By thesstarboy

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"We be throwin' money in a spiral." A rollerskater with a bone to pick comes in contact with one of the bigge... More



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By thesstarboy

TW: high as fuck💨, choking, semi-public oral, lol enjoy you feral fangirls
This shit was too long for me to proofread and I'm tired so LMFAO




'Moonwalking' was the only term in the English dictionary that could accurately describe and portray the pure amount of THC in Bokuto's and (Y/N)'s bloodstream. The pair felt they were so high in the sky that they soared throughout the universe, hopping from planet to planet in search of a particular treasure. With their hands raised in the air, they swore they could touch the surface of Mars itself, feeling its sanguine-like dirt. Even though air itself wasn't present throughout space, the pair's hair flew past them speedily once the sensation of brisk winds collided with their cheeks. They didn't need air to breathe and inhale in each other's presence. They didn't need the earth in any way, shape, or form to feel the groundness they felt when in each other's arms. They didn't need space itself to feel like they defied gravity, soaring through the forever in anticipation of what was next. Would they run into the galactic enforcement? Would they have to stay on the run? Would they come in contact with the end of the universe? Would they continue on and on in search of a treasure that didn't exist? The pair didn't know nor did they give a damn, for they were on a journey through time like no other, in search of a treasure they weren't even sure existed in the first place.

What was this treasure, you might ask?

"Ko, you have no idea where the fuck you're going."

"Yes, the fuck I do. The restaurant is literally around this corner!"

"We're not even in Miami anymore! You drove to Lauderdale! The restaurant is in downtown Miami!"

"Well, I guess this is a road trip now!"

"Then at least go south so we can eat, damn!" 

Bokuto and (Y/N) cackled loudly, slurring every word they uttered while (Y/N) laid her head on Bokuto's shoulder. Oddly enough, he possessed the ability to drive as if he were sober while touching the sky at the same time, but he couldn't seem to get his act together when spoken to, nor could he follow clear-cut directions.

"I could always eat you instead."

"You could, but we'll both still be hungry, lost, and tired. Ah—you know what? Give me that damn wheel, I'ma learn how to drive a Cadillac tonight."

"I'm the only sober adult in this car!"

"You hogged the blunt towards the end! You're higher than me!"

Bokuto couldn't argue with her, taking a U-turn at a random light and driving south once again. The streets around them were void of all life, almost as if it were the apocalypse and the Cadillac held the only two living human beings on the planet. In a way, it did feel like the two were the only ones in the world, relishing in each other's auras as if there was nothing else left for them in this deathly, passionless province. Out of desperation and excitement of witnessing different sceneries, they constructed a cylinder-like rocket ship and agreed to visit the skies in search of a purpose of some sort, hand-in-hand. As the last two humans, they weren't sure what they'd collide into on their journey throughout the dimensions. All they knew was that they had each other to cling onto, a partner who stood with their back against the other in search of any force that threatened their security—their amour.

"Can you type in the address of the place? I'm using all my attention to make sure we don't end up in another countryside," Bokuto asked, handing his unlocked phone to the (H/C) haired woman.

"Okay, just get on 95 and we'll start following these directions. It's only fifteen minutes, thank the lord."

"Fifteen minutes? Damn, I'm hungry!"

"We would've been there if you didn't take all these wrong turns! And, look, there's a fucking plantation home! Does that look like downtown Miami to you?" (Y/N) pointed out a large crop field that adorned a manor in the center of it, grouped with other most likely racist homes that lined up the street and seemingly went on for miles.

"If I get shot, I'm haunting you!!"

"No way, I'll take down the whole town before that happens."

"Just...just drive. I'm stressed. Thanks for stressing me out."

"It's no problem, pretty. Always happy to help!"

"You will not see heaven," (Y/N) laughed without meaning to, dragging her hands down her face before she paused in hesitation.

"Ko...I can't feel my face."


(Y/N) didn't notice the way the fast winds ceased to hit her face, yet her hair still wildly flew behind her. She was entirely too enraptured in the nighttime and the stress Bokuto gave her to notice the numbing of her face. (Y/N) has most definitely taken drugs before, nothing crazy like cocaine, but she's smoked an ounce and popped a few Adderall's before college classes just to get by. However, she's never smoked or inserted any damn drug in her body that numbed her face. Not even the fattest blunt gave her that effect, so she was convinced Bokuto must lace his blunts with something else to produce stronger effects. It was no wonder he stood in possession of a Cadillac, his customers probably tipped him from how loud his weed shrieked.

