Ternion (FrostIronStrange)

By Kikirambles

12.6K 539 146

A year after Tony has saved the universe, he's approached by Thor for a favour. Build the citizens of New Asg... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 3

867 39 11
By Kikirambles

Stephen paced his bedroom in the Sanctum, furious with himself for arguing with Tony, livid at the man for being so dense. Why did he feel the need to stick up for Loki? Why did he still have the damn martyr complex even after sacrificing himself?

He sat on the edge of his bed, flopping backwards, arm over his eyes as he thought.

He hadn't considered this, hadn't seen this being a possibility. He had hoped to win Tony's affections slowly, and now he was in New Asgard with a creature who was literally nicknamed silver tongue.

Granted it had to do with his verbal skills, but Stephen had heard other rumours.

He needed to sort this out. Reaching into his pocket, he concentrated on the thread that tied him to Tony, putting the sling ring on and opening a small portal first, to check the man wasn't sleeping.

Tony was sat in the room he'd been given as his bedroom, shivering in an oversized jumper, glaring at the coffee machine he'd insisted he bring with him.

Stephen watched for a few moments, impossible fondness eroding his annoyance. He wasn't sure why he was hesitating. Tony had all but let slip a few days ago he wanted to go out on a date. That had to indicate an interest?

He needed to tell him, needed the secret between them gone so he could move forward with a clear conscience.

'Coffee? This late at night?'

'I can't help it, I hate the cold. What are you doing here?' Tony didn't react to his voice, making him wonder how long the man had been aware of his presence. The Cloak whizzed past Stephen from the bed to fly through the portal and rest on Tony's shoulders.

Stephen's breath caught as Tony reached behind to pat the Cloak. The moment perfectly summarised who he was as a person. It was the same consideration he gave to his bots, to FRIDAY.

'Checking up on you. Want to come back to New York? It's warmer here.'

He could see Tony wavering, wanting to go back home but still stubbornly angry. Stepping through the portal, his hands rested on Tony's shoulders, wishing they wouldn't tremble as much as they were.

'Come on,' Stephen enticed, 'I'll make you some cocoa.'

'With marshmallows?'

'Mm hmm, and real rich chocolate, not the powdered crap. C'mon, it's better than freezing to death here.'

'I need to be back first thing in the morning, can't stay too late, Doc.'

'I'll portal you back into bed myself if I have to, douchebag.' Stephen bowed low, gesturing to the portal with a mocking outstretched arm.

'Irritating wizards and their seductive chocolate,' Tony mumbled as he brushed past.

They sat in the library, Tony sitting with his legs tucked up in an oversized armchair, hands wrapped around his drink, allowing the heat to seep through his skin. Stephen watched Tony over the rim of his tea, concerned that the man looked pale, tired.

'Not feeling well?' he asked.

'Just not sleeping much,' Tony yawned, laughing.


Tony hesitated.

'No, none of that.'

Liar, Stephen thought, drinking his tea. He needed to find a way to help, it was starting to affect Tony if he was looking this tired.

'Just a bout of insomnia, it comes and goes, don't worry about it. Why'd you call me here?'

'I wanted to say sorry for arguing with you. Can I explain my position though?'

'No need, Doc, I understand your concerns, trust me, I've had them too.' Tony took a sip of his drink, glancing up as the Cloak floated past. 'I spoke to Thor, if that helps at all, and he seems pretty convinced Loki has reformed.'

Stephen rose an eyebrow. 'I don't doubt Thor's intentions, but I find it hard to trust him.'

Tony didn't say anything, snuggling deeper into the armchair and sighing.

'What happened?' Stephen set his tea down on the coffee table, leaning forward in his chair.

'I offered him some advice, told him he needed to improve his rapport with the people of Earth. I'm going to hold a social event in New Asgard.'

'You mean a party.'

'A party, drinks, food, mingling, let the people see he's a reformed man...Asgardian...god.'

'Tony...' Stephen placed his elbows on his knees, letting his head fall forward into his hands.

'You come as well, help me keep an eye on him, maybe he'll surprise you.'

He could hear the smile in Tony's voice. He rubbed his temples with his fingers.

'You're not going to believe me on this, are you?' Stephen forced the words past his gritted teeth.

'Stephen, I trust you. But I fought him, saw what he was like when Thor took him away after his attempted invasion of New York-'

'Why are you fighting so hard for him?' Stephen glanced up.

'I heard all about their upbringing from Thor, read between the lines at the rose-tinted glasses version Thor gave the Avengers. Loki...he was a spoilt brat, he fought us because he wanted his big brother's attention, his father's attention. You strip away all the flamboyancy, what you've got left is a scared child, desperate to be wanted, to be equal.'

