Ternion (FrostIronStrange)

By Kikirambles

12.6K 539 146

A year after Tony has saved the universe, he's approached by Thor for a favour. Build the citizens of New Asg... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 5

730 33 13
By Kikirambles

Loki tugged at the front of his leather tunic, stifled by the material. He knew this...thing was designed with him in mind, and he'd played his part accordingly, not finding it difficult to charm the important members of Midgardian society. He'd gained favour with the Grandmaster on Sakaar, had manipulated races into battle on his behalf.

This was important though, to Thor, to his people, and ultimately... his gaze turned to Stark on the floor, champagne flute in hand, looking rather delectable in a forest green shirt, bringing out the bronze of his skin, the gleam in his eye.

He shifted from foot to foot, subtly adjusting himself. He didn't think Stark was aware what wearing Loki's colour meant, the claim that Asgardians could perceive Loki to have on the mortal, but it did things to him. Fanned the flames of his lust to higher peaks.

He'd tried, several times to seduce the mortal, finding himself thwarted every time. He couldn't remember the last time he'd worked so hard in seducing a being.

Perhaps that was why the feelings of lust were turning more into heartfelt feelings of passion. Stark caught his gaze and he smiled, lifting his glass up in salute. Loki smiled back, lifting his own in acknowledgement.

Stark trusted him. It was a wondrous thing indeed, to have someone in existence who held him in such regard, especially one who feared magic. Loki wanted to tear whoever hurt Stark to pieces, the violation of his mind a feeling Loki knew.

Yet, Stark had allowed him to teleport him.

Thor came to stand beside him on the raised dais, looking down at the Midgardians interacting with their own people, laughter, dancing, shared stories. It truly was a breath-taking spectacle, reminiscent of their younger days in Asgard.

The main hall glimmered with gold light, casting shadows on statues sculpted by Asgardian artisans, showing their ancestors, Thor and Loki's father. Dancers glided across the floor, many doing no more than what Stark had taught him, turning in elegant circles.

Of course Loki could dance. He'd taken an interest in Midgardian culture ever since Stark had been with them. Their dance was not hard to emulate, none of them were, but he'd intended to seduce Stark that night, instead coming away with the desire to simply hold him in his arms as he had done for the dance.

Nothing more.

'See brother, I knew it would all work out. Asgard is restored.' Thor thumped Loki on the back, making him step forward a few paces to retain his dignity and stay upright.

'Indeed, but I believe a lot of this is down to Stark. He has created our energy source, so we are no longer dependant on Midgardian hospitality. This lavish affair to convince his people I am reformed.'

'You forget the generous donations he has offered in your name to charities. I believe that has done more than this lavish affair.' Thor drunk from his tankard, smiling brightly at a pretty pair of Midgardian females approaching in scantily clad garments.

Keeping his eye-rolling to himself, Loki scanned the crowds again, his gaze inevitably finding Stark. Resentment gripped him by the throat as he watched Strange approach the mortal, Stark relaxing in his presence, his beaming smile slipping from his face and a more genuine one taking its place.

'It seems to be my fate in life to covet things already possessed by others.'

'Tony is free to love. He is not committed to another. You squander your chance brother.'

Loki spun on his heel, taking a few steps back from his brother, unaware his whispered words had been heard.

'I...I mean... that is to say.'

'Loki, I have known for a while now. While you might pretend it is only a desire to bed him, I can see the way you look at him. It makes me glad, that you can find love.'

He thought about denying it, about playing the fool. He downed the rest of his drink, placing it on the table behind them and nodded towards Strange who was watching Stark walk back into the crowds, his gaze protective.

'The wizard? Brother, they are not courting.'

'Not yet, but it is a matter of time. I have seen Stark's gaze flitter to the charlatan, know he has feelings for him. There is something else. Can you see the mark placed upon him, the faint orange glow to his aura?'

Thor squinted over the top of his tankard and this time Loki did roll his eyes.

'I can see a shadow...oh, a trick of the light?'

'I had thought it a mark of protection that Strange had placed upon him, a warning to others with magic perhaps to stay away from what is claimed. Yet, I wonder brother...how is it that Stark looks remarkably healthy for a mortal of his age?'

'Tony has always been attractive for a male mortal, brother. Tales of his sexual prowess are legendary.'

Loki hoarded that little comment for later scrutiny and continued.

