Ternion (FrostIronStrange)

By Kikirambles

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A year after Tony has saved the universe, he's approached by Thor for a favour. Build the citizens of New Asg... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 10

869 33 3
By Kikirambles

Thursday, eight pm, be ready. Dress for a date.

Tony looked down at the message for the hundredth time, turning his phone over and over in his hands as he waited. It was ten to eight and he was sitting in his lab, dressed in slate grey slacks (Pepper said they made his ass look great) a crisp white shirt rolled up to the elbows, and a blood-red tie, the first few buttons of his shirt undone.

He looked great, sexy but still approachable.

His knee started bouncing as he waited, not entirely sure what he was going to say to Stephen, but knowing he needed to talk to the man about Loki. About what happened.

And most importantly why they had both been half-naked in the bed with him.

He didn't react when the portal opened in his lab, and that disturbed him on multiple levels. Since when had magic use around him been considered normal? When did he stop being surprised at Stephen's portals or Loki teleporting?

'This dressed up enough?' Tony asked, not even looking up at Stephen.

'You look stunning,' Stephen answered with a low chuckle.

Smirking, Tony looked up, gaze giving the sorcerer a quick once over and giving a low whistle. 'I must say, asshole, those wizard robes of yours don't do you any favours. They hide all of this,' Tony gestured with his hand at the "this".

He'd seen Stephen dressed up for the event they held at New Asgard, the fitted tuxedo a fantastic look on the man. This, Tony liked more. He was wearing well fitted dark jeans, a sky-blue shirt, and indigo sports jacket.

The man looked edible.

'Ready, douchebag?' Stephen smirked straight back, bending a little at the waist and offering his arm.

'I think I preferred it when you called me sweetheart,' Tony grumbled, taking the offered arm and stepping through the portal.

'Be a good boy, and we'll see,' Stephen whispered into his ear, stepping back and allowing Tony to see where they were.

Oh, Tony liked indeed. He couldn't remember the last time he'd done something fun. The last few weeks he'd been stressed with work, stressed about the arc reactor in New Asgard, and stressed about his near drowning.

Not that he was blaming Loki, but still, he'd been confined to his bed under Doctor Strange's orders, who'd somehow managed to rope FRIDAY onto his side.


It was a rooftop bar, one of his favourites in New York. It wasn't a stuffy, formal one like the ones he had to go to when he met business contacts, nor was it one of the local ones that Steve had sometimes dragged him to when he wanted to grab a beer.

The floors were a gleaming wood, foliage of trees and bushes dotted about, the green a gorgeous contrast to the teak of the floor and furniture. The bar had a mismatch of stools, creating a chic boho look that Tony was down with. The view was what caught his attention, the city skyscrapers, gleaming against the periwinkle blue of the summer sky.

'Like it?' Stephen asked.

'It's like you knew what I needed.' Tony groaned, closing his eyes as the balmy warm air ruffled his hair.

'We thought that it'd been too long since you'd had any sort of fun,' Stephen told him, leading him towards the back of the bar, stopping as people came to talk to Tony, the sorcerer not seeming to mind in the least.



While signing autographs and posing for photos, Tony tried to peer around his fans, mouth drying as he saw who else was waiting for him.


Loki, who was leaning forward, elbows on his knees, fingers steepled together with his chin resting on them, watching Tony with a predatory gleam in his eye. A sinful smile curling his lips.

Holy fuck, that look was going straight to Tony's cock.

When the crowds finally dispersed, Tony looked up with a raised eyebrow at Stephen, not moving when Stephen placed a hand on his back, trying to get him to move.

'What's happening, I thought this was a date?' Tony hissed, finally moving.

'And it is. Good evening, Loki.' Stephen inclined his head, sitting in the chair next to him.

Loki rose in a graceful, fluid motion, extending his hand and catching Tony's. He was wearing his customary green, but in a softer tunic form, a slit from his throat down to his sternum led the gaze straight to creamy skin, down towards skin-tight black leather pants.

