𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 & 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚜 ||�...

By thethinkingpen

111K 2.3K 421

"Let me be honest, that mark above your breast, turns me on so much" he said as he kissed my cleavage. "Oh, a... More

Chapter 1 - Olivia Middleton
Chapter 2 - First Day
Chapter 3 - The Seeker
Chapter 4 - The Stone
Chapter 5 - The Stone Pt. 2
Chapter 6 - The Hunt
Chapter 7 - The Stay back
Chapter 8 - The Life Spirit
Chapter 9 - The Start of Year 2
Chapter 10 - The New Seeker
Chapter 11 - The Detention with Malfoy
Chapter 12 - The letter
Chapter 13 - The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 14 - The Chamber of Secrets Pt. 2
Chapter 15 - The Bar
Chapter 16 - The House
Chapter 17 - The Train Ride
Chapter 18 - The Hippogriff
Chapter 19 - The Boggart
Chapter 20 - The Match
Chapter 21 - The Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - The Malfoy Manor Pt. 2
Chapter 23 - The Beheading
Chapter 24 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 25 - The end of Year 3
Chapter 26 - The Party
Chapter 27 - The Ride
Chapter 28 - The Intruder
Chapter 29 - The Quidditch World Tournament
Chapter 30 - The Champions
Chapter 31 - The Foolish Fight
Chapter 32 - The First Task
Chapter 33 - The Date/s?
Chapter 34 - The Audition
Chapter 35 - The Yule Ball Pt. 1
Chapter 36 - The Yule Ball Pt. 2
Chapter 37 - The Second Task
Chapter 38 - The Hogsmeade Date
Chapter 39 - The Third Task
Chapter 40 - The Memorial Service
Chapter 41 - The Parties
Chapter 42 - The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 43 - The 'Umbitch'
Chapter 44 - The Detention
Chapter 45 - The Kiss
Chapter 46 - The Truth
Chapter 47 - The DA Classes
Chapter 48 - The Tutoring
Chapter 49 - The Incident
Chapter 50 - The Christmas Break
Chapter 51 - The Christmas Break Pt. 2
Chapter 52 - The Teaser
Chapter 53 - The DA Detention
Chapter 54 - The Surprise Party
Chapter 55 - The Gryffindor v/s Slytherin Match
Chapter 56 - The Prophecy
Chapter 57 - The Curse
Chapter 58 - The Match
Chapter 59 - The Ball
Chapter 60 - The Break-up
Chapter 61 - The 6th Year
Chapter 62 - The Memories
Chapter 63 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 64 - The Halloween Party Pt. 2
Chapter 65 - The Amortentia Smell
Chapter 66 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 67 - The Dark Mark
Chapter 68 - The Burrow
Chapter 69 - The Spell for Enemies
Chapter 70 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 71 - The Arrangement
Chapter 72 - The Malfoy Manor Ball
Chapter 73 - The Horcruxes
Chapter 74 - The War
Chapter 75 - The War Pt. 2
Chapter 76 - The 'Aftercare'
Chapter 77 - The Trial of Draco Malfoy
Chapter 78 - The Trials of Mr. & Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 79 - The start of year 7
Chapter 81 - The Opening Night
Chapter 82 - The Eating Disorder
Chapter 83 - The Eating Disorder Pt. 2
Chapter 84 - The New Prankster
Chapter 85 - The Accidents
Chapter 86 - The Excerpt
Chapter 87 - The Christmas Eve Party
Chapter 88 - The Christmas Eve Party Pt. 2
Chapter 89 - The Storm
Chapter 90 - The Veracity
Chapter 91 - The Graduation Party
Chapter 92 - The Wedding Day
Chapter 93 - The Baby Mama
Chapter 94 - The 9 3/4 Platform
Chapter 95 - The Happy Ending

Chapter 80 - The Boy Band

685 18 2
By thethinkingpen

Draco's POV

And there she was. I'm not going to lie and tell that she looked heavenly and godly. The soft duvet covered her naked body, from last night activities. Her hair was all over the place, a few strands resting on her face. She was lightly snoring. One of her hands was on her stomach, while the other went below her butt – her way of keeping herself warm, just the one part. *eyeroll*

But that's why I love her. She's not like the other girls. And I'm happy to call this unique little person – my girlfriend. I went over to her and tucked the stranded hair behind her ear. I pecked her on her cheek and woke her up.