"I literally cannot feel my face."

"Ahh, that's the best part. You're finally reaching peak highness."

(Y/N) whipped her head to the side to stare at her equally as high counterpart.

"Peak?! So, what transpired during this hour of driving aimlessly wasn't even the peak?! I swear to the moon above you're not seeing heaven."

"I can make sure you see heaven, though," he turned his owl-like gaze towards (Y/N), entrapping her in a feeling of difficulty.

"If you know what I me—"

"I know exactly what you mean."

"Why can't you be as romantic as me?" he sulked, turning on his blinker to move into a different lane even though there weren't any cars in sight for a couple of miles.

(Y/N), normally, wouldn't care if somebody called her unromantic, because that's exactly what she was when sober. She wasn't an expert at opening up and loving on just anybody, which prompted the downfall of her past affairs. Romance wasn't an activity (Y/N) divulged often, and, now that she thought about it, it's been a couple of years since she's truly been loved on. Not just as a factor of lust, but as genuine romance.

"I can be romantic!" she retorted, knowing well she's rusty on her 'loving' skills.

She just didn't appreciate the deepening in her heart when he called her unromantic, especially with these unacknowledged feelings she didn't plan on making known any time soon. She despised how quickly she took interest in a man who was the actual personification of trouble and not normal, making it clear to the girl that she simply couldn't stay away from trouble. (Y/N) couldn't avoid the silhouettes that continued to creep up on her despite her mother begging and wailing for the girl to live a normal lifestyle.

She was supposed to push him away. That's what her mother would want.

She was supposed to be finishing her homework. That's what her auntie would want.

She was supposed to be dating a religious man with zero tattoos and a doctorate. That's what her grandma would want.

But, at this point, with the moon looking down on her in approval, who gave a damn?

"Really, now? Show me," Bokuto challenged in a teasing voice, pulling the car over to a mini abandoned rest stop.

At this time of night, it truly did feel like the couple were the only two alive in the universe, being pushed to act out on their instincts due to virtually nothing holding them back. In the dead of night, nothing held one back from demonstrating their true nature to the moon. In fact, the moon encouraged her insignificant children to be truthful under her eyes, for there wasn't anything in the universe she hadn't already seen. She rooted for the shadows to throw over and rake up the entire body of her dear human beings, resulting in pinks, reds, and blues being splashed over the canvas she calls earth. She's heard many tears, blood drops, and white liquids drench the surface of the planet she forever rotated, so you can bet she altered Bokuto and (Y/N)'s psyches to get them to act on the sprouting emotions they harbored for each other.

(Y/N) placed her hands on either side of Bokuto's face, watching his lips turn up in a smirk at her pride that wouldn't allow her to turn down the challenging tone in his voice.

"You got it," he encouraged, allowing her to lead in proving herself as romantic.

She didn't need much more pushing than she already fell victim to from Bokuto's teasing smirk and the bright full moon enhancing the mood. However, her family's nagging pleas at the back of her mind finally shined a light, provoking her to cease her actions and lead an honorable life of normalcy.

"We've known each other for three days..." she began to remove her hands from his cheeks before he spoke up again, compelling her hands to remain in place.

"Fuck that, who cares?"

Bokuto raised his right hand to keep her left one in place, shooting an intimidating and daring gaze into (Y/N)'s eyes. Her body refused to move another inch as if it knew exactly what doubts (Y/N) harbored and acted against them. She could also deduce it was the temerarious leer Bokuto transmitted that froze her in place like a deer caught in headlights, unable to execute any form of action until the crash ensued.

He's right, who cares?

This is my life. I can live it how I want to.

That's all (Y/N) needed to close the already tiny gap between the pair, moving her pinkish-brown lips in synchronization with Bokuto's own lips. She was, by no means, inexperienced, taking Bokuto by surprise when she roughly pushed onto his side, backing his rear against the door while she crawled over the middle section with ease. (Y/N) didn't care that there wasn't a hood to hide the pair from lurking eyes, for she was more concerned with quenching her thirst for his body in an unethical manner. Bokuto's hands rose to clench onto her upper legs, just below her butt, as she straddled him with her hands still wrapped around his cheeks. She stroked a finger along his jawline that held similarities to expensive knives, rivaling the sharpness of every machete she'd ever gotten the chance to hold. Teeth tugged on upper lips, inquiring Bokuto for his permission to feel his tongue piercing.

