The Fault In Our Stars - A Se...

By Mikkzz7

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COMPLETED. 🔞🔞🔞 The Fault In Our Stars is a Sen Cal Kapimi fanfic set after bolum 31 of the SCK dizi. Serka... More

1||E D A
2||S E R K A N
3||S E R K A N
4||S E R K A N
5||E D A
6||S E R K A N
7||E D A
9||S E R K A N
10||S E R K A N
11||E D A
12||S E R K A N
13|| S E R K A N
14||S E R K A N
15||E D A
16||S E R K A N
17|| E D A
18||S E R K A N
19||S E R K A N
20||E D A
21||S E R K A N
Author's Note

8||E D A

5.6K 233 44
By Mikkzz7

ADVISORY: Mild sexual content ahead.

"Eniste?" I saw Melo say, as I hid behind the flower pots. Why was I hiding? I had no idea. Serkan made me do things that I normally never would.

"Melo!," he said as he crushed her in a bear hug. And at that minute, I was almost about to blow my own cover looking at how cute the scene before me was.

"Eda nerde?," he asked as he pulled apart.

"Uh..." she started off as I facepalmed myself, I'd seen this picture before and I knew exactly how this was going to end.

"Don't even bother, forget what you were just about to say and tell me the truth, it'll save us both some time," he said as he put his hands on his waist, almost making me laugh, but I also knew that my time was going to be up soon as Melo didn't stand a chance. So I pulled up the hood of the hoodie I was wearing and fished for a pair of sunglasses in my bag, I quickly slipped them on and tiptoed to the other side of the shop, from where I proceeded to the entrance casually, acting like I was just another customer.

"Madame you dropped this," I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Hoping that he hadn't recognised me yet, I turned around slowly, only to find him clutching his heart. Oh Serkan had a flair for the dramatic alright. Now that I was a hundred percent sure that he'd seen me, I took off the glasses and lowered my hood.

"Next time you're trying to hide from me, at least try not to wear my clothes, it makes it less obvious." he fake whispered as he pointed at the hoodie, making me heave a big sigh at my stupidity.

"I wasn't trying to hide from you, I ju-"

"Liar," he said as he rolled his eyes, making me want to pull his hair out.

"I need to go now," I muttered as I started walking towards the entrance.

"What a coincidence! I do too," Serkan said as he grabbed a hold of my hand and led me outside. I felt my insides get squished into a puddle as I walked beside him, not making an effort to break free. We walked in silence for a minute until we reached his car.

"Get in the car askim," he said, and I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat.

"I have my own car I-"

"Now," he added with a hint of aggression.

"Okay, fine!" I exclaimed as I got into his car. As soon as I had sat down, I looked outside the window, not wanting to make any eye contact with him.

"You cut my call," It wasn't a question.

"Evet, you were being boring," I said too quickly. Never was I going to admit to him that I was actually bothered by something he said.

"So being called my fiancée is boring?" I could feel him turn his head and bore his eyes into the back of my neck but I still wasn't looking, not yet at least.

"I meant it by the way, every single word," he added, I could tell that he was mad at my reaction, or lack thereof, but I needed time. It wasn't the same anymore, I was hurt. I couldn't talk to him about it because I knew that he was hurting in his own way but everything couldn't go back to the way it was.

"So you aren't going to look at me now?," he said as he stepped on the accelerator. It was starting to rain now, making it difficult to see the road outside. For a few minutes, it was silent, neither of us wanting to say anything.

"Serkan you're going too fast," I said as I finally took my eyes off the window, it was starting to pour down pretty heavily but he didn't make any effort to slow down, or use the windshield wipers.

"Oh so you can hear me then," he mused. I wondered how our conversation had progressed so fast so quickly. Few minutes ago, we were joking over the phone and all of a sudden we were fighting? I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around it.

"Stop the car," I ordered, I wasn't going to let his emotions kill us.

"You want me to stop the car? Sure, I'll stop," he said sarcastically as he abruptly brought the car to a halt, making me jerk forward.

"But now we're going to talk," he breathed on my neck as he got down the car and shut the door in annoyance. I watched him walk out in the pouring rain, up to the small stretch of land beside the road. He wasn't looking back at me, he just gazed into the horizon, lost in thought, unbothered by the fact that the rain had got him drenched from head to toe. I took a few moments to collect all my thoughts, and then I got outside the car and slowly walked up to him.

"So you decided to show up huh?" Serkan said as he glanced into the distance, I have no idea what he was looking at, everything was hard to see.

"Stop with the passive aggression and tell me what you really want," I didn't want to waste time in petty talk, knowing him all too well.

"What I really want?" he shouted against the roaring rain as he turned around so that we were face to face.

"I want you Eda, I thought I made that pretty clear, and I thought that you wanted me too," he said as he took a step forward, not breaking eye contact.

"I do Serkan," I said truthfully.

"Then why don't you want to marry me? We were engaged Eda, we still are," he spat at me and I couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"We were engaged Serkan and you left me on our wedding day and when you returned, you came with your ex girlfriend pretending that I didn't exist. You proposed to her in front of me and were engaged until two days ago. You practically screamed to the whole world that she's the one you wanted to be with and you and I were never going to happen, And now you want me to be your fiancée? Are you hearing yourself?" I asked, not able to keep up with the thoughts in my head.

