Anime ๐Ÿ‹Lemons๐Ÿ‹

By bob_is_a_twat

43.8K 347 191


๐Ÿ‹ shoto todoroki๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ osamu๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ hawks๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹hawks part 2๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ eren๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹akaashi x bokuto๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ levi๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ akaashi๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ rin๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ bokuto๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹hisoka๐Ÿ‹ part 2
๐Ÿ‹ karma๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ken kaneki๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ tendou๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ diluc ur little chicken๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹ Joseph joestar tickles ur pickle ๐Ÿ‹


2K 16 17
By bob_is_a_twat

Being in a notorious villain group meant that not much scared you. It wasn't just any little thing that could make the entire squad bunker down in the hideout for weeks on end.

Police patrolling an area? Who the fuck cares?

Pro heroes out looking for you? Child's play.

Annoying high schoolers meddling in your plans?Annoying. But still not scary.

Pandemic sweeping across the globe? Okay. NOW you were scared.

It was going on five weeks since Shigarki had used his leadership powers to declare a lock down on the League of Villains hideout. The entire world was shutting down and people were panicking left and right. Not the kind of panic your group enjoyed invoking. No, this was something that even villains couldn't try to take control over. So after sending Toga and Twice out for an insane amount of supplies, snacks, and booze you had all settled in for the long haul.

The plus side of this was that you got to spend a lot of quality time with your boyfriend. Being partners who often got sent on missions together meant that you weren't exactly away from Dabi often; but you didn't always have the luxury of just enjoying each other's company.

Dabi, for all intents and purposes, was a very guarded individual. He may have decided long ago that he would trust you with his life - but that wasn't saying much. You had decided to use this time to see if you couldn't get him to trust you with more of himself. You had a praise kink, and this self-hating son of a bitch wasn't exactly up for indulging you.

»»-----  ☠  -----««

The end credits of Friday the 13th Part 2 started to roll across the screen, and you felt a calloused hand start to travel up the back on your naked thigh.

Dressed in only short shorts and a tank top, you were laying on your stomach facing the TV that was perched on an old wooden dresser at the end of the over sized king bed you shared with Dabi. You propped yourself up on your elbows to look at him, and saw him lounging back against the headboard, a sly grin on his face and a hungry look in his fiery blue eyes.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" you asked playfully as you sat yourself up on your knees and crawled back to curl up against Dabi's side.

"Well doll," he began, giving your ass a squeeze, "you could say I loved the show." He leaned down to nuzzle his face into the top of your head and breathe in the scent of your hair.

"You - uh- have any ideas on what you want to do now?" you asked your boyfriend as you wrapped one arm around his waist and rested your face against his chest. A glance down toward Dabi's thin waist gave you an answer before his mouth did. He was doing nothing to hide the bulge in his pants, where his dick was clearly straining against his jeans.

»»-----  ☠  -----««

Sex with Dabi was nothing short of mind blowing. It could be anything from rough and animalistic - fulfilling both of your most carnal desires; to soft and passionate - channeling love in one of the few ways the scarred man knew how. Sometimes the two of you got so rough and loud, your screams and banging the headboard off the wall would be enough to force you lair-mates to emerge from their rooms and demand you cut it out. Other times, Dabi would simply lay between your legs and give your cunt such delicious attention, that you would drift off into the most restful sleep afterwards and he wouldn't even get off at all.

The two of you had experimented with all sorts of kinks. Everything from cock warming to knife play, wax and choking. Public sex was so common with you two, you hardly considered it kinky anymore. And once, you had even entertained Dabi's desire to try out watersports. (Never again, unless you're in the shower - you had told him.) But the one thing Dabi had never let you try was possibly the most innocent kink you had. But for him, it seemed to be the most intimidating.

Which was why you hadn't mentioned it in ages. But now, while you're stuck in quarantine together, what better time to push those limits?

»»-----  ☠  -----««

Dabi drew you back out of your thoughts with a sharp smack to your ass. His lips were at your ear and his low voice sent a wave of desire right to your core -"Are you falling asleep on me, doll? I said, I've got a bit of a situation I could use your help with." He nibbled at your earlobe before moving down to bite the soft skin of your neck. His teeth sunk into you at first, then he sucked at the tender area - pulling a moan from your lips.