Enthusiastically, he opened his lips and stuck his tongue out, however, not after pushing (Y/N) back into her side of the car. Her back met with her side of the door and she briefly realized she was put in the same position she placed Bokuto in, though he used less strength due to the weakened state (Y/N) was in after touching the stars. The warm metal of Bokuto's tongue met with (Y/N)'s own, surprised at the taste that reminded her of blood, but she put that thought aside once she felt the growing heat in the center of her body, screaming for stimulation of any kind.

Bokuto seemed to read her mind before she could even act on it, stowing one hand behind her neck and the other down to her inner thighs. One hand squeezed the sides of her throat once again, limiting the amount of air he desired inside of her body, while the other drew circles in the area right beside her heat, begging for even more attention now that it realized its source of pleasure was near. (Y/N) pulled away from Bokuto's aggressive kiss and let out a breath of air, taking in another while he busied himself decorating her jawline in kisses and bites.

Not a word rose out of the two, for (Y/N) was too busy trying to catch her breath that seemed to run away faster than she could keep up due to Bokuto's handiwork. Bokuto, on the other hand, was too busy putting his mouth to use to provide the woman with as much pleasure from foreplay activities as he could, finally acting out on the deepest desires he developed at first sight from back at the rollerskating rink. He couldn't believe that event transpired just yesterday, for her presence and her aura gifted him the comfort of letting him know she was no stranger. He, very shortly, realized he didn't have to put up a fortification taking the shape of only a shell of who he truly was. He concluded that he didn't have to hide himself from her, willing to run the risk of betrayal if he was permitted this feeling over and over again.

High prizes come at high prices.

(Y/N) released a soft moan from the cages of her prideful lips, ashamed at the sensitivity she attained and how easily pleased she was from simple circles being rubbed onto her inner thigh. She could no longer deny the attraction she felt for the tattooed man, falling in adoration with every part of his body and his annoying ass mind. Maybe it was the weed? Maybe it was something laced in the weed? Maybe it was the intoxication and the perspective they held of the night sky that heightened their feelings toward each other. Maybe, when it was all said and done, this would be all it took for the pair to leave the 'developing' relationship to die.

(Y/N) didn't care about what she would think in the morning once she arose from her fluffy bedsheets and regretted her actions. (Y/N) didn't care what the world might've thought of her for staying in relations with a man who's most likely done unspeakable things. (Y/N) didn't care what living force might've shamed her for giving herself up under the moonlight and in a Cadillac, for she felt higher than wherever the weed took her. She soared higher than the stars, the constellations, and the cosmos. She caught a glimpse of the heavens above, heedlessly acquiescing with Bokuto's capability of 'taking her to heaven'.

He sure did live up to his promises.

"You're like putty for me," he whispered in her ear, placing a wet kiss on the outermost lobe.

"I wanna hear you say my name."

(Y/N) squirmed in her seat in embarrassment, not usually so shy with her previous encounters. She could deduce that it was because she hadn't been attracted to someone in so long, but she could also deduce that it was due to the unattractive garments she wore underneath her clothes, truly believing this was going to be a quick smoke session and a dinner date. She should've expected more, really, due to the pure amount of attraction the pair held for each other, except Bokuto was much more open in telling her.

It truly solidified the growing feelings she was now forced to acknowledge.

"Ko..." The breathlessness and the amount of pleasure she felt from his ministries, mixed in with permission to let his name leave her lips, indeed sent Bokuto down a spiraling hill of primitive ways.

The music that continuously played didn't aid in their situation, either, seemingly strengthening the mood along with the encouraging stars that danced above their heads. Who knew the combination of weed, music, and stars could produce such an atavistic feeling out of the pair that it led them to park at an abandoned rest stop instead of driving like they were supposed to? Bokuto's phone, displaying their destination and the steps to get there, sat discarded on the dashboard—abandoned, neglected, and confused about why it wasn't being handled.

"Ko...!" another breath was let loose from (Y/N)'s mouth, provoking Bokuto to forget about warming up her body and head straight for the bud that screamed for attention.

His inked hand ceased its ministries on her inner thigh and moved to fall on her clothed core, noticing how she tensed up the moment his finger met with a certain spot.