"So it does bother you," he asked, but it wasn't really a question.

"Of course it does Serkan! I'm not a robot!" I screamed and I immediately regretted my choice of words. For a few seconds, all I could hear was the sound of water hitting the ground, Serkan looked at me like I had stabbed him in the heart and I immediately wanted to take my words back.

"Serkan I...I didn't mea-"

"It's fine Eda, I'm glad that you're being straight with me at least now," he cut me, but I could see that he was clearly not fine.

"You were engaged to someone else too," he murmured as he swept away some water from his face.

"But I did that to get you back Serkan!" I shouted.

"Oh really? You were going to get married to him to get me back as well?" he looked at me with a glint of anger in his eyes.

"I am not going to apologise to you Serkan. I was tired of being the only one fighting and Deniz was there to hold me, I needed someone and he was there for me,"

"Did you sleep with him?" he asked all of a sudden, making my hair stand up.

"What? No! Of course not!," I was repulsed with even the thought of that happening. He looked away, guilty of asking me that.

"I wouldn't blame you if you and Selin sle-"

"No Eda, we didn't." He said, even before I could get all of my words in. I was relieved, Serkan might not have been in his right mind at that time but it still hurt me to think of the possibility that he had been physical with someone other than me. We stood in silence for a while, listening to the sounds of nature.

"I'm sorry Eda, for all the pain I caused you," he said slowly and I stood there for a minute, not knowing what to say.

"I'm not going anywhere you know, I might not be ready to marry you just yet but it doesn't mean that I'm going anywhere," I reiterated as I wrapped my hands around myself, cold from all the water and the chilly wind.

"Other women would die for an opportunity to marry Serkan Bolat," he mused, clearly trying to get a rise out of me.

"It's impossible to leave me you know," he said with a huge smirk on his face, when I didn't respond to his initial remark.

"Besides, the way you keep wearing my clothes, people will think that we're married already," his smirk showed no signs of retracting and since he clearly wanted a reaction from me, I gave it to him.

"You had to say that didn't you? Just when we were going somewhere, you know what Serkan? I hate you, I hate the thoughts that you make me think and I hate the things that you make me do that I normally never would!," I screamed over the downpour as I tried to push his chest with my finger, only to be entrapped by his large hands.

"And you think I don't? You're the only thing on my mind every second of the day, you think I want that? You're stubborn and argumentative! You never listen to anything I say! All I wanted was some peace but instead, I got love!" He exclaimed, he was saying some other stuff as well but I wasn't listening anymore, I was too busy staring at his lips. Serkan was right earlier, although I would never admit it to him, he was addictive. And I was way past my tolerance limit without him so without thinking any further, I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his face towards mine, shutting my eyes tight, I slammed his lips into mine. Serkan had hardly any time to react and before he knew it, my tongue pushed past his lips and dove into his mouth. My hands reached around his wet and tangled hair causing him to yelp.

"Ed- Eda what are yo-" Serkan said as he gasped for air.

"Shut up Serkan! Just shut up and kiss me," I said impatiently, causing his hands to pull at my hips, drawing me closer, our chests pressing together.

"Damn it Eda... Stop this. Please... You have no idea what you're doing to me... I won't be able to stop..." He begged as he pulled away for a sharp intake of air, but his protests were only met by a more passionate kiss, wet because of all the rain.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you" he said seductively as he slid his hands upwards, from my hips onto my back, yanking me further into him, if such a thing was even physically possible, and covered my mouth with his hungrily.

Caught by surprise, I let out a small gasp, and this was enough for his tongue to gain entrance into my mouth but I wasn't going to give in that easily. Our tongues danced together, each one getting the better of the other. His fingers gently made their way down my wet back but what surprised me was when I felt his touch on my bare skin. Somehow he had managed to slide his hands from underneath my hoodie, up to to my back. His fingers gently ran up and down my spine, making me shiver with delight. The heat seemed to travel through my nerves, spreading the warmth throughout my body.

Just when Serkan was getting into it and winning over the control, I drew away, a smirk spreading across my face.

"Don't think you can get away with this..." He said in a husky voice as he tried pulling me back, with an increased vigour this time.

"Serkan stop! We're in middle of the road and it's raining cats and dogs!" I reasoned as I pushed him away.

"You didn't seem to have a problem with that when you were in control." Serkan said, angry at me for pulling away from him.

"Stop it Serkan. This isn't the time for you to be a child." I complained as I started walking away, trying to stop myself from giggling.

"If you aren't coming I'm just going to leave you here in the rain, all by yourself," I was saying with a smile when I felt a hand on my neck, making me freeze in my tracks, I had absolutely no idea how Serkan had snuck up on me, I was clearly moving ahead.

"You're going to pay for this..." Serkan seductively whispered into my ear as he held my hand and started walking towards the car, showing no intention of ever letting go.


GAHHH I hope you guys liked this update as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Also let me know in the comments (Or pm me on twitter @ Mikkzz7) if angry car sex scene var or angry car sex scene yok. 🤡🌚

Love you guys, and until next time!

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