Superheroes [AU] 5SOS

By PanicCliffordx

17.4K 477 424

What if... What if you were flying, but without wings to carry you? What if you communicated with words, with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

564 14 5
By PanicCliffordx

I quickly made my way out of the cafeteria, hoping to find Ashton easily, but of course I wouldn't. I roamed the halls for a bit, before deciding I might be more lucky if I'd find the place the boys would have to spend the night, as boys and girls obviously wouldn't be staying in the same room or probably even near each other.

I turned a corner and bumped into someone, almost falling backwards and onto the ground, if it wasn't for the person to grab my arms and steady me.

"Woah, careful."

"Sorry, really." I quickly told him, taking in his appearance. It didn't happen a lot I saw people I never saw at school, yet I could still, somehow, tell he went to our school. Why else would he be here anyway? It wasn't like he was teacher, because he definitely didn't look like one.

"It's okay." He gave me a small smile, straightening his jacket. He had black hair that was messily styled into some sort of quiff, a loose strand falling on his forehead, and brown eyes.

"Hey, do you know where I can find the boys' room? Like, where you guys will have to sleep?" He looked at me a bit confused, before nodding. "You just go straight on and then the second to last door to the left. It's those classrooms they can make one of, you know?"

"Yeah, thanks! And again, sorry!" I said as I was already walking towards where he pointed.

"No problem."

I jogged to the room and as I entered, I saw they had turned the room upside down. Sort of. The point is, all the stuff was gone and all over the floor were matrasses with sleeping bags. There were obviously a lot more boys on this school than would fit in this room, but luckily, I saw Ashton here, sitting on one of the matrasses to the back, so I didn't have to go and look any further.

I stepped over, next to and on matrasses to get to him, plopping down next to him as he looked at the floor, his elbows on his knees.

"You okay?" I asked, looking him up and down to make sure he didn't have anything else I would have to worry about.

"M'fine." He mumbled, letting out a sigh.

"No you're not. But if you say you are, then can you please tell me what happened with Yade?"

It stayed quiet for a bit, before he let out another sigh and looked up at me.

"She apologized." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I obviously already knew that. He stayed quiet again, looking around the room.

"Okay...?" I quietly asked, signalling he should go on.

"I just asked her why and from there on it blew up."

This time I didn't resist the urge and just rolled my eyes. "Seriously! You guys need to talk things out. Now. I'm getting sick and tired of you always fighting over stupid things!" I exclaimed, getting up and storming towards the door. I looked back once there, to see Ashton looking at me a bit confused.

"You're coming. Now." I told him sternly, pointing towards the hallway as some sort of explanation or whatever.

He bit his lip, before letting out another sigh and getting up, slowly making his way towards me. As he reached me, we started to walk back towards the cafeteria, where Yade was still sitting at our table, seemingly still mad.

"Stay here." I told Ashton, as we had reached the entrance of the cafeteria. He nodded and I quickly made my way towards Yade.

"Yade, can you come with me for a moment?" I asked her quietly, though everyone looked at me for a second before continuing their conversations. She nodded and got up, following me towards where I had left Ashton.

Once we got there, Yade immediately wanted to turn around.

"No, you get back here!" I told her annoyed, grabbing her arm and dragging her back. I pulled her so she stood in front of Ashton and me next to her to supervise, as you could call it.

"Okay, you two are going to talk this out and you are not leaving this place until you two can at least be in the same room without ending up with yelling or bitchiness or whatever. Understood?" God, I felt like a mother telling her kids what to do...


"No buts, even if we have to stay here until midnight, I will. Now. Talk." I said, crossing my arms and looking from Ashton to Yade and back.

"I'm sorry for not just accepting your apology." Ashton started after a bit, giving me the hope this wouldn't take as long as I thought it would.

Yade crossed her arms as well and seemed to be considering saying something, which she eventually did, "Okay. I accept that apology and I'm sorry I blew up and told you to fuck off and all... That wasn't really nice of me."

