The Malfoy curse

By aandjstories210

33 5 0

Lyra Malfoy is the daughter of Hermione and Draco Malfoy. she was just a normal girl until Sophia Chang hurts... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

21 3 0
By aandjstories210

I don't know why it hurt so much seeing him with her. All I know is that as soon as I saw them I could feel the water getting ready to run out of the sockets. I turned and ran away quickly not knowing if they saw me or not. I ran and ran and ran until I ended up at the quidditch field. As soon as I reached the middle of the field I let myself do what most people assume I don't. I cried.

"How could I be crying over a Stupid Potter". I thought.

The same Potter that hexed my books to sing when I opened them just to annoy me. The same Potter that ignored me in front of his friends In first year. The same stupid Potter that makes my heat skip a beat.

"Oh Salazar what is wrong with me." I thought.

"Why am I so upset over something so dumb. Crying about seeing James Potter snoging a Ravenclaw when I'm not even dating him. How bloody pathetic." I thought.

I'm bloody Lyra Malfoy, daughter of Hermione and Draco Malfoy. I don't cry over stuff, I deal with them. But not even the voice in my head could get me to stop crying. I wanted to die right then and there. All at once the sadness turned to anger and I could feel my magic at my fingertips. I felt the blood pumping through my vain's. All I saw was red. I could do two things. One cry some more and blow up some trees or two grab Ariana, and set shit off. So I did the one that would make my big brother proud. I picked myself off the ground, wiped my eyes and set off to go find my best friend.


When I found her she was in the Slytherin common room reading the book her mom gifted her for Christmas.

"Ariana its time." I said

"Time for what and why are you wet."she asked.

I didn't even realize it was raining outside.

" not important. I saw James Potter snoging a Ravenclaw and not only just any ravenclaw Sophia Chang ." I said closing my hands in fists.

"Oh hell no, are you serious?"she asked

"Dead serious." I say.

"When did this happen".

"About a hour ago". I said

"AND YOU DIDNT COME TO ME." She yelled throwing the book.

"Sorry I was kinda busy crying." I said tearing up again having to retell what happened.

"Come and give me a hug lye." Ariana said standing up.

We hugged and she started saying how James is the most oblivious person ever.

"Does this mean we get to go full Slytherin on some hoes? If your gonna let the Badass Lyra out?" Ariana asked hopefully.

"Why do you think I came here to tell you." I said with a grin.

"Yesss it's been so long since we've hexed people together for a little I thought you were going soft." She said.

"You know I could never. I might have put my Malfoy side to sleep for a little but it just got woken up". I said.

"Omg yessss. Well first let's get you changed cause no offense lye you look
like shit." Ariana said looking at me.

"Aww thank you." I said sarcastically.

Ariana and I went up to our dorm and got changed. Ariana of course picked out my outfit since she said I lost my touch. She picked out a cropped tank top with a Slytherin green skirt paired with black heels. She curled my hair with a flick of her wand and did my makeup. When I looked in the mirror I looked like my old self and I loved it. Ariana got changed since she was wearing sweatpants. She put on a black crop top with a leather jacket and some black jeans paired with heels.

"Damn we look good." I say looking in
the mirror.

"Hell yeah we do".she said.

"I kinda feel like my outfits missing something". I said.

"Like what"?

I went over to my closet and grabbed the thing that I thought I would never wear again. As soon as I touched the leather I felt the old me come flashing back. I took it off the hanger and put it on. The snake emblem getting its green color back.

"Holy shit you really are going back to the old Lyra." Ariana said looking awe struck.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? You remember last time?" Ariana said with worried look.

"The boy I liked since first year kissed the hoe that beat up my twin sister and for what, to make me upset. I think it's time for our old friend to come out and play." I said with a smile on my face.

"Being good is so last week. Plus it's so boring being the good girl." I said with my dads famous Slytherin grin.

"Shall we go unleash hell now?" I asked.

"Well first we need to let everyone know that your baddie self is back and Better than ever so let's go to the great hall I think dinner is starting." Ariana said with a big smile.

We walked through the slytherin common room and saw the look on Albus's face. Something tells me he knows what's about to happen.

"JAMES YOU FUCKING IDIOT! Do you know what you just did." Albus says running down the hallway towards James.

"What do you mean?" Says Albus a little confused. 

"So your acting dumb now. We don't have time to be playing these games." Says Albus.

"What are you talking about." Says a confused James


"I didn't do anything." James says calmly.

"Are you sure because if you didn't do anything she wouldn't be wearing that fucking leather jacket, and we would be preparing for war right now." Albus says pointing at Lyra walking down the hallway.

"What the fuck do you mean war." Says James

"Do you remember your third year when you came back from seeing dad the whole problem with Lyra and Sophia." James says at his stupid older brother.

"No only that they stopped being friends why?" Says James confused on why bringing up an old friendship that ended on bad terms is relevant.

"Oh shit walk with me and I'll explain everything." Albus says a little worried.

"Ok."I said reluctantly trying to listen to what my baby brother has to say.

When we started walking towards the great hall that's when he started explaining everything.

" Ok so third year me, Lyra, Scorpius, and Ariana were waiting for Phoenix in the library to start studying for O.W.L.S. When Phoenix didn't show we sent Ariana to go and find her. We waited another 15 minutes before we started to get worried, that's when our bracelets turned red." Albus says when I cut him off

"The bracelet i always ask you about?" I asked a little confused.

