Pacific Rim: King of the Mons...

By JayFrom13

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In 1954, Godzilla rose from the depths, alarming humanity and sending them into a panic. However, the massive... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9. His Return
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16. And then there were Two
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24. The Amalgamation
Chapter 25.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28. Goodbye
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. A Living Nightmare
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36. The Shrouded Fortress
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39. More Players on the Board
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41. Gojira, Kiryu, Dagan
Chapter 42. Cometh the Devils Disciples
Chapter 43. Doesn't Exist
Chapter 44. Self Destruction
Chapter 45. To Blame
Chapter 46. Preparation
Chapter 47. Serenity before Destruction
Chapter 48. The Brawlers
Chapter 49. Grudge Match
Chapter 50. A Watchful Eye
Chapter 51. Absent Minded
Chapter 52. Incomplete
Chapter 53. Reality
Chapter 54. Recollection
Chapter 55. Subtitles Required
Chapter 56. A Short Break
Chapter 57. Shattered
Chapter 58. Conversing with the damaged
Chapter 59. Departure
Chapter 60. Blood and Acid
Chapter 61. Celebration
Chapter 62. Awakening
Chapter 63. Collision
Chapter 64. Museum
Chapter 65. 2v2
Chapter 66. Disaster
Chapter 67. A True Juggernaut
Chapter 68. Beginning of the End
Chapter 69. The Question is Why?
Chapter 70. Pointless
Chapter 71. Split
Chapter 72. One Last Time
Chapter 73. Electrifying
Chapter 74. Rematch
Chapter 75. The Entrance
Chapter 76. Cometh the Hour
Chapter 77. The Enraged Duo
Chapter 78. The Atomic Crusade

Chapter 26.

504 19 5
By JayFrom13

- The Shatter-Dome infirmary -

Jay rested in the bed next to the first he had broken when his body rejected the sedative.

The doctors and nurses were cautious with the pilot, even with two days of no activity, they feared he would repeat the process over again and break free. Even the guards had doubts about the pilot and his outbursts. The pilot was left to rest without handcuffs holding him to the bed, but nearly double the guards stood in the room around his bed.

Sitting just outside the curtains that hid Jay from everyone else was Moto, snoring while starting to drool.

A nurse slowly lifted his head and put a small pillow between the young boys head and the wall. Moto snored and adjusted himself, crossing his arms and falling into deep sleep once again.


Shobi and Teruo stood behind Pentecost and Tatopoulos as he talked to the united world council, multiple screens filled with the worlds leaders in front of the two men.

"Monarch has lost four Outposts, more than 2,500 staff, and three Titans were found deceased. From what we know so far, the Titan from our containment facility on Isla de Mara has been tracking down the codenamed 'Titan Hunter' along with my friend, Zilla. We have footage from a surviving camera from the outpost..." Nick looked to Pentecost who played a recording.

One of the screens changed, revealing Oblivion running into the ocean with Rodan and Zilla pursuing the kaiju.

The screen then returned back to one of the council members.

"Thank you for the details doctor, but why did you call us here? The world funds you jaegers to take these things down, so what do you have planned to deal with this threat?"

"You saw the footage. The titans are hunting down this kaiju. They are actively working together to get rid of this intruder. He was forced to retreat because he was outmatched." Nick sighed, "Monarch planned on letting the Titans sleep, so we can study them. But after that thing landed here, he successfully tracked down and murdered three titans in less than 12 hours."

"Before you continue, how long has it been since we saw that footage?"

Nick checked his watch, "It's been about two hours since Rodan, Zilla, and Godzilla chased off the kaiju."

"Pentecost, are these... titans... are they still tracking down the threat?"

Pentecost cleared his throat, "Yessir. Currently the kaiju has stayed away from land. We think he might be trying to come up with a plan."

"You say that like this kaiju can think like we can. What makes you so sure its coming up with a plan?"

"We have proof this kaiju can think. A report came in from a survivor in Peru, they said the kaiju was smelling around, searching for his next target. The kaiju was seen looking out toward Skull Island." Nick held his hands behind his back, trying to remain as cool as Pentecost. These were the world leaders, he had to show he represented Monarch to the best of his ability. They had placed their trust in him to argue his point.

"Skull Island houses an already awakened Titan, right?"

"Yes. He has shown no signs of leaving that island, however, he was also spotted looking out toward Peru. It's as if he knew what was happening..." Nick exhaled from his nose, "My point in sharing these details is to ask you one question, can Monarch awaken the Titans?" Before he could get a response, he continued quickly, "Currently there are four Titans already awake, Rodan, Zilla, Godzilla, and Kong. There was a fifth but I was informed that Titanus Mosura perished. Monarch has done their homework and we believe at least two specific Titans can be awakened that could benefit mankind."

The councilmen talked among themselves for a minute, leaving Nick to question if he had sounded convincing.

Pentecost leaned over, whispering something in the doctor's ear. Pentecost then stood back in place, leading Nick to raise his hand.

