Superheroes [AU] 5SOS

By PanicCliffordx

17.4K 477 424

What if... What if you were flying, but without wings to carry you? What if you communicated with words, with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Bonus Chapter

377 13 4
By PanicCliffordx

Say Something - Great Big World & Christina Anguilera
Gabrielle Aplin - Salvation
(These songs are suggested for when you read this chapter, mostly because I wrote it with playing these two. They add a bit of drama I guess.)

Luke's p.o.v.

My eyes widened and my heart started to beat a thousand times faster, even though it had been beating extremely fast already. Alaya had just jumped in front of Ashton to save his life and now she was the one that was lying on the ground, looking like she wasn't even breathing, which she might not be doing for real.

"Alaya!" Ashton yelled with wide eyes, immediately getting down on his knees next to her, seemingly no longer paralysed as his shaking hands reached out for her.

All I could do was stand still in shock and look at them, as memories seemed to flash before my eyes, like your life flashes by when you're about to die and you know it...

"Why do you always sit on that spot? The couch is big enough for three people, yet you always sit right." She asked me as she was sat on the ground, Ashton next to her and both half under Calum's duvet.

I shrugged. "Does it matter?"

"No... but I just noticed." It was almost as if she was just looking for an excuse to talk to me...Maybe she was, who was I to say differently? I'm confusing myself.

She turned back around and Ashton whispered something in her ear, making her giggle, which sounded lovely. I had to admit I was a bit jealous, because he was so close to her and he was the one to make her giggle that way.

It was that moment that I realized I just wanted to talk to her and be with her, making her laugh or simply smile, a reoccurring feeling. Maybe describable as a crush...?


We had decided to go on a picnic, for some strange reason, and so here we were, a blanket on the grass near the river, the food long abandoned as we were all sitting at the side of the river, our feet in it.

"It's nice." Alaya said, letting out a happy sigh as her eyes were closed and she had her face turned towards the sky.

"Oh really?" Ashton questioned, a smirk appearing slowly as Alaya nodded. "Alright then." Ashton got up and before Alaya could even react, he had pushed her in the water, causing her to let out a shriek. He was still at the side, laughing loudly as Calum and Michael laughed softly as well, me just shaking my head with a smile.

"ASHTON!" He didn't stop with laughing, not even when she rose from the water and inched towards the side. Before we could blink she had pulled him in the water as well, making us three burst out in laughing.

I was the first to control my laughter, though the smile never left my face. I looked at the two in the water, pushing each other in the water over and over, though they were already as wet as possible.

"What are you staring at, Hemmings?" Calum asked as he bumped my shoulder with his. I noticed I had been looking at Alaya all the time, but I wouldn't tell him that, so I simply looked at him and shrugged.

"The water is quite shiny, I was wondering how clean it is." I said, without even thinking about it. God, that sounded stupid...

Calum rose an eyebrow, while behind him Michael was motioning at me to help him push Calum in the water. I smiled and Michael began counting down with his fingers. As all his fingers were down, both he and I grabbed a shoulder and pushed Calum into the water, laughing as he was caught by surprise.

"Water fight!" Ashton yelled and before I knew it, someone had pulled me into the water. I rose quickly, spitting out some water and looking around me to see who had pulled me in. The closest to me was Michael, but he seemed surprised so I figured it hadn't been him. The only other option were Calum and Alaya as they were running, or half swimming since the water came to a little above our waists, away.

"You're gonna pay!" Michael yelled, chasing them, me following, deciding I would just get my revenge on the first person I got to.

"Run! Or swim! Whatever!" Ashton yelled, trying to go to the other side of the river, but he got caught by Michael and was pushed underwater. I somehow caught up with Alaya and jumped at her, taking her under with me. We both rose at the same time, spitting out water and looking at each other. She was grinning like mad and made me smile, something I found myself doing a lot around her.

"Nice one." She told me, but before I could respond Calum was on my back and dragging me under. As I came back up again, Alaya was trying to get Michael underwater and Calum was running away.


