Ask and Dare (V&7K)

By GogglesBabe

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Got any questions for your fave couple? Crazy dares? Reactions?? Ask em here and you'll get em!! The gang fro... More

Welcome to Our Channel!
•REQUEST FORM (closed)•
Hugo Having to Compliment Us?
2 Boys Trapped in a Room All Day Cuz They're Very Gay
Hugs and Reaction for Hugo!
Who's Scared of Tiny Green Elves?
Varigo: Loathe or Love?
So About Those Requests-

Most Embarrassing Stories?

980 20 87
By GogglesBabe

Channel: AlchemyBookz

*camera pans out*

Varian: hi guys! ;)
Welcome back to another video request! I'm really excited to see what you guys got this time!

Hugo: *raises eyebrow* don't mind me, but it sounds like you're forcing yourself to be positive for all this...

Yong: well even if Varian isn't, I am!

Varian: I'm fine-
It doesn't hurt if you got a good attitude Hugo.

Hugo: ya sure about that because if I recall—

Nuru: lets just open up the request... *pushes Varian aside and opens up tab* there we are!

Nuru: ...

Hugo: *holds hand to ear* I'm not hearing excited responses from anybody

Nuru: I don't see you looking happy either!

Yong: embarrassing stories? COOL!!

Varian: *runs hand over face* greaaaaaaat... just what I need.

Hugo: *smirking laughter in his voice* I know it's what I need.

Nuru: *whips around* you have to tell us your most embarrassing story too! Don't act so smug!

Hugo: who says?

Varian: *points to screen* right there. What is your most embarrassing story.

Hugo: yeah. One story. It doesn't specify any of us so in conclusion... only one of us has to take the hit.

Varian: but since it isn't specified that implies we all should tell one story each...

Hugo: you want to embarrass yourself? I'm trying to make a point!

Nuru: aha, so you DONT want to tell us anything yourself either! You afraid of looking uncool?

Hugo: heh, very funny. I am not. I haven't done anything truly embarrassing enough to damage my reputation.
You on the other hand should be worried, I bet you've done some really stupid shit.


Varian: ... *sighs*

Yong: I don't see the big deal! It'll be really fun plus we'll get to know each other better!

Nuru: maybe for you Yong but as you get older there's more chances to do something embarrassing. *groans* why did someone have to ask this of us?

Hugo: again, only one of us ha-

Nuru: pretty sure it STILL doesn't work like that.

Varian: yeah Hugo we're going to have to, plus if we don't actually all of us do it, they'll probably just dare us all specifically.

Hugo: *huffs and crosses arms* fine. I tried to save you from the trouble but whatever-

Yong: aww it won't be that bad hugo! You'll have fun! You'll see!

Hugo: id have more fun if I wasn't the one that had to be telling anything.
I've been telling practically everything about myself already! *throws hands in the air*

Varian: well you wanted to be famous sooo...
That's the life of a celebrity. Everyone knows anything about that person...

Hugo: oh shut it-

Varian: *sighs* just saying the facts here.

Hugo: well I don't need to hear it.

Nuru: boys. Enough, let's just get these stories over with.

Yong: yeah!! So Varian can sing!

Varian: SING?!

Nuru: I swear do you guys even read? *rolls eyes* you're supposed to sing a love song to Hugo for the dare.

Hugo: hahaha, niceeeeee

Varian: *red faced* oh come on! Ugh, why is there so much humiliation...?

Yong: I'm sure your singing voice is beautiful Varian! All that matters is you have fun, oh and doing the dare of course.

Hugo: hes probably worried he'll start croaking or go off key by looking at me. Cuz I mean... ;3

Varian: haha no. That's not it. Like. At all.

Hugo: *smirks* RIGGGGGHHT...

Yong: so are we doing the stories first and then the performance?

Varian: stories. *grumpy face* Also it's not a performance. There's only singing. That's it.

Nuru: yeah I think we call agree we just want to get the stories over with.


Varian: except for Yong- *cracks a small smile*

Hugo: yep. sparky is the only one who's enthusiastic about this.

Yong: so who wants to go first? Cuz I'd like to go but if any of you want to go before me I'll let you! :D

Nuru: *laughs nervously* I have no problem letting you go-

Hugo: knock yourself out

Varian: I certainly have no objections, you can go. *smiles amused and concerned*
Why are you so happy about this?

Yong: well I already said why didn't I? It'll be a bonding thing! Plus it'll be really funny-

Nuru: oh god help me...

Varian: HAHA yEAhhhhh... funny... *looks dead inside*

Yong: okay so this what happened to me that I'd say is pretty embarrassing. It happened a couple of months right before Varian showed up! *looks at him and beams*
I was trying to make some awesome fireworks...

