The Sympathy Screw | 18+

De HonestPassion13

99.6K 1.8K 581

ADULT SEXUAL CONTENT ~ "What if we defined a set of rules around it so that you'd have my permission to have... Mais

Chapter 1 - Celebration in Love
Chapter 2 - Laying Down the Law
Chapter 3 - To-Do List
Chapter 4 - Connected
Chapter 5 - Wake Up Call
Chapter 6 - Kinks
Chapter 7 - Saving Up
Chapter 8 - Enjoy It While It's Here
Chapter 9 - Death and Taxes
Chapter 10 - Last Goodbye
Chapter 11 - Free-For-All
Chapter 12 - Sexual Healing
Chapter 13 - Hold
Chapter 14 - Anything For Love
Chapter 15 - Happiness Is a Warm Puppy
Chapter 16 - Skin Deep
Chapter 18 - Back to the Grind
Chapter 19 - The Wait is Over
Chapter 20 - Don't Get Dressed Yet
Chapter 21 - Please
Chapter 22 - Ride
Chapter 23 - Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 24 - (Un) Hostile Takeover
Chapter 25 - Relinquishing Control
Chapter 26 - Out of Bounds
Chapter 27 - Back At It
Chapter 28 - Swing and a Miss
Chapter 29 - All's Well That Ends ... Well?
Chapter 30 - Things I Never Got

Chapter 17 - High Point

1.7K 48 12
De HonestPassion13

Author's Notes:

⚠Trigger warning⚠ for this chapter in that Violet has the results of some marijuana edibles (and takes a few more).

The theme song for this chapter is:

Ashes     by     Stellar


As we got ready to exit the tattoo parlor, I lifted the hem of my shirt again and stared at the sexy new stud that glistened from my belly button. There were so many instructions that I had been given on after-care for this little hole that I was kind of surprised. I wasn't really one hundred percent coherent enough to sensibly remember them all, but luckily they gave me several pages of instructions of care and told me that I wouldn't have to start on any of it until tomorrow, when I would be much more sober and able to deal with all of this.

Right now, I was just feeling really good from whatever was in those little gummies and amazed at how much the little stone glinted and glistened under the fluorescent bulbs, the little sparkly rainbows it threw when the light hit it just right. I tugged at the waistband of my jeans to pull them down in front and pulled my shirt up to show Sam, probably showing him tiny bits of my bra and panties, and liking it even more knowing that I was.

"Sam, isn't it pretty? It's so, so sparkly!"

"Make sure you keep an eye on her for the next three or four hours while those gummies wear off," Will reminded Sam, "And make sure she drinks plenty of water. She'll probably think she's pretty hungry, too, so it won't hurt to feed her a little. She can sleep it off, but if she's never done edibles before, I honestly probably wouldn't trust that she could sleep alone unattended. People have been known to do some crazy shit on these things."

Sam told Will, "Can I talk to you alone for a second? It's been years since I've done weed and I've never done edibles. I need to know what I'm working with, here," and just like that, the two men had slid away from the front desk, leaving me there alone. There were no other customers in the lobby.

I looked down. The gummies were still sitting there on the desk, right within my reach. And no one was there to witness. If two gummies made me feel this good, what would five gummies do? I reached into the bag and pulled out three more, popping two in my pocket and the other in my mouth under my tongue.

"Okay, Violet," said Sam, putting his palm on my lower back, "Let's get you home."

"Okay, Sammy," I cooed, giving him a kiss on his cheek and putting my arm around his back, suddenly noticing how bulky and firm his back muscles were My hand began running over all of his muscles and feeling them, massaging as I ran my hand lower and lower, finally resting on his amazingly firm ass and giving his cheeks each a little squeeze before Sam pulled my hand off of his backside. "I never realized how muscular your back was. It feels very nice!" I giggled at him.

"I'm sure it does, Vi. Come on, Cinderella, let's get you to the car before you turn into a pumpkin."

I laughed. "Cinderella doesn't turn into a pumpkin, silly! Her carriage does! Because the Fairy Godmother comes along and she makes a pumpkin into it with," I waved my arm like I had a wand and sang, "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!"

I began humming the Disney tune in my head and waving my arm around like I had a wand, pointing it randomly at Sam and Will, making a silly but seductive little dance to go along with the tune, then broke down laughing hysterically at the look on their faces. Will had an amused grin on his face, but Sam looked angry, like a scolding parent about to ground me.

Grounding me? What did I do again?

Oh, thank god Sam isn't really my dad because that would just be weird as fuck. Especially since we made out.

I sure could call him 'Daddy', though.

Sam steered me out of the tattoo parlor and into his truck. When we got to the truck, not only did Sam put me in, he buckled the seatbelt for me, making sure it was securely in place. As it came to rest between my breasts, I ran my hand along it, feeling how it pressed my shirt down, then began feeling the fabric of my shirt with my hand. The shirt was soft and smooth against my fingers and had always been a favorite of my boyfriends. I had chosen it tonight because I knew how much men seemed to like it, but I was realizing I liked it too.