"Relax, baby, I got you..." he cooed, eyes not missing the way her shoulders relaxed and she allowed her thighs to fall like jello on his leather seats.


"I got you, baby. I always got you," he whispered in her ear again, rubbing the spot with a bit more ruthlessness attached to the pads of his fingers.

(Y/N) thrust her bottom half forward, collapsing like putty in his hands completely. Her head fell backward and she felt that if he applied any more pressure, she'd be falling off the face of the earth without an object to hold onto. The night sky wouldn't allow that to happen, though, for they'd gift her the ability to defy gravity before she'd get the chance to fall away from her inamorato. Be that as it may, she already reckoned she was defying gravity the moment her inamorato snuck his hand inside the band of her oversized sweatpants, tugging the protective part of her panties aside to expose her pussy to the late-night air.

Bokuto slid his fingers inside her folds, earning a gasp out of (Y/N) in reply.

"All this for me? I'm honored," he chuckled, bringing his hand back up to lick the wetness she secreted during their moments of foreplay.

"You damn tease..." she groaned, rolling her hips in desperation of wanting to feel a part of himself inside her once again.

Bokuto returned his palm inside of her sweatpants, but, before doing it, he dragged the band past her butt to expose her granny panties with strawberry doodles. He let out another laugh at the childish choice of underwear, but he couldn't judge, for he knew he had a pair of Spider-man briefs back at his place.

He further dragged the sweatpants past her knees and down her ankles, watching her exposed lower body squirm in anticipation and eagerness. A sadistic smirk adorned his features as he, for the last time, squeezed (Y/N)'s neck with the hand that would soon leave it, earning another moan and whine from the woman he adored in every way possible. His eyes never left the way she dripped onto his orange leather seats, gripping her hips and dragging her closer to his body. At the same time, he moderately upheaved her in the air and dipped his head underneath, inciting an astonished look from the woman.

"Wait, am I too heavy?" she asked, watching his fingers grip her hips even tighter after she uttered the question.

"Doesn't matter to me."

Bokuto felt that if you couldn't lift your woman and give her oral at the same time, you were useless as a partner in the sex category. He made sure every woman he had the chance to entertain was given the pleasure they deserved, also getting off to seeing the effects he had on bodies like hers. It wasn't often he was able to reach this phase, for most were chased off by his pugnacious appearance and the guise he feigned so his playfulness wouldn't be taken advantage of. If he did make it to this stage, he'd treat every woman he was about to handicap with the utmost care due to his removal of their ability to walk.

"I'll still fuck you in the air when given the chance."

Bokuto dipped his head down and stuck his tongue out, giving a generous lick to the entirety of her needy pussy, and got to work on the clit immediately. (Y/N)'s voice caught itself in her throat as she tossed her head back, eyes meeting with the round shape of the moon. Her lids were forced shut in response to the sensation that emerged from her most sensitive parts, feeling the need to raise her hips, but Bokuto's harsh fingers kept her hovering in place. Her back arched as her pussy clenched on Bokuto's tongue, pressing against her cushion-like walls in search of a specific spot he aimed to hit repeatedly until she was really like pudding in his hands.

It took no time at all to find it, judging by the way (Y/N) jerked her hips away from his mouth. He wouldn't allow her to move away, though, from the way he gripped her hips to the point (Y/N) was sure he'd leave a couple of bruises. The thought of dark spots adorning her body the morning after provoked her to clench her walls even tighter around Bokuto's tongue, eyes rolling in the back of her head. She didn't need to stay awake during the nighttime to see a sky full of stars, for Bokuto took her there. Paired with the laced weed, he flew her up in the sky to altitudes unimaginable, bypassing the insignificant bodies of humans that were dead to the night, acting as if they really were the last awake and alive humans on Earth. (Y/N) could feel the plane come crashing down, though, when she somehow arched her back further and started trembling in the lower parts of her body. This sudden change of body language didn't go unnoticed by Bokuto, so he acted accordingly and sped up his assault on her G-spot.

The tongue piercing didn't help in stopping the crash (Y/N) was ready to experience. After soaring with the stars for so long, was she ready to crash from the height she reached? How kind would Bokuto be to soothe her injuries once the collision was over? In the end, when she plotted back onto Earth and was grounded once anew, would she get a taste of the stars all over again?

All of those questions melted away, though, by virtue of a single sentence uttered by the persecutor of every worry, adoration, and tension that settled in her body.