'How exactly was Tony Stark saved, Thor? By all accounts using the Infinity Gauntlet with a weak body such as his should have destroyed him.'

'I do not know the details, but I know Stephen Strange played a large part in the rescue of Tony's life.' Thor drained his tankard and placed it behind them.

Suspicion set root in Loki's mind.

'Anyway, you are seeing things that are not present. His good friend Rhodey is also fiercely protective of Tony, as is Bruce. Neither wish to bed him.'

'Oh, Strange does, I have no doubt about that.'

'But he hasn't yet, and that is the crux of this argument, is it not? The Midgardians have a saying, all is fair in love and war.'

Loki thought on that for a few moments. 'The idea that there are no rules in either situation is an...intriguing one.'

'If you see a chance for happiness you should chase it, brother. Don't talk yourself out of something just because you believe you are not worthy.'

'It is nothing to do with worth.'

Thor said nothing, clasping his hands in front of his stomach and waiting.

'Alright, but only a little. I was his enemy, Thor, I killed their people, I threw him from a window!' Loki hissed the last part.

'And yet he recognised that you were not yourself during those events, as I recall.'

It wasn't often Thor could outsmart him, but the oaf had him there.


Tony jumped a little at the tap to his back, smiling as he looked up into gorgeous green eyes.

'Ladies, I must say you look simply ravishing this evening. Now I'm almost furious with Stark here for making me promise to share a dance with him.'

The women all blushed, laughing to themselves in delight.

Dance? What dance?

Despite his misgivings, he allowed Loki to draw him onto the small dance floor, stopping to speak to humans and Asgardians alike as they went.

'Am I senile? I don't remember asking you for a dance?' He automatically took the same position as he had the other night, the female one and he quickly changed his hands, unsure what to do.

Loki laughed, not unkindly and adjusted him back, placing them in the positions they'd been in the other night when Stark had been his teacher.

They began moving in a slow revolving circle, a respectful amount of distance between them, both smiling as they saw other couples, sharing a few words here and there. Loki was doing everything he was supposed to. Women had been flocking to him all night and Tony hadn't heard a bad word said against him.

Probably helped that he and Pepper had screened the guest list, that Happy and his staff had removed anyone vocal in their disapproval of Loki.

A small part of him wanted Loki to draw him closer, to reassume their dance of the other night. It made Tony's blood burn molten whenever he thought about it, the spare snatches of time he had during the day while helping Pepper sort out this event.

It wasn't fair to Stephen.

Tony knew he'd be watching them, and even though he kind of wanted Stephen to be jealous and maybe break this stalemate they had between them, he didn't want to hurt the man.

The way he'd done others in the past.

Where the hell had that thought come from? He shook his head as if that would clear his thoughts. It'd been happening again, the doubts, the voice of his fears eating away at his mind like ravenous insects burrowing in his brain.

'I've never had the pleasure of courting someone as complex, as you Tony Stark.' Loki breathed the words across his ear, the hand in the small of his back tightening enough so he could feel the pressure through his suit jacket and shirt.

The self-loathing abated, and he gave his attention back to the man who was smiling down at him.

'So...' he began, chuckling as Loki led him out in a twirl and brought him back closer. 'How much of this is real and how much is you trying to mess with Stephen?'

'Why, my dear mortal, you wound me,' Loki said with a straight face, meeting his gaze head on.

Tony raised an eyebrow.

'Alright I admit, he fanned the flames of my admiration at first. You've got to admit there is something annoying about his uptight attitude, his serious demeanour.'

Tony sniggered, inclining his head in agreement.

'I was...touched that you saw past Thanos's manipulations.' Loki's voice was whisper soft, his gaze lowered.

This was the real Loki, this elusive and rare creature. Tony understood, not many saw the real Tony Stark after all, and he was honoured that Loki felt he could trust him.

'Yet, that wasn't it.' Loki stopped moving, staring down at his feet, his grip still firm. 'Your strength, your passion for things I find admirable. I...like watching you with Peter. This...' Loki let out a frustrated noise. 'Norns, this isn't something I understand myself.'

Tony placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking the Asgardian once.

'It's called having a friend, Loki.'

'Are we quite finished?' Stephen's baritone voice asked them, eyes narrowed. It was his pissed off sorcerer look, and it made Tony's stomach squirm with want to see it, conjuring images of Stephen staring at him like that across the bedroom, stalking towards him on the bed.

