one time | hood

By lilaccal

988 24 3

Where Cal remembers the only girl that meant something to him. More

that one time | hood
that one time we sat in your backyard
that one time you got drunk
that one time we went to a concert with ash
that one time you cried because of your grandad
that one time you got jealous
that one time we moved in together
that one time we got high with mikey
that one time we had a power cut
that one time when we first met
that one time when everything turned to shit
back home

that one time we went to a music festival

37 2 0
By lilaccal

It wasn't really a proper festival, just some music at the beach thing where you could set up tents and laze around all day. I didn't really know any of the acts that were playing, though I do remember you being quite excited to see George Ezra and this duo that you liked called Broods perform live.

We'd gone along with the boys and Luke's girlfriend at the time, I think her name was Bree or something. It didn't last all that long, they broke up the next week. We pitched tents and somehow Ashton ended up sleeping in ours. I was kind of pissed, I'd wanted to spend some time alone with you, you'd told me to shut up and kissed me.

The festival went on for about three days, I think. It was full of beer and sunsets and getting high and sleeping in the middle of the day and making out with you and in all honesty, it was quite possibly the best three days of my life.

The bathrooms were these grotty as hell public bathroom things and so loads of people refused to shower indoors. We'd mostly just wear our swimmers, you in a bikini and me in my trunks and we'd just shower in the outdoors sprinklers down near the beach.

I remember one night when the air was really hot and the sky was pitch black, we ran down there, across the sand and straight into the ocean. The water was warm and I remember holding you and kissing you and touching you and everything tasted like salt but you were there and you were so real, Jay.

The morning after George Ezra had been performing and so the two of us laid on the grass right in front of the stage. Ashton had walked down with us too and he laid down next to me, his arms covering his eyes as he listened and hummed along. You sat cross legged as I lied down and let my head rest in your lap. I remember closing my eyes and listening to George singing and the crowd singing along and feeling your fingers run through my hair. The smell of the sea salt in the air, the feeling of the grass underneath my back.

Your hair was loose over your shoulders and every few seconds it would tickle my nose and I'd open my eyes, squinting a little due to the sun (you were wearing my sunglasses) and looking up at you.

You'd be singing along too, this wide smile on your face as you laughed along with some random person you'd managed to strike up a conversation with or Ashton who would smirk at me. He never let us forget the fact that he was the one who'd introduced the two of us.

At night the five of us, six of us including Bree, would sit around outside our tents. Drinking and singing and laughing the night away. I remember once the two of us fell asleep outside the tent, laying straight back on the grass, my arm slung over your waist.

We'd woken up the next morning to Luke yawning loudly as he crawled out of his tent. I woke up to the sight of you with messy hair and a voice scratchy from sleep.

I'd do anything to sleep on the grass with you again, Jay.

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