Ashton nodded as they both looked a bit guilty by now, Ashton more than Yade.

"Do you think we could start over? Sort of?" Ashton suggested.

"Hmm, I think I could give you a fair chance." Yade said, which made both me and Ashton look even more hopeful. "But this doesn't mean we're friends." She quickly added, as she saw Ashton's face change.

"I know. Just maybe, less bitchiness?"

"I ain't bitchy! That's sass mister, learn to live with it!" Yade said as she tried to hide a small smile that was forming.

"Alright, alright."

I let out a deep breath of relieve. "Good. Now, let's get back to our table and continue this good behaviour."

They both rolled their eyes me, which caused me to shake my head as I took the lead to get back to our table, where everyone was still talking to each other as if nothing had happened.

After that I was surprised they even managed to have a small conversation at the table, which also surprised Michael apparently, as I had mentioned it to him when we were talking.

"So, they just... They're friends now?" Michael asked, looking at the two, who were currently explaining something to Maya as it seemed, in disbelief.

"No. Or well, Yade said something like they weren't yet, but they're on good terms I guess."

"Alright." He nodded, still seeming a bit unconvinced as I also had a small part in me that wasn't really believing this. If I had known all it took to get them to be nice to each other was some guidance, I would have done that ages ago.

It was not much later that some teacher announced it was time to get ready for the night, as they wanted us to rest properly and blah blah.

We all got up, waiting for one another, before slowly making our way out of the cafeteria.

"I'm happy we at least have this together!" Maya told me, giving me a quick side hug as we were walking behind Michael, Calum and Luke.

"Me too." I told her genuinely, smiling at her before realizing something. "Do you know where we need to go to? Like, were we sleep and all?"

"Eh... If I remember correctly we got the drama room."

"Hm, makes sense since it's quite big."

"Yeah, though I'm not sure if everyone fits in there..." Maya said, more as if she was talking to herself while thinking about it, but I replied anyway. "If not they'll tell us where to go to there. I'm sure."

"I guess you're right."

"I'll see you tomorrow Lays." Michael suddenly said, hugging me. Only then I realized we had already reached to point where we needed to split up.

"Yeah, sleep well." I told him, hugging him back for a moment, before we both let go. Calum gave me a hug and a goodnight wish as well as Harry did the same with Maya, before they began to walk to where they were sleeping. I turned around to see Ashton and Yade a little further down the hall, talking to each other and slowly making their way. I waited patiently-yet not so patiently as well, confusing right?- for them, before I gave Ashton a big hug and told him goodnight. He seemed just as confused as I had when Michael had done that, but soon enough he caught on and hugged me back as he wished me a goodnight as well.

We watched him walk away, before the three of us went our way, walking in silence at first.

"So, you and Ashton are becoming friends now eh?" I asked Yade, bumping her shoulder with mine, as we continued to walk.

"Not really. I have the feeling he doesn't really like me. And I really have to keep myself from saying things that can be taken as mean..." She told me.

"Oh, alright. Well, I'm happy you two can get along a bit better at least." She simply nodded, as we continued the rest of the walk in silence.

Once there, we immediately claimed three matrasses and sleeping bags (next to each other of course) and didn't waste much time by putting our bags, which we had been taking with us all day so far, with them and taking the stuff we needed to get ready for bed.


The next day was filled with training, leaving everyone practically dead at the end of the day, which was horrible for me as I had to help with dinner that day... Luckily we were allowed to do whatever we wanted the day after that, which was Sunday.

There were possibilities to train, if you wanted too, but most of the people simple sat around or watched a movie in one of the classrooms. They really made a great thing of that as they played different types of movies in different classrooms. Like, if you wanted to watch a comedy, you went to one of the Math rooms and for a drama you went to another. It was quite smart and a lot of people decided to do just that. Watch a movie.

I on the other hand, decided it was a nice time to simply sit outside on one of the few blankets that were laid out on the slightly wet grass. It wasn't really sunny outside, it was a bit clouded and there was a chance of rain later today, but I didn't mind. I liked the cloudy weather and the smell of the outside after rain.