Pressing a kiss to the back of Tony's hand, Loki didn't move, still bent over his hand as his gaze flickered up, green flashing between long lashes.

'You look beautiful,' he whispered, Tony reading his lips more than hearing the sound.

'What's going on?' Tony said, his laugh taking on a suspicious edge as he sat across from the two men.

'As I said, it's been too long since you had any fun. Drink?' Stephen asked, getting to his feet.

'Er yeah, scotch please.' Tony watched him over his shoulder as he left, going to the bar, placing his order and then turning to watch Tony watch him.

'How are you feeling?' Loki's voice drew him back, and he turned to give his full attention.

'Stir crazy actually, I can't decide if being ordered to stay in bed is better or worse than filling out all the paperwork Pepper keeps shoving under my nose.'

Loki chuckled, surveying the rooftop, the city skyline.

'Is this part of the being seen with Tony Stark?'

'No,' Loki answered, without turning his head.

Tony flinched away from the cold tumbler tapping his temple, glaring up at Stephen and taking his drink. Stephen sat back down his own scotch in hand, sliding over a glass of red towards Loki. He took it with a smile, nodding his thanks at Stephen.

No quips. No barbs. No animosity.

'Alright, what's going on?' Tony snapped, dropping his drink on the low table between them.

'Tony...' Stephen began.

'Nuh uh, my turn to talk. Since when did you both become such good friends? Cause from where I'm sitting it looks more like a couple of Skrulls are impersonating the both of you. Get talking.'

'Our mutual dislike of each other has waned in the face of something we both desire,' Loki spoke first, glancing at Stephen with uncertainty.

'You,' Stephen carried on, taking a sip of his drink, placing it on the table next to Tony's and shuffling forward.

'We know you've got feelings for both of us,' Stephen placed a hand on his knee.

Tony felt guilt climb as he looked between them, pulling away from Stephen. What did he do? Did he admit it? God, how could he be fucking this up so much? He'd loved Stephen...for what felt like years, he was dependable, sarcastic, witty, intelligent, Tony should be flinging himself at the man's feet in gratitude that he held even a shred of affection for Tony.

Then there was Loki, mirroring Tony's insecurities, hurt at the world and determined not to let it show, and when he did show any hint of vulnerability all Tony wanted to do was pry open that snarky exterior and see more.

'Don't apologise,' Loki suddenly said, cutting off the very thought of it from Tony's brain.

'We hoped to bring this up when we'd had a few drinks and a chance to relax, but seeing as you demanded, Loki and I...' Stephen hesitated, thinking on the words. 'We want to be with you. Both of us.'

For one of the first times in his life, Tony found himself speechless, his mouth open, vocal cords not working.

They both wanted to be with him?

For what? Sex?

It's about the only thing you can offer, look at your relationship track record.

'Tony?' Loki questioned.

'So...what, you're both happy with this, with sharing?' Tony got out, unable to hear through the blood rushing through his ears.

How arrogant are you? You talk of love, and here you have two men willing to put up with each other and whatever fragments of affection you can give them.

'No Tony, don't get scared, listen. I'll explain.' Stephen moved closer and Tony stumbled from his chair, putting space between them.

'No, I can't do this.' Tapping the arc reactor on his chest, Tony's nanobots converged in the Iron Man Armor, allowing him to escape the situation.


Stephen watched after him, wanting to create a portal to stop him but unable to with all the people watching, laughing with delight having seen Iron Man up close.

'It's...getting worse,' Stephen muttered, watching the speck in the sky that was Tony.

'The fear is manifesting in his waking thoughts and he is doubting himself.' Loki stood beside him, gaze also on Tony.

'He didn't believe us,' Stephen sighed.

'I do not think that was it. He was scared to. I have an idea, to strike while the iron is hot as you say. Come.' Loki held out his hand, waiting for Stephen to stop looking up at the sky before they walked away.


'Boss, you've got an incoming call from Colonel Rhodes. Shall I divert it to your voicemail?'

