Dark Waters

By crusiaa

211 2 0

Two best friends who have dark pasts that the other knows nothing about realize their feelings towards each o... More

Pics time


6 0 0
By crusiaa

Cam's Pov

I sighed and tried to talk to Sarah again but she still gave me the cold shoulder. I was getting tired of the attitude, I couldn't hold her, I couldn't kiss her, I couldn't even talk to her in peace. I was about to snap but I knew I fucked up so I was going to bear with it and hoped that she'll come around. When I came back from the meeting, she threw herself at me, crying profusely and hitting me. It took a while to calm her down but as soon as she stopped sobbing she went to bed, leaving me there. The relief had washed away and the anger took over.
"You have a meeting coming up next week for the ambassadorial deal for Ritz, you also have a flight for Saturday same week to present the drawings to the orphanage homes in Canada, for the fundraising", she listed off with her tablet covering her face but didn't look at me one time.
"Babe can you at least look at me?", I whined at her, I didn't care that I was sounding like a child. She turned on her heels and went into the room, well fuck it I followed her. I met her in the bathroom, stripped down to her undies and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. Holy fuck, I didn't know I was in for a strip show. She tried to cover up when she saw me.
"I'm t... trying to take a shower here", she stumbled on her words.
"I can see that", I smirked at her. She was damn hot and she didn't even know it. She tried to hide her boobs from me but they were too big for her small hands so they stuck out from all angles, looking all soft and squishy and boy did that sight turn me on.
"Ple.... Please g... Go away", she choked on her words and I became alert. That is not a normal reaction for a shy person, she was scared. I watched her body language and saw that she was very stiff and her eyes were searching around, probably looking for hiding places.
"Sarah?", I came closer  and saw the tears fall from her eyes. I stopped right there and was thorn between what to do and what not. She needed comfort but at the same time she needed space. From her breathing, I could tell that she was going into a panic attack so I backed up.
"Alright, I'm going away baby, I'm not coming close. Please calm down and breathe", she tried to control her breathing and I prayed to God that she didn't go into a full blown panic attack. I walked into the room, pained and worried. What was Sarah not telling me? She had a panic attack because I came onto her, that was not normal. She could be shy, self conscious or even worried about my reaction to her body but scared and panic attack are not normal.
I paced the room and thought of what could have gone wrong, could it be that she was thinking about what that bastard did to her? Did she think I'd hurt her? Was there more to it than meets the eyes? She took her time in the bathroom and came out one hour later, avoiding my eyes. She looked broken and it pained me that I couldn't even comfort her.
"Babe", I started slowly so I don't scare her again. Her head snapped up to me and I could see the unshed tears.
"Babe it's just me, I will never hurt you", I stated firmly, she needed to know that. Her lips were quivering.
" Can I come to you?", I slowly made my way towards her. She shook her head but her eyes were telling me otherwise so I carefully gathered her towel clad body into my arms and watched her fall apart. I didn't even know what to do so I just laid in bed with her and rocked her until she was too tired to cry again and just went to sleep.
I felt like drawing so I went into my home studio to do something but all I could produce was troubled paintings. I'd been too disturbed to make lunch so I just ordered pizza that was sitting in the microwave, waiting for Sarah to wake up.
I yanked the hoodie off, leaving me in sports bra and a pair of joggers. I thought I cranked the ac up right now.
"Cam", her soft voice came out tiny and hoarse from all that crying. She was still in a bathrobe but that was not my problem. I was happy that she came to me herself. She searched my face for what I don't know before stepping into my waiting arms, hugging me as if she wanted to melt into my body. I hugged her back, knowing that she needed that feeling of protection. She pulled back a little and tilted her head, asking for a kiss which I didn't hesitate to give. I captured her lips with mine and something in me calmed down instantly. She was tiptoeing and I was cranking my neck too much so I broke the kiss and heard her whine softly, still searching for my lips. I chuckled at that, she was still adorable even though she looked like she came out of a wrestling match right now.
"Can I carry you?", I asked her softly and nibbled on bottom lip. She nodded and I lifted her off the ground, making her wrap her leg around my waist and that was a huge mistake. She had no panties on so I could feel her wet, hot, smooth center rubbing against my stomach. A sweet moan fell out of her mouth when I moved her and she rubbed against me again, she arched her back and her grip tightened on my shoulder.


I captured her lips in another kiss and deepened it. I licked the rim of her bottom lip but she denied me access so I pushed her forward again, making her rub against me again, she gasped and I thrust my tongue into her hot mouth, we didn't need to fight for dominance, she was a total fem and wouldn't even win it anyway. I explored her strawberry flavored mouth, eliciting sweet moans and gasps from her whenever I bit or sucked on her lips. My whole body came alive then and I wanted to give her pleasure. We broke apart and I latched my mouth on the sweet spot on her neck, giving her open mouthed kisses, she was squirming already and I knew what she wanted. I pushed her to me again and started rocking her against me, making her gasp and almost fly out of my hands.
"C... Cam", she moaned and tightened her legs around me.
"How does that feel?", I cooed at her, taking her earlobe into my mouth and sucking.
"S... So go... good. Fuck!", She whisper shouted and bit down on my shoulder to hold her screams.
"Soon baby, soon. Don't hold back, I want to hear how good you are feeling", I pushed her harder and could feel her juices smear on my stomach. I could tell she was close with the way her legs were shaking, I could feel her clit throbbing harder. I started rubbing her in fast circles and bit down on her neck, alternating between licking, kissing and biting.
"Cam!", She screamed out my name and threw her head back, shaking all over now.
"Look at me", I commanded and her eyes snapped to mine. Her brown orbs were darkened with lust and right there, she looked like a fucking goddess. She had a hard time keeping her gaze on me so whenever she tried to throw her head back, I slowed my movements, delaying her orgasm.
"Cam please", she panted and pleaded with her eyes. I gave her what she wanted, rocking her hips faster, her juices rubbing all over my stomach, her heady scent filling my nostrils.
"Come", I commanded, looking into her eyes. Her pupils dilated a little as she started shaking violently in my arms, thrashing around and screaming my name. Her nails dug into my shoulder but I didn't care, I wanted to watch this sex goddess ride the tide. I felt her juice gush all over me, dripping down to my joggers as I kept rocking her, helping her ride it out. I didn't stop, I kept going until she had a second orgasm almost after the first one, this one more intense than the last. My joggers were already wet from her juices, I felt fucking proud that I was making her feel that way.
"Cam", she tried to escape from me, she was getting too sensitive. I pushed her one more time and watched her arch her back and scream out. I captured her lips and kissed her sweetly. She was still shaking and wanted to close her thighs to numb the feelings down there.
"Calm down baby", I rubbed her back and sat down on a sofa with her still straddling me. She jumped when she pressed against me again and I chuckled.
"Relax baby", I kissed all over her face. She slumped into my arms.
"I wonder why you are so tired", I teased her.
"Shut up", she groaned, her cheeks as red as a tomato. I grinned and kissed her deeply. Her stomach growled loudly and she gasped from the embarrassment.
"Come let's get cleaned up and feed you", I stood up with her and went into the room. I could get used to this.

Nothing to say here. Let me know what you think

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