Teruo shook his head, "Sheesh, we are screwed."

Shobi nudged his arm, "Shush, he's doing good so far."

One of the councilmen noticed Nick through their screen, "Dr.Tatopoulos, you have something to add?"

Nick shook as he was surprisingly caught off guard, "I do. I hope you were all informed that Cherno Alpha and Royal Monarch were destroyed recently. They died fighting a monster that had used a fallen jaeger to sneak back onto this planet. The pilots of Jet Jaguar informed us that they are retiring, but asked that Jet Jaguar continue to be utilized by future pilots. As for the other Jaegers, their numbers are dropping fast. Monarch believes the Titans can buy us some time while surviving jaegers are restored, new mechs are made, and more pilots are brought into the program."

"Do you have that much faith in these animals?"

"I do." Nick thought of Zilla, seeing the footage of his friend bleeding out with the massive gash in his throat, "Four Titans have attacked and aided Godzilla in fending off this new kaiju. If we do not act fast, and more Titans are killed, this threat will become more disastrous over time."


"From that same survivor in Peru, she said something was inside the kaiju. She noted that whatever it was, is another kaiju. It feeds off the insides of other titans, growing with every Titan it encountered." Nick shivered as he looked to Pentecost, "Which leads us to this footage."

Pentecost pulled up another video, revealing to everyone in that meeting the abomination that was Harvester.

One of the council members gagged as another held his aching stomach.

Teruo felt uneasy, seeing something made of other creatures move around. The way it moved mimicked that of a newborn child, slowly taking steps. The pilot then noticed Shobi shaking, he almost thought she was scared but her glare could kill a man.

"What is that thing?" One of the leaders asked.

"We don't know what to call it. But it not only stole the intestines of the Titans, it absorbed everyone escaping Isla de Mara." Nick glanced to Pentecost who pulled up a recording of Oblivion letting Harvester fill the choppers.

"We don't know what it is, but it has grown large enough to register at a Category 4." Pentecost played another clip of Harvester fusing back into Oblivion, "This isn't just a single threat, the Titan Hunter is helping this thing grow even larger. How big it can get, is still being discussed. These recordings are to show you that not only are Titans in danger but humans as well. Every civilian from Isla de Mara is inside that kaiju. These two need to be stopped and the only two Jaegers we have available are Gypsy Danger and Delta Wolf."

Teruo's head dropped, feeling his stomach churn at the realization that he was one of the last few pilots.

"What about project Kiryu, doctor?"

"Yes, we were informed of his supposed evolution into a kaiju? If this is true, why haven't you killed it before it turns on us? Reports say this monster's radiation levels are higher than Godzilla. If this is true, everyone on that base could be exposed to that radiation."

"Sir, our research division has been doing all they can to ensure that we are safe. Kiryu expressed power never before seen when it evolved. You have to believe me when I say Kiryu might be more helpful now that it's a kaiju instead of a jaeger."

"How so?"

"His pilot, Jay Nakajima-" The sudden drop of that last name caught the council's attention.

"Haruo's boy? How can he pilot a kaiju?"

"We are still trying to answer that question, but Jay has some form of connection with Kiryu. I was told that Kiryu is only active in the presence of Jay. So we have kept them separated until we are certain we have Kiryu in check." Nick looked back to Shobi and Teruo before turning back to the council.

"And the pilot? What about Nakajima?"

"Our current hypothesis is that he and Kiryu are connected the same way two pilots are connected when they pilot a Jaeger. If this hypothesis is correct, then the next question would be, how Jay would control Kiryu." Nick rubbed his head, "There's a lot to discuss, and the pair of Kaiju are still out there. So I'll bring it back to-"

"Don't forget the one on the moon."

"What?" Nick questioned.

"The meteor. You were on the news talking about it. It struck the moon yet a smaller piece broke off and headed directly toward earth. The meteor that struck the moon was near twice the size of the piece that brought this 'Titan Hunter' to earth. Whatever is up there, is waiting for it's turn. So get to the point."

"Uh, yes, we have two Titans in mind that could aid Godzilla and the others. The first is not far from here in Okinawa. We recently discovered him, so an outpost is still being established but this Titan's entire history is written in the very cave he sleeps in. He's another guardian, not as active as Godzilla, but he's stepped in and stopped ancient wars. So far the only name he's been called is Shīsā."

"And the other?"

"Believe it or not, but we have actually discovered a true living breathing dinosaur. He was one of the first few Titans we discovered, and because he's the only one of his kind that we discovered, Monarch named him Titanosaurus." Nick inhaled, finally finishing his statement.

"The council has already agreed to these terms. Bring these Titans to the world's attention."

Nick and Monarch were a little caught off guard, "Thank you sir-"

"However! Monarch will keep a constant watch on these Titans and are to report everything to the council. If even one of these Titans disrupts the public and goes on a rampage, Monarch will be ordered to execute all slumbering Titans. After this war is over, the Jaegers will be dispatched to put down the Titans that are awake. Is that understood?"