'No, patch it through, might be an emergency.'

'Tones? Are you in the suit right now?'

'Yup, need me for something, Platypus? A mission off world maybe?' Tony could only hope, praying it'd take him away from the clusterfuck that was his life.

'Yeah, I need you for something. Can you meet me in the compound? Somewhere safe where we won't be interrupted or eavesdropped on?'

'Go into my lab. FRIDAY make sure he isn't disturbed,' Tony ordered, putting on a burst of speed in concern.

'Thanks, Tones, hurry please.'

The call ended.

'Check Rhodey's vitals, make sure he isn't in any danger?' Tony could feel his heart rate spike, panic settling in as he flew.

'His vitals are normal, boss. He has entered the lab, shall I lock it down?'

'No, keep an eye on the situation. If you sense any hostiles in the compound, lock it down. Where are Pepper and Peter?'

'Peter is currently at home in his bedroom, Miss Potts is at Stark Industries in your office. Shall I monitor her safety also?'

'Both of them. You get so much as a sniff of evil, lock down the office and put the suit on Peter, understood?'

'Yes, boss.'

He crashed into the window of his lab, nanobots melting from his face as he flew in, calling for Rhodey.

'Jesus, stand down Tones! Nothing is wrong, everyone is safe.' Rhodey hobbled towards him, hands outstretched, eyes wide.

'You said you needed me for something!' Tony shouted, gesturing around.

'You Tony, not Iron Man!'

Pushing aside the irritation, Tony allowed all the nanobots to go back into their casing, putting his hands on his hips.

'Rhodey, I love you, but if you scare me like that again I'm taking away your suit!' Putting his hands on his hips, Tony surveyed the broken window, the glass all over the floor. 'What did you want me for?'

'Stephen called me.'

Tony's hands slid from his hips, resting on the outside of his thighs instead.

'He told me what happened, everything. Why are you running from this? God knows why, but you like Loki, you like Stephen... you've got two guys who are willing...and I can't believe I'm going to say this, that are willing to enter into a relationship with you, two men who seem to care about you.'

'That's me, so emotionally fucked up and complicated that I can't even get monogamy right.' Tony kicked away a shard of glass is disgust, ignoring the frustrated tears welling, breathing deep and trying to expel the pain on the breath out.

'They're only doing it because they want to have me! The only reason they're both willing to put up with the other is so they have some shot at being with Tony Stark. How selfish can I be, Rhodey? Sorry guys, can't choose between you, so have some of Stark's leftovers.'

'Tony,' he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, recognised it from all their years spent together.

'I don't want to be this person anymore! I don't know what it is I feel for them, but I want to be with them, both for different reasons. God, I'm the poster child for an angsty love triangle. They deserve to be with someone who will treasure them, both as individuals, not just being satisfied with having a part of me.'

'Listen to me. Love, any type of love, especially romantic love, is one of those things we find hard to explain, to quantify. Parents have multiple children, and no one questions how you can love more than one child. The love you feel grows. You, personally, have two best friends. Do you love me more than Pepper, or Pepper more than me?'

'I think I like Pepper more,' Tony grumbled as the hand tightened to the point of pain on his shoulder.

'But the idea of having two lovers, well, one of them must be there to spice things up, or you love one more than the other leaving-'

'It's not like that!' Tony interrupted, desperate. 'I don't want Loki or Stephen to spice things up, and I don't love one of them...oh you dickhead!' Tony shouted, shoving his laughing friend away.

'Come on man, you admitted it yourself. Now stop the bullshit and tell me, what's really stopping you.'

Tony closed his eyes, trying to put the feelings to words.

'I had...something similar once. A family, a place to belong. That's gone now.'


'And I caused it, I built Ultron, forced the Accords and I lost it all. It was the first time in my life I felt like I was doing good, you know? Fighting for justice, protecting the world instead of creating the weapons to destroy it. I had friends, real friends who I thought understood me.'