"Darling?" I said softly while shaking her lightly. She groaned making me chuckle.

"Come on, it's the first day, you don't want to be late. It's 10 minutes to 8" I said pestering her with kisses.

"Mmm" she hummed and turned over the other side. I jumped on the bed with her and tried again.

"Come on, Olivia, you'll miss breakfast" I said kissing her lips.

"Then you shouldn't have kept me awake till 3 in the morning" she said smiling a little. I chuckled and bit my lip on the thoughts of last night.

"Like you didn't enjoy it" I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm not hungry, I'm sleepy" she said still not opening her eyes. I sighed loudly and got up.

"Alright, I have your uniform here and the books for the day. I have to check up on a few things, I'll see you in DADA" I said kissing her face, all over.

She mumbled something and went back to sleep again. I changed into my robes and went on with the day.

Olivia's POV

Damn it.

It's the first day and I'm already late. It's 9.18 AM right now. I hugged my DADA book to my chest, while the others were in the bag that hung from my shoulder. I missed breakfast, not going to lie, I was damn hungry. And I missed the meeting with Professor Flitwick.

But it's DADA, Snape teaches that class. He's my Godfather. He'll not deduct points or give me detention. I entered the class and all the heads turned around as I opened the door, except Snape's.

"You're late, Miss Montgomery" Snape said still not turning around.

"Yes, Professor, I-" I said trying hard to come up with an excuse.

"No excuses. Five points from Gryffindor and detention tonight, after dinner" he said still writing on the blackboard.

Guess, I spoke too soon.

All the Gryffindors in the class groaned while the Slytherins snickered. I rolled my eyes. I looked at Draco and he shook his head. He had a seat empty, I smiled and headed towards him.

"No, not next to Mr. Malfoy" Snape said turning around. What he has eyes at the back of his head too? He looked around the class and looked back at me. I furrowed my eyebrows, as to why he was not letting me sit beside Draco. I looked at Ron, he had the biggest smirk on his face. He was still not accustomed to me and Draco.

"Next to Mr. Hendrix" he said in his monotone voice. I sighed and sat next to the new boy.

"Hey" he said sweetly and I smiled.

"What did Professor Flitwick had to talk about?" I asked as a paper flew into my hand.

I miss you ~ DM

I smiled and kept the paper back into my pocket.

"Oh, since you didn't come, he asked us to see him after lunch" he said and I nodded. Another paper flew into my hand.

What are you guys talking about? ~ DM

I folded the paper and kept it in my robes and looked at Draco. I mouthed a 'nothing' and went back to work. After a few minutes of paying attention in class, another paper. 

I'm going to kill this boy.

He's sitting too close  :( ~ DM

I smiled at his jealousy and looked at him. I shook my head gesturing that he was not sitting close.

The class ended and I closed my books. "See you after lunch" Hendrix said as Draco approached me.

"Where are you going after lunch?" he asked in pure jealousy.

"I was supposed to meet Flitwick, first thing in the morning and as you can see, I overslept-" I said and looked up, "Or barely slept, I have to see him after lunch with Hendrix" I added and he smirked.

"You got me detention!" I said as we exited the classroom. I hit his shoulder lightly and he chuckled. Blaise and the others were walking behind us.

"I didn't" he replied and I rolled my eyes. What was I thinking? Draco Malfoy accepting a mistake? Never.

"What do you have?" I asked him and he draped a hand on my shoulder.

