Ternion (FrostIronStrange)

By Kikirambles

12.6K 539 146

A year after Tony has saved the universe, he's approached by Thor for a favour. Build the citizens of New Asg... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 9

742 38 19
By Kikirambles

Stephen thought about it for a long time. Weighing up the pros and cons, as if logic could be applied to something so emotional. Slamming down the lid of his laptop, he put it on the bedside drawer and got out of bed, waving off the Cloak that rose to meet him.

Polygamy. Throuples. V relationships.

All different words and connotations, but ultimately leading to the same conclusion. A relationship not only with Tony, but with Loki in some format. Stephen wasn't sure in which way. Did he want to be with the Asgardian as well as Tony? Or was this the only way he could perceive having a romantic relationship with the man, in some sort of sharing arrangement?

They both wanted Tony. Tony wanted both of them. The question was how did they move forward with this?

Flicking on the light switch to the kitchen, Stephen yawned as he set about boiling water, needing something soothing to help him to sleep.

'Is now a good time to talk about what I mentioned earlier?'

'Of course. Is this related to your earlier concerns that something was manipulating Tony's emotions?' Stephen answered, not surprised in the slightest to his visitor, pulling down an extra mug as he brewed the tea.

'I sensed something when I placed him to sleep. An entity. A being, I'm not entirely sure, but I know for certain now. His moods are being tampered with, he is being fed negativity while he dreams.'

Stephen stopped what he was doing.

'They're not just nightmares?'

'No. When I woke him from his dreams, I sent a small tendril of magic into his dreamscape, to confirm my suspicions. It is feeding on his fears, heightening them. My magic broke the link, and then he awakened.'

Stephen said nothing as he brought Loki's chamomile tea over, setting it in front of him, eyes unseeing.

'Then all this time?' Stephen brought a hand to his mouth, horrified that he hadn't noticed. He was Sorcerer Supreme, protector of the people of Earth from magical threats and entities, and he hadn't even noticed with the man he loved?

Loki rotated his wrist, bringing a book to rest on the table with his magic. 'I spent the day researching any possible beings that have been known to do such a thing, and behold,' he tapped the page with his finger, pushing the book over to Stephen.


'He is one of the Fear Lords, a group of demons that aim to spread fear throughout the realms. This one presides over the Nightmare Realm, feeding off the negativity produced by the nightmares of mortals.'

Stephen looked over the texts, horror mounting.

'Odin... my father fought them many years, ago, stripping most of their powers. However, this is a creature that cannot be defeated, for as long as there are beings who dream-'

'He'll never be destroyed,' Stephen finished.

'It is my belief that he is regaining power slowly through the torment of mortal's nightmares. Although it will take centuries for him to gather enough strength to be a threat to any known realm, he has attached himself to Tony.'

'Why? Hundreds of people have nightmares, hundreds are suffering. Why Tony?'

'Because he is a mortal who has one significant advantage,' Loki muttered, catching Stephen's gaze and holding it.

'The spell,' Stephen whispered, feeling sick.

'It's a constant supply of energy. A loop. He can drain Tony, and then your magic replenishes Tony's form, making him healthy and the cycle begins anew.'

'I should have known. I assumed it was part of his PTSD, that he was on the mend and the bad days were just those, bad days.' Stephen put his face in his hands, nails digging into his hairline.

'Now we know what it is, we can take steps to combat him. He feeds off fears, anxiety. If we remove those emotions, help Tony to overcome them, then his hold on him will weaken and we can expel him. If we take turns in shielding Tony when he sleeps, he will find a new victim.'

'I can't just ignore him as he prays on other mortals.'

'Did you not hear me Strange? There is not a way to destroy him. Nightmare will always exist, and will grow faster in strength feeding off Tony and by extension you, rather than the minuscule amounts of energy he gets from weak mortals.'

'I will need to monitor him.'

'Wonderful. Perhaps he can take my place on that list of yours.' Loki made the book disappear in a flash of magic. 'As much as it pains me to admit this, I believe it is best we do not tell Tony of what is happening.'

Stephen felt the air leave his chest, his head swimming with the implication.

'Loki...I can't...not again.'

