Just in case || Draco Malfoy

By idkhehe879

78.9K 1.4K 92

"𝙸 πš πš˜πšžπš•πš πš”πš’πš•πš• 𝚊 πšπš‘πš˜πšžπšœπšŠπš—d πš–πšŽπš— πš‹πšŽπšπš˜πš›πšŽ 𝙸 πš•πšŽπš πš˜πš—πšŽ πšŽπšŸπšŽπš› πš•πšŠπš’ 𝚊 πšπš’πš—πšπšŽ... More

One - More than Dislike
Two - I Wonder
Three - Definitely
Four - Jealousy
Five - Quiet and Cold
Six - Him
Seven - Dark Circles
Eight - Can't Say
Nine - Explainations
Ten - Secrets
Eleven - Christmas
Twelve - Never Mind That
Thirteen - In the Moonlight
Fourteen - That Summer
Fifteen - Strange Isn't it
Sixteen - She's Back
Eighteen - Not This Time
Nineteen - One of Them
Twenty - So Thats Why
Twenty One - As You Wish
Twenty Two - The Final Push
Twenty Three - Parent Or Guardian
Twenty Four - Just JewelleryοΏΌ
Twenty Five - The Worst Part
Twenty Six - Never
Twenty Seven - Stories
Twenty Eight - I Guess You're Right
Twenty Nine - Liar
Thirty - Admit
Thirty One - Stop
Thirty Two - No one
Thirty Three - You Of Course
Thirty Four - What If
Thirty Five - Every Page
Thirty Six - Excuses
Thirty Seven - Runaways
Thirty Eight - Morning and Night
Thirty Nine - Stay Safe
Forty - Tell Me
Forty One - Silent
Forty Two - Easy
Forty Three - Marks
Forty Four - Pinky Swear
Forty Five - Infatuated
Forty Six - A Mere Few Hours
Forty Seven - Metal Bars
Forty Eight - Just Us
Forty Nine - Welcome
Fifty - Poetry
Fifty One - Cellar
Fifty Two - No matter what
Fifty Three - Smaller And Smaller
Fifty Four - Alive
Fifty Five - Forever and longer
Fifty Six - Figures
Fifty Seven - Her Lot
Fifty Eight - Thought
Fifty Nine - Whisper
Sixty - Help
Sixty One - Run
Sixty Three - Filthy
Sixty Three - Join Me
Sixty Four - Forever Still
Sixty Five - Sides
Sixty Six - Blank
Sixty Seven - Wake Up
Sixty Eight - Just In Case
Sixty Nine - Everything Has Changed
Seventy - After all

Seventeen - Not a Soul

1.2K 29 0
By idkhehe879

"I try to laugh about it,
hiding the tears in my eyes.
Because boys don't cry"

-The Cure

・゚: *・゚:*

I took the same path that I had seen Harry take. I sprinted down the hall in an attempt to catch up to one of them. I reached the end of the hallway and just caught sight of Harry turning the corner.

I wasn't too far behind Harry, if he turned he would be able to see me. But he didn't - he was too busy sussing out where Draco had went.

I waited behind the corner that Harry had just turned. I gave him a few seconds to advance so he wouldn't spot me. After a few moments, I turned the corner, only I couldn't see Harry. The corridor had no classroom or doors apart from the bathroom. He must have followed him in there.

I walked up against the wall towards the door. It took me a good twenty seconds or so to reach the door. I couldn't hear any sound from inside the bathroom, a wooden door separating me from the two of them.

I listened closely but no sound arrived. That was until I heard the muffled sound of Harry's voice. Although I couldn't make out what he was saying, there was fury in his voice. There was silence.

Whatever was happening in there, I needed to know what it was. I reached my hand out to the door handle. As I was about to grab it, a loud crash came from inside the room making me jolt backwards. Not the crash of objects falling or hitting each other. But the crash of a missed spell.

I yanked the door open and ran into the room. A jet of blinding white light made its way towards me, intended for Harry who stood mere steps away from the door. I dodged hardly to the side, the spell only narrowly missing me.

At the other end of the room stood Draco - his pale face with tears streaming down it. His wand was outstretched, he was the one who cast the spell.

"GET AWAY FROM HER POTTER" Draco shrieked. An orange burst of light flew from his wand, his non verbal spell being cast towards Harry. He leant quickly in my direction, the spell missing him by not more than a centimetre. Harry looked at me with a frenzied fear before pointing his wand at me.

He flicked his wand to the side and with his charm, I was sent flying into one of the open bathroom stalls, my head colliding with the wall behind it. The sharp pain through my head knocked my thoughts out of place - I could hear constant bangs and yells from the two of them, each missed spell making a more aggressive sound than the last.

I rubbed my head, still dazed by the hit. Harry had thrown me out of the way of their duel that was still continuing. My mind was too foggy for me to realise what was happening. The deafening noises went on for a minute or so, them yelling inaudible phrases at each other as my thoughts began to collect.

The second my thoughts were back in place and I heard the noises they were both causing, I dashed as fast as I could out of the stall, almost slipping from the water on the floor- one of the missed spells had hit a tap and the floor was beginning to flood.