Stephen's gaze locked on him, a flush starting to cover his neck. Tony had the horrible sense, not for the first time, that Stephen could actually read his thoughts.

'No, I don't think we have, charlatan. You can watch us quite well from over there in the corner you've been frequenting. Although, I think you can monitor Tony from quite a distance, can't you?'

Tony wasn't an idiot. He might not have got the subtext, but he knew it was an insult aimed at Stephen.

'That's enough, both of you.' He stepped outside of Loki's arms, putting distance between them. 'This event is going too well for either of you to ruin it. Stephen, don't make a scene. And you,' Tony pointed his finger when Loki smirked. 'I might not understand whatever magical mumble jumble you're talking about, but you don't insult people I care about and get away with it. Apologise.'

He felt a small sort of satisfaction at watching Loki squirm, forcing the words out as if they physically pained him.

'There you are, that's better. Don't worry Lokes, you won't have to put up with us past tomorrow,' Tony teased, moving closer to Stephen's side.

Pressure around his wrist halted his movement, and he looked down at Loki's pale fingers clamped around it.

'You're leaving?'

'I've done what Thor asked, New Asgard is completely independent from Earth's power.' He could see Stephen shifting in his periphery, orange sparks beginning to flare into life. He waved his free hand quickly, trying to negate Stephen's attack stance.

Loki seemed to catch himself, flinging Tony's arm away. He took a step back and cleared his throat.

'That will be a shame, I've grown accustomed to our drinks at night.' Loki sounded sincere, his head hanging low. It made Tony chase after him, bending so he could look up into Loki's eye line.

'You can always come visit me?'

He ignored Stephen's scoff, sending a glare over his shoulder at the sorcerer.

'Thank you, Stark, I would enjoy sharing your company once again.'

'Tony. I think we're past all this Stark crap now.'

'Tony,' Loki purred, sending a bolt of heat straight to Tony's cock.

'Can I speak to you, outside?' Stephen growled, now taking his turn to grab Tony's wrist and drag him away from Loki and the party.

'What is it with people manhandling me,' Tony grumbled as he was dragged to one of the balconies outside. He shook himself free, rubbing his wrist as he looked over his shoulder at the party behind him.

The sun was beginning to set, transforming the sea to molten gold. It was beautiful, juxtaposed with the cobalt blue sky, the frothy clouds tinged with red. Sounds of the sea rumbling set Tony's teeth on edge, his nerves getting the better of him despite knowing they were quite a way from the water's edge.

He thought he'd got over his fear of water, he'd been working with Bruce to combat it. While he'd never be fully comfortable with it, he hadn't become paralysed by it before, the way his limbs were stiffening now.

Maybe it was because he was so close to the sea, it was sending him backwards, a relapse as it were?

'Sorry, do you want to go back inside?' Stephen asked, noticing Tony's discomfort despite his efforts to hide it.

'It's fine, the water's over there, I'm over here. So, what you think? Was it a success?' Tony indicated the party. Through the blurred glass panelled doors, they could see the dancing had stopped, everyone's attention fixed on the figure in green who stood among them.

Not above them.

They heard Loki begin to speak, his thank you speech that Tony had rehearsed with him earlier. He'd written it all for the reformed god, but Loki surprised him in wanting to give a speech of his own. Tony watched him through the glass, feeling pride swell beneath his sternum.

He hadn't made a mistake. Loki had changed.

'I think you got the intended job done.' Stephen walked over to the concrete baluster railing, setting his hands on it, turning away from the party.

'What did you want to talk about?' Tony rubbed his hands over his upper arms. Fuck, Norway was cold.

'Is it too late for me?' Stephen asked simply.

The air whipped around them, ruffling Tony's carefully styled hair into disarray.

'Too late for what?'

He blinked and Stephen was suddenly in front of him. He stumbled, breathing a sigh of relief as he felt an arm wrap around his back.

'Too late for me to tell you how I feel?' Stephen whispered hoarsely against his cheekbone.

Stephen's body was warm, the scent of his cologne rich and musky. Tony could feel the hard muscles under his hands on the sorcerer's chest.

'You shouldn't have to ask that,' Tony whispered.

