The Clear Choice

By maybeillfallforyou

85K 2K 169

A secretive pack. An arraigned marriage. A snow-white coat that makes her different from the rest. Almost no... More

The Clear Choice
{ Chapter 1 }
{ Chapter 2 }
{ Chapter 3 }
{ Chapter 4 }
{ Chapter 5 }
{ Chapter 6 }
{ Chapter 7 }
{ Chapter 8 }
{ Chapter 9 }
{ Chapter 10 }
{ Chapter 11 }
{ Chapter 12 }
{ Chapter 13 }
{ Chapter 14 }
{ Chapter 15 }
{ Chapter 16 }
{ Chapter 17 }
{ Chapter 18 }
{ Chapter 19 }
{ Chapter 20 }
{ Chapter 21 }
{ Chapter 22 }
{ Chapter 23 }
{ Chapter 24 }
{ Chapter 25 }
{ Chapter 26 }
{ Chapter 27 }
{ Chapter 28 }
{ Chapter 29 }
{ Chapter 30 }
{ Chapter 31 }
{ Chapter 32 }
{ Chapter 33 }
{ Chapter 34 }
{ Chapter 35 }
{ Chapter 36 }
{ Chapter 37 }
{ Chapter 38 }
{ Chapter 39 }
{ Chapter 40 }
{ Chapter 41 }
{ Chapter 42 }
{ Chapter 43 }
{ Chapter 44 }
{ Chapter 46 }
{ Chapter 47 }

{ Chapter 45 }

580 23 3
By maybeillfallforyou

Clary's POV

Everything was a warm white. There was no sky, ground, walls or horizons; just glowing white and a humming silence. I was floating in it but felt as if there was solid ground under my feet. I felt safe yet my chest was cold with an emotion I couldn't place.

I was wearing a long white dress, it's fabric touching my skin but I couldn't feel it. Everything felt odd and a sense of panic began to bud in my mind. Where was I?

"Clarissa Albus." A deep ghost of a voice floated through my head and made me jump. "Daughter of Kane and Lavina. Pureblooded Alpha and Mate to Issac Woods." My heart was hammering and I spun around multiple times trying to find the voice's owner. I couldn't remember how I got here. All I could remember was falling. Falling and then waking up here.

"Where am I?" I yelled into the whiteness. My voice sounded different as if I was hearing it from far away. I kept spinning in circles trying to find a way out of this infinite sea of silence and white.

I spun around one last time and almost screamed at what had appeared.

Four white wolves had materialized out of no where. They were beautiful and I knew exactly who they were. The four pureblooded werewolves that started our species. I learned of them when I was little.

They were the purest and strongest wolves and my eyes flickered to each of there's. I knew one of them was the one who started this all and fell in love with a human, leaving his or her pack and starting the race of halfbloods. We all knew about that wolf but never spoke of them.

They each had a different eye color. Black, brown, yellow and grey. I looked at the black-eyed one and saw my reflection in it's shinning pupils.

"Where am I." I repeated.

"Where ever you'd like to think you are, Clarissa." A different, higher pitched voice echoed in my mind and I felt a shiver run up my spine. Their voices were so strong and pure and it felt as if my mind was too much of a mundane place for it to be. The magnificence of their presence was causing me to be paralyzed.

"What happened?" I questioned softly. I felt my hands begin to shake. Their eight eyes continued to burn holes in me. None of them were blinking.

"We have some things to show you." Another powerful voice entered my head and I straightened up. "Some things that will help you decide."

"Decide what?" I immediately asked. My voice was still odd, as if it were echoing far away from me. Confusion had officially washed over my entire body and I couldn't process a thing. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Where to go." A softer voice floated into my head after my question.

I didn't reply, I just twisted my fingers together trying to hide the shaking and stood in front of the four white wolves; utterly confused and increasingly panicked.

Then something breathtaking happened. The purebloods vanished. I take a step and that's when the white on every side explodes into color, sound and life. The warmth disappeared and I was in a familiar place. The Saltus pack house.

My feet found the dirt ground and I steadied myself. I was in the backyard by the gurgling pond and pine trees rose up behind me like dark green statues, their branches swaying in the wind. Something felt different though, I thought.