The two of them were still duelling, the noises coming from the other side of the large bathroom.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me around the side of the row of stalls, bright flashes of light shining in my eyes and crashes filling my ears.



Harry stood at the end of the other row of stalls, looking to where I couldn't see in front of the sinks as the noise had finally come to an end.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" I yelled as loud as I could over the sound of the broken water pipe letting water out onto the floor. Harry didn't look to me. He stumbled backwards slightly, his chest rising and falling heavily.

I ran over the where Harry was standing. "Where the bloody hell is-" I couldn't finish the sentence. The breath had been knocked out of me. I stumbled backwards.

The pale body of Draco lay on the flooded floor, his wand thrown to the side of him. He lay on his back, whimpering and crying. What seemed to be hundreds of brutal slashes lay across every inch of his chest and legs, scarlett blood seeping through his wet shirt and spreading to the water around him. He choked on his tears.

"Helena... I didn't..."

I fell to my knees. I didn't have the strength to keep myself up. Harry's voice I could hear, but the only thing filling my ears were the whimpers of Draco.

Unable to bring myself to my feet, I pulled myself on my knees the few feet to kneel beside Draco. His eyes were closed, tears rolling down his temples and bleeding into the water on the floor.

"Draco... no no no no" i almost whispered through my hyperventilating breath. I put my hands over him but then pulled them away not wanting to hurt him with my touch. I felt so helpless, more blood was gushing out of him with each second.

"What did you do." My voice was quiet and shaking. Potter still stood observing from the side of the stalls.

"Helena... i..." he trailed off.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I let out in a shriek. My voice broke throughout it, Harry jumped in his place. But still he did nor said anything.

"Draco, Draco... hold on. I-it's going to be okay. You'll be okay" I reached desperately around to feel for my wand in my back pocket - but it wasn't there. It must of fallen out in the stall. I turned to Harry.

"DO SOMETHING!! YOU BASTARD DO SOMETHING!" I pleaded with him, the fear in my voice scaring him. He seemed rooted to the spot.

I placed my hand on the side of Draco's face unable to control it shaking.

"No, no, no. FUCK!" I yelled.

I could hear the splashes of water caused by someone's feet being dragged through it. But I didn't look, all I wanted to do was stay with Draco.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder that roughly pulled me backwards. I fell back into the water - the figure of Snape stood over Draco.

He could help him.

"Sir - please help him! I-I- I don't know what happened. He-" I turned to face Harry. He wasn't there.

Snape drew his wand and knelt beside Draco. He cast a spell that I wasn't familiar with, the tip of his wand tracing over were the slashes lay on Draco's body. As he moved the wand down his torso, the blood that had seeped through his shirt and pooled onto the floor moved through the fabric and water, seeming to be absorbed by his body.

With each inch of his body Snape covered, his whimpers grew less and less. I leant forward and grabbed his hand in mine and interlocked out fingers.

"Draco... your going to be ok. I-it's fine, your ok," I said looking to where his eyes were, they were still closed.

Before long, each slash in his body had been healed. He had stopped crying, but the look on his face showed me he was still in pain. His eyes remained closed and he seemed to be in a trance, almost asleep.

Snapes eyes met mine as i looked at him.

"What do you know." He said slowly.

"Nothing" I said in almost anger. "He won't tell me anything. I- I just saw Harry follow him and I-" I almost choked on the tears that were welling in my eyes. "I- I heard them fighting. I came in. I didn't see what happened. But he was just laying here and he.." tears made their way down my cheeks, falling into the water on the floor.

"Listen very closely." He said to me, staring intensely. He pointed his wand behind him and cast a non verbal spell - the pipe bent itself into into original position and the water stopped spraying. The spell also caused the water on the floor to begin to dry out. He placed his hand on my shoulder, though it seemed more of a threat that a comfort. "No one. Can know." I looked at him with my teary eyes in confusion.

"Cant know? Know what, that- that he nearly killed him?!" I raised my voice.

"I cannot tell you anything." He started.

"WHY?" I screamed at him. I couldn't contain myself anymore. "WHY CANT I BE TOLD ANYTHING?! WHY CANT I KNOW WHY HE JUST NEARLY KILLED HIM?" I screamed not breaking my eye contact.

"You would only be putting him in more danger." He said calmly. I looked away from him and instead looked at Draco. "That's not what you want, is it? To make things worse for him?" 

I closed my eyes in pain. My tears streamed from my eyes.

"No one. Can know. Not a soul." He repeated. "Not about this,  or anything else that he may of told you." I looked him in the eye. I felt Draco's grasp on my hand tighten. I inhaled sharply. "Do you understand?"

I paused.

I spoke in little more than a whisper.

"Why did you make the unbreakable vow?"

His grip on my shoulder tightened and he pulled me towards him, his grip hurting my shoulder.

"You will keep your mouth shut," he threatened. "He was not to of told you that."

"He didn't," I spat at him, making the fury in my eyes clear. "I heard it myself."

"Then you will know it is no business of yourself." He released his grip on me, seemingly done with his threat. I crashed onto the wet floor, my robes becoming even more soaked. "Now I ask you again. Do you understand?"

I glanced at Draco. Then back up at him, Draco's grip tightening even further. I stared into his cold eyes for a few moments but he was unwavering.

I nodded.


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