Everyone Needs A Hero.... Eve...

By Bit_h_

64.9K 2K 925

*BANG* I felt a sharp intense pain in my leg. I screamed a blood curdling scream. "THEY SHOT ME IN MY LEG... More

Who's there?!
You sure shes fine? She looks dead.
Telling Master Splinter
Rooftop stars
The past
Silly Antics
Just her
But Leo
What if?
What happened
Master splinter
His hero
shes not yours
Reach back
I love you! I love you! I love you!
Sleeping beauty
Q. And A??
Space heros
Thank you for being my hero.
To the moon and back


1.1K 41 1
By Bit_h_

Your POV:

I never liked Karai, Maybe because the turtle I liked liked her. Or Mabye I just had a bad feeling I didn't know.
But, she got taken by shredder once he found out she had betrayed him. I don't like her but... no one deserves what she might be going through. All of the turtles are upset but Leo... he's constantly on edge and all he ever talks about is how to get Karai back.

Tonight they were gonna get her back- or try- I didn't want her to be hurt but... apart of me... doesn't want her to come back.

"Okay team here's the game plan," Leonardo started to explain what was going to happen tonight as I watched and hoped they would make it out okay.

They geared up and headed towards the door.  Splinter was comming with, Before Leo could leave though,
I grabbed his hand,

"Please, come back safe..." I begged.

Leo just looked at me and didn't say anything.

Before turning around.

And leaving.

Everyone was gone. I was alone in the lair waiting like a sitting duck.

I sat on the couch. I wished I could do more, when it comes down to it I was pretty useless.

And I hated it.

I didn't help the team or anyone in any way. I wanted to change that but I didn't know how to fight. I didn't know how to use tech. I was like a 1950's house wife. waiting at home cooking and cleaning. Waiting for everyone to come back.

I couldn't go home.
Sense I knew that the turtles were going to shredder to get Karai back. I can't go home. I need to make sure there safe.

To be honest Leo has been worrying me, Mabye it's just because it's  Karai  but I'm not sure.
He's so caught up on being the leader or even the hero he completely forgets about himself. He will train till he faints from exhaustion. Hell starve himself for days and say "it's apart of training."  He's so hard on himself. Sometimes I worry he'll hurt himself to save someone.
I get it, that's what Heros do but.. what if that person never wanted to be saved? What if he could have avoided it but the drive to safe everyone was so strong it clouded his mind.

What if he were to die..?

I held onto the hoodie I keep in my backpack. I held the tears back. I needed to clear my head in anyway.

I need up falling asleep with the hoodie in my chest.

Crash! Bang!

I sat up quickly

"Guys?!" I yelled to the distance.

"It's just us dudett.." Mikey replied spin a sad tone.

I ran up to them to see none of them were badly injured. I sighed of relief untill I noticed..

"Wait... where Karai?" I asked looking at Leo. He didn't feature the look he just ran out to his room.
I looked at Mikey.

"Oh no..." I gasped.
"Is she..?"

"She's not dead if that's what your asking," Donnie answered. "But, she..." Donnie looked away. "She was mutated..."

I gasped. Mutated?! Is shredder that cruel?! He would do that to someone he raised?!?

"You can make a retro mutagen for her... right don?" I asked

"I hope so..." Donnie walked over the couch and sat down eyes not leaving the floor.

I walked over to him, "what happened..?" I questioned.

"We git our asses kicked that's what!" Raph sternly yelled. "We try and try again but we can't beat him! Not even splinter could!" Raph started to rant but clenched his fist and walked out.

I looked at the other 2 turtles who were still here they didn't look up but I could tell. They knew he was right. I then looked over to splinter who was walking away to his room. I'm sure this is hard for him... loosing your daughter like that. Twice...

"You guys wanna watch tv?" Mikey asked trying to lighted the mood.

"Sure MC." I gave a light smile.

Leos POV:

I ran to my room. I couldn't hold in the tears. I didn't want them to see me like this.

"DAMN IT LEO!" I screamed to myself. "Why didn't you stop her when you could. If you did none of this would've happened!" I was sobbing.

I try but it's never enough I always fail. I've failed at being a hero. I've failed at being a leader. I've failed at being a teammate. I've even failed being a brother...

I looked at the ceiling.

Karai I am so sorry.... you don't deserve any of this...
Karai is so strong and beautiful.... I promise to save her.

I'm gonna go clear my head and train. I walked out of my room after drying my eyes. Y/n Mikey and Donnie were sitting on the couch watching tv.
I walked into the dojo and grabbed my twin katanas.

I positioned my hands and feet and swung.

Your POV:

I was in the living room when Leo walked out into the dojo.

"I should leave him alone... he's going through a lot."

I looked over to the closed dojo doors and looked back to the tv.
Why does he think he has to do everything alone?



Mabye I shouldn't leave him alone. Mabye he'll understand he doesn't have to...
I looked over to the dojo again to notice a sound.

Or lack of one.

There wasn't any sound coming from the dojo.
No grunting,no sounds of katanas swinging in the air.


I got up from my seat on the couch.

"Where ya going?" Donnie asked.
I ignored. Somthing was wrong.
Very very wrong.

I ran to the dojo doors and swung them open.


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