Instinctively, you separated your thighs to allow him access to your shorts as his skilled fingers danced along your hip bone. He always had this intoxicating hold on you; the slightest suggestion had you obeying his every request. You could feel your mind starting to cloud over, wanting nothing more than to have Dabi touch you - kiss you - move inside of you...

You pulled your head back, almost literally shaking the haze from your mind. There was one thing you wanted more than for him to fuck you senseless. You wanted to convince him to try things your way tonight.

Your hand moved to grab his, stopping him from reaching the apex of your thighs. Dabi pulled his face away from your neck in surprise, staring at you the way a dog might after you've scolded it for chewing on the couch.

"Do you... not want me tonight, Y/N?" the villain asked. You could practically feel him emotionally pulling away from you, reverting back to his cool and standoffish self.

You reached up to touch one scarred cheek, turning Dabi's face to make him look you in the eyes. "I always want you, Dabi. I just want to try things my way tonight." With that statement, you closed your eyes and pressed your lips to his. The familiar contrast of his charred lower lip and his soft upper one always felt right to you. The difference between them didn't feel wrong or uncomfortable - it just felt like Dabi. The man you loved and would literally kill or die for at a moment's notice.

You could feel Dabi relax as he sighed into the kiss. His tongue darted out to prod against your lips, which you eagerly parted to allow him access, deepening the kiss. Without breaking the kiss, you slid one leg over his waist and moved so you were laying on his chest, straddling his waist. The bulge in his pants was barely noticeable now, even pressed up against your scantily clad core. A pang of guilt surged through you at the thought of making him feel so unwanted, he had actually gone soft. But you brushed it from your mind as you drug your hands through Dabi's messy black hair, allowing your nails to scratch gently against his scalp.

He was the first to break the kiss, "So what did you have in mind, if we're doing things 'your way' tonight?" Dabi released his grip on your hips to cross his arms behind his head, eyeing you curiously. "If you're gonna try to get me to let you put things in my ass again - you better get your ass down to the bar and make me a drink first."

You sat up straight, still straddling his waist. Instead of answering immediately, you rested your hands against his lean abs. Dabi wasn't the strongest person physically, but with a quirk like his - he didn't have to be. His frame was gaunt, but sturdy. A thin layer of white fabric separated your palms from his scarred abs. His body was so damaged. The amount of pain he felt every day had to be far worse than he would ever admit. And still, he pressed on. He kept fighting for what the league stood for. For Stain's ideals that he believed in so strongly. Even if it killed him in the end, Dabi would keep fighting until his dying breath. And that was just one of the many things you loved about him.

"I want to worship you. I want to love every single part of you, and then I want to make you feel so damn good - you won't even have a smart-ass remark left to make."

Dabi's brows furrowed in confusion. Clearly, he thought you were joking. Then he shook his head with that devilish grin returning to his face, "Hah. Very funny, doll. Come on up here and sit on my face, let's see how many times I can make your scream my name before someone gets mad enough to come banging on the door." He had uncrossed his arms and started reaching for your waist again.

"No, Dabi. I'm serious. You're going to lay there and let me have my way with you, got it?" You swatted his hands away and crossed your arms defiantly.

Dabi held his hands up in front of him, accepting defeat. "Yes, ma'am," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Good," you said, moving your hands back to the hem of his white shit. You tugged it up toward his chest, eyes roaming over his gaunt frame. When Dabi's shirt moved up enough to reveal his pierced nipples to the cool air, you watched in awe as the two sensitive buds perked up on their own. Dabi helped pull his shirt the rest of the way off without saying anything. He could see you appraising his torso and he quickly averted his eyes - suddenly very interested in the posters on your wall.

You made quick work of removing your own shirt and laid down, so your bare chest was against his. Piercing blue eyes darted back to look at you as you placed one hand to Dabi's cheek. The soft pad of your thumb brushed across the line of staples that connected the scared skin of his jaw to the rest of his face. A strong hand came up to cover yours as Dabi's eyes boar into you.

"Y/N... what are you doing?" he asked evenly.


You brought your other hand up to brush the wild stands of dark hair away from his forehead before trailing down to ghost over his ear, pausing briefly to feel the scarred area where the lobe had been burned away. Finally, you trailed your fingers back along his jaw line, until you thumb could brush over Dabi's bottom lip.

"You know, you're the single most attractive person I've ever met?" you asked, studying his face.