'That wasn't all on you.'

'I feel like a lot of that was on me.'

Tony felt himself being pulled into a hug, Rhodey gruffly disagreeing with him.

'I've always been the one to tell you if you've fucked up. That wasn't only your fault, Cap has to shoulder some of that one.'

Tony leant into the hug, drawing comfort from his oldest friend.

'I love them, Rhodey. This whole dysfunctional unit we've got going on with my spider kid. I don't...I don't want to lose that. I can't... lose that.' He heard his voice break as he spoke.

'Foolish mortal.'

A hand pressed against his lower back, cold seeping in through his shirt, another trembling one pressing just above it.

'You didn't,' he mumbled, fingers clutching Rhodey's shirt.

'Sorry, Tony Stank, I did.' He pressed their foreheads together before he whispered in his ear. 'You can buy me a drink or something later as a thank you, I think I'm owed a new suit.' He stepped away, looking at him for a long moment before nodding to someone behind Tony and stepping through the portal.

'That was shitty of you guys,' Tony spoke down to the floor.

'I use whatever tricks I have in my disposal to find out the information I want. I won't apologise.' Loki spoke, haughty, confident.

'Tony, why didn't you just tell us?'

'What if I fuck up? What if I lose you...both of you?'

'Does your arrogance truly know no bounds?' Loki spat, and he came into Tony's view, leaning down to catch his gaze. 'I cannot speak for Strange, but you think I will ever let you go? I think not. You are mine, mortal, and I do not relinquish easily.'

'I don't want you to-'

'I'm fond of the sorcerer as well. In his own right.'

Tony heard Stephen's scoffing noise behind him, before he too was standing in front of him.

'Loki and I talked. We want this. Want you. Want each other, all we're waiting for is for you to say yes.' A trembling, scarred hand cupped his cheek.

'I'm gonna-'

'Then we talk about it,' Stephen reassured, thumb rubbing over his cheek. 'Communication is the key here, something we all need to work on.' Stephen looked over at Loki who had placed his hand on the back of Tony's neck. 'We're all scared, Tony, we all have our issues, our fears that we'll mess up.'

Tony closed his eyes, reaching his hands out for the both of them. Happiness was just within his reach. They both wanted him, he wanted them, they wanted each other.

'Now, how about we finish that date, hmm?' Stephen chuckled, rubbing his nose through Tony's hair.


They waited for Tony to enter his personal access code, the doors opening into his personal living space in the compound. Stephen hadn't been in here that often, and he noticed a few new things scattered about.

'So, the three of us, in a relationship?' Tony asked, encouraging them to sit at one of the three huge couches surrounding a low coffee table, on top of a thick, plush looking rust red rug. He left them to settle, going to the bar in the corner of the living room.

Stephen sat on the floor, leaning against the couch, stroking his fingers through the luxurious rug. Loki followed his example, sitting opposite Stephen, watching Tony as he made drinks. It was a testament to how well he knew them, not even having to ask what drinks they wanted. He'd replicated what they'd ordered at the bar, placing them down on the coffee table and sitting at the head.

'You have doubts?' Stephen asked, sipping at his drink, enjoying the burn going down. Tony's scotch was far superior to the one they'd been served earlier.

'I couldn't make it work with Pepper. I loved her, or at least I thought I did. She was the only one to understand me, who was there before and after Afghan, who knows me. I'm...not a nice person. I obsess, I don't know how to look after myself, I'm clingy, I demand all of my lover's time, everything, their attention, their love, I want them to only look at me.'

'In that we are alike,' Loki answered, voice calm.

'I doubt myself. All the time. Always second guessing, wondering if I could have done it better.'

'Yup,' Stephen agreed.

'So...why?' Tony looked adorably lost, looking between them.

'Because we want you.' Loki said simply.

'I don't think that's enough to make a relationship work. Why not ask me for a threesome instead?' Tony grumbled, crossing his arms.

