later the day I went down to city Hall to the mayor's office and walked in and saw them

"Well it's good to see you all again" I spoke as I walked up

"Did everyone else reserve this" I threw the letter on the table they all nodded I shook my head down lightly

"Thought you caught the Gargoyle King, FP?"

"Tall Boy was using the game as a cover to deal drugs, but he wasn't the one running around, setting up chalices back when we were in high school."

"We're not really taking this seriously, are we?"

"I think we have to assume that this is real, if only for our kids' sake."

"And then what? I mean, we're just supposed to leave them home alone all night while we run around pretending to be teenagers again?" I spoke to them

"May I remind you what happened last Ascension Night? Someone ended up dead."

"We don't have any choice in the matter. We all know why this is happening again, and now."

"Two members of the original Midnight Club are daring to get married, to be happy, and the Gargoyle King, whoever or whatever he is, wants to destroy that. He is a vicious and petty god, and if we don't finish the game now, the Gargoyle King is never gonna leave us alone."

"Yeah, maybe if we do this, we catch the son of a bitch."

"There's only one problem... The letter says we all have to participate."

"I'll talk to Hiram."

"All right, well, it's settled then We finish the game we started." I left when I came home I see Thomas and Sophie on the couch she noticed me whispered something to Thomas who nodded and walked over to me

"Mom where were you" 'oh god make up something Bella'

"Oh just went to get a shake at pop's"

"Okay ma i made the rest of the food when you were gone their a plate for you saved in the fridge" I smiled as I passed my hand on her face

"How lucky did I get to have you" she smiled and hugged me

"I love you ma" I hugged her back

"I love you too Querida" I kissed her head and she went back to Thomas I felt guilty for the crap I was gonna pulled but I have to protect them


Me and Thomas we were on a date In his house then he Asked me

"Sophie Um look don't think of me as crazy but I want a future with you"

"Baby i know what you mean but what if we don't choose the same colleges Or worse were in different states and you met someone else then your breaking up with me by text saying she's more than me and you couldn't handle long distance and and" he turned me around and kissed me to shut me up which work

"I don't care ill go anywhere you go cause your my everything and tonight i want to make you feel that way" we kissed slowly and passionately that night I was in heaven in the arms of my lover


The boys were in their room and Sophie had a date so I went a meet up with the other parents

"Feels like we never left."

"'Cause we never did."

"Not all of us" I said

"All right, the Gargoyle King wants us to finish Ascension Night, so we better start by finding the chalices, then we flip for our fates and drink up. Game over."

"You want us to drink poison?" I spoke

"Not quite."

"Penelope, did you bring them?"

"The antidote to cyanide. Drink it now, you'll be inoculated for the next several hours." I rolled my eyes but took one

"Oh, come on"

"All right, let's get these chalices and get this over with."

"Should we wait for the Lodges?"

"We're already here, Sierra."

"Friends, good to see you again. Although I'm certain not all of you feel the same way."

"Well, I sure as hell don't."

"But we're here on a mission, so let's get after it." After looking all over the school I was getting irrated

"Girl's bathroom is clear." I told Them

"That's where me and Bella found the chalices before."

"Did you check the trophy case?"

"Yeah, we did Nothing."

"We searched the student lounge, the closet where we found Featherhead..."

"Second floor is clear."

"So is the cafeteria."

"And the library. I don't understand. The objective was simple. Return to school, find the chalices, finish the game. What aren't we seeing?"

"Wait a minute, where's Penelope?" I said to the others when we heard her scream we ran over and what we saw our eyes widen 

"The hell does it mean?"

"It's a prank, and we've been played."

"Or... it's just another iteration of the game. And what the Gargoyle King wanted all along, to distract us and lure us away from..." 

"Our kids" I ended as I got my phone out and called all three


I was on top of Thomas naked while laying down on his chest on the couch As I looked up to him he Looked down at me smiling

"Baby ever wonder of what our future would be like" he asked

"Hmm dream of but right now I just want to be here in your arms" he hugged me then my phone rang I rolled my eyes in annoyance

"I swear if Damion or Stefan are calling me for something stupid I'll killed them" I picked up


"Mija where are you"

"Ma I'm with Thomas rigth now why"

"Mija where are your brothers"

"Ma their back home mom's what's going on" I asked she hanged up

"What's wrong"

"I don't know" he held me close the next day I was told by Thomas that the wedding was off Josie and Kevin parents just did it the court way and I met up with my cousin and her lovely girlfriend

"I'll never forget the day you saved me, T.T. and you too Sophie And, since you've done so much for me, I wanted to do something for you Call it step four."

"What's this? A gang" asked my cousin

"If you want it. You said you were missing having the Serpents as a family, so I found some other girls who were looking for support or community, or just good old-fashioned fisticuffs, and I thought maybe, we could start a new family?"


"Cheryl, this is the most badass and romantic thing you've ever done"

"Uh... Do we have a name yet?"

"How about the Pretty Poisons? Pretty by day, poison by night."

"I love it"

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