It was a bit after lunch and I had sat down again on one of the blankets, just like before, and leaned back on my hands, my legs crossed over one another. Soon I was joined by Maya and Harry again, who seemed to have become very close. This time, Ashton had joined us as well.

"So, were did you leave your friends?" I asked Ashton, as I had my eyes closed without a reason.

"The boys really wanted to watch a movie." He told me, so I nodded, sort of.

"And your newest friend?" I asked innocently, actually wondering if he considered Yade as a friend already or if he thought the same as Yade. It stayed quiet for a bit, only the conversation of Maya and Harry as a soft background noise, before he answered. "I'm not sure. She's... nicer, but I have the feeling she still hates me."

"I don't think she does though." I said, as I opened my eyes to look at him. He huffed, before shaking his head and going to sit in the same position as I. "And I do."

I shrugged, before closing my eyes again and turning my face back to the sky. It was almost as if I was enjoying the sun, though there was no sun to shine down on my face. I didn't even like the sun that much. Only if it was cold and it shone down on me to warm me up a bit. But then again, if I moved it'd be cold again, so it was never much of help.

"Well, at least you guys said sorry to each other for your annoyingly stupid behaviour." I said.

"Thanks." Ashton said sarcastically, probably rolling his eyes.

"It's true, sorry. But I'm happy that's over."


The rest of the time was spent in silence, Maya or Harry occasionally including one of us in their conversation as they had a disagreement or something. Well, that until Ashton decided to see if there was an interesting movie to see and left us.

I had laid down and now opened my eyes to see if Maya and Harry were still here, as they were quiet. They were simply laying on the blanket as well and had their eyes closed.

The rest of the afternoon was mostly spent in silence, as I had even fallen asleep at some point, though it wasn't for long. Eventually we had all gotten up and made our way to the cafeteria. We talked a bit about everything and nothing, me occasionally drifting off with my thoughts about everything and nothing as well, not able to concentrate on anything really.

Eventually we had all gotten some food and had sat down at our usual place again, starting on it while having a conversation, as usual. Our topics went from the movies to deodorant, just like we once started with the food and ended with polar bears, and soon enough I wasn't even trying to follow the conversations anymore.

I looked up and looked around, my eyes falling on Luke, who was already looking at me. I felt awkward once again, looking back at my plate instantly and shoving a bit of food in my mouth, before looking the other way as I chewed.

"So, Ally. Do you think this attack is something serious?" Calum asked me, probably trying to get me into a conversation.

"Eh, why else would we be here? It's not the first of April..." He shrugged. "They could have gotten the wrong information."

"Hm, possible." I agreed, nodding.

"I do agree with Lays though, why else would they mail us to come in three days earlier and stay here?" Michael said, before moving his mashed potatoes around as if he wasn't sure what to do with it.

"While going through hell with training." I added, still feeling my muscles if I moved a bit too fast.

"Exactly." Michael nodded, finally eating a bit of his mashed potatoes.

"Again, they could have gotten the wrong information. But it's more likely it's real yeah." Calum said, stretching his arms, before shoving his tray a bit further to the middle of the table.

"I just wonder why..." Michael mumbled, messing with his potatoes once again.

"Anti-heroes don't like heroes, obviously, so they probably just... You know, want to try and get rid of us or something?" I said, shrugging.

"But they're not with much. How do they want to do that? And if so, why did everyone had to come? I mean, with the amount of anti-heroes not even half of our school has to be here to defend it." Calum reasoned, making me think.

"There has to be something more..." I muttered, sort of agreeing with Calum as I just finished my dinner as one of the last.

"EVERYONE! Get to your positions!" The headmaster suddenly announced through the intercom, followed by some ominous words:
"They're coming."

*A/N: That moment you write really slow because of a lot of distraction... *cough* Voodoo doll *cough* 5SOS in general *cough*. I fail ^^" LET'S MOVE ON. Or not since I'm probably not gonna update before Saturday. BYE.

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