Nick covered his mouth instantly, almost letting out an argument that would have been too loud and childish.

"Besides that, we might have a way to help you get more Jaegers and pilots to aid in this war."

Pentecost raised a brow, "How so?"

"Are you familiar with a man named Winters?"

Pentecost grumbled at the name, as did Nick, "Yessir, I've had to deal with his constant need to try and get his children onto this base. Are you going to tell me I will have to accept him into the program?"

"Your assumption is correct."

"I will accept his children into the Jaeger program under the condition that his children are to follow my orders. They will not be given special treatment." Pentecost stated.

"He has no interest in barging onto your base, and shouting orders. In fact, this last request didn't come from him, but one of his children. They agreed to pilot his jaeger but only if they were allowed onto your base. If Monarch accepts the terms we have put down, then tomorrow Winters jaeger and its pilots will ship out to the Shatter-Dome."

Nick pressed the chip in his ear, hearing more than a few people giving orders, "This sucks."

"What was that doctor?"

"Ahem, the higher-ups at Monarch have asked if collateral damage will get the Titans killed?" Nick said as the people in his ear were still arguing.

"We understand the ramifications between jaegers and Kaiju. So no, if one of these Titans causes damage while taking down the upcoming threats, we will not hold Monarch accountable. That being said, Monarch will have to handle the drawbacks of waking these Titans on purpose. Collateral damage is inevitable, but the people will ask why these new kaiju are allowed to wander the planet."

That seemed to silence everyone in Monarch, all seemingly coming to terms with this, "Monarch is prepared to take responsibility for the Titans actions."

"Good. Now, back to Kiryu. Pentecost, what are your plans with Kiryu and Jay?"

Pentecost stepped forward, "I know as much as Tatopoulos does, he's informed me about everything that has happened in the last two days. Jay is being studied, as is Kiryu. The two of them are connected and we are trying to figure out the best course of action. Kiryu has been a complete success and a great weapon against the Kaiju. However, the big problem was the effects it was having on the pilot."


Pentecost noticed Nick staring at him, trying to tell him to keep quiet. There were specific details that didn't need to be expressed.

"Pentecost, what effects?"

"Jay shows signs of fatigue every time he has returned. Piloting Kiryu tires him out. But now, we are trying to discover how Kiryu will be of use to us. Until then, we can only hope Godzilla and the others can fend off this Kaiju until it's killed-" Pentecost cleared his throat. "- or we kill it."


"Well gentleman, if that is all, I'm sure everyone here has more important matters to attend to." Suddenly the council's meeting had ended with every tv turning off.

"Wait that's it?" Teruo asked, "You guys don't say goodbye or good luck or something?"

"That's how it always is. It used to be worse, I would have to argue with all of them, but now... now that I've shown results, they've become a little more lenient." Pentecost looked at the blank screens, remembering all the times he had to stand there with a straight face when he wanted to yell. How many times did he have to argue his point until they started to listen?

There was one day when Haruo managed to hold his ground but they eventually got through his stubborn ways. The thought brought back good memories, wanting to smile while Haruo barked back. And now Haruo's son was on this base, with his own Jaeger.

"Sheesh," Nick pulled the chip from his ear, "Everyone at Monarch is arguing, I almost couldn't keep my smile from showing."

"Damn it Tatopoulos, please give me some kind of news on Jay. Is he going to be of any use to us at the moment?" Pentecost asked. "We have a Kaiju out there and we aren't doing our job. I can't appoint a Jaeger without pinpointing where that thing is going. So tell me, what do you know so far?"

"Uh, well actually the only news we have, comes from Kiryu." Nick looked past Pentecost at Teruo and Shobi for a second, "We read the readings on Kiryu the day he evolved. His radiation levels spiked before suddenly dropping again. Ever since it fell into the water, its body has been forming scales and gills. Its skin is mutating."

"I could have figured that out just by looking at it. What else?"

"Well the fact that he's growing gills and scales, means he's finalizing his form. Which gives us proof that backs up our next discovery. Kiryu's radiation levels are rising again. Hermann estimates that Kiryu will rise again in less than 10 hours. If he doesn't expel that radiation soon, we might have to evacuate this base." Nick sighed, getting more serious than he already was, "If Jay doesn't awaken soon, we might have to execute Kiryu."

"You can't be serious!" Shobi yelled.

"If we don't kill it before his radiation levels spike, he could explode and destroy this base and most of Hong Kong. Or, we kill it and that radiation gets released anyways." Nick rubbed his head, "I just hope Jay wakes up soon."

Shobi elbowed Teruo, "We need to talk to Adaine," she murmured.

"We should." Teruo approached the two in charge, "If you'll excuse us." The two ran out of the room.

"Maybe they can get some answers from Adaine." Pentecost said.

"They don't know we are listening in on their conversations, right?" Nick asked.

"Of course not. They did tell us she can read our thoughts, and she tells them everything, so of course, placing a bug on them without telling them is going to help us get information quicker." Pentecost wiped his face, "It's not right, but we don't have many options."

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