Bad Ways

Per snazzier

102K 2.8K 298

a girl absolutely broken, and a boy who held the sledgehammer. Més

Prologue...MUST READ
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 PART 1
Chapter 19 PART 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (oh sh*t a long chapter)
Chapter 39 (to the rescue)
Added another book

Chapter 13

2.2K 70 3
Per snazzier

*****AXELS' POV*****

Monday Morning~

Why...? Why Monday? Can't the weekend repeat itself? Like....just once?

It was a dreary Monday morning, and I was getting off my motorcycle. I was parked infront of the gates of hell- otherwise known as school, but eh, no difference. I was dressed in classic attire- black leather jacket, dark grey tight cotton shirt (with a v-neck) and black jeans. My hair was styled in it's usual messy way, and I had my stubble on point perfectly. I was ready for school.

Sighing, I slung my black backpack over one shoulder and walked slowly towards the school building. I didn't really care if I was late to any classes, it wasn't like they would miss me, anyways. Well- the girls may miss me. Not all of them though- one teal haired girl I knew would be happy I was absent.
Gosh. I thought I had her out of my head. Guess not. Oh well, guess I'll just have to ignore my shitty feelings now. I didn't really give a fuck for them anyways.

I rolled my eyes to myself, and pushed open the school door. It opened with a creak- showing how badly it needed oil. I made my way into the heated main hall, and towards my classroom on the other side of the school.

Oops. I guess I'll just have to walk extra slow....It's just too far. If I don't conserve my energy, I might not make it all the way there.

I snickered at my own thoughts. Soon, I passed a hall way of lockers. They were empty, of course, seeing as the bell had probably already rung like 15 minutes ago.

Hesitantly, I checked my watch on my right wrist. Yep, I was right- it's been 15 minutes. Oops. My bad.

I continued walking down the hallway silently, while tapping away at my new iphone I got yesterday after my old one broke at the club when I dropped it on the ground.

It had been about a minute of silent halways and walking, when all the sudden I heard the soft noise of someone crying. Wait- not just someone- a girl. It was coming from behind the door of an unused classroom at the end of the hallway.

Maybe, just maybe, if someone was to rescue that girl, and make her happy, she may give that knight in shining armor something in return. I'm pretty sure you know what I would want in return, that is if I was the knight in shining armor.

Hehe, what a fairy tale we live in.

I started to walk towards the classroom from whitch the girl was in, no longer interested in my phone. A smirk rose onto my lips as I got closer and closer to the crying. When I finally reached the wooden door of the classroom, I softly pushed it open. Quickly, I morphed my smirk into a fake mask of seriousness as I peeked into the room.

Low and behold- there was the girl. She was sitting in the middle of the room, sitting on a desk and sobbing. Her back was facing me, and her black hoodie hid her hair. My eyes slightly widened as I took in her mis-sheveled form, rising up and down ragedly as she took sharp intakes of air. How was I going to do this?

"Hello? Are you ok there?" I asked softly to the girl. The girl's crying stopped suddenly, as though being caught and accused of something, and the room fell into silence.

After around a minute, the girl finally spoke in a dry raspy voice- showing that she had been crying pretty hard.

"Oh...yeah. I'm fine..." The gril whispered, obviously scared. "I'm just...tired." She trailed off cautiously.

I chuckled softly. "You really don't seem fine. If you were fine, you wouldn't be crying." I walked towards her, trying to get a glampse of her face, atleast from the side.

The girl didn't answer this time and just continued to stare out of the window on the wall, and turned her face farther away from me so I couldn't see her. Growing Impatient, I grabbed her shoulder and turned her tio face me. "Look- I just want to-" I stopped as I took in her face, confusion clouding my eyes.

"INDIA?!" I cried, taking a step away from her, shock etching onto my face.

"Yep." She smirked, dropping the crying act and turning to me as she flipped her ombre hair out of her eyes. "That's me."

"What? You were fake crying? Huh. That was good." I muttered under my breath.

"Haha...yeah." India dropped her smirk, and replaced it with a devious smile- getting off the desk and walking closer towards me. She had a very evil look in her silver eyes as she stared into my grey/violet ones, walking even closer.

"What're you doing India?" I breathed, just as she was in arm distance of my body, where I could take in her beautiful curves. "What do you need...?"

Hesitantly, she stepped even closer to me- so close I could feel the heat radiating off her body. I wanted to touch her- to hug her so badly. I wanted to stroke her cheeks and smell her hair. From where she was standing, I could smell her body fragrence- a mixture of vanilla and clean sheets. So...alluring.

"I just wanted..." India whispered gruffly. "a hug." She trailed off. Slowly, she dragged her eyes up to meet mine.

I swear, within a single glance I got lost so far into those eyes- I couldn't find my way out. It was so entrancing.

Then, suddenly, she wrapped her arms around my neck. My breathing stopped and I just completely froze- wordless as she hugged me tightly. So tightly we almost became one as we stood in silence- no words leavig our mouths.

Suddenly, India muttered something under her breath. Not being able to hear what she said, I asked her; "what did you say?"

India pulled back enough just so I could stare into her eyes. "Oh, poor poor Axel." She scoffed harshly as I looked at her in confusion. "I said..." She paused and smirked up at me "I said goodnight."

Suddenly without warning, I felt her finger pressure the back of my neck- perfectly centered on a main pressure point.

Oh. So that's why she hugged me.

The corners of my vision started going black as I fell on my knees- legs turning to jello.

"haha...I've always wanted to see you crumble to your knees." India laughed bitterly as my eyelids were starting to flutter close- my head against the cold ground.

"Goodnight, Axel." India towered over me. "Have fun...being passed out. Oh god I love revenge"

Revenge?! What do you mean...?

I faded into blackness.

Continua llegint

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