The House of Fire and Bones

By wizard_juno

66 7 11

An Inmate, Axel, spends his hopeless days in prison, when he asks to have a psychiatrist, Rose. But, when Ros... More

A Crack in the Glass
The Woman in Red
Untimely event
Someplace Familiar
Gone With the Wind
Suit Up
The Red Carpet
Hello, Detective Koa
Found You

Tell Me Everything

1 0 0
By wizard_juno

"Look here! Over here!"

"Who are you wearing?!"


"Are you one of the mystery guests?!"

"Pose to the side!"

"Over here!"

"God, my head's swirling..." Axel muttered to himself, the nervousness completely exiting his body for a moment. Right now he was just bored, and it showed on his face. He'd give a small smirk here and there, but the overall feeling of exhaust powered through.

   What felt strange was that no matter what he did, whether it'd be an uninterested glance or just not following directions, the crowd would eat it up.

   "I am one of the mystery guests. Guess it's not a mystery anymore, huh?" He chuckled, entertaining the thought to a T. "I can't wait to see those who were invited inside. Oh, and I'll make sure to by an issue of whichever magazine I appear in." He made sure to add.

   "Ah, I see," Some photographers and VIPs mouthed to each other.

   "Y'know I kinda like this mystery guest, strangely enough. He wastes no time being confident in himself, and even if what he said was cocky, it's still refreshing to hear that. Most celebrities are quick to say they're so grateful and happy to be here, and appreciate every single person along the way, even when it's not the case half the time. But, whoever this guest is, he seems like he won't lie to you. Can't believe I said all that huh?" The commentator said in an almost preachy like tone.

   "Oof," Axle turned around to see who just ran into him, only to be met with Sonia staring right at him. "What?'

   "Sorry, it's just, um," She turned to smile at the cameras, "I can't help but think you're really doing well on the spotlight. It's almost as if you were made for it." linking arms with Axel, she looked up to him again. "It's going to be a bittersweet memory though,"

   With one last wave, the two made their way to the entrance of the building.

   "You don't think we can do this do you? Frankly, I'm not sure what we're doing here exactly. No one has told me anything..." He trailed off.

   "Well, I just feel like I don't know if its really..."

   "You're having second thoughts about this, aren't you?"

   "Maybe I am," She paused for a moment and bit her lip. "It's my fault you don't know anything, Axel."
   He stopped in his tracks. Looking around for a secluded area to continue their conversation elsewhere.

   "Hey, mystery guests! The table for the both of you is ready, if you'd follow me this way please!" An out of breath hostess announced to them, waving them over.

   With a heavy sigh, Axel placed a hand on the hostess' shoulder, "Would you be a doll and save the seats for us? We'll be right back, I promise."

   "O-oh, yeah, um, it'll be waiting for you at table 16. I'll make sure no one takes it." She said and scurried away. With her gone, the two  went over to a quiet hallways on the left, and hid behind a pillar.

   "Tell me everything." Axel slammed his hands on each side of Sonia's head, acting as barriers if she tried to run. "I don't care how long it takes. Who is Rose, why did she break me out, and what does she want me for?"

   "Don't  'Axel' me. Just explain. I've gone through enough already."

   "Um, well, Rose..."

   "Keep going."

   "I thought I said it before, but I don't know much about her. She does what she wants."

   "Stop avoiding my question. Answer."

   "A-All I know is that she wants to break into somewhere and take over something. T-That's all..."

   "I know you know more," Axel inched his face closer down to hers, "Tell me everything."

  "P-Please... please, Ax-"

  "Sonia." His voice was calm yet stern, and Sonia winced at his tone.

  "Rose, she... she wants to use you as a sacrifice..." Tears began to well up in her eyes as she averted his gaze. "she told me not to tell you these things, Axel.." she sniffed.

   "Don't cry, Sonia. I don't see why she's so fixated on me, and I need you to tell me. Do you owe your life to her or something? Will you at least start with that?"

   She took in a shaky breath and stared at his tie.

"She helped me get out of a situation I wouldn't have been able to get out of by myself... I-I was framed for murdering my two younger brothers, and the sentence was going to be life 'cause I'm an adult... even if I'm only 19... And..." For a moment she stayed quite, going over and recollecting her thoughts, "Rose felt like an angel at the time. She manipulated the system somehow into letting me go because of some disorder, and defended me to the end. When I asked why, the only thing she said was that she saw something in me."

   "Is that all you know about her?" Axel probed.

   "Mmhm." She nodded.

   "Then continue about her goal. Don't try to say you barely know anything."

"Ok. Like I said, Rose want to use you as a sacrifice for something. I heard her a few time meeting with some shady people about some cause that would happen soon. She said she'd do anything and use anyone. Then I remember something about stealing the crown? And picking up..." Sonia paused in realization.

"Pick up what?"

"...Bombs... Rose wants to plant bombs at every place she knows will go down in history. It all makes sense but I doesn't. She bombed to prison you were in, took you, and then bombed your bar."

"That's messed up. But what I still don't get is why me?"

"My guess is she broke you out, the sacrifice, and took you to your bar not for you, but to meet with those guys she talked with. They're most likely suppliers for them bombs. So to test them out she blew up the bar. It's killing two birds with one stone. The bombs worked and you knew how serious she was."

"But what am I a sacrifice for?!"

"I don't know!" Sonia yelled in frustration. She covered her face with her hands and leaned back, sliding down the Pillar to the floor.

Axel followed down with her in annoyance.
"Damn it, Sonia. Do you want this?"

"Want this...?"

"Do you realize what that woman is? Do you want this to happen? Are you really ok with this?" Axel questioned harshly.

"N-No! I d-don't know..!" She wept harder, bringing her knees closer to her chest.

"Listen. I don't know what your true relationship with her is, and I don't care. You've seen what she's done, and how many people's lives are in danger. I know how ironic it is to hear this from me since I've killed so many, but you need to think. Is this worth it?"

"I'm so scared, Axel. Mikel and I have gone through thick and thin, and I just want it to stop..."

"If you're scared then just let me lead the way, ok? Hold my hand and I'll figure out a way to stop her. She's preforming mass murder for no reason. Do you want to be associated with that? Not if, but when you get caught, it's going to be painful." Axel extended out a hand and softly stroked the top of her head.

    "Ok... let's end it already."

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