'He isn't you, Tony.'

Stephen was concerned this was where the sudden desire to save Loki came from, not only from Tony's need to save, but because he was trying to offer help when he was given none.

'And what if he didn't grow up on a world that sought out war and honour, what if he grew up here? Would he have slept around, drank too much, taken drugs? Sound familiar? I had my turning point. Sakaar was his.'

Stephen believed Tony thought what he was saying was the truth. Odin had believed in Loki right until the very end, believed that his adoptive son could make the right choice, that he had some measure of good in him. Stephen trusted Odin, even after the limited time they'd spoken.

And yet.

'I'm going to keep a close watch on him,' Stephen swore, sitting up to look Tony in the eye.

'I wouldn't expect anything less,' Tony saluted Stephen with his mug.

They sat in companionable silence for a little while, Stephen stealing glances when he thought the other man wasn't looking, surprised once again by the depths of his feelings, the overwhelming want to bring Tony over onto his lap and hold him close. It was through observation he noticed the tiny fidgets, the restless silent tapping of the billionaire's index finger against his mug.

Tony was fidgeting more than normal.

'What happened?'

To his credit Tony didn't flinch, his gaze moving from where he'd been staring idly at the ceiling.

'He made a pass at me.'

Stephen felt winded, as if something had wrenched the muscles of his stomach.

'...What?' He had to clear his throat a few times to get the word out.

'Loki, he made a pass, earlier tonight.'

Stephen's fingers gripped the cloth of his pants, sending pain spreading through his fingers and into his wrists.

'I turned him down. It surprised me, that's all.'

'Why?' Stephen told himself to breathe.

'Even if you don't trust him, you've got to admit he's fucking gorgeous.'

He'd thought that...had everything he'd imagined Tony felt towards him been wishful thinking? The air around him suddenly felt dense, too hard to breathe in.


'I turned him down, but I thought you should know.' Tony shifted forward in his seat, sitting on the edge.

'Why?' Stephen urged.

'Cause...I thought...' Tony trailed off, breaking eye contact to look at the floor.

Stephen couldn't say anything, knowing this was a perfect moment to admit his feelings. He could sense, he knew for certain now that Tony returned them, and yet. He looked at Tony's face, his gaze moving down to his arm, where he'd healed the damage done by the gauntlet, where to save Tony's life he'd....

'Tony, there's something I need to tell-'

'Wait a minute, Doc. I was tempted, seriously tempted by his offer.'

Placed on the wrong foot, Stephen physically reared back, shoulders slamming into the back of his chair.

'It freaked me out though, the idea of how much I wanted something fun without any strings. I want love too, but it terrifies me.'

He heard the underlying explanation, what Tony wasn't saying.

Slowly, he repeated to himself.

Stephen softened, reaching his hand out, smiling a little when Tony took it.

'Small steps, Tony. You're allowed to be tempted by others, the appeal of something without long term emotional attachment. That's something you are used to, it'd be easy to fall back onto it.'

Tony made an agreeing noise, rubbing his thumb over the back of Stephen's hand.

'I need to get going. Come to the party?'

'The welcome "Loki who isn't a mass murderer" party? Sure, why not?' Stephen squeezed once with as much grip as he could muster.


Loki wasn't sure if Stark would welcome his presence after his thwarted seduction attempt. Still, he found his feet taking him down to the kitchens, hoping he would be there.

Entering the room, he stopped, doing a quick double-take at the view around him. He was only expecting Stark, but he was also confronted with Peter and Strange staring up at him, the former with a mouth stuffed full of food.

'Hey Lokes, we ended up working longer than expected so we're grabbing a late dinner, wanna join us?' Stark asked, shuffling over to make some room.

He didn't feel unwelcome. Not exactly. Peter's and Stark's smiles were genuine and even Strange kept his annoyance to an exaggerated eye roll, but he felt as if he was disturbing the peace. A domesticated scene, as it were. His immediate reaction was to decline and carry on his way, when Thor's words echoed in his head.

Midgard...Earth was to be his home now, he needed to form relationships outside the one with his brother and this was as good a place as any to start. Becoming friends with Stark wasn't a bad place to start.

It would make it easier to lure him into his bed.

'Thank you.' He took a seat in-between Peter and Stark, eyeing up the paper bags with disdain. 'What are you eating?'

'Cheeseburgers, it was my turn to choose, you want one?'

The smell wasn't...appealing, but the child beside him was beaming and digging into the bag with gusto, pulling out a wrapped food item and pushing it towards him while explaining what it was in nonsensical sentences Loki couldn't quite follow.