This was what he'd wanted for months now. Closing his eyes, he tipped his head back, groaning low in his throat when Stephen's lips covered his. The kiss wasn't shy, Stephen's free hand cupping the side of his face so he could angle Tony in a better position, tongue thrusting into his mouth. Tony's hands dug into Stephen's shirt, dragging him closer, getting rid of any possible space between them.

There was a little niggling thought that came in the form of green eyes and a mischievous smile, which made him hesitate.

'Sorry, too forward of me?' Stephen asked when they broke away from each other.

'No, Stephen you know exactly...' Tony fumbled over the words, moving his hands from Stephen's shirt to wrap around his neck.

'You know how I feel.'

'I'm hoping it's the same way I feel,' Stephen rumbled, nosing along his jawline.

This was what he wanted, this beautiful, strong man who he had fallen in love with, who had been his support, his lifeline.

And yet.

No, that was just lust speaking, the allure of the chase, the unknown. Tony had been down that path too many times, had cheated on more partners then he cared to admit, had done the one-night stands. He wanted love. He wanted the partnership.

He wanted Stephen Strange.

A shrill piercing made them both startle, Tony patting down his pockets.

'What is that? Is it FRIDAY?' Stephen asked, concerned.

'FRIDAY, what's going on?'

'It's the Spider Suit, boss.'

'Friend Tony!' Thor boomed, bursting into the balcony with Loki on his heels. 'There has been an attack on Midgard.'


'The attack is in Venice, Spider-Man is in danger.'


Loki could only watch as Tony Stark, the self-assured hero of Midgard, broke before him.

'Find him!' Tony shouted at his female machine, tapping at his chest.

'Wait, wait, Tony calm down.' It was Strange that grabbed his elbow, stopping the swarming black machines that Loki assumed was the Iron Man armour.

'No! I will not calm down!' Tony threw Strange's arm off, hyperventilating. 'I already lost him once...I can't...I can't do it again. Help me or get out of my way!'

'Of course I'm going to help you, but I suggest you calm down because you're not thinking rationally!'

Loki watched the exchange with interest, ignoring the bitter twist of jealousy when Strange pulled Tony into an embrace, calming the flustered man.

He should be used to jealousy by now.

'I can't find Peter with the sling ring without seeing the place I'm going, can you help?'

Strange was asking him.

Loki wanted to glare at him, of course he was going to help, why wouldn't he help with Tony looking so distraught?


Because he was untrustworthy.

'I will help, don't worry, Tony. Thor, remain here and look after our people, I will accompany them and find Peter. May I have the exact coordinates?'

Tony's face looked up at him as soon as FRIDAY finished relaying them. Loki could see the raw terror, the desperation. Without any thought to Strange standing nearby, he pulled Tony close in reassurance.

'We will find him,' Loki swore, voice low. 'I could use your assistance,' he directed at Strange. This wasn't the time for fighting, or disagreements, Tony's child was in peril and they would find him.

There was an ache in Loki's breast at seeing Tony look so desperate, shattered, eyes rimmed with red, skin ashen. This man who had destroyed one of the most powerful beings in the universe and survived, whose mere presence exuded confidence and arrogance in a way Loki admired was broken.

It should have repulsed him. Loki wasn't one to protect, to care for others. There was only him, and him alone.


That had changed.

He had given up the tesseract for Thor, had fought to save his brother from Thanos, cared for him. His mother...he had loved her deeply, worshipped the ground she walked on. Other lovers, a passing fancy, a way to bide the time or a way to gain favour.

It... pained him to see Tony like this, and he vowed he would do everything to find Peter.


Stephen looked in horror at the raging water...thing in front of them.

This was Tony's worse nightmare.

'Is that magic?' Tony's voice, distorted by the Iron Man suit called out. 'FRIDAY can't pick up anything other than water.'

'Tony, find Peter. Loki, help me subjugate the threat.'

The being roared, arms flailing towards the people screaming on the canals. Tony hadn't moved, staring at the creature, repulsors keeping him in place.

'Tony! Go!' Stephen shouted, snapping Tony from his terror and off into the air.

'We need to lead it away from the canals!' Stephen ordered, flying towards it, his brain working overtime as the screams got louder, buildings crumbling as though they were made from paper.

Loki disappeared, reappearing right in front of the watery monster, daggers slashing through nothing but water.