'You are brilliant, intelligent, kind when need calls for it, and ruthless also.' Loki put his drink down, pushing the coffee table out of the way and straddling Tony's hips. 'You remember the battle in New York? Where we first faced each other? You were scared when you faced me, hiding it behind trickery and deceit, a confident swagger as you offered me a drink.'

Loki placed his hand on Tony's jaw, encouraging him to look up.

'I want that. That brilliant mortal who looked his own death in the face and still defied it. The mortal who knew that only his sacrifice would save the universe from Thanos. The mortal who loves Peter as if he were his own child. The mortal who sees through all my lies, my deception and still found something to love.'

In all honesty, Stephen had expected to feel jealous when he finally saw the two of them kiss, but watching them...

He held in a low moan, feelings of second-hand pleasure thrumming through him as they deepened the kiss. Tony's hands came around Loki's back, tightening on his tunic, knuckles turning white.

Fuck, they were hot together.

'I think someone is feeling left out,' Loki whispered, tossing a look over his shoulder.

'Hey, you both know I'm high maintenance, the time to back out is now,' Tony growled, hand reaching down to grab Loki's ass.

'I think you'll find you're spoken for, sweetheart.' Stephen crawled over to the pair of them, his lovers, both of them. Dipping his head, he caught Tony's lips with his own, tasting Loki as well as Tony, the combination hitting him in the solar plexus.

'You both are,' Loki hissed, following the words with a sharp bite to the lobe of his ear.

'I really feel like we should be talking,' Tony's words were hoarse as Stephen moved to attack his neck with kisses.

'Later,' Loki mumbled.


At some point Loki had switched their positions, standing with Tony's legs wrapped around his hips as if it was no big deal to carry Tony across the room, roughly depositing him on the counter of his bar. The god shuddered when Tony hooked his legs over his hips and dragged him closer, Loki's cock rubbing against his ass.

His shirt was easy to tear aside, mere paper in Loki's hands. But Tony didn't have Asgardian strength, couldn't undo the buttons on Loki's shirt fast enough, moaning in desperation against his lips, swearing at his fumbling fingers.

'Tempting thing,' he growled against Tony's mouth, biting down playfully on the full bottom lip, grinning as Tony's heels dug into his ass to bring their cocks into clothed contact.

'Seriously, you guys are going to ignore me?'

Their lips broke apart guiltily, breaths coming in pants as they looked over Loki's shoulder.

Tony felt guilt climb as he looked around Loki to Stephen. The sorcerer was giving nothing away, his arms folded, face set in stone.

'Sorry, Stephen... things got a little heated.'

Breaking away, Tony tried to shove Loki away from him, who didn't budge an inch, and holy fuck it felt like he'd just fractured his hands, but he needed to reassure Stephen. God, he couldn't be fucking this up already.

'Hey, easy, sweetheart. I was only teasing, I'm not mad.' Stephen came to stand beside him, shaky hand cradling the back of his head.

'Don't do that to me, my heart can't take it!' Tony yelled, thumping Stephen on the chest, smiling as he heard the very human grunt escape the sorcerer's mouth.

'Let me make it up to you,' Stephen growled, catching his wrists with magic and holding him still. He waited for a moment, checking if Tony had any objections and then suddenly it wasn't Loki holding him against the counter, Stephen's body sweltering as he pressed against him.

'I can't tell you how long I've waited for this.' Stephen said it like a vow, a prayer of devotion.

'We've kissed before,' Tony teased.

'It isn't kissing I have in mind.'

Tony reached up, bound hands against Stephen's chest, moaning as Stephen opened his mouth to his probing tongue, meeting it with his own. Fingers dug into his hip, dragging him across the surface so they were chest to chest. He could feel Stephen's heart thundering under his palms, his moans rumbling through his chest as the kiss became filthy, slick sweeping tongues, sucking on lower lips.