"Cum for me, baby."

The collision back onto earth was explosive and rigid, yet blissful and euphoric, something (Y/N) hasn't felt in a long, long time. Soft yet strenuous moans of pure ebullience left her puffy lips due to the intense make-out session, now throwing her head back to the point it fell from the doors of the open-hooded car. She witnessed white stars dancing in her vision, eyes completely rolled into the back of her head since Bokuto didn't allow her to ride out her ejaculation. He continued to attack that same spot, relentless in making sure she was given the most exhilarating, electrifying orgasm of her life. His fingertips felt like shocks of electricity against her hips, stimulating the girl further until she was milked down to the bone.

Only until Bokuto felt she depleted the last of her juices did he conclude his ministries, making sure to slurp up every last drop before he even considered lifting his face to meet hers. He slowly set the exhausted woman down, positioning her so she was comfortable enough to catch her breath and calm down from the flight she just returned from. If this had occurred in his own house, he'd up the aftercare and even run a hot bath for his lady, bringing snacks and drinks to replenish her energy. However, being pulled over in the middle of the countryside didn't allow a lot of options for aftercare except kisses and praises for how well she did and how beautiful she was.

Of course, (Y/N) was still a bit hazy, even after Bokuto pulled out a couple of napkins to wipe up the mess she made. Once done, he pulled her panties to cover her throbbing pussy once again and tugged the gray sweatpants back over her waist, both surprised and unvexed at the fact that no stray cars stood witness to the pair, much less even drove past them. (Y/N)'s eyes lazily gazed up at the sky, thanking them for the first time in five years for what they stood witness to and allowed, seemingly nodding back at the woman's words of appreciation.

"You okay, (Y/N)?" Bokuto asked, noticing her body waking up the moment he put the car in drive.

"Yeah, just a bit...tired," she leaned her head back on the seat, finally rotating her body so she could see straight ahead of her.

"You sure live up to your promises," she drowsily snickered, adjusting her body so she could hook the seat belt around her once again.

"Hm? Which one?"

"That you'd take me to heaven."

That night, (Y/N) died in Bokuto's arms, walking the planet's surface like an escaped ghost that forever wandered in the deathless night of immortal stars. She was far from normal, and she knew she was hampering herself from acting on her fullest potential. Fear, however, almost always wins, and, once again, (Y/N) will encounter herself trying to trigger an average lifestyle, aware she was meant for much more. Her absurd fear of the past returning was laughable, for it was already taunting her and staring her down in the face the moment Bokuto approached her at the rollerskating rink.


Gusts of air consistently attacked Bokuto's and (Y/N)'s cheeks the longer they cruised down south, enjoying the bare streets of South Florida with Drake and PARTYNEXTDOOR singing on the radio. 'Deep Pockets', followed by 'Break From Toronto' swayed in the pair's ear canals, inducing a type of intoxication that allowed them to cease from parading as children and appreciate the warmth the south brought amid the nighttime. A soft conversation about absolutely nothing flowed between the two, enrapturing their inamorata/os in not only their voices but their opinions on specific topics as well. Before they knew it, downtown was finally in sight and they could spare some attention towards Bokuto's discarded phone, instructing them on what turns to make in the city of blinding lights.

Following their search for a parking lot, they came across a free one and took advantage with open arms, grabbing it before anybody else had the chance to. It was laughable, really, for the streets were almost deserted, save for a couple of crackheads and the freaks that come out solely at night. This specific hour, after all, either housed the authentic, unspeakable sides of human beings or put the ethical and virtuous to death, waiting until light shined upon the earth once more before they'd even consider leaving the comforts of their own home.

The pair was thoroughly impressed at the fancy interior of the 24-hour restaurant, noticing how the woman at the counter groaned at the fact that a customer even showed up at this ungodly hour. Judging by Bokuto's appearance and (Y/N)'s clothes, it truly gave her the hallmarks of 'up to no good', so the woman sought her best to appear as polite as possible to thwart a robbery befalling the restaurant.

(Y/N) rolled her bloodshot eyes at the woman's feigned kindness as she scurried to seat them as soon as possible, slapping two menus on their table before stating their waiter would eventually make an appearance.

"If the workers are rude or fake nice to the point it's obvious, the food is bussin'," (Y/N) stated, opening up the menu to scope out pictures of mouth-watering (E/N) dishes.

