The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO...

By NiyWrites

42.6K 2.1K 293

*book two* It's been two years since Melodi left Caleb after finding out his father killed her best friend. ... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter fifteen

1.4K 65 23
By NiyWrites

I sat up and the sound of knocking from the door. Brandon walked in. "Hey, so, anything yet?" He was talking about Ethan. Lately, he has been making movements, small enough to be shrugged off, but big enough to mean something.

He might wake up.

School will start in one month, and I was beginning to get nervous. I haven't gotten much sleep since the incident. And to make things worse, I will be leaving soon. Zaria said that I should be prepared for leaving at any time.

I can't tell anyone, she didn't say that I couldn't, I just chose not to. Caleb and Jace are gone, and Paris is too busy to spill all my secrets with. And Heather and Gabriella have been by my side and still in the shadows at the same time.

"So can have your space." They told me. I looked away from Brandon, the pack was opening up to him now, and people are starting to question who I will end up with. Ethan, or Caleb.

But I already have my answer.

Gabriella walked in the room and Heather was right behind her. I gave the girls a small smile. "Hey." I said softly. Gabriella was bouncing on the balls of her feet. "We have some really good news." She said.

I looked at her red hair in curls, bouncing to the same beat as her. I raised an eyebrow. "What is the good news?" Suddenly, Gabriella stopped bouncing and looked at Brandon the same time Heather did.

Brandon looked at the two girls and sighed, standing up slowly. "And I just got here." He whispered. As he walked out and shut the door, Gabriella walked towards me. "How would you like to be the Godmother of my child?"

My eyes widens. "What?" Heather then walked towards me. "And how would you like to be my maid-of-honor for my wedding?" My mouth parted slightly. "What?" And suddenly, I was out of my slump.

I let go of Ethan's hand and stood to hug the girls. "Congratulations you two, I would love to be the Godmother and the maid-of-honor." The girls laughed and hugged me back. That was when Desmond walked in. I pulled away from the girls and grabbed Ethan's hand.

He smiled at the girls, and when his eyes went to me, his smiled seemed to get wider. "Hello ladies, I am just here to check Ethan's progress." I glared at the mans back. "Melodi." I looked up and saw Paris. He was in the doorway. Heather smiled at went to him, pecking him on the lips.

And in the corner of my eye, I saw Gabriella smile softly and rub her tummy. And don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but I felt alone at this moment in time. My best friend is back from the dead, well, she is in a way still dead. And my other best friend, my savior, is fighting for the life he has.

His body wasn't healing fast enough, even though he was a hybrid. And I can't help but think.

Where is my happiness?

I looked down to Ethan. "Congratulations Paris, you have now made a promise to buy this girl all the teddy bears you couldn't get at the fair, because you sucked." Paris scoffed.

"Thanks Melodi." I gave him a small glance and smile. I saw Desmond check the monitor that was put in his room. "He seems to be improving." I nodded. I waited for Desmond to leave, only he didn't walk directly out. He walked over to me and said "I know what it feels like to wait on a loved on to wake up from a coma, so if you would like to talk about it, let me know." I gave him a small smile and nodded.

As he walked out, Paris gave him a small nod and shut the door behind him. "I don't trust him." Paris said as soon as Desmond left the room. "He doesn't seem that bad." Heather said. I sat down in my chair and looked at Ethan.

I reached over with my other hand and brushed his hair out of his face. I was hit with a strange wind, that made me shiver. I'm here. I froze, my hand just above his head. "Ethan?" I whispered. My hand went to his chest. And my other hand gripped his tighter than it should have.

I could feel the confusion radiating off of the others. "Melodi? Is everything okay?" I didn't say a word. Then, everything around us faded to black.

And I felt him behind me. I kept my eyes on Ethan's body, laying in this bed. But his presence was behind me. "I'm here." He whispered. I felt tears slip from my eyes. "You aren't alone, I am right here, I will protect you." And just as he finished his sentence, the room began to appear.

I wiped my eyes and looked at his body. Well, that was a nice visit, now wasn't it? I rolled my eyes at Oasis's comment. I let my thumb rub Ethan's hand. "Melodi?" It was Brandon. I looked away from Ethan to him and smiled.

"He is okay, he really is." Brandon didn't react the way I thought he would. He didn't look at me as if I was crazy, he looked at me as if I had just made a break through. "He spoke to you? Just now?" I looked at Ethan and nodded.

I looked at the time and realized how late it was. How long as I out? Brandon looked at the others. I noticed that Desmond and Dr.Violet were in the room. "You were out for a really long time, and you were just staring at Ethan, kind like he was a ghost."

I noticed him pause. "What else happened?" Brandon was holding back, I could feel it. Brandon scratched the back of his neck and began to stutter. "W-well, um, E-Ethan was k-kind of....staring back." My eyes widened.

"He was?" I smiled and looked at Ethan. He opened his eyes. I couldn't believe it, he opened his eyes. "But something else happened." Said the doctor. I looked at her.

"It seems that during the time he was talking to you, he was using up all the energy and strength that he had gained back, and now, I'm afraid he is farther in this coma that he was in the beginning."My smile faded and I felt my heart drop.

