How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

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When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 26 - The truth

562 27 4
By Thunderthighz2005

Kel's pov

"We need to talk" I said with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Sure sweety what do you need to talk about?" Dad said

"Don't lie with all that sweety, darling bullshit dad, I finally figured out about you two. Now I want you to to tell me everything from the start, the truth." I said angrily

"The truth about what?" Mum said

"Don't play dumb you know what I am talking about, how you wiped my memory and blocked off my powers and said I was going to work for Hydra" I said angrily

Their faces had shock written all over it.

"That's right I found your little video so sit down and explain right now or so help me, I will make your lives hell right now" I said

"Alright we will tell you everything" Mum sighed

"Watch your language young lady and watch your tine. Don't threaten us" Dad said

"I don't give a shit dad. Did I ask you? I am done playing nice with you. Stop playing happy families and tell the goddam truth. I am sick of getting hurt and all the lies so just tell me the truth. That's the least you owe me" I said

"We have killed people Kelani, we did to survive and we killed someone important and then bad people were after us" Mum said

"Well I don't blame them if you killed people. Why? Why did you kill people?" I said

"Well shortly after we ran away and bad people were still after us this group organization called Hydra helped us out and took us in. They have protected us and trained us and kept us safe. It was part of our job to kill. We have been trained. Almost like assassins like Natasha. You can't be so shocked your mates have killed people. They found out about your mum having powers and my strength and recruited us because they said we would be useful to Hydra." Dad said

Hydra. Shit this is not good. I have to warn my mates. I knew it. I knew as soon as my mates told me about Hydra and then I connected the dots and found out half the truth.

"First of all I am glad they kept you safe because I got to see you again. I am mad no I am angry that you didn't even reach out once to me because all these years I thought you were dead. You guys wiped my memory and blocked off my powers until I was eight. How am I supposed to feel about that? You told me you were dead and basically knocked me out and made me think you guys just died. It is fucked up. You guys were supposed to be my parents" I shouted

"We still are darling" Mum said

"No you were, as of now you are not. I will never forgive you guys" I said

"Is that why you randomly showed up here yesterday? Not because you care but because you have to hold up your end of the deal for Hydra?" I said

"You will be great at Hydra. You will be so power and strong. You will be unstoppable" Dad said.

"I don't want to be unstoppable. I don't want to be a part of Hydra. I want to be here with my mates and friends not you guys. I will never join Hydra" I said

"We don't expect you to forgive us straight away and we don't expect to be close like a normal family. We are sorry, we lied and sorry we didn't reach out sooner. But we are here now and we are not leaving ever again only if we have to. You have to join Hydra, you don't have a choice." Dad said

"Sorry!? Your sorry? What the hell is sorry going to do? You can't fix this. We will never be a family. I never want to join you or Hydra. They are bad mum and dad and now you guys are involved." I said

"Also secondly don't bring my mates into this ok. They also did what they were trained to do, they are heroes and it is their job. The others did it to survive. Bucky was the Winter soldier mum and dad he was brainwashed by Hydra and they made him a weapon and kill thousands and it wasn't his fault. He wasn't in control of himself. The other Avengers who were not a part of Hydra had to kill because it is their job and they were trying to save innocent people from another one of Hydra's stupid plans they came up with. You don't even know what my mates went through the ones who Hydra had controlled neither do I. It must have been really bad of it still scares some of them today. So don't talk to me about my mates. Natasha's is an assassin and did it because she had a mission to complete like the others. Tony and his weapons back then were used against him so don't bring my mates into this." I said

"Hydra is not a good organization. They are bad. They are evil. Steve and my other mates told me all about them. They have tortured and captured and brainwashed some of my mates and I won't let you and Hydra take them again and hurt them. They just want power and wealth and brainwashed my mate Bucky. They also tortured Natasha and took Wanda and Pietro and used them for their powers. They have killed thousands and I do not agree with them at all. My mates the Avengers go on missions all the time and Hydra's involved most of the time and they try to stop them from whatever their next plan is. So the real question is why are you with Hydra?" I said

"We are sorry for bringing your mates into this. We have no right. Yes Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra but to kill of enemies. The Avengers and all your mates are not good people honey. We read their files all of them even your other mates. They are dangerous people. Every single one of your mates are bad people. They have all done bad things to people. We can't allow you to be mated to them. We have to eliminate the threat. Hydra have killed thousands to make the world a better place that's why honey and yes to gain power and control. Isn't that what we all want? Hydra is not a bad organization and it is not a threat and they are not bad or evil. They took us in and looked after us. They are trying to make the world a better place. We are with Hydra because the are good people" Mum said