'You do not think this pains me also? Having watched what it cost you to hide such a secret.' Loki kicked the table, crossing his arms. 'It is my hope that we can explain to Tony why we had to keep it from him. But if the creature learns of our intentions, he might cause him longer lasting harm. That or we'll lose the chance to strip him of some of his power before he prays on another.'

Stephen knew Loki spoke the truth, that if they wanted to help Tony it had to be without Nightmare knowing about it. Shielding Tony from his nightmares, helping him overcome his fears.

He prayed that Tony would be forgiving a second time.

'I don't want him to hate me,' Stephen whispered.

'He will not,' Loki vowed, eyes blazing. 'I am with you, I will shoulder some of the blame. He will understand.'

Stephen nodded, once, hoping Loki was right. Loki stood to leave, head turning over his shoulder at the last second.

'There is something else I wish to speak of before I go. I believe you have come to the same conclusions I have, regarding his affections and ours. Tony Stark. We both love him.'

Stephen made an agreeing noise.

'It appears he has feelings for both of us.'

'Knowing Tony the way I do, we'll both end up with nothing because he won't want to cause either of us pain,' Stephen concluded, summing up the stalemate they found themselves in.

'I don't want to share his affections, Strange. Too long have I gone without things I've truly wanted. I've found someone who makes me happy, content, and I must share him with another, only receiving scraps of his affection? No, I can't bear it. I had the barest scraps of Father's love. I cannot endure it again.'

Stephen found himself touched that Loki was so brutally honest with him, his gaze going down to where Loki's hands were fisted, his shoulders tense, neck muscles straining.

'Maybe, you're looking at this wrong. Instead of looking at the fragments and lamenting you had more, you should put them together.'

'I do not understand your meaning.' Some of the tension left Loki's body, but he was still on edge, guarded.

'What if it isn't scraps, you're being offered? What if it's two men offering you a chance to be with them both?'

'Two men?' Loki looked around and the sheer wonderment in his eyes. The disbelief in them made Stephen's mind up there and then.

'A triangle is the strongest shape, after all.' Stephen smiled as he drank his tea.

'Don't be absurd, Strange!' Loki spat, his body disappearing in a green glow.

The idea was planted. Now Stephen needed to be patient, to see what would happen. His mood turned dark as he thought about Tony, closing his eyes and concentrating. Tony was asleep. He could feel the contentment in his mind and a stain, tendrils of shadow infecting him.

He channelled a little of his magic across, enough to shield Tony from the worse of the fear, but not enough to alert the being.

'I'm sorry, Tony.'


Loki was at another event Tony had scheduled for him, another function of some kind, a charity affair in what Tony had called a skyscraper. Loki liked the sound of the word, a building so tall that it grazed the sky. His instructions were to charm and smile at the Midgardians, flatter them, nod graciously when they thanked him for his donation (that Tony had provided) to the cause.

He'd been reluctant to come, and had told Tony multiple times when he'd visited him last, laughing at how put out the mortal seemed to be, irritated with the bedrest he'd been ordered to have. Tony had seemed better, a slight cough, but looking rather delectable wrapped up in all his layers, working on something related to his business on his tablet.

Loki retreated before Strange visited, not wanting to deal with the man.

He finished the last of his wine, handing it to a mortal bearing a silver tray before looking around the room. The charity ball was in New York, and if he stretched up onto his toes to look out the window, he could just see the tower in which he'd first met Tony.

This wasn't him, this melancholy, moping. Once he had received his object of affection's consent then he was quick to bed them, indulging in wanton acts before moving on. This was new, uncharted territory, and he wasn't sure how to proceed.

Tony wanted him.

He wanted Tony, craved to lay claim to the man, and he knew the only way to his heart was by accepting Strange. He'd grown to tolerate him, that much was true. He was partially attractive, nothing compared to Tony, and he could hold an intelligent conversation...his mastery over magic was impressive, not as extensive as Loki's own, of course.

Speaking of... Loki's attention was caught by a man with a striking resemblance to Strange, down to the streaks of silver in his hair.

Excusing himself with a sincere apology, he skirted around the crowds, keeping the man in his sight, frowning when the mortals parted, revealing more of the man's build.

It was Strange.

What was he doing here? How long had he been here? This dreary excuse for a party had been going for hours and Loki was only aware of the man's presence now? With the words posed on his tongue, Loki moved through the crowd, stopping when a woman appeared before Strange with drinks in hand.

