Superheroes [AU] 5SOS

By PanicCliffordx

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What if... What if you were flying, but without wings to carry you? What if you communicated with words, with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

493 13 27
By PanicCliffordx

Ashton's p.o.v. (Surprise :D)

I had just turned a corner, when something jumped at me. I managed to avoid the half bird half fish that had tried to bite me and throw it to the ground, before another beast jumped at me.

It was a bit ago that my mother had shown up and told me that she was my mother and... It was still a bit weird...

Anyway, point I wanted to make: I sort of lost everyone. We had split up after the revelation of me being related to Alaya and ever since, I kind of lost sight of everyone. I did see Luke and Alaya together for a second some time ago, but they were gone quickly and so I was on my own.

"Ashton! You have to help me get to the gym hall!" I suddenly heard someone yell from beside me. In the short moment I looked away and to my right another beast jumped at me, but again I managed to avoid it. I quickly made my way towards Alaya, who was fighting of some person.

"Why do you need to go to the gym hall?" I asked her, grabbing the person by his collar and pushing him away.

"They knocked Maya out and I bet they're taking her to the gym hall." I nodded, knowing she really wanted to help Maya. I wasn't sure why, but Maya seemed to be siding with the bad guys. She didn't exactly seem like herself though, more like a robot.

I wanted to ask her more questions, maybe about what she knew of Maya's weird behaviour, or maybe how our mother was like, there were so many. Yet the look she gave me made me reconsider. I could ask her any other time, just not now. We had to fight and defend our school, how weird this whole situation was, in so many ways.

"Come on." I told her, pushing people and beasts aside to make a path for us. We had been pretty close to the entrance still and had to turn a few corners, so I was careful, making sure everything was safe for us to walk through before gesturing for Alaya to follow me. I couldn't bear the thought of her getting injured. Or worse. Dying. And that wasn't even due the fact we were related. We had been friends for so long already and I always had that brother-sister bond with her, even before we knew. I had to do this safely, for the both of us.

We soon reached the gym hall, where a lot of people tried to keep beasts from entering, only letting through people who were on our side.

"Thanks, I'll see you soon yeah?" She gave me a quick hug, before going into the gym hall and disappearing in the crowd of people. They had tried to set up some sort of a camp for the injured people there, which had worked for a bit, but now they had to get rid of all the beast and anti-heroes that threatened to invade it, obviously.

I took a quick look around, before deciding it might be smarter to go outside, as that was the place where the anti-heroes and beasts came from. And who knew, maybe I would find whoever was leading this there.

I turned corner after corner and jogged through the crowds of fighting people and beasts, helping whenever needed, which slowed me down a bit, but I couldn't just let people fight on their own.

I was about to go outside when a huge blue and silver dragon landed in front of me. My eyes widened as it seemed a bit impossible to go against it, but soon enough it started talking to me.

"Thank god, I found you. I heard someone say you were dead!" I frowned, mostly because someone had somehow thought I was dead and a bit because it was in fact a talking dragon.

"Eh, I'm obviously still alive?" I said, before the dragon started to change size and form and became a person I knew very well by now. "Why are you even that worried about me, Yade?"

Her eyes seemed to widen a little, before she looked away and shuffled a bit with her feet.


"It's nothing okay." She snapped, before letting out a sigh and rubbing her forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm glad you're okay, now let's go and find whoever is leading this attack."

"Wait." I said, as I grabbed her wrist since she had tried to turn around and walk away. "Why are you so concerned about me? I thought you hated me."

She let her head hang down, before turning to me and looking at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

"I don't hate you. I'm just frustrated with myself..." She muttered, looking me right in the eyes. I could faintly see her cheeks get a little red as she bit her lip. Was this really happening?

My eyes flickered to her lips, as I thought of what could possibly go wrong if I would just make a move. I just decided to go with it. We could sort it out later.

She seemed to notice what I was about to do, but as I gently took her face in my hands, she didn't stop me, she simply looked at me with her wide eyes. I leaned in and kissed her.

Everything around me seemed to slow down and blur as all I could think of was this moment and what was happening right now and how damn good it made me feel.

I pulled back, looking at her and not able to control the smile that had made its way on my face.

"It's good you don't hate me." I told her softly, making her smile a bit.

"Alright then, Irwin." She said, full on grinning now.

"I never told you my last name." I said, curious as to how she knew it.

"I have inside sources at school because I'm that awesome." She said, rolling her eyes but never letting the grin leave her face.

"Alright then... Yade."

"Too bad eh?" This time I rolled my eyes, before grabbing her hands and turning serious again.

"So, after all this is over, would you consider going out with me? Like, a date?" At that moment my nerves showed up, making me bite my lower lip as I waited for her to answer me.

"Hmm, I think that would fit in my schedule." She said, nodding her head and still grinning.

"Then I'll let my assistant call yours to fix something?"