"All of the worst encounters I've had always served amazing food, you just gotta eat in the car or something so the experience isn't ruined," she cackled, still apperceiving the THC invade her system as if she smoked several blunts.

It came to a point (Y/N) was paranoid she'd have to attend class intoxicated, which she'd definitely done before, but she had a project to present tomorrow. Worst of all, her partner was dead and couldn't finish their half, meaning the entire assignment was completed by herself. (Y/N) has always been a smart woman—as much as she hated to admit it due to ignorance being bliss—so it was easy for her to execute the simple tasks she handed to her partner. The occurrence even further proved you couldn't rely on no damn body except for yourself, which was verified by (Y/N) the longer she had to 'depend' on others.

"I've been thinking about your question a lot, (Y/N)," Bokuto suddenly spoke up, taking the woman by surprise.

"I feel like I asked a lot of questions tonight. Which one?"

"When you asked about the meaning of my tattoos," he paused for a few seconds, attempting to ameliorate his word choice before saying just anything.

"I wasn't entirely truthful. I guess the actual drawings of most of the tattoos don't really mean anything, but the context of it and my right arm do have meaning."

(Y/N) raised her eyebrows, dropping the menu and forwarding all of her attention towards Bokuto. Her interest peaked when he acknowledged the multiple snakes adorning his right arm, giving the illusion of slithering up, down, and encircling the muscle, tightening around him and forcing him into a place of coercive circumstances.

"Oh? I remember you saying you got them out of insecurity."

"Yeah, that part was true. It's a long story, you wanna order the food before I tell you?"

"Sure, I know what I want. Waiter!!!"


"This food is bussin'. I literally just nutted."

"Shit, me too!"

"Anyway, are you gonna tell me the meaning behind the tattoos or stall forever?"

"I don't know, stalling forever sounds kinda good right now..."

"I'll stab you with this fork."

"Okay, woman! Where do I even start...?"

(Y/N) looked the man up and down, unsure of where she wanted him to start either. She figured that she wanted him to start at the 'insecurity' part, but she wasn't sure if there was a story before it that aided in the cognizance of his entire picture.

"How about...the insecurity part?" she suggested anyway.

Bokuto placed the fork on his plate after taking another bite, shifting himself in his seat so he could at least feel physically comfortable, if not mentally comfortable. His piercing gaze met with (Y/N)'s own, filled to the brim with untainted curiosity, pushing him to be more comfortable since she had no underlying motives other than to satisfy her own inquisitiveness.

"It's a really long story, though."

"You already said that. I truly don't give a damn, we've been out in the AM for like, two hours now? Go on," she assured him, waving her hand and embellishing a tranquil smile.

"It started back in Japan. My curiosity for drugs and a life I never knew about, along with my playful attitude, got me in real trouble with the law. I was just a teenager at the time, but thanks to my ADHD, I was automatically treated worse than the majority. They thought I was bound to end up as a bad guy, despite being the captain of the volleyball team."

"You have ADHD?"

"It was more prominent as a teenager, but, now, I get high so often you can't tell most of the time."

(Y/N) sat an elbow on the table and allowed her face to fall in the palm, squishing her skin against the limb.

"Go on, sweetheart."

"After I got arrested for the first time, that really caused the downward spiral of my life. I was forced off the volleyball team and I couldn't find the will to live unless I was high off of something. Keep in mind I was only a teenager, so, of course, I didn't know better. I hung out with the wrong people, and they laced my shit one day and snitched when they saw how much better I was at selling. I was still an amateur, fucking up so often I almost got life in prison."

Bokuto's fists tightened on the table, provoking the rest of his body to tense up the longer the story built up to its climax. (Y/N) caught the change in his body language, reaching for his hands to trace circles in his tattooed knuckles that, if you looked close enough, were painted in scars telling tales of many life-threatening battles. The tension in his muscles released themselves when he felt her warmth, taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

"I was on the verge of death and I was running away from the police. It was pretty obvious my life was over, until I bumped into this man..."

His eyes lit up with a mellow dazzle, alerting (Y/N) that the man he was about to mention probably was an important figure in his life.