He stared at it a moment, and then looked up, catching Stark's eye and challenging smirk.

'Never had a cheeseburger before?'

'Can't say I've had the pleasure, no.'

'Oh man, I wish I could forget what a cheeseburger tastes like so I can try one for the first time again. I'm so jealous, Mr Loki!'

'I can make that happen if you wish,' Loki offered, fingers tinging green.

'Can you? Can you erase the memory? Can he?' Peter looked over at Strange.

'I can-'

'But he isn't going to.' Strange's eyes flashed.

'Clearly, you have not heard of humour, charlatan. Tell me, is that stick up your ass removable? Or do you perhaps prefer it that way?' Loki's grin grew wider at Stark's barely concealed snort of laughter.

'He's got you there, Doc. But seriously Lokes, no magic on the kid, alright? Not even if he begs you. Go on, try your cheeseburger.'

The meat was passable, but Loki couldn't stomach the rubbery thing mortals thought passed for cheese.

'I do not think I like the cheese,' Loki muttered, pushing the burger away and wiping his fingers clean.

Stark and Peter made offended noises, drawing back as if Loki had wounded them.

'But...but, it's an American staple,' Stark uttered, hand clutched to his chest.

'I apologise if I've caused you any offence-'

'Nah, don't be silly, Stephen doesn't like cheese in his burgers either. Heathens, both of you. Peter was just telling us about some jerk from school giving him grief.'

Loki settled down to listen, saying nothing as Stark stole the remains of his burger, swapping it with what he called 'fries', which Loki found much more enjoyable. Stealing surreptitious glances at the mortals assembled, Loki found himself relaxing, feeling an ease he hadn't in the longest time. It was easy to pretend he belonged, that they wanted him there rather than tolerating him.

Imagine that. Beings who wanted him around.

'Might I make a suggestion?' he offered after listening to Strange's tirade about how the bullying child, Flash, should be understood and pitied.

'Please, Mr Loki.' Peter leant forward, giving him his full attention.

'I always found the best thing to do when someone is tormenting you is to show you are not to be trifled with. Show him your power.'

'Well...I could just web him to the wall.'

'Humans don't launch into battles or fights over every little thing, I hardly think advising Peter to fight back is the best-'

'You are heroes, are you not? Warriors? And here you're advising one of your own to have compassion, understanding when his life is a misery at...what was it? School?'

'Lokes has a point, Stephen,' Stark smiled, leaning back in his chair.

'We have powers other humans only dream about, we have the responsibility to ourselves and to others not to misuse them. Or do you just repulsor blast any dickhead who throws his weight around in meetings?' Strange folded his arms over his chest, glaring at Loki as Stark chuckled.

'I've done worse,' Stark admitted with a shrug.

'I'm not referring to fighting this child,' Loki fixed his gaze on Peter. 'I'm not the God of Mischief for nothing. I can give you tips on how to humiliate him, make him think twice about treating you in such a way. Power can be shown in many forms, what say you?'

Peter looked at Stark, waiting for the man to give a nod before he launched himself at Loki, hands clutching Loki's wrists as he babbled his gratitude. It was impossible not to be swept up in Peter's enthusiasm, their heads coming together in malicious glee as they plotted Flash's humiliation.

Loki glanced up once, feeling his heart still in his chest at the fond look Stark was giving the pair of them, deep eyes boring into Loki's. Loki winked, his smile growing wider as a flush covered the mortal's cheeks. Stark glanced away, gaze lifting to Strange.

Stark's guilt surprised Loki. There was nothing untoward happening between them, but his feelings for Strange were clearly strong.

He did love a challenge.


Tony slammed the last panel into place, wiping sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

'Alright, Underoos, flick the switch!' he called, standing a few steps back to look over the arc reactor with a critical eye, knowing that everything was as it should be, but careful all the same. It hadn't taken him as long to build this one, only a fortnight with Peter popping in to help him in-between school.

'Any power fluctuations, FRIDAY?'

'No, boss.'

Peter dropped down next to him, standing up from his crouch and whistling under his breath.

'I can't believe I helped you build an arc reactor! Wait till Ned hears about this!'

'You did good, I think you've moved beyond apprentice now, kid. How about you come work for Stark Industries once you've finished school?'

'Really!' Peter beamed, mouth quivering with excitement.

'Yup, you've earned it. You got a tuxedo for this gathering we're planning for Loki? I can rent one in your size if you don't, I'll get Happy to drop it off.'

'Erm actually Mr Stark, I've got a school trip to Europe, so I'll be away for it.'