"Sounds good."

"Okay." I said, the nerves no longer there as a wide smile had found its way onto my face.

"It's Brooks by the way." She told me, looking around her for a second, before looking back at me.

"What?" She rolled her eyes. "My last name, moron."

"Ah, okay then Ms. Brooks. Let's get on with this party."

"I don't see how this is a party, but we should get on with it."

We didn't move for a second, just standing there and looking at each other with a smile, before really getting into action and helping others to fight of the creepy beasts.

Yade had turned herself into a dragon once again, breathing fire at beasts that came too close as I was fighting them off, my back towards her.

A huge crash sounded somewhere near, distracting everyone for a second as we all looked towards where the sound had come from (even the beasts and anti-heroes), but once we realized it was simply the cupboard that stood in one of the hallways for prizes, everyone quickly tried to take an advantage out of this, jumping at their opponent. Luckily, I was able to knock out the beast that had been trying to attack me before I suddenly realized I had been on my way out. How could I possibly forget that?

"We have to get outside!" I said to Yade, as I had turned around. She blew some more fire, before turning to me and giving me a nod, starting to lead the way while keeping enemies away with her fire. I kept looking back and beside me to see if anyone, or anything, was coming at us.

"Why exactly?" Yade asked me, before turning back forward to blow some more fire at a beast that didn't seem to be easily scared.

"I figured that if there's this someone who comes," I started, pausing momentarily to push away someone, "to see how his plans are doing, he'd start where the things start as well. And that's obviously outside."

"Alright. Logical." She answered, as we continued walking.

I tried to watch my surroundings, but somehow my mind drifted off to who could possibly be behind all this. He had to have some ideas he brought really well, making people follow him. However, my mother, which was still weird to think of; her as my mother, had seemed quite... robotic, as if she had been brainwashed or something. Though that's more something you would see in spy films...

Anyway, maybe this person was not just someone who used his charming talks to do this, but maybe he had superpowers as well, using those to somehow make these people follow him...

"Ashton? Where do you suggest we go to?" Yade asked me, just as we reached the entrance.

"Just go. Try to pay attention and see if anyone stands out or something." She nodded, scaring someone away with a simple 'boo'.

"I can't see a thing." She muttered annoyed, standing on her toes as she tried to look over the crowd. I watched the surroundings, making sure no one tried anything, even though Yade was still a dragon, so maybe that scared people away already.

"Ashton, I think I see something..." She told me, still looking over the crowd and flinging her hand backwards as if she tried to hit me so I would pay attention, which I was doing already.

"Are you sure?"

"No..." She almost grumbled, seemingly annoyed. "I'm gonna go and see if I can get closer and see it better, yeah?"

"Okay, but how?" Halfway my simple question she was already changing forms, slowly taking the form of a ferret.

"Like this." She squeaked. "Darn. Stupid voice, alter quicker or something." She then squeaked, growling and shaking her whole body, before clearing her throat. "Test. Ah, better." Her voice was normal again and she looked up at me. "Stay here yeah? Or help, I'll find you."

I simply nodded, watching her run off between the legs of the fighting crowd, before looking around and helping someone near. I was a bit worried about Yade, but I knew she could help herself. I mean, she could turn into a fire-breathing dragon. She would survive.

"Ash!" I stepped to my left to avoid being hit by an egg (I have honestly no idea where that egg came from), before looking left to see Luke pushing through the crowd, while avoiding things and people that tried to hit him or something.

"Have you seen any of the guys?" He asked, looking around to make sure we were safe.

"No, but I bet they're okay. Have you seen Alaya?" I asked, feeling a bit worried. I had left her at the infirmary, so maybe she was still there, but I knew she wouldn't stick there for long. I guess that was another thing we had in common: we quite liked the action. Especially if it had a purpose, like now.
I knew she could take of herself, but I somehow just couldn't help but worry.

"Sorry, but no." He told me, giving me an encouraging smile, before looking left and right once more.

"Okay. Let's just... I think we should split up again."

"Wait." He looked at me, as if he suddenly realized something.


"Did Alaya tell you?" I raised my eyebrows at him, which he probably saw as a no. "Eh, okay. Well... I kind of, like, you know, got a part of my memories back?"

I had been looking left and right, but my head snapped back at that. "You do?"

"Yeah, I do."

"That's great! But wait, then you know where you were right? Those days?"

"Eh..." He frowned as he seemed to be thinking, before closing his eyes and shaking his head. "No."

"Well, we'll find out about that later, I'll go and see if Yade found something... Be careful yeah?"

He nodded and we both wished each other good luck before he took off to somewhere as I made my way to where Yade had disappeared to.

I knew she said she would find me, but I just wanted to make sure she was okay and I just wanted to help her.

I was about to shove someone out of my way, when that person almost got thrown into me. I then shoved him away, seeing as he wasn't on my side anyway, to reveal Yade, on the ground and crawling backwards.