I was left standing barefooted in my white dress alone, my eyes gazing at the pack house. Everything felt cold and the sun was sinking below the horizon in the distance.

Then I heard a little boy's laugh. It was a wonderful sound and my heart flipped in my chest as its owner came into view.

A small child, his brown hair messy and long, ran out into the backyard; the setting sun casting shadows in his green eyes. Issac, my mind said, that's Issac.

Issac laughed and raced towards me. I smiled and almost began to say something but his tiny body ran straight through me as if I was smoke. He couldn't see me. I was about to turn and watch him but another person was coming out to the backyard as well.

My heart lurched when a women came into view. I knew immediately who it was.

Her hair was a light brown and curly and her eyes were like the pine trees. She was young and beautiful and she was Issac's mother. She began to race down the steps with a smile on her face, chasing after her son. I moved out of her way, not liking the feeling of people passing through me, and watched her.

She was faster than Issac and scooped up his small form, their laughter fused together and I felt my chest tighten.

They began to talk and Issac's face twisted into a frown. His mother set him down and whispered something in his ear. He smiled, nodded and then raced back into the pack house; out of sight.

I turned back towards his mother only to see she had shifted. I examined her beautiful dark grey wolf and how it was the same shade was on Issac's coat today.

She turned and ran into the forest and for a moment I panicked. Do I follow her?

"Follow her." A familiar, deep voice rang in my mind and jolted me into action. I began to race after Issac's mother, my body disappearing into the woods.

She was just going for a causal run and I began to grow bored of following her racing wolf. She was fast and moved like a grey bullet; something Issac inherited.

The sky was now dark and she began to slow down; but her decreasing speed wasn't because she was tired. I studied her body language and knew she smelled something, her wolf was low and cautious and her ears were perked.

Then, like ghosts from the shadows, white wolves surrounded her and I felt a scream build up in my throat. I couldn't make a sound. She was being attacked and I had to watch as her small, beautiful wolf became bruised and bloodied by purebloods.

I fell to my knees but I couldn't feel the warmth of the earth or the wind blowing the trees. I watched as the wolves backed off and Issac's mother laid in the dirt. She was wet with blood but breathing.

My father appeared. In all his brutal glory and dark strength. His small eyes looked at wolf his men had attacked with indifference and I wanted to scream again.

But then everything's changed. Issac's mother sprang back into action, her eyes bright and feral. She was radiating power and lunged directly at Kane. My eyes watched frantically and I clenched my fists in surprise. She seemed different, stronger, and her eyes were black.

The moment was short lived and within a matter of three seconds Kane had his mouth around her throat. I couldn't hear a thing but I knew when her breathing stopped.

Her once breathtaking wolf collapsed into a heap of bloody fur in the dirt.

Pure anger and confusion were the only emotions I was feeling. I wanted to yell that them all but I couldn't make any sound.

"How did that just happen..." A dark voice echoed in the silence. It was one of my father's men. I was part of their mind link but they couldn't see me just like Issac and his mother couldn't. I was a ghost who had to watch from the shadows.

One of the white wolves shook out his fur. He had had an injury from Issac's mother but it was obviously healed now.

"She bit my shoulder." The healed wolf replied.

"She swallowed your blood." My father added. His voice was the same, younger, but still cold as ice. He was was staring at Issac's mother's wolf with an unreadable expression.

"What does that mean?" Another voice entered the link and asked. They were all standing still on the edge of the forest, their white fur whipping around in the wind.

"It means, for a moment, she was pureblooded." My father responded. I don't think I've ever heard him so bewildered. His voice was low and distant and his wolf began to pace. "It means that halfbloods can become just like us if they swallow our pure blood. It means we're in danger."

My heart dropped. All of my questions had just been answered. Issac's eyes changing when he Marked me. The shewolf's eyes changing at the human settlement when she killed a pureblood. The Purum pack retreating. It all made sense. These lifetimes of fighting over blood and power had been in vain. If Issac's mother had survived we could've known.

Unpures can become purebloods if they ingest pureblood; if only for a moment. My pulse was beating fast under my skin as I thought of how much this changes. This changes everything, my mind screamed, and your father knew all about it.

