Invisible Handcuffs ( EdSer )

بواسطة Shatakshi_2812

29K 1.2K 271

" You know you want me Eda " I said and smirked . She looked down at her feet and I was sure for a moment tha... المزيد

1. Eda Yildiz
2. Serkan Bolat
3. Encounter
5. Nice to Meet You ! How You've Been ?
6. This is Gonna Take Me Down !
People keep coming and going
7. Hired

4. Hold Your Hand While Dancing

2.5K 157 33
بواسطة Shatakshi_2812

Serkan's POV

She is unearthly . Beautiful . Charming . It's very unnerving . I have had my fair share of woman but never once had I felt the need to fuck them and know them at the same time . This is unhealthy for me . I just fuck women period I'm not capable of getting to know them . That's not my cup of tea . But she is heavenly and her scent is intoxicating . She has still not gained consciousness , she is beautifully coiled around me as I'm some sort of envelope and she is my letter . I wonder if I can keep her like this forever cause I don't think she willingly would do that .
What the fuck ?
Did I just say my letter ? Forever ?
Shit ! Goodness I don't do forevers , everyone knows that how can I forget that my self ? This women is messing with my head .
Holding her has a calming presence but still a jolt of electricity is running down my body . She is a mass of contradictions.
Fuck ! Why is she still unconscious ? Is is sick ? Why did I not notice this before ?
Cause you were busy eye fucking her, you idiot ! My inner mind says it matter of factly .
What the hell ?
I was not eye fucking her I was just ...
Well it doesn't matter first I need to make sure this beautiful wench is fine .
I take her to the nearby table and make her sit on the chair still holding her steady by her waist to prevent her from falling . She feels good in my arms almost too good . She's still sleeping . I take my phone out in order to call Nalzi hanim my doctor when I see someone coming near us .
"Eda , Eda , are you fine ?" The man beside us speaks , his voice full of concern. So she's Eda , it's nice to put a name on a beautiful face.
Eda . I like the way her name rolls out of my mouth.
"Evet , evet Denizcim ,I'm fine ." Eda says finally gaining consciousness ."You know how I am " she smiles sweetly at him . He gives her back a charming smile of his own. It's like they are in their own world . I feel raged , no one is acknowledging my presence . I clear my throat and she notices that I'm still holding her.
"I , uhm , thankyou for not letting me fall ." She says in a hoarse voice and gives me the same smile she gave it to the man beside us .I can feel he is eying us but fortunately does not utter a word . Sensing that my presence is unwanted I plainly say in a cold voice " It's fine ." And leave them to themselves .
Is he his boyfriend ?
Is she dating him ?
I'm way better than him!
What ?
Am I seriously comparing myself ?
Wtf. It doesn't matter it's not like I'm dying to stay and talk to her . She can talk to whoever the fuck she wants !
Who are you trying to convince ? My inner mind makes his presence known sarcastically .
I shake my head and walk towards the dance hall . I try not to glance back to see if she is doing fine.
There I admit I was worried about her. But it's just a humanly concern .
From one human towards other . This can't be anything else right ?
Besides that you want to fuck her ! Yeah , it's pretty much humanly concerns . My inner mind reminds me again of my unholy intentions towards the beautiful lady.

The party has begun and people have started filling the bar and the dance floor.
I turn around to see Ferit and Selin making their way to the dance floor . She still looks slutty even at her engagement party . I just hope Ferit to see this but he is drowned in the river of love . Selin notices me and send me a wink . I grimace at her gesture and turn my head away .
I see Eda entering the dance floor through the double doors . The music has started playing and the lights are dimmed . I can see her standing across me even in the dim light she looks stunning .
She is talking to the woman beside her and she laughs out loud at something her friend says . Her voice is angelic and melodical .
The need to have her in my arms again is unbearable . I cross the dance floor in long steps and reach her . And say the first thing that comes to my mind .
"Dance with me " I cannot recognise my own voice though it has a commanding edge to it . And I hold out my hand for her to take it .
She is about to answer when her friend grabs her by her hands , she  leans in and talks to her girl friend . She lets outs a loud huff and places her hand in mine almost unwilling .
Almost being the keyword here , I would have said unwilling but the look in her eyes tell a different story that she is just as excited to be in my embrace as I'm to embrace her. I chuckle looking at her and lead her to the centre of the dance floor .
As if on cue the classic by Frank Sinatra "witchcraft" starts to play .
I place my hands on the perfectly curvy waist and pull her closer to me . We breathe the same air our nose touching each other .