"Don't belittle my mates. You are right you have no rights at all to speak. You are the ones who left my life and I had to make a life of my own. Don't say my mates ae dangerous. They are wonderful, sweet, brave people, they are heroes and most importantly they are all my mates. I will be mated to them whether or not you guys like it. And now you are checking up on them? You don't get to tell me who I can be with. And you sure as hell don't control me. They are not the threat. Eliminate the threat? How dare you? They are not the threat mum and dad. Maybe you guys are the threat. Yes I think you and Hydra are the threat. You randomly pop up at a random time when you had all these years and now acting as if everything is fine. I won't allow you to hurt my mates. Hydra is not good and they are proving my point when they kill thousands and make dangerous weapons to wipe out many of us. They used Bucky as a toy and tricked and lied to him. It wasn't Bucky's fault, it was all Hydra's fault. " I said.

"We have Hydra agents surrounding this building waiting for our signal, you will listen and come with us" Mum said

"Since when were the agents around the building?"" I said

"They have been ever since we arrived. Our whole mission this week was to grab you and you willingly take you to Hydra with us and train yo and make you unstoppable. But seen as you are not coming willingly you are making it harder for yourself."" Mum said

 No most of us don't want power and control, I certainly don't. I am happy here with my mates and I have everything I need. I have love, a family and my mates and best friends. I have a good life, what else do I need? Hydra is evil and you guys need to realize that. Or maybe you guys already know that and want to play the victims? Well guess what it is not happening and I won't join you and neither will my mates. I am going down stairs right now to tell my mates and then we are going to hand you and all your mates over to Nick my mate and Maria Hill  and Ross and lock you all up, you and your stupid evil Hydra agents friends. They are not good people mum and dad wake up and realize that." I said 

"We are your family not them." Mum said angrily.

"Who left. Who left me as a little child with my aunt and decided to play dead. Don't act innocent. I am staying with my mates and I will not leave them even for you. You will not touch my mates." I said  angrily shouting.

"You are our daughter and you will listen to us. You will work with Hydra and come and work for us. We will train you and you will learn to kill like the rest of us did. Just like your mother learned and just like I learned as well." Dad said

"I am sick of playing nice you are our daughter and you will listen and come with us" Mum said

"We tried to play nice but you made it harder. Now we are going back don't make me use my powers on you" Mum said

"You don't control me. I won't join you or Hydra. You will not harm my mates or I. I will kill you myself if you lay a hand on any of them." I shouted and ran away from them.

"Come back here" Dad shouted angrily

"You just wait" Mum shouted angrily chasing after me with dad.

I put a shield over the whole room so they couldn't get out. I had to tell my mates. I can't let my parents get away with this. More importantly, I can't let them harm my mates or take them away from me. I teleported to the lounge and landed in Peter's arms (Parker). I scrambled out of his arms quickly and stood up. They all saw the panic written on my face.

"Woah Kelani what's wrong?" Shuri said

All my mates looked at me worriedly.

"You guys need to get out of here now all of you" I said quickly

We don't have much time.

"Kelani calm down what's going on?" Tony said

"My parents are part of Hydra and there's agents all around the building and-

Steve interrupted me.

"You parents are Hydra? Calm down tell us what you know slowly" Steve said

"My parent's are part of Hydra, they are the bad guys. It is confirmed they are a part of Hydra and are trying to take me back to Hydra. I am not willingly going so now mum threatened to use her powers on me. They are not going to back down until they have me so leave and get out of here while you can. They have the building surrounded with agents and are going to kill you all I think. No time please all of you get out and go and get safe. You guys need to go" I said trying to hold back my tears.

I am scared they are going to be hurt.

"No Kel we are not leaving you" Wanda said

"Please guys, I don't want any of you hurt, all of you get out here before they come in please" I said trying to push them out

Steve grabbed my arms and held me close to him.

"We are all going to get out suits on and we are going to fight them off. We are not leaving you. Your our mate and we can't risk you being hurt." Steve said as I pushed out of his arms.