I smoothed my fingers along the soft fabric until I came to my nipple, which was hard. It surprised me because I hadn't realized I was turned on, but I enjoyed the feeling of my fingers running along my hardened peak. By the time Sam had come around to his own seat and buckled, I was running the fingers of both hands along each of my nipples. I didn't want to look like a pervert to him, so I took my hands away when he looked at me after starting the engine.

"Sam," I began, as he started the engine and drove. No response.

"Sammy?" I asked again. Still nothing.

"Sammy-poo?" I laughed out.

"What, Vi?" he asked. He sounded less irritated, but he definitely had a businesslike tone about him.

"Do you like my shirt?" I asked him, taking his hand and pulling it to rest on my soft shirt, on my lower rib cage, just a few inches south of my breast, "It's so soft!"

"Mmmh?" he asked.

I couldn't tell how fast he was going, but he was making really good time. It was late enough that all of the stoplights were flashing yellow and there weren't too many other cars out on the road. Instead of repeating my statement about the shirt, I asked, "What time is it?"

"It's a little after midnight," Sam said.


I sat in silence most of the rest of the way home, but I did ask him to stop by McDonald's for some fries when I saw it. Sam refused, saying he would get me something healthier to eat at his apartment. I pouted after that for a minute or two, until I was distracted by the fine blonde hairs sparkling in the reflected light on the back of his neck, which I watched for a good portion of the rest of the way.


When we finally got to Sam's apartment, it took me a few moments to really put together that he hadn't brought me back to my house, but Sam asked me to send a quick text to Iris for when she woke up in the morning and I did as asked.

"Why are we here, Sammy-poo?" I asked him, giggling at my new sillier nickname for him.

"Because your house was too far to drive home tonight. Come on in."

I nodded and entered his apartment, kicking off my shoes and socks at the door. Sam immediately fished a bottle of water out of his fridge for me, followed by a bowl of blueberries. I set my phone down on the counter next to the bowl and took one of the sweet berries in between my lips and let it linger there for a moment, meeting his eyes, then let my tongue swoop out to pull it into my mouth, repeating that again and again with another few berries, but then I realized just how hungry I was and devoured the rest of the bowl. When some of the dark purple juice from one of the berries dribbled down my lip and onto my soft shirt, I recalled my other question, along with my seductive little dance from earlier.

"Sammy, do you have some music you could play?" I asked.

Sam flipped on the radio from his alarm clock and turned the dial until it picked up some soft and sexy music. I smiled at his unconscious choice.

"Sit down, Sam," I told him, gently pushing him into the dining room chair. I'd only done what I was about to do with one other person before, but I knew what I was doing like the back of my hand. As soon as Sam sat in the chair, I approached him, standing between his legs, my hands on his shoulders.

I wanted to have some fun tonight. All thoughts of why sex with Sam was a bad idea melted from my mind. I knew he wanted me; he just needed a little convincing. It'd been years since I'd taken that class, but I still knew all of the moves.

But first, because I needed to loosen uptight, grumpy Sam up ...

"Sam, did you want a blueberry?" I asked him sweetly, holding the one that had been in my hand up for him and waving it around to the tune of the music.

"Sure, Vi," he said, chuckling a little.

I teased him with the blueberry, not quite putting it where he could grab it, until I popped it in his mouth. "More?"

Sam nodded, with a laugh. I smiled to myself and returned to the bowl, grabbing a handful and pulling the two remaining gummies out of my pocket, mixing them into the bunch of blueberries.

I gave Sam another blueberry just as I had the previous one, and then asked, "How about a bunch?"

"Close your eyes and open your mouth," I told him. Sam did and I stuffed the whole handful in, including the other two gummies.

Sam opened his eyes and looked at me as he chewed his mouthful. Between bites, he said, "Vi, these taste weird. Did yours taste funny?"

He swallowed and then I asked, giggling, "Do you mean the gummies or the blueberries?"

"Fuck, Vi! What are you doing to me?" he asked, but he had already swallowed them and made no move to get up.

"I just want you to enjoy tonight, too. And you need to loosen up a little bit, Sammy-poo. You're too grumpy tonight," I told him, with a little pout.

Sam gave me another parental look, but rolled his eyes and simply said, "Whatever."

"Did you think my shirt was soft when you touched it earlier?"

"Yes, Violet," he told me.

I put his hands on each side of the shirt by my rib cage as I swayed to the music and then moved down while I sashayed around so that his hands were just on either side of my breasts. My body was on fire, my nipples tightening through my shirt and bra. But I continued to dance for him.

"Did you see my new navel stud?" I asked Sam.

Sam shrugged. "A little."

I put my hands into the hem of my t-shirt and quickly pulled it over my head as I kept dancing for Sam, bringing my body even closer to his.

"Do you see it now?" I asked, even though my breasts were right at eye level and I made no immediate specific moves to make it easier to see my belly. Of course Sam looked down, though. When Sam looked down, I arched my back out, thrusting my hips forward towards him in a move almost like a hula dancer, letting him take in the motion of my hips.