"Yeah it lets us know when someone in our group is hurt or worse." Albus continued.

"Ok so it's like a warning." I asked.

"I mean I guess that's a another word for it." Albus says.

"Anyway we all looked at each other that's when professor Longbottom walked in. That's when we knew something was wrong and we all ran to the hospital wing to find Phoenix's limp body in Ariana's arms. We walked up to Ariana expecting the worst but Phoenix was just passed out but badly hurt." Albus says.

"So far so good James" Albus says wanting to make sure I understand.

"Yeah." I said "but I don't understand-"

"Please hold all of your questions until after the story." Albus says while cutting me off.

"Ok so anyways when we asked Ariana what happened all she could make out was Sophia. That's when I saw something I never thought I would see in my life. The malfoys going dark. Before I could stop them they were already gone. That's when I found Lyra beating the shit out of Sophia and Scorpius trying to keep Lyra from killing her. When we finally got Lyra off of Sophia she turned to us and her eyes were green, and not just a tinted green that's changes with the sun. I mean her eyes were greener than the flames traveling with floo powder ." Albus says a little sacred.

"That's when professor longbottom showed up to see Sophia on the floor bleeding out and Scorpius and I holding Lyra back covered in Sophias blood. Before we knew it we were sitting in his office with him calling the malfoys parents telling them what happened." Albus continued. 

"After about an hour and a half of waiting the malfoys finally showed up with a leather jacket in there hands. Sound familiar James." Albus says a little cocky.

"Yeah is it the one she was wearing today?" I asked a little confused.

"Ding ding ding you wanna know what happened with all of that anger. All of that anger that she had towards Sophia they put it in to the leather jacket and that's why the serpent glows when she's wearing it. But they knew that wasn't enough. So they called Ariana and with her parents permission they performed a spell. Not just any spell a spell that took not only the malfoys but ours and Ariana's parents to perform. They needed that much strength to over power Lyra's anger. The spell they performed was so that when Lyra got just a little angry Ariana's eyes turned blue so she could control Lyra's anger so that what happened that night never happened again." Albus says worried.

"If me and Scorpius weren't there, then Sophia would be dead and Lyra would be in fucking Azkaban. So big brother do you wanna tell me what the hell you did to make her put that jacket back on, or do I have to pry it out of you?" Albus says rudely.

"I don't know what I did." Then it hits me.

"All I can think of is when Sophia kissed me but I pushed her away." I said

"Wait Sophia kissed you." Albus says confused.

"Yeah she pushed me up against the wall on the third floor and kissed me. It took me a minute to realize what just happened but I pushed her away. I didn't think it was that big of a deal because no one saw it." I said

"Oh shit you oblivious idiot Lyra has liked you since first year. Seeing you kissing Sophia her enemy then that should be enough to push her over the edge." Albus says angrily. 

"Wait Lyra likes me." I said smiling.

"Is that the only fucking thing you heard out of that fucking story you dumb ass." Albus says a little upset.

"No i heard everything else it's just I never thought she liked me back." I said with a sly smile on my face.

"Everyone knows you two like each other you guys are just oblivious to seeing it. But that's not important now there is going to be a blood bath and everyone thinks it's your fault." Albus says getting a little worried for me.

"Why can't Ariana stop it or something." I asked

"You see James, Ariana doesn't want to stop it. You hurt her best friend and now she wants you to pay for what you did. You had one thing right about slytherins if you hurt one of us then we hurt your whole family. And lucky for me I'm a slytherin so they weren't hurt me. But for you, you better pray Scorpius doesn't find out. And yes he is my best mate and I could try to stop him, but imma tell you right now he is not going to stop until you pay. So big brother you better start running because we will find you, and no I won't save you this time." Albus says putting a slight smile on his face.

As Albus starts to walk away I yell "Is there any way I can stop this."

He turns to me and says "no that's like trying to un fire a missle that was launched, unless of course you finally tell Lyra how you feel." He finishes as we walk into the great hall.


We walked through the corridors and it felt like we were in a movie. People were staring at us as we walked by. Ariana was glowing . When we got to the great hall I stopped right in front of the closed doors.

"You ready lye?" Ariana asked.

"Born ready." I said with a grin.

With a flick of my wand the doors opened. Ariana and I waltzed in there feeling ourselves. Everyone's jaws dropped. All eyes were on us. I looked at the Griffindoor table and saw that James was looking at me. I whispered to Ariana and we walked to where James was sitting.

"You alright Potter? Looks like you've been stunned." I said giving him my Slytherin grin.

"I wanted to talk to you about something".

"And what's that Potter?" I asked with my hand on my hip.

"In private".

"What so you can try and smog me like you snoged Sophia"?

"I didn't kiss her she kissed me". James said.

"Well I don't really care at this point since both of you are gonna get your ass's handed to you".

"Lyra please I like-.

"Is there a problem here little sister"? Asked scorpius.

"Not at all". I said grinning.

"I have to go James but you can talk to me after I kill your Ravenclaw slut".

"Lyra please I like y-.

"Bye James". I said.

I turned and took my seat at the Slytherin table. I don't think I've ever seen my brother so happy in his intire life. Now everyone was whispering about what just happened. I sat there with my legs crossed "holy Merlin I just did that". I thought

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