They needed to talk, to sort out this writhing mess of insecurities ensnaring them all, but the words slipped from his mind as hands fumbled with the fly of his slacks, his hips lifting as Loki coaxed him to look over his shoulder, meeting Loki's mouth in a kiss, arching his back as Stephen ripped his slacks from his body.

It was as if the weeks of Loki and Stephen arguing, the two of them dancing around Tony and he around them, had coalesced into the thick miasma of lust now settling around them.

Loki waved his hand in the air. Tony felt his boxers melt away, Stephen's doing the same.

Tony gasped, breaking away to get his first unobstructed look at the sorcerer naked. His cock curved towards his stomach, long and slender, begging for Tony to reach out and touch it. The magic holding his hands disappeared and he wrapped his hand around it, watching as Stephen gasped, head falling forward as his body shook with overstimulation.

'Look how quickly he crumbles beneath your touch, beloved.' With a whispered spell, Loki's oiled fingers were wrapping over both their cocks, twisting his fingers over the heads. Tony felt Stephen shiver, forehead pressing into Tony's collarbone.

'My magnificent mortals,' Loki hissed, biting into the meat of Tony's shoulder. Tony wanted to watch Stephen fall apart, but he also didn't want Loki to stop touching him, craving his touch more than anything at that precise moment.

Nudging Loki's hand away from his own cock, he lifted his hands to skim over Stephen's stomach, nails dragging across quivering muscles to pinch at nipples, rolling them between finger and thumb. Tony watched with rapt fascination at the tremors in Stephen's body, feeling hot pants against his neck.

'I want you to come on me,' Tony begged, tightening his knees on Stephen's waist.

'You'll look beautiful covered in his seed. Come on, Stephen, don't you wish to fulfil our beloved's desire? To paint his pretty body with evidence of your lust?' Loki gave a skilful twist of his hand, and Stephen was coming, thick tendrils of white over Tony's cock and stomach, moaning obscenely against his neck, hands gripping the counter.

Tony held Stephen up, rubbing a hand up and down his back, his hand bumping against Loki's at every pass. Loki's whispered words of affection trickled down to Tony, too low for him to hear them properly. But he got the meaning.

He tried to convey his own love and affection through his touch, stroking soothing circles on Stephen's back, nuzzling his face into Stephen's chest. Pressing open mouthed kisses to any skin he could reach.

Stephen pulled back after a few moments. Tony felt his jaw drop a little at his expression, the flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and sparkling eyes, staring down at Tony as if he wanted to devour him. His gaze trailed over Tony's face, down his body to where his body was stained with his come.

'Holy hell,' he swore under his breath, knocking Tony back into Loki with the force in which he kissed him.

'I believe what he means to say, is that it's your turn,' Loki murmured, hand trailing down Tony's body to grasp his cock again.

Tony looked up at Stephen with what he knew was a devilish smile on his face, waggling his eyebrows. Stephen gave him a small nod, clicking his fingers and grinning over Tony's shoulder.

'I think we have a better idea, trickster.'

Tony hopped down, feeling the ache in his cock but ignoring it in order to look at Loki's hands bound to the counter, face shocked.

'I think it's only fitting we worship you like the god you are, right baby?' Tony mock-asked Stephen, groaning and flinging his head back against Stephen's shoulder as the man wrapped an arm around Tony's waist, the other reaching down to leisurely stroke down his cock.

'Or should I make you watch as I take Tony's first orgasm? Seems only fair, you got his first kiss as a couple after all.'

Loki was livid, straining against the glowing red bonds on his forearms, gaze drawn to where Stephen was stroking over Tony's cock, mouth parted.

'Stephen,' Tony whined, thrusting his hips and moaning. 'I want to make Loki come.'

'Give him want he wants,' Loki hissed, eyes almost black with desire. 'Come then, mortal, worship your god,' Loki challenged, lifting an eyebrow and staring down at Tony.

There was a quip on his tongue about blue balls, something about having to wait last, but Tony found he didn't care, getting to his knees and licking a thick line up the underside of Loki's cock.