"Study of Ancient Runes" Pansy said from behind me and I nodded.

"Well, I have double Herbology, see you at lunch?" I half asked, half said. He nodded and I went on my tiptoes to peck his cheek.

"Bye, guys" I said waving to the others.

Lunch couldn't come sooner. I went to the Great Hall with the trio and looked at the Slytherin Table. And back at them. Since, we were allowed to sit anywhere we wanted, I looked for Draco and the others at the table. Blaise, Draco and Theo were quarrelling about something, while Pansy rolled her eyes and continued eating. She looked at me, waved and gestured me to sit with them.

"You can sit there as well, we won't mind" Hermione said and a smile appeared on my face.

"Are you sure?" I asked and Ron shook his head.

"No-" he began to speak but Hermione nudged him and cut him off, "Yes"

"Oh, you're the best Mione, I love you" I said happily and skipped over to the Slytherin Table. I got quite a few glares from the other Slytherins, as I was a Gryffindor and I sat the Slytherin Table.

I sat next to Draco and he looked up, "Hello, darling" he said happily pecking my cheek.

"Hello" I said looking at everyone and Blaise spoke up.

"Olive, tell me this, you know the posters around school, about some 'Opening Night' that has been organized by the school only because of the muggle-borns" he said and I nodded as I took a slice of shepherd's pie in my plate.

"And you know, Draco has a nice voice-"

"Great, actually" I interrupted him and Draco blushed.

"See? So, I told him, that we all should sign up, like a band, me, Theo and him" he completed and I nodded.

"That's a good idea" I said gulping the food that was in my mouth.

"No, I-" Draco said but I interrupted him, "Why not? If you had a bad voice, I would've said no, Draco. I know you don't"

"I'll think about it" he said and I kissed him.

"Really? It only took her seconds to convince you, whereas Blaise and I having been doing it since Ancient Runes" Theo said and I wiggled my eyebrows.

"So, what will you guys be playing?" I asked as I saw Astoria sit from across me, but far away. She still had a killer glare at me. 

"Well, Draco can take the piano, I can take the drums and Theo can play the guitar" Blaise said happily and I smiled, "What will you be playing?"

"Well, I was thinking, we could show it to you, first, then sign up-"

"Hold up, hold up, I haven't even agreed yet" Draco said as he took a bite of mashed potatoes, "And you're planning already?" he completed and Blaise rolled his eyes.

We continued to eat lunch, planning about their band. I was talking to Pansy, when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see Matthew. I smiled at him and he said, "Ready to go?" and I nodded.

"No dirty business" Draco mumbled while he pulled me back down and kissed me on my lips.

He never liked PDA of this sort, but any PDA would do, that would show the world or the school, in my case, that I was his. Like handholding, walking too close, his arm around my waist, or on my shoulder, his hand in my back pocket when I am wearing jeans and everything like that. But kissing directly on the lips, nuh-uh, he only did it, because he was jealous of Hendrix.

"I have to go, see you in Potions" I said and headed to the music room with Hendrix.

"So, you're dating Malfoy?" he asked and I looked at him. I never looked at him, like properly, when we were walking this close. He had hazel eyes, yes, but each of it had a different freckle in it, that enhanced his eye-color. Speaking of freckles, he had them on his cheeks and on his nose, only noticeable when you're walking close. He had a defined jawline, with sharp cheekbones.

"Yes" I said looking up at him.

"Hmm" is what all he said and we walked silently to the music room.

"Yes, Miss Montgomery and Mr. Hendrix" Flitwick said looking around at the instruments.

"You called for us?" I asked as I took a seat next to the piano. It had been ages since I had played, I played before the war when Draco and I got engaged, but after that, I didn't. Not even when I spent a whole month at the Malfoy Manor.

I started playing lightly and looked at Flitwick, even though I wasn't a Ravenclaw, which he told me that I could have totally been, I was his favorite student.