'How am I supposed to fight such a thing?' Loki shouted in frustration, grunting as he was swatted aside, colliding with a building hard enough to send dust plumes into the sky.

Sending an energy blast at it did nothing, the water current flowing around it, dissipating his magic. 'How do you fight something made from water?' Stephen growled, choking as the Cloak suddenly yanked him backwards, out of the way of the lumbering beast's arms.

'Thank you,' he breathed, orange magic sparking between his hands, a lasso of eldritch magic.

'Strange! Wait! It's an illusion!'

Stephen hesitated, keeping the energy in his hands as he looked at Loki. 'You're certain?'

'I can't sense any magic whatsoever, can you?' Loki squawked as he was knocked from the air into the canal.

It was targeting Loki, perhaps sensing that their energy was similar. That would explain how Loki knew it was an illusion. He could hear Iron Man's repulsors firing in the distance, saw him flying in his peripheral.

This needed his full focus. Tony could protect himself, had been an Avenger long before Stephen became a sorcerer. He couldn't let himself be distracted, not with people depending on him. The causalities would be catastrophic. What spell to use? He couldn't think, gripped with concern for Tony.

He flew out of reach, trying to gain another perspective, checking Loki over quickly as he teleported beside him, looking bedraggled but no injuries from what he could see. The Sword of Vishanti would be useless. The Bands of Cyttorak would pass through it.

It felt as if he was back at Kamar-Taj getting his ass handed to him by Mordo in training, knowing he'd never be good enough, that his hands were too damaged.

Loki had created projections of himself, distracting the beast away from the buildings, the people down below.

'If it's an illusion then something needs to be projecting it, and something is causing all the damage!' Stephen pointed at the buildings crumbling, evidence of Peter's webbing trying to hold them together.

'An energy source of some sort,' Loki agreed, leaping onto another roof as the creature aimed for him again.

Iron Man abruptly flew in front of them, hands extended with Peter clinging to his back.

'Are you sure it isn't a person controlling it? He called, hand gauntlets whirling into life, directed towards the being. The blast made the water part for a few seconds, not enough to see anything.

Bands of orange covered his wrists as he gestured, summoning the Winds of Watoomb, forcing the water to part before them, revealing what looked like a tiny machine.

'Mr Stark! That's one of your combat drones!' Peter yelled.

'One of us needs to go in and disable it!' Stephen shouted. 'Peter, can you help stop the buildings from falling?'

'No! The kid stays with me!' Iron Man reached back, holding Peter in place.

'If he can prevent any more casualties then let him!' Loki commanded, using his magic to levitate himself between Iron Man and Stephen.

Stephen could see Tony hesitating, his head turning from side to side to look at them both before nodding once.

'Go, Peter, stay out of its range!'

'I'll retrieve the device,' Loki told them, preparing to go.

'I'll do it. If I get stuck in there I can breathe in the suit longer than you can hold your breath,' Iron Man told them. 'When I bring it out, prepare to disable it and whatever this thing is should disappear.'

Stephen wanted to stop him, knowing exactly what this was costing Tony, but the idea made sense.

'On three then,' Stephen agreed.

'Three,' Iron Man shouted, diving into the creature. Bursting out the other side, the monster collapsed after a watery crescendo, waves lapping over the edges of the canal, sweeping up the streets.

Iron Man had his legs wrapped around the drone, punching it, struggling to destroy it. The drone was trying to buck him off, its bullets pinging from the Iron Man suit. In slow motion, Stephen saw what was happening, saw the drone's arm spray a round of bullets in a graceful arc. There was nothing he could do to prevent it, but he still attempted to summon the Shield of the Seraphim.

Not like this.

This wasn't how he was going to die.

Pain blossomed in his side, the world lurching sideways as the bullets collided into him, knocking him from the sky. He tried to breathe against the weight holding him down, waiting for the agony to crash over him, for his life to bleed out.

Nothing happened.


All he could see was green.

'Mortals, you really are fragile,' Loki hissed, pushing himself off Stephen's body and dusting himself down.

Sitting up, Stephen hands frantically patted his body, checking for injuries.

'I don't think even you are impervious to bullets,' Loki shouted, leaping back into the air to help Iron Man.

Stephen watched as Iron Man's hand plunged into the metal casing, yanking out what appeared to be the power source and crushing it in his hand.


Loki had saved his life

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