Tony felt a heavy weight settle in the pit of his stomach. His mind wasn't in the Asgardian wannabe palace with Peter, he was stumbling out of the ship with Nebula, telling Steve in broken sentences that he'd lost the kid. Looking down at his hands he could still feel the coarse texture of Peter disintegrating in his hands.

'Mr Stark?'

He heard Peter's voice from what felt like a long way off and tried to will the panic attack down.

It wasn't stopping. He was back in his old lab, looking out the window at the destruction of the snap, the visual repercussions of half the population disappearing. It was devastation he could have stopped if he'd been strong enough the first time. A voice had been born in those five years alone, tormenting him.

You'll lose Peter again.

'Friend Tony?'

A hand on his shoulder jolted him from the memories. Looking up, he saw Thor. Well, Thor's chest.

What had they been talking about? He felt exhausted, as if he'd run a marathon. Stephen had told him a panic attack could take a lot out of you physically.

'I'm alright, sorry got distracted. I was hoping to bring Peter to Loki's party, but the kid has better plans.' Despite the dark road his brain was trying to take him down, Tony did laugh a little at the way Peter suddenly spluttered, looking affronted and annoyed to be missing the party.

'Come on, let's go back to the compound and spar before you go jet setting. Thor, you wanna come buddy? Been a while since you used the Avenger facilities. I set up a special training room for you, big guy!'

'You are kind, but I cannot. I have a meeting with a mortal regarding agriculture and food supplies.' Thor's eye roll let them know how he felt about the meeting.

'It might help your PR if you stopped referring to us as mortals all the time,' Tony grumbled knowing there was no ill intentions in Thor but still, might be nice to not have the constant reminder that they were weak in comparison.

'Apologies, it is not said with scorn. Perhaps I can join you later? We have training rooms here,' Thor trailed off hopefully, glancing at Peter.

'You want to fight, Spiderling?' Tony teased.

'Me? But you're huge! He could literally squash me with a fist!' Peter wheezed out.

'Don't put yourself down, he'd have to at least use two. Alright, led the way, Thor.'


Stephen could feel through this mental bond with Tony that something was happening to the man, a dark cloud descending upon his thoughts, fear settling like a sour taste in his mouth. Delegating the rest of his classes to Wong, he concentrated on Tony's energy, the bond connecting the two of them and opened a portal.

He didn't recognise the room. It was set up as some sort of training room, with practice mats and wooden swords lining the wall. Tamer than he expected from the Asgardians.

'Tony?' He questioned, watching him deliver a punch to the top of Peter's head.

'Oh, hey asshole, me and Underoos finished up early. Thought we'd get in a little training,' he laughed as Peter took the opportunity to swipe at him in his distraction, the padded gloves smacking against Tony's pectorals.

He whispered something to Peter, who nodded and began doing flips around the room with some added practice kicks. They both watched the teenager before Tony came to stand beside him, ripping his gloves off and letting them drop to the floor.

'You okay?' Stephen asked, casting a critical eye over Tony's appearance.

'Fine,' Tony answered.

Stephen didn't want to push him, but the man looked as if he was barely keeping himself standing, almost sickly in his appearance. He could have been coming down with a cold, it was possible with Tony's broken sleep.

'How's he doing with the new suit you made him?' Stephen asked, indicating Peter with a tilt of his head.

'Fine, but he can't always rely on it. He needs to be able to defend himself if he finds himself without it. Why you here anyway?' Tony stretched his arms over his chest, stretching the muscles out.

'Mayhap I can be of assistance?'

Stephen could feel his back bristle as he heard the voice, repressing the urge to fling Loki into an alternate dimension and leave him there.

'Hey, Lokes, what with?' Tony's attention was drawn from Stephen, and he could see up close with agonising realisation that Tony's eyes lit up with the Asgardian joining them.

Stephen couldn't help the feeling he was squandering his chance.

Loki held his daggers in his hand, casually flipping them, gaze on Stephen. 'Training your young spider. Defending himself against a blade would be a worthy skill would it not?'

'Absolutely not,' Stephen snarled, watching the light glint off the blades.

'Actually, it might do Peter good.'

'Tony, you can't be serious. You can endanger your life with him, but I refuse to let him anywhere near Peter with daggers.' Stephen indicated him with a jerk of his head.

'Oh, come now, you speak as though I will impale the boy. I will use wooden ones of course. But I think the child would surprise you, he is rather gifted after all.' Loki's gaze turned to Tony.

'Yeah, I mean, if Peter's alright with it. Thank you, Loki.'