"Everyone, Avengers go get suited up" Steve shouted

Everyone went running off and all came back ten minutes later suited up and ready.

They are going to be hurt. I can't lose them.

"Kelani we are not leaving you, we will fight them off" Bucky said

"No please go and get safe, I don't want you being hurt" I cried and tried pushing them all out again.

Then I heard the lift open. Shit it's too late.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Look at Kel and all her mates. How sweet? We gave you the easy option Kel but you wanted to be defiant. So now it is the hard way" Dad taunted

"We tried being nice Kelani. We tried the easy way but you are just too stubborn. I wish you would have chosen the easy way. But now you all know yes we are a part of Hydra and wouldn't change for the world" Mum said

"You will not hurt the mum and dad" I said

"As if we care about your opinion now Kelani we asked you nicely but you just don't want to leave them" Dad said

"Well know everyone knows" Mum said

Mum brought out her walkie talkie. 

"Boys come in" Mum said

"Copy that" A voice said

Why do I feel like I recognize that voice?

"You will not lay a hand on Kelani" Tony said

"You think we care about what her stupid mates and friends have to say?" Dad said

I growled loudly.

"Don't call my mates stupid" I growled out

"How did you get out? I put a shield over you both so you couldn't get out" I said

"I have powers as well and they are a lot stronger than yours" Mum said 

All of a sudden the door bust open. We turned around to see Tory and Hunter come in.

"Tory, Hunter?" I growled out

"Surprise Kel nice to see my girl again" Tory smirked

All my mates growled.

"Your girl?" Hunter said

"Sorry our girl, our soulmate brother" Tory said

"I am not your girl or your soulmate Hunter or Tory" I growled out

"Your working with Hydra?" I said

"Let me explain" Dad said

"We have been watching you closely ever since we left you, Tory grew up trained by Hydra. He is a good agent. Hunter soon followed him. Tory is also a sweet boy and thought he would be perfect for you. Over the years we pushed you two together and ended up dating. But you had to breakup because you found your mates. We linked your souls because you were supposed to be mated forever." Dad spat out.

"Sweet boy? Sweet boy? This boy Tory yes we dated but he abused me everyday and hurt me. He carved into my skin, he burned me, beat me burnt my throat, called me names you name it. He tortured me for years. I had to suffer. The day we came here for a school trip he beat me in the kitchen. I walked out and collapsed in front of my friends. My mates saw me and took me to med bay. I eventually woke up and took down my glammer and they saw how much I was damaged. They had a good beating on him well Shawn and Chris did and the rest of my mates had to be restrained. They helped clean me up. If I wasn't there that day and if they didn't help. I could have died. I don't know how much more my body could have taken before it gave up and just died. So don't tell me that dick head there is a sweet boy. He is pure evil. Also because you linked our souls when my mates went to beat him up I could fee Try's pain it was affecting me and hurting me. So take this damn spell of right now. I don't want to be linked to that fucker anymore" I said angrily

"Friday play the video of me in the kitchen on the tour day for schools" I said

"Kelani you don't have too" Justin said holding my hand

"No they need to see what he did to me" I said

"What the fuck did I tell you? I did tell you to stay away from them. They don't deserve a dirty filthy ugly whore like you." Tory spat

"Now your gonna pay the price for disobeying me." Tory said

"No please I'm sorry. They are my mates I can't help it." babygirl cried

"Well now you learn a lesson." He spat

He grabbed a knife and started carving her skin. princess kicked him in the throat and shouted "No your not doing to this to me anymore you prick, I hate you, I have taken your shit for years now fuck off and leave me alone."

He kicked her to the ground and he kicked her throat opening her wound on her neck again and all of my other wounds. He got a knife and stabbed her both sides and said "Heal yourself bitch then come and sit with me or the punishment will be worse. I am going to the bathroom and when I get back you better be sat in your seat or I will kill you ok whore." Tory spat at me

End of video

"That wasn't even his worst mum and dad, so I don't know what you were thinking sending him to beat me all these years and torture me. Did you enjoy it? Did you do it for your own enjoyment mum and dad?" I asked now even angrier

Tory's face paled and Hunter looked at him shocked.

"That is not how your supposed to treat a lady Tory, especially our soulmate" Hunter said

My mates growled loudly

"She is our soulmate not yours" Derek growled out

"Not yet" Hunter said and winked.