Howls began to ring all around and my heart bled with sorrow at the distress cries from the Saltus pack. Sadness overwhelmed me and I began to feel tears leak from my eyes uncontrollably. My father barked orders at his men and they raced away.

I knew how this story ended. My father would chase rouge wolves to the scene of the crime and no one would know the truth of Issac's mother's death until I came along.

I curled up into a ball and began to shake. Why was I seeing this? What was happening?

A brightness from beyond my eyelids caused me to blink my eyes open and look up. I glared forward at the four white wolves, my face wet with salty tear. We were back in the infinite whiteness, Issac's dead mother long gone. I was speechless.

"Now you know the truth." One of the wolves' powerful voices breathed into my cluttered mind. I hugged myself and sat up slightly. My head hurt from the bright white everywhere. White space and white wolves.

"What am I supposed to do with it?" I muttered. My hair fell into my face slightly but I didn't move it. I felt tired and weak. I felt like giving up. I felt like slipping away into this warm, endless white around me.

"You're suppose to choose whether or not you want to go back, Clarissa." Another voice replied with sincerity. I felt my body begin to rock slightly. The wolves were so still and watchful, like white marble statues who's eyes held so much power and knowledge.

I shivered. "I'm dead aren't I?" My voice floated through the void of white, the words making my body tense with sadness. I looked down and slammed my eyes shut. I told myself not to break down but the urge to was pushing at my heart, a tidal wave of emotion that would drown me when I let it flow.

"Not yet." A soothing voice whispered. I looked up to the wolves again but they were gone. I didn't move I just let the infinite white burn my tired eyes.

"Clary." My body jolted at the sound of voice behind me.

I would know that voice anywhere, it's lowness and beauty so intoxicating. I stood up and spun around and once I did the whiteness exploded into something else again. A bright clearing.

Yellow light was everywhere and tall grass swayed in the wind in a nearby meadow. This time I could feel the heat of the sun and the crisp air weave through my hair.

I looked towards the meadow and my eyes latched onto the green ones I loved.

Issac was watching me with a smile and I returned it. I took in his tall form, his long hair unruly and messy. He began to laugh peacefully and I felt my body warm with the sound.

He leaned forward and shifted into his magnificent wolf; it's dark brown and grey fur glimmering in the sunlight. This scene was pure and warm, not like the other cold and dark one.

His wolf began to race around and that's when I noticed he was chasing something in the tall grass. I took a step forward, trying to see clearer.

My hand raised to cover my mouth when a wolf pup raced out of the meadow and into the clearing. It was so little and full of life and something in my heart pulled.

Your son, my mind said.

His tiny form walked towards me. His fur was white, grey and brown; a mix between my pureblooded, snow white coat and Issac's. He was breathtaking and something that this world has never seen. His eyes latched onto mine and they were blue with a ring of his father's green around the pupil. He was a perfect mix of Issac and I and I loved him immediately.

"You have a future." A deep, powerful voice slipped into my head. I felt tears in my eyes once more. Isaac came up to the pup and nuzzled him, his wolf already so protective of his son.

I took another step forward but the life and sound vanished, the endless white returning. But this time I felt like I didn't belong here, I didn't want to slip into the infinite light anymore.

I wanted to go home.

The four wolves appeared one last time. An understanding shinning in all of their eyes and I smiled.

"Thank you, Clarissa, for your strength and courage. You've change the course of our species history and you will be remembered always. You've fought for what is right and you have had short but successful life." One of their voices echoed in my mind. "Do you wish to move on or return?"

I didn't even consider it. "I want to return." I said strongly. My voice was mine again, not distant and sad. "I still have a life for myself back there even if many parts of it are broken. I'm not ready to die."

"Very well." One last voice floated through my head, its sound fleeting and quiet. The endless white on every side began to dull and the wolves vanished into it. Everything was fading and my body felt warm and calm. I watched everything shift color as I slipped.

White, grey then black.

((((: a lot of yall were saddened by the cliffhanger so I decided to update early. the story is almost over and I hope you're enjoying it!!

Please vote and comment what you think'll happen next!

Love you all and thanks for sticking with TCC (:

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