Her one hand grips my shoulder while the she places the other on my chest . Creating a little distance between us

And we start to sway . She fits me perfectly as if she is handmade just for me . Only me. The other couples have moved away to give us space . We must be looking stunning together . She looks exquisite and I know I'm cursingly handsome . We must be a handful together .
But I don't dare to look anywhere other then her eyes . She is staring in my eyes as if trying to figure something out .
I'm surprised she doesn't know me . But it doesn't matter . I lead the moves and she follows me gracefully and full of elegance . She moves swiftly and with confidence .
Fuck she know she's the most beautiful woman in here .
She knows her powers . She is lethal .
I pull her closer keeping the distance between us minimal . If she is bothered by it she doesn't show .
We dance as Sintara says in a sluttry voice

"Cause there's no nicer witch than you"

And I start to sing near her ear while we waltz

"And I have got no defense for it
The heat is too intense for it
What good would common sense go it do ?

Cause it's witchcraft
Wicked witchcraft
And although I know it's strictly taboo

When you arouse the need in me
My heart says yes indeed in me
Proceed with what your leading me to

It's an ancient pitch
But I wouldn't switch

And I swear I hear her breath hitch , her eyes flicker to my lips and the hold on my arms tighten . But I continue singing in my husky voice near her ear my breath fanning her neck . I can see her viens constricting . She wraps her hands around my neck. She is dancing along with me but this time I'm following her lead .

Cause there's no nicer witch than you"

The song comes to an end and the huge round of applause brings us out of our own cosy bubble . The bubble breaks as she removes her hand and scurries towards her friend .
I decide to find my way to the centre of attention tonight and congratulate them .
"Ferit , Selin , congratulations . I hope you guys have a great life ahead ."
"Thankyou Serkan " Selin says while batting her fake lashes at me .
"Serkan , I'm glad that you came . " Ferit smiles at me .
"Serkan , will you give Ferit a week off ? "
I raise my eyebrow at her .
"Well , we are planning on going for a vacation, but he said that he is not free and has lots of projects on his hands right now ."
"I said I'll talk to you . You will definitely listen to me !" She has the audacity to say this what a prick .
"Selin , if Ferit want something like a vacation he'll talk to me himself . Now is it the time to talk about work at a party ? Which is your engagement party by the way !" I say sarcastically with a smirk on my face .
Ferit starts laughing hearing my reply to her so called fianceé .
Selin scrunches a face at him and smacks his chest .
But my eyes keep scanning the crowd to get a peek of the yellow fairy girl.
"Evet evet hayatim I'll talk about this with Serkan later ." He says while trying to stifle his laugh .

"Selincim , come with me " her mother says to her and takes her away .
Thank God.

"Well that was some chemistry." Ferit says with a smirk
"Ne ?"
" On the dance floor with Eda " he says gesturing the place where I was standing moment ago having the most sensual time of my life .
"You know her ? "
" Evet , her name is Eda . She is the kin of the flower decorator ."
He tells me all about how the wrong flowers were delivered and how efficiently she managed everything and decorated the place within two hours with the right flowers. His tone had a hint to pride as if he had immediately taken a likeness to her .
I grimace at the thought .

Fuck ! Can this girl get anymore perfect than she already is ?
She is making it hard for me to stay away from her .

" How do you know her ? " Ferit asks me .
" Oh.. I don't know her . She just caught my eye !" I reply hurriedly not wanting to share our private moment .
Well not so private moment , her friend or whoever he was saw us .
I search for her again and our eyes lock but her attention is turned towards her friend who is talking animatedly about something .
"Well I think she has caught most people's attention today . She is the most beautiful woman here today . Well ofcourse after Selin "
"Well that for you ! I think Eda is the most beautiful woman ." I say nonchalantly . As I see men eyeing her like a piece off meat . While she is unaware of the attention she is gathering and is talking to her friend and the man whoever the guy is .