Dabi scoffed, "Yeah. Right. I may be a lot of things, sweetie. But this face ain't pretty. I'm sure it's just my massive cock that keeps you around." Normally, that comment would have made you both laugh. But tonight, it felt different. The cocky energy that usually danced through Dabi's banter was starting to falter. His heart hammered against his chest and every inch of his skin felt like it was on fire - though for a change, there were no blue flames.

Ignoring Dabi's comment, you lowered your lips to his ear and murmured softly "You give me strength." Then you wrapped your lips gently around the scarred skin of his ear lobe, kissing gently as you tried to keep your breathing soft. It was your turn to kiss along his jaw line and down his neck.

Dabi shivered but said nothing. His face was blank, expressionless, as he stared up at the ceiling.

Strength? I don't give anything to anyone. I only take, that's all I'm good for.

Your lips trailed over his collar bone, kissing along the scars until you reached the next line of staples that connected his charred skin to the unblemished skin on his chest. Once your lips met his soft pale flesh, you bit down, sucking at the area until you left a large dark bruise. Dabi inhaled sharply through his nose, and you could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. You moved your mouth over from the fresh mark you left and started to make a second one. This pattern continued until you had a line of love bites from one side of Dabi's chest to the other.

Between your legs, you started to feel his cock twitch to life - slowly getting harder with each mark you left.

You moved back up to kiss his lips.

"Why... why are you doing that?" Dabi asked once your lips parted.

"I'm marking what's mine," you answered, "Just like you always do."

Your words elicited another throb from Dabi's sex.

Marking... what's yours? But - why would anyone want to claim me? I'm not worth keeping around.

Dabi let out a surprised gasp as your lips wrapped around one of his nipples. Your tongue swirled around the bar as you sucked the bud gently. You teased his other nipple with your fingers - pinching and twisting it as you listened to Dabi's moans rumble in his chest.

When you felt Dabi's hips buck up against your clothed core, you decided to switch - releasing one nipple with a satisfying 'pop' of your lips, beginning to give the other the same treatment. When your fingers played with the already wet and sensitive nipple, Dabi's moans were louder this time. Still low, and close to groans - but moans of pleasure none the less.

"S- such a fucking tease." Dabi managed to pant out.

You leaned back with a satisfied smile as you appraised your boyfriend. The snarky, bad ass known as 'Dabi' had already been reduced to a quietly panting mess under you. And it felt exhilarating.

Looking down at the man beneath you, you trailed your fingers down his sternum and over his abdomen; down to trace the surface piercings that adorned each of his bony hips.

"You're so strong, Dabi. So determined. So confident in your own power. I love that about you-"

Strong? If I were strong, my body wouldn't be destroying itself.

"Each scar is a part of your story. A time you came out alive." You took his hand in yours and leaned forward to kiss the top of his shoulder, then trailed kisses down his arm until you reached the staples that joined the burns of his arm tothe skin of his hand.

You met Dabi's eyes as you brought his slim fingers to your lips, parting them to dart your tongue out and lick the pad of his first finger. Then you wrapped your lips around the tip, swirling your tongue around it again before sucking it gently into your mouth. Never breaking eye contact, you watched as his heavily lidded eyes dilated with desire, and you felt his cock throb against your core again.

Once you released his hand, you moved between Dabi's legs to unzip his jeans. His erection was straining against his boxers and you could see a wet mark blooming from where his precum had soaked through the fabric.

Dabi watched you silently, partially frozen as his tried to process everything he was feeling at that moment. The lust and desire, he was familiar with. But this feeling of... what was the word? Acceptance? No, that couldn't be it - she had accepted me before. Vulnerability? Possibly...

You had removed the rest of Dabi's clothes while he contemplated his situation. You were kneeling between his thigh - kissing the soft flesh of his inner thigh until you found yourself face to face with his cock.

Dabi wasn't bullshitting earlier - his cock was massive. And surprisingly well kept for a villain usually on the run. But you always assumed that was important with the number of piercings he had.

You gave in to your own desires as you surged forward to run your tongue along the underside of Dabi's shaft. Feeling your tongue move over the three silver bars that made up his Jacob's Ladder piercing, your cunt clenched at the memory of how they felt dragging along the tight inner walls of your pussy.