Hugo: *bored* lemme guess; then you blew up the emperor's palace?

Yong: what? No! Definitely not! *waves hands* that would've been awful!

Hugo: bummer. Dudes a bit fat and has too much gold.

Nuru: *slaps Hugo's arm* ignore him.

Yong: uhh so anyway I was working on them and I had gotten some stuff for it, and I wondered if I could cook dumplings faster with a special firework.
So I kinda stole the dumplings for dinner cuz the table was being set and stuffed them in the firework tube and tried to make it as so it wouldn't fly off and explode... *laughs* and then when I lit it, it didn't do anything for two whole minutes. So I grabbed it and it exploded.
DUMPLINGS WENT EVERYWHERE!! they like shot up to the ceiling and one went out the window, landing on my aunt who was coming over. I was so embarrassed once my parents found me with a dumpling covered room but it was so fun cuz the dumpling was still stuck in Aunt Shotia's hair piece! *doubles over with laughter*
I was made fun of a lot after that but it's still funny-

Nuru: *laughs*

Varian: *smiles* ha, that is a kinda funny. You always seem to having some crazy mishap with your fireworks.

Yong: well with every failure is a chance to get better! *giggles*

Varian: *smiles warmly as he rubs his head* there certainly is

Hugo: I don't see how that's embarrassing-

Yong: it's the most embarrassing thing I can think of for myself, but to be honest it was mostly embarrassing for my family...

Varian: you did fine, don't worry! You gave us a good laugh.

Yong: :D

Hugo: okay who's up next then? *waves hand around* is it you or her royal prissyness-

Nuru: I've got a name Hugo...

Hugo: doesn't mean I gotta use it tho

Varian: how about I go then...? *waves hands in front of them* just please stop arguing.

Yong: haha, that's funny! Considering how you and Hugo fight all the time Varian!

Hugo: *smirks* yeah Goggles, real rich coming from you-

Varian: *rolls eyes* shut up

Hugo: make me~

Varian: *dead glares him* really-

Hugo: >:3

Varian: *sighs* okay here's my most embarrassing story.
*muttering* One that everyone already probably knows because the internet knows everything about me apparently...
I actually tried to turn lead into gold when I was younger, like when I was 7 and getting better and learning the basics at alchemy. I was inspired back then from old tales and books on alchemists that tried to accomplish *snorts* that very obviously impossible feat-
But younger me didn't know that so I messed around with everything I could think of, and I even ended up melting down my dad's hoe and 'borrowing' my neighbor's stuff. *nervous laugh* needless to say I could be pretty sneaky when I took these items and soon everyone realized everything was missing so they found me, or more precisely my dad did.
And just in time to watch me ruin everything and make a fool of myself trying to make gold out of other materials-

Hugo: THAT. Is. Your. Story?

Varian: yeah? What's wrong with it?

Hugo: it's shit- I mean really how is that embarrassing?!

Nuru: *groans as the two boys start bickering*

Varian: it is to me!! That's the whole reason I was referred to as a wizard when I'm a man of science! THAT's HUMILIATING. Also it is very embarrassing to take on a research project on turning other materials into gold!!

Yong: embarrassing doesn't have to mean funny all the time...

Hugo: I can't believe that's your most embarrassing moment of you while entire life.

Nuru: how about you stop being so cynical and share your story then? *glares* instead of acting like you're better then everyone!

Hugo: I'm not acting if I AM BETTER-

Varian: okay stop it. Just do your story? Please?

Hugo: Gladly-
My most embarrassing story or moment, whatever I'll label it here was someone walking in on me making ou-

Varian: *slaps hand over Hugo's mouth* *whispering through his teeth face red* WHAT THE HECK HUGO-?!

Hugo: *moves hand* I was talking

Varian: CHOOSE SOMETHING ELSE!! I doubt you were embarrassed anyway!! >\\\<

Yong: ???

Nuru: .... why... why can't we have one normal video?

Varian: gee I wonder- *glared at Hugo*

Hugo: this was my most embarrassing moment so I gotta tell, besides I don't know why you're so bothered by it. It's got nothing to do with you-

Varian: *blinks* I-it doesn't?!

Hugo: Nope-
*crosses arms*
As I was saying with embarrassing moment and all that; it was when Donella walked in on me making out with a guy way back when-
No one knew I was gay, so yeah, that was awkward as hell and embarrassing for a number of reasons-
I was forced to hold hands with him in public and only after our punishment was done did Donella verbally attack me-
So another story of humiliation and embarrassment for the road, there you go.

Nuru: *speechless*

Yong: that sounds sad more then anything...