'I knew you'd look good on your knees,' Loki's voice was hoarse, almost sounding undone. He should have guessed Loki would have a worship fetish. Filing that idea away for later, Tony set to work, spending more time then he usually would have working Loki's cock, kissing the head, massaging the slit with his tongue, fondling his balls.

It was different, Loki's taste. Not salty, or musky like he was used to. It was sharp, a citrus tang that Tony fell in love with, desperate for more, wanting to know what his come would taste like.

He heard movement to the side. Without pausing he looked towards the noise, moaning around Loki's cock in his mouth at the sight of Stephen watching them, his chest flushed, cock starting to harden again.

'Fucking hell, you're gorgeous,' Stephen swore, threading his fingers into Tony's hair, forcing his head down once, slowly, grinning at Loki's strangled moan. 'Bet you'd like that, wouldn't you, trickster? Fucking Tony's mouth while I fucked him, or perhaps the other way around.'

God, Tony loved the sound of that, and he made his agreement of that known, sucking harder, bringing his own hands down to stroke himself, crying out as he felt something bind his hands and bring them around to his back.

He expected to see the same magic restraining Loki, but the glow around his wrists was green.

Figures he'd fallen in love with two kinky sorcerers.

'You'll come by my hand and not before,' Loki promised, head tipping back when Stephen moved to kiss him.

Tony felt Loki's cock twitch in his mouth, the tell-tale trembling in his legs warning of his impending orgasm.

He swallowed as much as he could down, feeling some spill from his mouth and down his throat. He sat back on the cold stone of the floor, wincing at the pain in his knees. Fuck he was getting too old for this. His erection made tears spring to his eyes; neglected and beyond the point of painful, he needed to come. Needed something. Anything.

'You are amazing,' a hand tilted his head back, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of his mouth. It was Loki, Loki stretching him back onto something soft. Soft? He opened his eyes in bewilderment, finding themselves in his bedroom, the tingle of Loki's teleportation lingering over his skin.

'I love you,' Stephen vowed, pressing in for a kiss, surprisingly sweet after all they'd just done.

'I need to...' Tony gasped out, reaching out for them both, imploring them, begging.

'Have we been cruel to you?' Loki whispered, fingers wrapping around his cock.

Whimpering, Tony flung himself back into the covers, hands scrabbling in the sheets.

'Look, charlatan. Who knew the powerful Stark, slayer of Thanos, would be so submissive in the bedroom.' It wasn't a slight, Loki's tone was wondrous, besotted.

'Is that what you want, sweetheart, for someone to look after you, to take you to the peak of pleasure, to surrender your trust to us?' Stephen lay on the other side of Tony, hand reaching past Loki's to fondle his balls, the tip of his index finger rubbing against his hole.

There was an angry growl on the other side of him.

'I mean someones. Are you ours, Tony?' Stephen questioned, slipping his finger in further and beginning a lazy thrust.

It was too much and just enough at the same time, flinging him into orgasm, his body spasming from the intensity of it. Loki was there to kiss him through it, Stephen's hand gripping his upper thigh, reassuring him that he was there.

'Norns, Tony,' Loki gasped when his breathing slowed.

'If that's how you look when you come, then we need to watch you being fucked,' Stephen carried on, voice as husky as Loki's.

'What ever did we do to deserve such a responsive lover?' Loki wondered, settling down beside Tony and pressing a kiss to his head.

'What did I do to find two people to put up with me?' Tony answered.

'Do you want me to take you to the shower? You're covered in come,' Stephen teased, reaching up to steal a quick kiss.

The blissful post orgasm haze vanished, panic taking its place. Sitting up, he ignored the concerned looks on his lovers' faces.

'No, no need. I can go myself. You both wait here alright? Don't go anywhere.'


'His fear of the water is still great,' Loki muttered, watching the closed door.

'We need to reassure him of his fears, get Nightmare to loosen his hold so we can expel him completely.'

'What are Tony's fears? What is he leeching from?'