I continue my talk with Ferit about football and drinks and the arrangements and his plan on hiring Eda again for his wedding . I smile throughout the conversation replying where necessary as to not give away the fact that I'm not interested in the conversation .
Well small talk is not my thing . I talk when I need something and that's it .
What is it with people chattering their life's away ?
I seriously don't understand .
I turn around and find my self fuming with rage .
She has her hands on his shoulders while he holds her by her waist . She is looking for someone , her eyes scanning the crowd . Her eyes land upon me and stay there for a while before she avert it back to her FRIEND . Her eyes have a hint of guilt as if she is caught doing something wrong . I smirk at her expression and make my way towards my best friend who has finally bestowed us with his appearance .
I still am raging but decide not to think about it any further .
I don't give a FUCK . She can dance with whoever the hell she wants .
It doesn't bother me .
"Serkan , I'm sorry I'm late . Piril took time getting ready ."
And suddenly I'm grateful that Engin is late .Had he seen me dancing with Eda he would have left no opportunity to tease me every possible  time for the rest of my life .
We start talking . Well yes small talk . Anything to keep her off my mind. It's not like I'll see her every again anyway .
I just need to get through tonight . Though the song has ended and she is no longer dancing . I can't seem to take out two images from my mind us dancing and they dancing . We looked much better together ! I conclude .

Well it doesn't matters.

God it's been an hour and all I have done since then is steal glances at her . We locked eyes a few times challenging each other to avert first and it was a tie with 2-2 neither of us gaining the upper hand .
I sigh in frustration and run my fingers through my hair . I need to take her out of my mind . I know Engin knows I'm distracted and something is off but he doesn't say anything . Again I'm grateful for that. I gulp the drink in my hand which is my fifth drink but not being a lightweight has its advantages .
I decide it's time to leave .
"Engin , I'll leave , we have work tomorrow and I don't want to have a hangover plus I was here before the party started . Tell Ferit I left ." Piril protests but Engin nods understandingly and says we'll talk tomorrow . I pick up my coat glance at her one last time . I know I won't see her again . I leave the hall and by the time I'm in my car I have a sudden urge to go back inside drag her to the car , take her to my house and fuck her senseless and in oblivion .
I groan in irritation and take my phone out to make a call .
" Zeynep , meet me at our regular hotel room " I hang up . Yes I don't fuck my flings in my house .

Eda's POV

I scan the crowd to find the robot I danced with . Yes ,  robot , I don't know his name . What an idiot . I danced with an unknown person . All due to Melo . But I know this one thing for sure he is a robot .
"Dance with me " he fucking ordered me to dance with him .
Like what the fuck !
I was going to straight forward reject .But Melo grabbed me and said
"Dada , it's just one dance and it looks like he has just walked out from the photoshoot of Vouge . Go enjoy yourself after everything you have done today , you deserve this."
"Ama Melo "
"Hayir , I'm not going to listen to any of your excuse just go and dance with him !"
She gives me a stern look so I sigh and place my hand in his .
I mean he is handsome . Like really handsome , it's as if God was free on the Sunday and he assigned that day just for this beautiful creature to be carved but he is robotic .
Just who the fuck orders someone to dance rather than asking .
No "Hello" ,
No "Are you feeling fine ?"
No " I hope you get well soon ." 
Nothing at all . I fainted and he held me and he doesn't even has a humanly concern to ask me if I'm well or not !
Robotic person ! No emotion nothing at all . But it was not like I can't enjoy one dance . So I danced .

I find him engaged in conversation with Selin and Ferit Bey .