Hugo: nahhh it fine, probably the worst-best story I got for this occasion. Nothing else really embarrassed me. It all in the past anyhow-

Varian: ... WHO AGAIN?!

Hugo: what do you mean who?

Varian: ffgchjkkarubj... THE GUY!! Who was the guy!! *face red* how long ago was this?!

Nuru: guys remember to keep this conversation PG!!

Hugo: *looks back at him* why does it matter and how is it relevant to the embarrassing factor of the story?

Varian: HOW MUCH DID YOU MAKE OUT WITH HIM?! And why is this the first time I'm hearing it?!

Hugo: first off, why you wanna know? And second, it's cuz he isn't worth shit remembering. *annoyed* why you flipping out on me?

Yong: I-I think he's jealous...


Hugo: then why are you yelling and so red? Huh?

Varian: because.. you... ARTVJKKKLLLL *stomps out of room*

*door snaps shut*

*uncomfortable silence*

Yong: soo... uhhh... Nuru it's your turn? *smiles weakly*

Nuru: huh? Oh... yeah- *awkwardly clears throat* the video must go on...

Hugo: I'm listening for sure... *leans over to pay attention*

Nuru: *ignores him and sighs* The most embarrassing story I've got is pretty short but significant.
My parents let me start off the annual festival in our kingdom and in order to that... we do this wonderful music piece with a special instrument.
I was allowed to play it to open up the festival but then I uhhh... I played one wrong note and shattered a lot of windows...
It's a powerful instrument- *looks up at ceiling* -so of course I had to panic and tried to play the right notes to cover up my mistake and I embarrassed myself in front of the whole kingdom.

Yong: oh yikes! *laughs a little* I think I would be really nervous-

Hugo: mehhhh... all your stories are much or less the same thing-

Nuru: well at least it isn't about getting caught doing a little more then kissing!! *glares* And why didn't you go after your boyfriend?! He's obviously hurt you never told him!

Hugo: oh my god, there was no reason to tell him because that guy is and has been completely irrelevant. It was years ago-
I don't get why he's got to lose his head over it! *scoffs*

Nuru: wouldn't you be hurt if he had been in a relationship you never knew about that was... intimate?!

Hugo: no. No I wouldn't. Because obviously it doesn't matter at that point if he's with me-

Nuru: *deep breathing as she turns away*

Yong: *looking between them and back at the camera* ...

Varian: I'm back- *sits down drinking smoothie aggressively* what'd I miss?

Yong: *about to explain*

Hugo: Nuru fucked up with a sacred instrument in front of her whole kingdom basically- nothing big

Nuru: EXCUSE ME-?!

Varian: It doesn't matter guys! Drop it- *puts drink down* we just need to finish the video-

Nuru: *takes deep breath again* you're right... I can tell you about it my words later anyway-

Varian: what's left to do if you did your story then?

Yong: well Varian your dare is to sing a romantic song to Hugo.. *nervous*
I hope you're not still upset with him-

Hugo: again why does he need to be upset? My past dating life means nothing because Goggles here is the only one that matters.

Varian: ... i still would've liked to know tho...

Nuru: yeah, most people do-

Hugo: I- *inhales* Goggles, that was years ago and he doesn't matter, I promise. I didn't want to bring up something like that because I just thought it didn't matter! You can't tell me that dated no one ever-

Varian: actually yeah... I've never dated. Anyone.

Yong: oof-

Varian: except you *blushes*
*stands up* I think I'll do that dare now-
Ahem... *plays music*

*sings the words shyly at first but ends up going stronger*

*everyone watching smiling*

Hugo: *sitting there watching him finish singing*

Yong: *claps* That was so good Varian!!!

Nuru: yeah, great song! And it was really sweet *smiles*

Hugo: y-yeah... it was nice

Varian: eh I was only doing a dare. *laughs* nothing big-
It's not like I sang it just for you.

Hugo: *smirks* of course- purely business.

Yong: -_-
why won't you say you just love each other?

Varian: *blushes* YONG-

Yong: what??

Nuru: okay guys we completed the dares for the video now, *motions to screen* this I running pretty long now-

Varian: oh yeah! Uhhh... yeah so like Nuru said that's it-

Yong: like and subscribe if you liked what you saw! Please? *waves at camera*

Varian: yeah that way you can be notified on our latest content and help suggest fun stuff for us to make!
Our channel AlchemyBookz is sponsored by moonshadowwolf17 so click the link and check her out!
Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time-


Nuru: Hugo they can ask whatever they want- that's how this works-

Varian: sorry babe, she's right-

Hugo: *chokes* WUT?!

Varian: bye guys!! *smiles mischievously* hope you enjoyed!

*camera cuts to black as background noise dissolves into chaos*

Moony: hey guys!

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