Once your reached the top, you wrapped your lips around his engorged tip, greedily lapping away the drops of precum that had leaked out. Then you wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft before taking him as far into your mouth as you could; your hand stroking the part that didn't fit inside. Bobbing your head along Dabi's length, you let streams of drool slip out and trail down his cock - making it easier for your hand to glide along the bottom of it.

Dabi was moaning more often now, something he didn't always do. But you wanted more. You wanted him to completely let go and enjoy this feeling.

You took a deep breath through your nose as you forced the rest of his cock down your throat - feeling the uncomfortable stretch of your throat and the rough dragging of his piercings. You gagged the first time, but each time it got easier to deep throat his entire length.

Glancing up through your tear-filled eye - you could saw that Dabi's head was tilted back in pleasure, his hands threaded through his own hair as he moaned for you.

"Fucking hell, doll... Keep that up, and I'm going to cum so fast..."

After a few more swallows around his length, you pulled his cock out of your mouth and moved up to straddle his hips again, stopping to wipe the drool from your lips.

You grasped Dabi's cock in your hand and lined it up with your entrance. You hadn't prepped yourself at all, but right now - you wanted to feel him stretching you out alone. So you sank down on the tip, lowering yourself slowly, relishing the feeling of his cock stretching your cunt out so it fit snugly instead of you. The piercings rubbed perfectly and made you moan out his name at the feeling. Finally, after what felt like a full minute, you felt your hips press flush against Dabi's and the tip of his dick brush up almost painfully against your cervix.

No sooner had you gotten yourself comfortable with the feeling than you felt yourself being flipped over onto your back. Dabi was hovering over you now.

"Hey! I said I wanted to be in c-" You started to protest. But then you saw the look in Dabi's eyes. Lust, mixed with what could only be described as love.

Dabi pulled his hips back with a slow drag before rutting into you again, causing you to cry out in pleasure.

"I know what you said, doll. But now, I want to return the favor." Dabi murmured. There was none of his usually dominating tone that you were used to when he fucked you. But the way he sounded had your pussy clenching down around him before he even moved again.

Dabi began to move his hips at a gentle pace. His bony pelvis was grinding against your throbbing, neglected clit with every thrust, pushing you closer to your climax. Your boyfriend ran his fingers through your hair, pulling it back from your face so he could see every expression you were making for him.

"Cum for me, Y/N... That's my good girl..." Dabi's low voice murmured words of encouragement and praise, making you whimper with desire. His hips never broke their pace as he steadily worked you toward your orgasm.

"Harder - Dabi, please... I need to cum."

"You're going to cum, sweetheart. You can do it... cum for Daddy."

The forbidden pet name - the one you had jokingly used once and were told to never say again - the sound of it on Dabi's lips was too much for you to process right then. His slow trusts continued as your cunt spasmed around him, pulsing against the cock inside you and continuing in slow waves as Dabi worked your body through it. You saw stars in the corner of your vision and became vaguely aware that your nails had dug into Dabi's back hard enough to draw blood.

"Now it's my turn to cum, okay baby doll?" Dabi whispered as he kissed your forehead. Then he sat back and lifted both of your legs up to rest against his shoulders, raising your ass off the bed.

His thrusts became harder and less controlled. His strong hands gripped your thighs almost painfully hard and the sounds of skin slapping filled the room. You moaned out his name, grasping the bed sheets to try and give yourself some leverage.

Dabi came with a grunt and your name on his lips as he poured himself inside you. He gave a couple more thrusts just to be sure that his seed was deep in your core before lowering your legs back down and flopping onto the bed next to you.

»»-----  ☠  -----««

Your legs were shaking as you curled up against his naked side, wrapping one arm around his panting chest.

"Is someone cold?" Dabi's breathless voice muttered as he pulled one of your blankets up and covered the two of you. Your tired eyes flicked up to his face just in time to see his flutter closed with a quiet smile on his lips. You wondered briefly just how far you could push your luck tonight.

"So... 'Daddy,' huh?" you asked, "Do you think you want to dive into those parental issues tonight?"

"Not tonight doll, but maybe tomorrow."

"Awe, come on, Dabi. You can't just leave me hanging like that!"

"I'll give you one hint if you promise to go the fuck to sleep..."

"I promise!"

"It all started with a boy named Touya."

»»-----  ☠  -----««

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