She was beautiful, no doubt about that. Her dress clinging to every asset, her smile charming, demeanour sweet.

'You're wasting your time, he doesn't go for the demure maidens,' Loki hissed, leaning against the bar to watch them.

He still spoke to any mortal that engaged in conversation with him, knowing this was important to Tony and for his self-image, yet his gaze kept returning to Strange and the woman, their attraction for each other obvious as the minutes passed.

Did Tony know about this? Was this what Strange had meant by a relationship between them? The freedom for them to be with whoever they wished, and with Tony? Loki did not want such a thing, he wanted to be the only one Tony had eyes for, to cherish their partnership.

His anger mounted as he watched, Strange flaunting his disrespect for Tony's affections.

Mortal courtship, it meant nothing to them! They were beasts content to rut with whatever took their fancy, playing with the idea of love!

He wouldn't allow Strange to harm Tony in this way. He would get his proof, help Tony with his betrayal, defend him from Nightmare by himself if needed.

Making his excuses, he disappeared from the glittering room, heading down the corridor to the bathroom. He checked for others before altering his appearance, sending out a clone to mingle with the crowds, ensuring his presence wouldn't be missed.

'Excuse me, are you Doctor Stephen Strange?'

Strange turned to face him, drink in hand, eyebrows flirting with his hairline for a moment as he took in Loki's new appearance. His dress was far more revealing than possibly acceptable for women of this realm, a rich, deep crimson to match the slick ruby on his lips.

'And you are?' The woman who had been stalking Strange for most of the night demanded, grabbing Strange's arm in a possessive manner.

'Lorea.' Holding out his hand, Loki made himself smile as Strange took it. Instead of shaking it, Strange brought it up to his lips, kissing the back of his hand.


'I followed your research on the formation of new nerve cells, before you had your accident of course,' Loki gushed, giggling a little.

Loki had done his research on the man, wanting to understand his competition, the best way to combat him.

'Really?' The woman on his arm asked with a contemptuous glare.

'Christine,' Strange growled down at her. 'This is my friend, Christine Palmer. We used to work together at the hospital.'

'Please, I'm your only friend, Stephen. Lorea, was it? Nice to meet you.'

Friends. That meant nothing to Loki. He'd seen the way they were hanging off each other's words, could see the way Strange was looking at him in this dress.

'Would you like a drink, Lorea?'

He knew it. Judging by the eye roll the chit gave him, she also caught the undertone in Strange's voice.

'Get home safely,' she hissed, letting go of Strange's arm and stalking off.

'Shouldn't you make sure she gets home alright?' Loki looped his arm through the space she'd vacated, allowing him to lead them to the bar.

'She'll be fine,' Strange waved it off nonchalantly. 'Drink?'

'Red wine, Beaujolais if they have it.'

They sipped their drinks for a moment. Strange had ordered scotch, the same brand Tony liked to drink if Loki wasn't mistaken.

'What's a pretty young woman like you doing here tonight?' Strange asked, crowding closer, dominating the space between them.

'Looking for a little...adventure,' Loki flirted, tipping his head back, knowing that in this form it highlighted the feminine slender throat, allowed Strange to see the curve of his breasts.

'Are you finished here?' Strange brought his head closer, pressing a kiss to Loki's earlobe. 'Or can I steal you away?'

'By all means.' Loki finished the glass of wine, sliding his leg against Strange's, allowing his knee to brush against the man's groin, furious to feel it growing hard.

Loki would make him pay.

In excruciating increments.

Grabbing Strange's hand and bestowing a flirtatious smile, Loki led them from the party, hips swaying provocatively as he walked. They went down a few flights of stairs until Loki found what he was looking for. Loki led them in to the dark, empty room, hand slipping down one strap of his dress.

'What are you up to, Loki?'

Hesitating for only a moment, Loki turned slowly in his heels, plastering a confused expression on his face. Strange was leaning against the door, face only partially visible by the light from the city nightscape behind Loki.

'You thought I would betray Tony like that?'

Loki knew it, there was nothing between them. They were bound only by their shared affection of Tony. Had Strange set him up? Dangling the idea of the three of them being in some kind of relationship, to now stab Loki in the back.

'No...you thought I would do that to you?'

Loki heard shuffling, footsteps drawing closer.

'Drop the illusion.'