"Yade?" She looked back at me, with a frightened look.

"Look who decided to join us. How sweet of you, Ashton." My eyes widened at the voice, as I slowly lifted my head, looking into those brown eyes I knew all too well.


"It's Viper. Victoria was my cover name." She said, waving one hand in the air dismissively as if trying to say it wasn't that important. I took a better look at her, noticing that she didn't exactly look like how I knew her. She looked a bit like she had on a mask of wax and it was slowly melting, revealing her real self. She seemed a bit older and definitely creepier. I could almost picture her lower half being a snake's body... Yuck, no thanks.

"Anyway, I'm really happy you're here now. That means I don't need Yade anymore." I was confused, not really knowing how she was planning to do anything anyway. It did dawn on me that Victoria, or Viper, was the one behind this, which meant she was behind the kidnapping as well... But why would she?

Yade had gotten up by now, standing closely beside me.

"I can almost see what you're thinking, yet, that's more something for Alaya, isn't it?"

"How do you-"

"Oh honey stop the innocence. I know you've figured it out already, that I'm behind all of this and of course behind the earlier... happenings this break. Yet the questions as to why will be in your mind and I won't answer that. Not yet at least. Maybe if I've succeeded, I'll let you in." She said giving me a sweet smile, which made her even creepier.

"Of course Yade could always be helpful again. She's been a good help so far..."

"I what?" Yade asked incredulously.

"Hm, you heard me." Viper said, waving her hand again before staring at Yade for a moment, while talking in a soothing voice, "You're free to remember."

I looked at Yade for a moment, who had seemed entranced by Viper's stare, but now she shook her head and widened her eyes at Viper.

"You..." Was all she managed to say, taking a step back as she still looked at Viper. I didn't exactly follow it as it was quite confusing, yet I knew Viper's hypnosis definitely wasn't what she had made it out to be. She was way stronger than I ever could have thought of.

Viper hadn't changed her view as she was still staring at Yade, catching her eyes again. "Now, go to the infirmary and stay there let's say... at least half an hour. I think that will do." She spoke, her soothing voice now scaring me as I witnessed her powers once again, almost feeling as if I was entranced. I couldn't exactly do something, I just watched as it happened, almost as if I was paralysed.

Yade nodded slowly, like some sort of zombie, before turning around and walking away, ignoring everything around her.

"Great. Now. We're finally alone, right?" Viper smiled at me, a sweet sickening smile. "Hm, I had hoped to do things differently of course." She said, letting out a fake sigh.

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning as I didn't understand what she meant. She was being vague and creepy.

"I wish I could simply, you know, turn you against your own sister to get what I need, but it just won't work on you." Okay, this lady had to explain herself and what she was saying, because I wasn't getting any of it. Maybe it was her way of explaining her evil plan, even if she had said she wouldn't let me in 'yet'...

"Let's finish this." She said, suddenly an evil tone in her voice as she pulled something from behind her back. A knife.

My eyes widened as I tried to move. I couldn't. It was as if my feet were glued to the ground and my body frozen.

"Victoria, don't do this. There has to be-"

"First of all," She interrupted my reasoning, or my attempt to, her voice loud and scary, "it's Viper. Secondly, this is the way. My way." She hadn't stepped closer yet, though I already felt more threatened then before.

"Alaya!" She yelled, looking over the crowd, which had seemed to make some room, almost creating a circle around Viper and me. "I know you're there. Just step forward, give me what I want and I'll let you both go unharmed." She would not. Right? She wouldn't harm me...

Viper continued to look over the crowd for a bit, before pursing her lips and seeming to become angry. "Alright. Your choice!"

She snapped her head my way, staring at me with her angry brown eyes.

"Maybe this will do, because I will get what I want. I always do." Her loud voice boomed, before she approached me fast. My eyes widened as she and her knife came closer, but I couldn't move. It still felt as if my feet were glued to the ground.

I don't know what it was, but everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. From the corner of my eye I saw a figure speeding towards me and for a moment I thought I saw it disappear and reappear, but I knew Alaya couldn't just disappear like that.

It was only when she jumped in front of me and the knife collided with her body, I knew she had just sacrificed herself for me. Victoria, or Viper (I still couldn't get that completely through), was supposed to kill me, but because I was paralysed, Alaya saved me.

Everything seemed to hit me once Alaya fell to the floor and suddenly I could move again. I let myself fall to my knees beside her, reaching out to her, my hands shaking like mad.

This couldn't be happening.

*A/N: CLIFFHANGER. Not to me, because I know what happens, but alright. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW FOR SURE. Sorry, the song is playing right now, so yeah. Don't hate me! (For the cliffhanger) Anyway, BYE.

Okay, not bye yet. I just wanted to say: And I thought I was mental... Victoria- No wait, Viper is totally nutters...

Again: BYE.

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