Paris signed and looked away from me. "Brandon, take her to bed, she needs to rest, I am going to go find that vampire freak, maria." Heather hit him and corrected Paris. "It's Zaria." Paris rolled his eyes. "Same thing." Brandon grabbed my hand and I leaned down and kissed Ethan on the cheek.

Brandon led me to the hall, and as soon as my foot hit the hallway, the door-bell rang. I looked at Brandon and pulled my hand away from him, walking down the stairs instead of up.

I saw angel sitting in one of the living rooms, she was watching Chowder. I smiled at her and walked to the door, opening it before the person begins to get door-bell happy. And as the person looked up and smiled, I froze, yet again.

It was her, the girl that was with Ethan, she was the one that smiled at me, she was the one that I saw in the bed with Ethan. My wolf growled. Why is this thing here? She said lowly. I took in her long black hair, her grey eyes, and her perfect smile. "Mel!"

She hugged me and I stiffened. And I realized I forgot her name. "Uhh, hi." I pulled her off of me and gave her a small smile. "Luna? Who is that?" I turned and looked at Angel, I smiled.

I walked to Angel and grabbed her hand after I pecked her on the cheek. "This is a friends of Ethan's, lets go and introduce you." Angel nodded and we began to walk back to the door.

I saw Brandon leaning on the wall by the door. I punched him in the shoulder and he grunted and followed behind me. "Hi, my name is Angel Marks, and I am also a friend of mister Ethan." I smiled at how adorable she was. She was playing with one of her curls, her sea-green eyes surveying the girl at the door.

"My name is Cecelia, and I am not a friend of Ethan's, I am his girlfriend." Angel raised her eyebrows. "No your not, Luna is right Luna?" She looked up at me and I shook my head. "I am a family friend of Ethan's Angel." She nodded.

I reached behind me and grabbed Brandon, who sighed. "And this is Brandon." Brandon gave Cecelia a small smile. "Nice to meet you." I pushed him back into his corner.

"Why don't you come on and get rested?" Cecelia smiled and nodded. "Angel, you can go back into the living room with Brandon and watch tv, I need to talk to Cecelia." Brandon took this hint and took Angels hand, telling her about some stupid Star Wars episode.

But before I could go up the first step, I heard Angel tell Brandon "I think Luna is about to tell Cecelia that Ethan is hers." Brandon laughed. I rolled my eyes. And walked up the stairs. "So, how did you get here?" I asked.

"Ethan gave me this address, then, I got a phone call saying that Ethan was in a Coma, and that he might not wake up." I could hear the pain in her voice. I nodded and led her to his room. "I will leave you two alone, and your room is right beside his, when your ready for bed."

Cecelia nodded, but her attention wasn't on me, it was on Ethan. But I grabbed her hand before she could walk in. "Um, Cecelia, I won't be here when Ethan wakes up, could you make a promise?"

She nodded. "Can you make sure to take good care of him? I mean the best care in the world, he deserves it." She smiled and nodded. "I promise." She whispered. "But how long will you be gone?" I looked at Ethan and sighed.

"A while." she nodded. "Well, I will take care of him, I promise." I nodded and ran my hand through my hair. I heard someone clear their throat. It was Zaria. I looked at her. She smiled at me and nodded.

It was time.

I let go of Cecelia. "Umm, yeah, so just, make sure he is safe and cared for." She smiled at me. It was a sad smile. Like she knew that I would never make it back to him. "I have your back, and his." I nodded and walked away, tears in my eyes. I heard the door close.

I'm leaving.

Zaria put her arm around me. "So best friend, are you ready to find this jerk that hurt Ethan?" I nodded, but said nothing. Se moved away so that I could open the door to my room. I walked in and grabbed the clothes that were on my bed, black tights, knee-high combat boots, and a sports bra and tank top.

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. As I pulled my hair up, I made a decision.

This was it.

I wasn't coming back.


Zaria smirked as she watched her best friend walk into the bathroom. The plan was going great. And soon, Melodi will forget all about Ethan, and Caleb.

And she will have her best friend back, and when she does come back, they will burn the town.


Melodi walked out of the room and reached for her bag. "You won't need it." Zaria said as she stood up. Melodi nodded. "Can I say goodbye to Ethan before we leave?" Zaria nodded. Melodi walked to the door and opened it. She walked down the stairs to Ethan's room.

Cecelia wasn't in the room, she could smell that she was in her own room. But she would be back. As she opens the door, Zaria's words rang in her ears. "When I take my revenge, you might want to keep an eyes on him, he just might slip from your fingers." Melodi walked to Ethan's bed, and grabbed his hand.

"I will take care of you, I may not do it here, but I am taking care of you, I promise." Melodi whispered. She leaned down and let her lips touch his. "I love you Ethan." She moved away and kissed his cheek.

As she walked out, she noticed Zaria glancing at Ethan. She shut the door and walked ahead of Zaria. "Let's get this started." She said. Zaria smiled and nodded behind Melodi's back. "Of course, but first, let's take a stop someplace...quiet."

Melodi's guard went up as she nodded.

This was it.

She wasn't coming back.

Little did she know....this one choice will cost her more than Ethan.


Well, it is finished. NOT THE STORY OF COURSE! Just the chapter.

And the final book will be just as good, so, tell me isms you like this chapter, tell me your thoughts on the two books so far.

And give your guess for the next book.

Until my next update.

Love ya'll.

Xoxoxo oxoxox

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