"You may have seen the posters around the school for an 'Opening Night'" he said and the pair of us nodded.

"So, a lot of students are participating and I want you two to sign up as a couple" he said and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. I looked at Hendrix and he looked like he was hiding the biggest smile on his face, but failing terribly.

"From all the records I received from Ilvermorny, Mr. Hendrix here, is a great musician" Flitwick said and I looked at Hendrix, "So, a few teachers have been forming groups, and I want you on mine" he added happily.

"You don't think, Hagrid will want us on his team, since he's the head of Gryffindor House?" I asked and smiled when we all got to know that Hagrid replaced McGonagall as Head of our house, while she replaced Snape as headmistress.

"I negotiated" he said smirking at what he negotiated for. He is a Ravenclaw, for the matter of fact, he must have been smart and may have fooled poor sweet innocent Hagrid.

"What do you want us to sing?" Hendrix asked and I thought – 'I haven't even agreed yet'

"Anything is fine, but you two have to start practicing everyday after dinner till the competition" he said pointing his finger at the both of us.

"That's two to three weeks from now" I said standing up.

"Yeah, I don't know your chemistry, but you might as well take time, adjusting to each other's voice" Flitwick said and left the classroom.

"You have great hair" Hendrix said and I sat back down to continue playing the piano.

"Thanks" I muttered it and he came closer.

"And you play gracefully" he added and I smiled at him.

"Why didn't you say no to him?" I asked as I continued to play, still not looking at him.

"I heard that you sing beautifully, so I wanted to see" he said casually but his tone was still flirtatious.

"So, today-"

"I'm busy tonight, maybe we'll start from tomorrow" I said and left the room.

"Well, I'm off to detention" I said as I put my fork down and look up. Blaise, Theo and Draco were still fighting about the band, which Draco agreed to start. The only person who was actually listening to me was Pansy. I looked at her and she smiled.

"I'll tell them later" she said rolling her eyes, she was as fed up as I was from the boys.

"Yeah, I'll come by the common room after detention, then we can help these idiots choose a song or something" I said standing up. She nodded and I left, kissing Draco on the top of his head, which he didn't notice. I put my bag over my shoulder and left.

"Olivia" Snape said as I opened the door, "Still late" he added looking up.

"Dinner just got over, professor" I whined. He had started to take his role seriously. Being my Godfather, he took up a lot of responsibilities and acted through it. We had grown pretty close, so that's why I told you that I might not get detention or that he would not cut points. But he was Professor Snape and Godfather Snape, in his words, he didn't want to mix, personal and professional life.

He gestured for me to sit down on a chair. "Well?" I asked as we sat there in silence.

He looked up and said, "Well" he mocked my tone, "I wasn't going to give you any work, since you're my goddaughter, if you haven't had spoken, I would've let you go"

Damn it.

"Now, clean up the room, quickly" he said and snapped his fingers. A bucket and a cloth floated next to me and I began cleaning the classroom.

After about whining and cleaning only half the classroom, he said, "Fine! You can leave" tired of my whining like a little girl.

"Yayy!" I said happily as I put the cloth in the bucket, ready to leave. I was about to open the door, when he cleared his throat. I turned around and he looked at me.

I sighed loudly and went over to him, he opened his arms and I hugged him, "Anything else, Olivia?" he asked nicely.

What happened to 'I don't mix my personal and professional life'?

"Yes, thank you and I love you, Godfather" I said and he smiled.

Draco's POV

I was sitting in the common room with Blaise, Theo and Pansy, when the door opened. I looked at the door and saw a very tired Olivia approaching us, her hair was a mess, her clothes were filled with dirt and were wet at some places, she had her sleeves rolled up and was rubbing her eyes.

Guess, she cleaned the classroom.

"Hello, darling" I said as she slumped on the couch next to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"As much as I love Snape, I hate the fact that he still made me clean half of the classroom" she whined and I put my arm around her and rubbed her thigh.