"He was from Jamaica. You wouldn't believe the look on my face when he yelled at me to get in his pickup truck in Japanese. I could barely understand him because his accent was so thick, and only until he started talking in English did I understand. The only reason I knew what he was saying was because of the look in his eyes, kinda like that look you give to a child who's about to get run over by a truck. He took me in that truck and fled the scene, maneuvering around the police force like it was nothing. He took us to an entirely different city and nourished me, helping me through all my withdrawals. It was crazy, really, letting a random man take me to a different city. However, I didn't care, I just needed to run away from there. I wasn't welcome anymore, for they had my wanted pictures every fucking where."

"How did you end up all the way across the world?" (Y/N) inquired, knowing they were still in Japan when all of this happened.

"Well, first, he took me to Cuba. He said he was one of the most wanted criminals in Japan, so he planned to flee with his entire entourage. I was lucky, he told me, for I was now a part of his entourage. Of course, the rest of them looked at me as crazy because I was Japanese training under a Jamaican man, but he always kept me around no matter where he went, like an assistant. Well, more like a nephew, since that's what he called me. He didn't allow me to take any drugs until I turned 20, when I was old enough to know better. Thanks to him, I know everything there is to know about this business and I speak four different languages. He saved my life, and I owe everything I have now to him. Sometimes, I wish he was still here..."

"I'm so sorry, Ko. How did he die?"

"Oh, he isn't dead. He's living his best life in Cuba. He said he found a guy that looks exactly like Tupac, but don't tell anybody I said that," Bokuto whispered the last part with a smile on his face, looking around the restaurant to make sure nobody was eavesdropping.

It wasn't like anybody was in the restaurant in the first place.

"Ohh, so how did you end up in Miami?"

"He said I had enough potential to surpass him and he was getting old, so he wanted to live the rest of his life in Cuba with his wife. He handed the business over to me and transferred us to Miami after saying, and I quote, "Now, get the hell up out of here so I can live my life in peace, ya' damned leeches!" he was the funniest person I knew. After that, I met some people in Miami, made treaties, made business partners, and, just as he predicted, I surpassed him."

Bokuto paused for a second.

"It was a bittersweet feeling. It's always a bittersweet feeling when you pass the people you look up to the most. But, even when I was only a teenager, he always believed in me. Even when I refused to touch a gun four years ago, he constantly bragged about my dealing skills and strategies to his entourage. There were only two other Japanese boys there. At the time, one called himself Black Cat, then shifted into a new name. The other was a boy I used to play volleyball with in middle school. Black Cat went on to build another business while the dude I used to play volleyball with decided to be my right-hand man."

"Ah, how does it tie into the tattoos?" she inquired again.

"Fuck, I went off-topic! Well, there's my backstory, I guess. The tattoos were because the gang had so much doubt in me that it made me really insecure. My mentor said, "Fuck what they think! Just get you some tattoos, boy! Show them you ain't no pussy!" So, I went out and got a whole bunch of nothing. When it was time to have my right sleeve done, I stopped to think for a second..."

(Y/N) leaned in closer, completely engrossed in the entire story.

"He had a bunch of snake tattoos on his back. I would ask him, "Why snakes? Don't they mean disloyalty and dishonor?" He looked at me and smacked my head, obviously annoyed at my answer. His entourage was around and left the room immediately, knowing he appreciated his privacy when uncovering the history behind his tattoos."

"I'll never forget what he told me."

"Boy, you think I'd just casually put a symbol of snitching on my back? What do you take me for? A bumboclaat?" a tall dark-skin man pointed at Bokuto's chest, poking him where he just got his tattoos.

He was dressed in a simple brown suit, endowing locs that were too long to keep down his back, so he always tied them in a bun so he wouldn't have to hassle with the locs all day long.

A young Bokuto winced in reply to his strong finger but continued to hold his ground, learning not to give into pain so easily when he trained under the man before him.

His name was High John, though, that wasn't his real name. He'd use it consistently in fear of a priest or a devotee discovering his government name and placing a voodoo spell on him. Instances like that were entirely too common in his area, so he kept a piece of High John the Conqueror Root on him so often that his neighbors started nicknaming him 'Lil High John'. That wasn't the only reason he was nicknamed 'High John'. The man led his gang in a war against the oppressive police force and, surprisingly, won, saving his neighborhood from the gentrification of white billionaires. Because his story was so similar to High John the Conqueror's story, they dropped the 'lil' and started calling him High John. Following that event, however, he was exiled from Jamaica and took refuge in Japan, adapting the language and the culture with ease. Be that as it may, he could never drop the accent due to being around his gang so much, so half of the Japanese population couldn't understand him unless he code-switched.