'His aquaphobia, fear of losing Peter and those he cares about, fear of failure. Those are what we need to address. If he is being assaulted by nightmares then his cognitive reasoning will be off and he won't be thinking rationally, thus making the fears grow and being forever stuck in this cycle.' Stephen whispered, stroking his fingers over Loki's naked back.

'Listen, Loki...'

'The next few weeks will have to be about Tony, I understand.' Loki nodded.

'That doesn't mean I don't care about you,' Stephen whispered.

Loki gave him a long look, arching into the touch. 'I know. Let us rid Tony of this parasite together, using all the tricks at our disposal. We will heal him. Restore him to the man he used to be. I can shield him from the nightmares when we are sleeping together, infrequent enough that the creature doesn't catch on.'

'I'll talk to Bruce about Tony's aquaphobia. I think immersion therapy will help him, maybe ease some of the fears. We'll need to move slowly, for Tony's sake.'

'What is immersion-'

'What are you both whispering about?' Tony asked, standing in the doorway with only a towel around his hips.

'How we cannot wait to get you between us,' Loki purred, gaze flicking over Tony's semi-naked body.

'Is this fair? To the both of you?' Tony asked, not moving, frowning at a spot on the bed.

'Get in the bed,' Stephen tried to persuade, moving aside and making space for Tony between them.

The man didn't move, hands clamped on his towel.

'I'd be lying if I said I do not have fears about making this work,' Loki spoke, sitting up on his knees to face them.

Loki knew he had affection for them both, that he would destroy worlds, civilizations to keep them safe. He would lay the world to ruins if it pleased them, and yet, it was Tony his affection blazed brightest for. He didn't think Stephen would mind if he found out, Loki was willing to guess that it was the same for him. They cared for each other equally, but there was no doubting it was Tony who drew them together, Tony the bonds that kept them close, Tony the sun in which they both orbited.

'I do not find it easy to share. The idea that I lay claim to any sort of happiness is foreign to me. I still doubt that you are not going to leave me behind, that you will find me lacking in some way.'

Now that he'd started verbalising his fears, he found it impossible to stop, adopting Tony's stance of looking at a spot on the bed.

'I have given you ample reasons to distrust me...but could you try when I say I want this? I will look after you, after you both. I've done many things, deplorable things to you, Tony.'

'We've spoken about it. You weren't in control.'

He looked up as he felt the bed shift, Tony sitting between them, hair damp and curling from his shower, skin still glossy from the water.

'Communication has to be the cornerstone of the relationship. No hiding things, no ganging up on each other, no leaving the other one out,' Tony told them, taking both their hands.

'Agreed,' Stephen murmured, catching Loki's eye over Tony's head.

Loki leant forward, kissing Tony once.

'Wretched mortal, you know I am powerless to your demands,' Loki mumbled over his lips.

'I won't tell anyone,' Tony swiped his tongue over Loki's lower lip, yelping a little as Loki grabbed his delectable behind.

'You best not, lest I pull out your tongue. I've grown rather fond of it.'

'Come on, both of you, sleep,' Stephen ordered, pushing them back towards the mattress.

'Why do I feel like Stephen is going to be the dull one in this relationship,' Tony laughed, breaking off as he yawned.

'Because he seeks to ruin our fun. Wait until I get you alone,' Loki promised, wrapping himself around Tony.

'Want me to send you somewhere else?' Stephen glowered, settling down himself, waiting for Tony to nuzzle up beside him before stretching out his arm so his hand could grasp Loki's shoulder.

'Loki? Stephen?' Tony whispered, effectively ending their argument before it could get heated. 'I love you.'

Loki wanted to shout with elation at how simply Tony said the words, the sweetness and fondness in his tone.

'Love you too, douchebag,' Stephen answered first, the strange nickname harkening to some shared joke between the two of them.

'I also love you, beloved,' Loki said, voice tender as he kissed Tony's bare shoulder. 'I tolerate you, charlatan.'

'Likewise, trickster.'

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