"Well, do you want to listen what we prepared?" Blaise asked and she closed her eyes.

"Just a few minutes, then we'll go to the music room" she said sighing loudly.

The door opened again and it was Snape. He walked over to us and looked at Blaise, then Theo, then Pansy, then me and then Olivia. He smiled at her and saw my hand, his eyebrows quickly furrowed. Since, he had been trying to get involved in Olivia's life a lot, by being a responsible godfather, he likes me a lot less now.

"Miss Montgomery seemed to forget her bag in my classroom" he said and handed the bag to Theo.

He turned around and stopped right at the door, "And Malfoy, get your hand off of my goddaughter's thigh, that is an inappropriate place" he said while the others tried to control their snickers, but failed miserably.

"Merlin, it's going to be hard for him getting used to us" I said as he left.

Olivia woke up after a few minutes and we all went to the music room. I sat beside the piano, Blaise took the drums and Theo picked up the guitar, while Pansy and Olivia sat in front of us.

"Did you practice already?" she asked looking at us as we already took our positions.

"Yes, darling. Ready?" I asked looking at the boys.

A/N – Please play 'Darlin' by Beach boys.

Ohh darlin'
My darlin' you're so fine

She smiled widely when I started singing. 

Don't know if words can say
But darlin' I'll find a way
To let you know what you meant to me
Guess it was meant to be
I hold you in my heart
As life's most precious part

She put her hands together and looked at me in awe. She has, of course, heard me sing before. But now, it looked like she heard me the first time. 

Oh darlin'
I dream about you often my pretty darlin'
(Darlin' you're so fine)
I love the way you soften my life with your love
Your precious love uh huh oh

I was living like half a man
Then I couldn't love but now I can
You pick me up when I'm feeling sad
More soul than I ever had
Gonna love you every single night
Cause I think you're too outta sight

She 'awwed' and I smiled. The lyrics fit perfectly to us.

Oh darlin'
I dream about you often my pretty darlin'
(Darlin' you're so fine)
I love the way you soften my life with your love
Your precious love uh huh huh

Woah oh oh oh

Every night darlin'
Gonna love you every single night, yes I will
Cause I think you're too doggone outta sight

Oh darlin'
I dream about you often my pretty darlin'
(Darlin' you're so fine)
I love the way you soften my life with your love
Your precious love uh huh huh

The both of them applauded and Olivia had a huge smile on her face. I smiled back and walked up to her.

"That was amazing, love" she said kissing my lips.

"Why thank you, my darling" I said happily.

"Are you going to perform this?" she asked and we all nodded.

"You have competition, though. Me and the new boy are performing together, with what Flitwick told, he sings too-"

"Wait, when did that happen?" I asked yelling a little. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and scoffed.

"After lunch"

"You're not doing it" I said with gritted teeth and left the room.

Olivia's POV

I ran behind him and turned him around. "What is the matter with you?" I yelled a little.

"You're going to sing with him?" he asked rhetorically. Before I could answer, he started to head to his dorm.

"Wait, why are you acting-"

"Because he likes you!" he yelled, stopping me dead in my tracks.


"I see the way he looks at you, okay? It was the same look that I had when I started liking you" he said cutting me off and coming closer.

"So, what? He likes me. It isn't like I'm going to do anything about it. It's just a competition-" I said looking around.

"End of discussion. You're not doing it" he said pointing his finger at me.

"Wh- You're restricting me?" I asked rhetorically with tears in my eyes. He didn't say anything and I looked for an apology.

Ok, I understand that he is jealous. And I also love the fact when he acts out of jealousy, it shows how much he is afraid of losing me. But to restrict me from doing something, that's too much. And he knows how much I love singing.

"You know how much I love to sing, you can't restrict me" I said, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. 

"You don't love to sing, you just love attention" he said angrily making me gasp. He turned around and mumbled "Slut" under his breath, thinking that I didn't hear.

Little does he know that I did. 

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