Sammy, this body was made for fucking you. Take the hint, I thought to myself. I tilted so that my breasts were almost right in his face and arched my back so that my breasts were pushed out. Don't you want to touch me - touch them?

"Violet, what are you doing?" Sam asked, his eyes now fixed on my dark purple lacey bra, just showing the faintest hint of the outline of my hard nipples through it.

"I just want to dance for you," I told him, chuckling and adding, "Sammy-poo."

Sam shook his head and said, "Violet, this is a bad idea. I'm not going to have sex with you."

"C'mon, Sammy, we don't have to have sex. I promise, I won't push you to do anything you haven't already done. We don't have to cross any boundaries we haven't already. I won't take off my bra and panties unless you say so."

He looked like he was deciding and I added, "You've seen most of me already anyways. And I can't sleep with all of my clothes on, anyways."

Sam let out an exasperated breath and huffed out, "Fine," rolling his eyes at me.

I began slowly unbuttoning my jeans as I continued to dance and let my fingers slowly trail down along my abs as I lowered the zipper, then turned so that he could see my ass in my thong as I slid the jeans from my hips. Sam let out a deep breath as I bent at the waist to tug the jeans off each leg, then kicked them off along the floor and returned to swinging my hips to the music, backing up to Sam's body again. I bent my knees, moving my ass down into Sam's lap and gently rubbing my body against his.

"I can feel how hard you are, Sam," I giggled, as I continued with his sensual lap dance by putting my arms around his neck behind my head.

Sam admitted with a cough, "That's because I've never had someone I know, much less someone I've kissed, give me a lap dance in her underwear before, Violet. And you're surprisingly good at it, for a woman who was never a stripper."

I laughed again as I continued working my hips against him and running my fingers through his hair. "My sister Lily and I took a lap dancing class together a few months before I got married to Andrew. It was an engagement present from Lily."

Andrew really enjoyed my lap dancing after that class, though I hadn't done it very often. And I loved Andrew so much. It's why I married him. The thought of Andrew was only in my head for a moment and I'm sure my face fell, but it only took a second more of lap-dancing for Sam with all this THC in my system to knock my mind off of that topic.

Taking my time to seductively lift my right leg high in the air, I rotated so that I was straddling Sam's big, powerful left thigh and then ground my body against it. Without even thinking of keeping the comment for my internal monologue, I told Sam, "God, you make me wet. I can feel it so good rubbing against my panties."

Sam's breathing was so hard I could hear it and he was looking in my eyes. I hadn't looked at the clock when I gave him the gummies, but I was unsure if he was feeling the effects of them or just into me. Those gummies had gone in his stomach nearly empty and, if I had to guess, I'd already been dancing for him for twenty minutes since then.

I lifted my other leg and wrapped it around Sam's waist so that I was straddling him and began to grind against his hardness through our clothes in earnest, pressing my breasts up near his face. My hands found their way back into his hair again and I tilted his head forward to move it towards my cleavage. I could feel his hot breath on my skin and let out a little moan.

"Sam, is it okay if I take my bra off?" I asked him, tilting his head back again to meet my eyes, "You and I both know you've already seen them ... touched them."

Sam sat looking like a deer caught in the headlights as I continued to wriggle over his hard bulge in his lap. I moved my hands back to the clasp behind my back when he captured my wrists in place. "Stop."

"You don't have to touch them, Sam," I told him, "Don't you want to look?"

Sam looked at me like I was torturing him.

Please, Sam, I thought, Please be my sympathy fuck. I need this.

Sam shook his head once, his eyes pleading with me. I removed my hands from the clasp and stood, extracting my body from his with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry," I told him, understanding and yet not.

I was hurt. I turned so that Sam couldn't see my face and tried to hold back the tears. Why the fuck didn't he want me?

Maybe someone else would ...

I grabbed my shirt off of the floor and my cell phone, heading to the bathroom. "I'm just going to go put this on," I told him.

While in the bathroom, I snapped a quick selfie in my bra and panties and sent it, along with a text to my contact named NickAllNight2014 that simply said:

Not with that other
guy anymore. (heart)
R U still willing 2 meet?

His reply was almost instant:

Friday night. Club Loca.

Club Loca. Loca was one of those dance clubs that had people basically having sex with clothes on on the dance floor. I hadn't been there in years and I wouldn't go there alone to meet someone that I only knew from the internet, even if I was planning on hooking up with Nick. If I was going to do this, I would need Iris, Lily, Iris's bestie Kelly, or maybe even all three.

I sent him a thumbs up emoji and told him I'd try to, "be there with my girls," then threw my shirt on and went back out to Sam's living room.


Author's Notes:

I've honestly never done edibles (or marijuana of any kind), so I hope I made the experience accurate enough. I had a few other people with more experience look over a portion of the chapter and give me some guidance before posting.

As always, I'd love to get your votes and/or comments if you're enjoying the story. It's how I know that taking the time to write this was all worthwhile.

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