Stephen ignored the smug grin Loki shot at him, glaring holes into his back as he walked across the training room to join Peter.

'Thanks for your concern,' Tony reassured, bumping Stephen's elbow with his own. Stephen glanced down at Tony, feeling an ache in his gut at the man smiling for him.

'I don't want to come across as overprotective, but he's important to me...you both are,' Stephen whispered.

'Guess the flying doughnut had some use after all,' Tony teased.

'That has nothing to do with it,' Stephen turned so they were facing each other rather than watching Loki talk to Peter.

'You never told me why you were here.'

Stephen couldn't tell him that he'd felt Tony's dark mood earlier, that they were linked, but he needed to. He'd hidden it for too long and if it hung between them, or if Tony found out about it on his own, it would destroy all the trust Stephen and Tony had built up.

'I wanted to ask if you'd like to come to the Sanctum one evening. No Avengers, no Sorcerers, no work. A night off.'

'Yeah. Yeah, let's do that, I could do with a drink!'

And if he could kill two birds with one stone...

'Actually...I mean it more as...not a friend thing,' Stephen stumbled over his words, knowing Loki could probably hear him, fear tying his tongue.

'As work colleagues?' Tony was putting on the confused face. Stephen could see the glimmer of mirth in his eyes, the way the corner of his mouth was twitching.

'You, me, cheeseburgers?' Stephen smiled, taking a step closer, crowding Tony.

'Why Doc, it sounds like you're asking me out on a date?' Tony fluttered his eyelashes for comedic effect, reaching forward and stroking an index finger over the opening of Stephen's robes.

'How fortunate, because that's exactly-'

They ducked as the Cloak whirled into action, stopping Loki's dagger from impaling them.

'Loki! What the fuck!' Tony shouted, glaring at the Asgardian.

'I was teaching your child the importance of awareness of your surroundings. It would not have hit you.' Loki's mouth was set in a grim line, his gaze on Stephen, not Tony.


Loki was going over the blueprints with their architect, trying to pay attention but finding his thoughts consumed by Stark. Their meeting at night for a drink had become a routine for them both, an enjoyable one he could admit in the safety of his own mind. Stark shared the same twisted sense of humour that Loki had, a dry wit that he appreciated, and a passion for things he hadn't witnessed before.

It was gradual, but Loki was beginning to understand Tony Stark, his drive, his desires.

He added a few ideas to the blueprint, possibilities of expanding the residential houses.

'Mr Loki!'

He looked up from their work, dismissing the architect with a nod.

'Oh sorry, were you busy? I can come back later?' Peter gestured over his shoulder, pointing back to where he'd clearly come from.

Loki was sure he'd left with Strange, the charlatan doing his utmost to undermine Loki's advances, showing up at random intervals to speak with Stark, to check on Peter, every time pinning Loki with a distrustful glare.

It was infuriating.

'I have a few spare moments,' Loki put the paperwork he was about to begin working on to one side, leaning back against his desk and crossing his arms, giving Peter his full attention.

'Well, I wanted to...it worked, Mr Loki!' Peter shifted forward up onto his toes, keeping one arm behind his back, the other gesturing wildly.

'What worked?' Loki uncrossed his arms, placing them palm down on the table underneath him, wondering if Stark would be making a visit to come collect the excitable child.

He found himself hoping so.

'Flash, the bully at school.'

Ah, now Loki knew the context. He let a true smile shine through, happy on Peter's behalf.

'Excellent, I'm glad to hear it, Peter. Now if there's nothing else-'

'I made you these to say thank you!' Peter brought his hand from behind his back, holding out a box with a beaming smile.

Derailed for a moment, Loki simply looked down at the box, confused.

'They're brownies,' Peter prompted, visually drooping as Loki continued to stare. 'Sorry, I know I probably should have brought you something...but I don't have much money, and-'

Loki snatched the box from his hands as he made to hide it again.

'You made something for me? To give thanks for the advice I gave?' He felt dumbfounded, no words coming easily to his tongue.

'Yeah, I hope they're okay. Mr Stark said you had a sweet tooth.'

Did he now? Loki should have guessed the mortal would have good observational skills, that or he'd gone to ask Thor.

'Thank you for this, Peter, truly.'

'No problem. I'll see you when I get back from Europe.' Peter walked back the way he'd come, turning at the last second to wave goodbye.

Peeling back the lid, Loki inhaled once, his stomach gurgling at the smell. A warmth filled his stomach, which had nothing to do with the smell of the brownies. He placed the box on the corner of his desk, walking around to sit down and begin his paperwork, his eyes drawn to the box every few minutes.

Curious creatures, mortals.

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