I locked the door behind me and walked into the living room, to see four sleeping bodies near the TV. Ashton was on the armchair, his feet on the table as Michael was on the floor, half underneath his duvet and arms wide. Calum was lying on the one half of the couch, half off it, and Alaya on the other side, taking most of the couch. I smiled at them, but mostly at Alaya. She looked so peaceful and carefree, especially because I knew that when she was awake, she was always thinking or stressing.

I considered going to Calum's room to get his duvet to cover Alaya and Calum, but it didn't really seem like Ashton and Calum were in a comfortable position, so I decided to wake them all, starting with Ashton and Michael. Ashton was easily awakened, stretching as I tried to wake up Michael.

"Leave me alone." He mumbled, hiding his face in his pillow.

"Michael, the floor isn't comfortable. Get your ass up and go to your room."

"Ugh, fine." I turned back to Ashton, who was gently shaking Calum awake.

"I'll bring Alaya to her room." I offered, stepping over Michael to get to the side of the couch Alaya was on.

"Yeah, I'll make sure Michael and Calum get to their rooms and I'll meet you upstairs." Ashton told me, as I carefully lifted Alaya off the couch and took her upstairs. She wasn't all too heavy and stayed asleep as I carried her to her room. It took me some time to open her door without letting her fall and in the meantime all she had done was leaning her head on my chest. It made my heart flutter a little and I think there could even be butterflies in my stomach...


"Calum Thomas Hood and Lucas Robert Hemmings!" Calum and I both jumped a little, surprised because of Alaya, who stood in the doorway that led to the kitchen, looking at us angrily. I didn't know why she was angry or why she looked at us like that, but damn, did she look sexy... No, focus on why she was yelling.

"Can we help you?" Calum mumbled, before eating the piece of bacon he had left.

"You are eating my bacon!" She responded in a raised voice, staring wide eyed at Calum, who was eating the bacon and teasing her by asking if she meant that. That was what made her snap as she lunged forward, trying to grab Calum, who was way faster and already gone before she even reached the couch, which caused her to end up upside down, while I couldn't help but laugh.

She pouted, which was extremely cute, and then tried to hit me with her foot, but that only made her fall on the floor. I wished I could stop laughing and comfort her, but it was just so cute and funny how silly she was.

I felt a pang of jealousy when Ashton offered to make some new bacon, but it was soon replaced by a little hurt as she called me an asshole, even though it was a joke.

"I will buy you some chocolate later, is that okay Ally?" Calum then offered, as I suddenly thought of my nickname for her. I didn't have one, since I mostly just talked to her without needing her name or I just called her Alaya... Will that make her think I don't like her as much as the other boys? No, that's stupid. Right?

"It's not the same, but fine." She mumbled as she got pulled off the ground by Calum, who then announced to go check up on Michael before disappearing and leaving me on the couch as Alaya went to the kitchen, after glaring at me for a moment.

Maybe I should have been the one to offer her some new made bacon. Or some chocolate as replacement. Wow, I really looked like an asshole, didn't I?


"Maybe you should ask her out." I looked at Harry as I bit my lip, pondering whether I should or not.

"Okay, maybe I should, but where to?"

"I don't know. Whatever she likes. A movie would probably be enough to get used to the idea of a date I guess." He said with a shrug and I nodded, already thinking of the possible movies that were currently in the cinema's.

"Oh, and I heard chocolate helps a lot." He looked a little confused as he told me that as if he didn't really know why it would help.

"Thanks." I smiled, planning the date in my head already. It was too bad I hadn't seen Ashton today yet, and by now we had the last class before the two week break, because he could definitely help me...

"I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you..."

*A/N: So basically, this was just a (very) small chapter with some flashbacks, to give you some insight in Luke's feelings, since I didn't really make those clear (in my opinion, though I probably still didn't with this). And I'm sorry if the cursive was really annoying to read, but I didn't really know how else to make clear they were flashbacks... :| HI. BYE. LOVE YOU <3 (This chapter sucks, so you're awesome for even starting on it). And I felt sad writing the last flashback as it's obviously (or not so obviously) the exact day before they disappeared :|

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