'Why, don't you find the female form pleasing?' Loki snarled.

'Yes, but I prefer you. Please, Loki.'

Huffing in anger, Loki let the illusion melt away.

'I suppose I should applaud you, lying brazenly to the God of Lies,' Loki spat, stalking closer. 'You speak of being offered more than the mere vestiges of your affection, of loving Tony together, and here I find you, seducing another.'

'Is that what you thought? You made yourself into Lorea in the hopes to find me cheating so you could take it back to Tony and have him for yourself?' Strange's voice rose, fury in every one of his slow steps.

'I thought I was losing both of you!' Loki screamed, shoving Strange back with magic.

His words made him pause, anger abating for a moment as he realised. He hated everything about this. The way he felt exposed, the rawness of it all. He'd been lying to himself earlier, so good at it now he hardly recognised when he was doing it. He had no doubts about wanting to keep Strange as well as Tony.


Stephen Strange was nothing more than a thorn in his side, a burden he had to bear because he was important to Tony.

'You think I'm tolerating you for Tony?' Strange came closer, not enough so they were touching, but he was there.

Loki drew his bottom lip into his mouth and nodded once, a sharp jerk.

'You fucking idiot,' Strange growled, hand fisting in the collar of his shirt and yanking him down in a bruising kiss.

It was painful. Teeth biting lips, tongues sucked to the point of searing agony, hands clawing at skin.

It was perfect.

Strange walked them back towards the wall, fumbling with clothes, desperation, desire setting them aflame. Loki groaned as his back collided with the wall, dull pain flooding across his hips and lower back, Strange's tongue thrusting in his mouth. Growling, Loki ripped his waistcoat into pieces, the buttons of Strange's shirt scattering on the floor.

Strange moaned low in his throat as Loki drew his nails over the tender flesh of his chest, the hard muscles of his stomach, ripping open the fly of his pants.

'Fuck, Loki.' Strange's voice rumbled deep in his chest as Loki wrapped his fingers around his cock, struggling to pull it from the confines of the material, wanting to see it now, wanting Strange to crumble before him.

Loki was distracted at the stinging bites to his neck, a hot mouth sucking bruises into his skin in a mark of dominance, ownership. In any other situation, Loki would have challenged him for it, but he was overwhelmed with sensations, needing more. Strange grabbed him behind the knees, lifting him and pinning him to the wall in a forceful demand.

He swore in desperation against Strange's lips, biting sharply when he didn't get what he wanted, hissing in relief when he got the idea, yanking his clothing aside and shifting his hold on Loki so he could bring their cocks together. Sliding his hand over them both, Precome mixing.

Moaning into each other's mouths, Loki wrapped his legs over Strange's hips, trying to drag him closer, needing the friction.

It'd been long, too long since he'd felt the touch of another.

'Been a while, trickster?'

Whereas the name before had been said with scorn, this was said with affection. Loki's gut clenched in response.

Grabbing the back of Strange's head, he tugged him back down into another kiss, body quivering as Strange's slick hand increased in tempo, the heat of his own cock sweltering against Loki's.

He wasn't going to last long, not at this frenzied pace. Succumbing to pleasure, he screamed his release, ripping his mouth away from Strange's, the back of his head colliding painfully with the wall supporting him. He heard a muffled cry of his name, Strange's forehead pressing against his clavicle and then he was coming, covering them both in his seed.

Panting, trembling, they held onto the other for support.

'I meant what I said, about having the two of us,' Strange suddenly whispered, turning to he could press a soft kiss to Loki's throat.

Loki averted his gaze, pulling himself away from Strange, cleaning and dressing with a brush of magic.

'Loki,' Strange pleaded.

He said nothing, preparing to leave, shaking arms crossed over his chest.

Strange stopped him, cupping his face in both his hands. 'Listen to me. I want this. I want you. I came tonight because Tony asked me to keep an eye on you. I didn't know if my presence was something you wanted, I thought you might object to me being there,' Strange said softly.

'Keeping the affections of two mortals...that will be a challenge,' Loki spoke, peeling Strange's hands away. Ignoring the flash of hurt he could see on Strange's face, he placed them on his waist instead, drawing closer so they were in an embrace.

'Never let it be said that I do not like a challenge,' Loki whispered, wrapping his arms around the mortal's neck.

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