"I will never be" I said

"We never sent him to beat you only look after you. You lay your hand on our daughter you filthy bastard. I will kill you" Dad said and punched him in the jaw multiple times

Mum eventually pulled him off.

"That's enough Charlie" Mum said

"Tory we never told you to beat her." Mum said

"That's it?" I said

"No sorry no nothing just that. He gets to live doesn't get locked up or anything?" I said

"No" Mum said

"But I will unlink your souls" Mum said

"Thank God" I said

She whispered a spell and purple wisps came out her hand. Then I felt some what lighter. Bucky went and punched Tory right in the jaw and he fell to the floor. I felt nothing. Bucky looked at me and inspected me.

"I am fine Bucky" I said and smiled

Bucky continued punching him. Dad pulled him off and mum put all my mates under a shield.

"Let us out" Scott (Lang) shouted

I tried walking over and taking off the shield but I couldn't.

"Let them out" I growled out

"Anyway where were we? Oh yes you are coming home with us back to Hydra and we will train you to become the most powerful and unstoppable weapon." Mum said

"I don't want to. I want to stay here with my mates and live here. I don't want to became powerful and unstoppable" I said

"I simply don't care what you want anymore" Mum said

She used some type of spell and sat me in a chair. I couldn't get up.

"What have you done? Why can't I get up?" I said

"I used magic, I am stronger than you darling" Mum said

Mum took the shield off my mates and cast a spell on them. They could talk and move. But they were stuck on the spot.

"What have you done to my mates? Let them go" I said

"Let us go right now" Edward growled out

"We will kill you once we are free" Scott (McCall) growled out 

"I will give you your worst nightmares if you don't let me free" Loki growled out

"Don't touch her" Jessica spat out

"Don't you hurt her or we will kill you" henry said

"If you hurt her we will all kill you slowly" Emmett said

"Let her go" Charlotte said

My mum cast a spell and put some type of magic lock on Loki's mouth so he couldn't whisper anything. They also froze Wanda's hand so she couldn't perform any magic. They froze Thor's hands to stop him calling Mjolnir. She also cast a spell on Stephen so he couldn't use magic, a spell on Bruce so he couldn't transform into Hulk and interrupt and a spell on Scott (Lang) so he didn't shrink and attack. They also cast a spell on Tony to stop him calling his suit, he could still talk as could Loki they just stopped them from saying anything that could interrupt whatever they want to do with me.

"No they are going to watch what we are going to do to you?" Dad said darkly

"What are you going to do to me?" I gulped

"We won't hurt your mates if you agree to come with us, if not I will kill half of them on the spot right now" Mum said 

I sighed. I don't want to leave them. But what other choice do I have? None. I won't let my mates die. I can't. I can't live without them.

"What do you choose?" Mum said

"Kelani no don't go with them" Wanda cried

"We will figure this out" Tony said

"Go and run and get out of here" Diana said

"Don't go with them" Jessica said

"Go and get help" Bella shouted

I looked at my mum and dad and said "Let me say goodbye" I said

Mum froze my magic and my powers so I couldn't use any at the moment. She removed the spell and let me up.

I walked over to my mates.

"I am sorry but you guys come first even my best friends as well. I can't risk you guys being hurt. I love you all too much. You will be fine without me. I can't let you die" I said crying

"No, Kelani you can't go with them, I won't let you. I won't lose you too" Steve said

I brought my hands to his face. I stroked it. He leaned into my hands and started to tear up.

"I am sorry Steve you don't have a choice none of you do. I am not letting any of you die, you all mean too much to me and I can't lose you." I said

"Kelani don't you dare" Harley said 

"I can't let you guys hurt" I said

"You think we want to see you get hurt?" Bucky said

"We care about you please Kel we don't want you getting hurt" Clay said

"it's for the best" I said

"No we are going to lose you" Alex said

"You won't lose me" I said

"We will and you will get hurt and we can't. We don't want to see you hurt" Tony said with tears in his eyes.

"Tones it will be alright, I promise" I said

"Don't go I can't lose you too Kel, I need you please we all do" Tones said as I gently kissed his forhead.

"I am sorry" I said

"Let my mates go" I said

"Not until we are finished with you then we will let them go, deal?" Dad said

"What are you going to do to me?" I said scared

"You still haven't answered the question" Dad said

"What do you choose?" Mum said

"Your mates lives or yours?" Mum said

"I choose.....

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