High John was a well-respected man, especially in his line of business. His entourage consisted solely of men who looked like him, for he was very wary of any pale person that'd cross his path and give him the dirty eye. Nonetheless, when he witnessed a little boy on the run from the police who clearly needed help instead of jail time, he couldn't help but take him in, now housing three Japanese boys: Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto.

"No, sir."

"Good. Sit down, boy, and I'll tell you a little something."

Bokuto adored his mentor. Bokuto wouldn't be seen without High John walking next to him, smoking a joint and daring someone to utter something about their race dynamic. He was like the son High John never had, often calling the boy 'nephew' or even 'son'. His 'nephew' raced to sit down in one of the couches that decorated the brown room, filled to the brim with dark oak wood until you got sick of it. High John's HQ held the same vibe as an older black ladies' home, similar to a grandma who concocted the best soul plate that literally collided with your soul when digested. He and his wife had an outdated taste in furniture choices, but Bokuto loved it, for it made him feel more welcome than any other place back in Japan.

They currently resided in Cuba, now counting two countries High John was chased out of.

"You truly think snakes mean something bad? Must've been them damn white folk! Nephew, let me tell you something about snakes in me and my wife's tradition."

High John sat in a tattered recliner, pulling the seat up so he could relax his feet. In the background, an old  80s-style TV displayed reruns of the VHS tapes High John never stopped replaying, prompting Bokuto to see the same Good Times episode for the last couple of months.

"I'm sure you've heard of the story of Adam and Eve. It's not that popular in Japan, but you've learned about it recently, right?"

Bokuto nodded, tapping his foot to the theme song of Good Times.

"In that story, the snake demonized the original meaning to a lot of folks who look like me. Thanks to them damn conquistadors, snakes all around the world have a negative meaning to wherever they stretched their colonization."

High John lit a cigar, stinking up the room with the awful stench Bokuto grew to love, simply because it was High John's scent. In the future, he'd grow to find out the stench was actually very pleasant, however, for now, he scrunched up his nose and wafted the scent away from his nose.

"All the women in my life were amazing role models. Beautiful, beautiful ladies. They taught me every life skill I know, and I treasure every woman on this planet because of my upbringing, especially my asshole of a wife. I mean, she threatened to put me out because I didn't cut my hair! What type of woman does that?! A sexy woman like her, apparently," High John laughed; he was the type of uncle to get off-track very easily, spinning the topic into something that deviated completely from the original.

"Anyway, back to the subject, my mama loved snakes. She had a pet snake that I used to be too afraid to interact with until she told me the symbolism behind owning a snake..." he took another drag of his cigar, smoking up the room terribly.

He knew he'd be hearing from his wife very soon, he just wanted to appear like a cool uncle in front of his nephew, though he'd never admit it.

"Snakes, in our tradition, represented wisdom and fertility. I had always wondered why my grandma was nicknamed Cobra, for she was wise and gave birth to fifteen children. I still can't believe it, now that I look back."

"You all slept in one house together?!" Bokuto replied, eyes wider than the joint High John smoked on.

"Absolutely, nephew! Six by the head, six by the leg. The three oldest were allowed to sleep on the couches!" he laughed again, entertained by the way Bokuto was astonished at every one of his stories.

"Snakes were super important to the women in the family, especially since our household traditions were more matriarchal than patriarchal. Fertility was important to us since them white folks was so adamant about killing our black asses! However, we survived, and we're big! The men were beaten badly, so most of the time, it was the women who stepped up and took on the load. I can never thank them enough, so I got the snake tattoos in their honor," High John stood up from his position on the recliner and unbuttoned his shirt, flexing the material off so his nephew could see the multiple cobras that aligned his body.

"From left to right represents my grandma, my mama, my aunties, and, lastly my wonderful wife."

He turned back around to face Bokuto.

"Nephew, let me tell you something about women."

High John slipped the button shirt back on but never bothered to attach the buttons back together, allowing his chiseled chest to stay bare.

"Women are the strongest people on earth. They're what kept this human race alive! Yet, they're one of the most oppressed groups in this world. Men take women for granted...until they decide to leave..."

"Nephew, listen clearly. Women are the most beautiful people to grace this earth. Everything you attained, you probably have a woman to thank for it. Cherish all women, treat them with respect, and don't you eva' underestimate them."

" they've been through more than what you ever could've endured."





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