We're All A Little Bit Crazy

By _blooming_flower_

2.5K 83 29

Maddie's been locked away in Greystone Insane Asylum. She's spent four years there. Her world changes drastic... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Four

198 6 3
By _blooming_flower_

Maddie's P.O.V

My punishment was two days isolation. No food, no water, no medication. This is horrible. They know how to punish me. Me being left alone with just my thoughts will be the end of me. Plus, they took me off my medication. I'm totally vulnerable to Niall and Zayn. In the amount of time that I've been here, I've never been put in isolation. This was going to be a fun two days.

I sat in the floor, trying to keep calm. I sat there, braiding and rebraiding my hair.

"Look what you've gotten yourself into now," snickered Zayn.

"Stupid girl. Why do you need other guys when you have us?" Niall asked as the two of them sat down beside me. I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh? Not going to talk to us?" Zayn asked. "We can change that,"

"What should we do to her?" Niall sneered.

"I say we ravage this pretty little body of hers," Zayn laughed evilly.

I know these boys are just in my head, but I can still feel the pain. I can still feel their touch. I don't want to go into detail about what happened, but let's just say I won't be the same again.


Liam's P.O.V

I feel horrible. Maddie was put in isolation for two days and I got off with a warning. That's not fair. Even if I wasn't the one who started it, I still should take some kind of punishment. I heard they're not giving her food or water or even her medication. I know how hard it is to be left alone with just your thoughts, but she has it worse.

I sat in my room just staring at the white walls. I didn't want to go to the rec. hour, it wouldn't be the same without Maddie. Even though I've only known her for a few days, she makes me feel calmer. She has this aura of calm that radiates off her, even though we both know she's not so calm on the inside. I hate that this has to happen to her. I've only been here two days and hate it, but she's been here four years! I can't help but feel sorry for her.

Honestly, I think Maddie is the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Her beautiful brown hair frames her face perfectly, and not to mention her eyes! They're the prettiest shade of blue I've ever seen! She has this light in her eyes that I hope she never loses, this spark almost. She's has the most adorable smile in the world! That smile could make anyone happy. What made the biggest impact on me was when she asked me if I was alright the first night I was in my room. The way she wanted to comfort me made my heart melt. I can't help but love her. I want to help her and make her happy again. I want to take her demons away. I want to get her out of here.

I was shaken from my thoughts when a nurse came in and gave me my medication. Once they left I changed into my pajamas and got into bed. The lights shut off and I was left in the dark. I don't want to sleep. I never do, but the medication they give me forces me to.

I laid there as my eyes started to get heavy. Reluctantly, I fell into another nightmare filled sleep.


I was in a dark room. In the center, there was a single spotlight. There stood Maddie. She was dressed in a simple white dress, her feet bare. Her hair was neatly brushed and laid flat on her shoulders. Her hands were clasped neatly in front of her. She looked like an angel, flawless and graceful. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Hi Liam," she said, her voice rich and smooth like honey. I could live the rest of my life listening to that voice.

"Hi Maddie," I said and made my way towards her. "You look beautiful,"

She blushed. "Thank you," she said. "As do you,"

I looked down at myself. I wore a plain white long sleeve shirt and white pants. My feet bare like Maddie's.

I smiled. "Thank you,"

She was about to step forward when she looked as though she hit an invisible wall. She put her fingers up to the wall.

"Liam?" she said worriedly. "What's going on?"

I ran up to the wall and placed my hands on it. It was like a window, keeping me away from the beautiful girl in front of me.

I looked at her, but was shocked to see a dark figure behind her. I saw the light reflect off the knife it had in its hand.

"Maddie!" I yelled. "Run!"

She looked at me confused, as though she could no longer hear me.

"Behind you!" I screamed. "Maddie it'll kill you!"

I banged on the wall, but I could do nothing. She couldn't hear me and I couldn't save her.

I watched helplessly as the figure came up behind her and slit her throat. Crimson blood seeped from the cut, staining her perfect white dress. I watched her eyes go wide and her fragile body fall to the ground.

The figure and wall disappeared and I instantly went to help Maddie. I dropped on the ground and cradled Maddie's head in my lap, tears falling down my cheeks.

She looked up at me. "W-why didn't y-you save m-me?" she said weakly.

"I tried," I said moving her hair out of her face. "T-the wall, it stopped me. I couldn't get through,"

A tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek. "Y-you let m-me die,"

I shook my head furiously. "I couldn't get through the wall!"

"You d-don't love me," she said.

"Yes I do! I love you with all my heart!" I said, the tears coming more heavily. "Please don't leave me,"

I watched as the life slipped from her eyes. I sobbed. I screamed. Maddie was gone and there's nothing I can do. I let her die. It's my fault she's dead.


I bolted up right screaming. It was a nightmare. Maddie's okay. She's in isolation, alive.

I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. Everything's okay.

Maddie's alive.


Hi! Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I put a lot of effort into it! Anyways, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! :)


Love you Maddie! <3

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