The next time I meet his gaze I find him already looking at him and a warm feeling resides my body . He is eyeing me up and down as if he is hungry . I avert my eyes to Melo who is talking to Deniz .
"Abi , I think it's time for you to settle down ."
Deniz is one year older than us . But has always been so close to us that the age doesn't matters anymore .
"Melocim , why don't you find a date for yourself ?"
" Benim kardeşim , şeni çok seviyorum , ama , I'm at the age of having fun and you are getting old . After a time no woman will want you ." Melo jokes
"Melocim don't worry , if I don't get anyone I'll just marry Eda !"  He says and winks at me .
" Hayır , Eda has a brilliant choice , so I'm sure she won't go for you ."
"And honestly, I don't want her to deal with that annoying ass of yours forever ."
Melo and I burst out laughing after she says this .
While Deniz has an amused expression on his face .
"We'll see Melocim."
He walk towards me to stand in front of me and says
" Edacim will you dance with me and help me prove my küçük kızkardeş wrong ?"
I laugh and say " Evet arkadaşım lets prove your little sister wrong ."
He takes me towards the dance floor and we dance .
He twirls me around and catches me while Taylor Swift is singing about how she has a little space in her heart and she'll write his name there .

But I have got a blank space baby and I'll write your name

Something is wrong and missing . When I danced with robot it was all fires and touches and eye contacts and heat was like a buring inferno . İt was like Icarus flying close to sun , feeling all the heat and burning in it . It was all tingly and a very new sensation . I never felt like that . Full of excitement and risk and adventure. It was just the two of us moving together as one with synchronisation and in perfection . I wonder how those feelings arouse in me . But then I remembered Cenk , I could not wrong him even if it was just a dance it felt more , lot more . And most of all he was a man I knew nothing about . So I stopped myself from feeling and just enjoyed being floated all around the dance floor in elegance .

But with Deniz , it's all fun and games it's warm and cold but it's everything I'm familiar with , nothing tingly and heating . Just comfortable and save .
We dance while I try to find Robot , he's not with Ferit bey . And suddenly his eyes meet mine . I look at him and his eyes are filled with rage , anger , annoyance and maybe jealously?
Yeah definitely jealously . He is eyeing Deniz as if he would get his knuckles bloody for me . To keep me away from him .
I feel a hint of guilt and I quickly bring my eyes back to Deniz . I still watch him moving towards his friends who look like a couple from the corner of my eyes .
I watch him talking to them .
"Eda , you still dance perfectly ." And my attention is drawn back to Deniz .
"Teşekkürler Denizcim ."
"You remember prom ?"
"Evet , how can I forget that ?" I reply
"It was the first time we danced together . You were my partner ." He says pondering over our prom day.
"Evet , it's been such a long time . But I'm glad we are still friends ."
"Ama..." He is about to say something but the song ends and we go back to our seats .
" Dada you danced beautifully just like the last time ." I smile at her .

I turn to look at him and I stare for a few minutes . He is exceptionally well built . He turns around and catches me eyeing him . The tension between us increasing . But this time he is the one to avert his gaze first .

We talk and eat dinner , the catering has done an amazing job . The food is delicious and very tasty . I eat my entire food without leaving anything on the plate.
I see him standing at the entrance . He is going . And I don't think I'll see him again . Well it's a good thing all this unwanted tension and attraction will come to an end .
There's no chance to meet him again I don't even know his fucking name .
He glances at me and leaves the hall .

After a short while we take our leave and say goodbye to Ferit bey and Selin  hanim . We congratulate them once again.
Deniz drops us home .
Melo and I live together with Ayfer hala while Deniz lives a few blocks away from here.
"Hala , we came ." No answer .
"She must not have returned from the date yet ."
"Melocim let's go to sleep I'm very tired."
"Evet , we can talk to Ayfer hala tomorrow ."
God tomorrow is Saturday and I have still not got a call for interview. What am I doing to do if I don't get a job ?
Hayır I have a every good degree and a perfect CV I'll definitely get a job .

I lay down on my bed after having a long bath and wearing my favourite pink hoodie and no bra . I finally feel relaxed . Everything today was very exhausting . And I close my eyes .

I hear my phone ring . I pick up .
" Am I talking to Ms. Eda Yildiz ?"

Here we come to the end of another beautiful chapter.

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Next I'll update if I get 20 likes for this chapter . It's my target . As the chapter is beautiful .
I hope you guys will communicate with me if you have any problem !
Thanks for reading this chapter .


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