Uncharted: The Cursed Love

By ElysiumLiving

287 0 0

The time period is Ancient Greece. The King and Queen of Troy have had a baby boy that is destined to bring t... More

The deal
Danger and pleas
The Temple
The Spartan Queen


24 0 0
By ElysiumLiving

As one, they all rose, walking single file back to the prayer chambers, with Cassandra bringing up the rear.

Upon reaching the prayer chambers, the others all fan out while Kalaom motions for Cassandra to follow him as he moves to the pedestal in front of the altar. She follows, noting the open doors of the temple and the small huddle of people who are entering slowly. A flash of fast-moving golden and grey captures her attention before Laocoon is standing before her.

"I had thought he was joking." He bowed before embracing her, letting go only after Kalaom gently coughed.

"No, but father will not be happy that he has to wait 11 years for another chance." At his shocked look, she has to fight the urge to laugh. "The queen is going to tell him."

"You don't want to risk his wrath after the last time." Laocoon reads between the lines and she feels Kalaom stiffen beside her, before she inclines her head.

"Indeed. Though he will be mad no doubt, I believe he won't be as mad if it comes from mother." She tilts her head as he gazes at her. "What?"

The seer simply shakes his head. "You've seen them too. Paris, the goddesses, and the fall of Troy."

Sighing, she looks down at her sandals. Cassandra stays quiet for a couple minutes before the quiet of the previously loud chamber suddenly registers to her at the same time that the priest beside her gently touches her shoulder.

She sends him a small smile of gratitude as he motions for her to step down and sit in the front row.

"Today we will be welcoming a favorite of Apollon." Her heart nearly froze in mid-beat.

She shot him, and she suddenly becomes his favorite?

She forced herself to pay attention to the proceeding. Dwelling would come later. "Cassandra, eldest daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, step forward." She rises from her chair, trying to tamp down her nerves by clenching her nails into her palm. "There is still time if you have doubts." He whispers in her ear as she kneels before the altar. "We can postpone it until you wish."

The girl shakes her head slightly. "No," she whispers back. "My father will marry me off before this is done if we wait."

Nodding, he turns back to the sitting priests and devotees. 90 in total sit or stand in the chamber, all looking towards where the two were. "Very well," he whispers before raising his voice as she gazes on the statue she had seen once before. Long ago when she had been but a child and they had been bringing it to the new temple from the old one that had been inside the city thirty paces before the palace.

She loses focus on the proceedings as she gets lost in thought, unknowingly getting dragged into another vision.

Paris stands before the three birds again. Only, this time, each has a picture above them. The owl screeches.

"Choose me, Paris, and I will make you the most skilled of all of Greece." The peacock went next.

"Choose me, Paris, and you shall be king of all of Greece." The dove captured Paris' attention last.

"Choose me, Paris, and you shall have the most beautiful woman on your arm." The begotten prince hesitated, before ultimately placing the apple in front of the dove.

"When shall I have her?" He asks, amidst the screeching and flapping of the other two. A whirlwind covers his vision with sand as the two disappear but he can clearly hear the answer.

"Soon, young prince. Have patience."

Cassandra comes back with a start just as she's being asked to stand. She does so on shaky legs, and she catches the concerned, but knowing, gaze of the two she knows. "Do you swear to uphold all that is truth and shun all that is not?"

She nods, "I swear."

Kaloam smiles. "Then welcome, Cassandra of Troy, inductee of Apollo." He sends her a look that clearly says to find him after, before placing a laurel wreath on her head. "May you keep to your word."

He bows in front of the altar before straightening and motioning for Cassandra to follow him. She does, only after noticing that the others have started dispersing, and she can hear various conversations in the adjoining chambers.

The priest leads her deeper into the temple, and she vaguely notices that Laocoon is following behind. "In here," he opens a door and ushers them in before closing it behind them. "What did you see?" The princess tells all that she saw, and his face goes grim with her brother's face sporting a grim smile. "It is as we feared. He still lives."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow. "Who? What are you talking about?"

The two men share a look. A long while passes without neither speaking, before Laocoon sighs.

"Our or, more accurately, your brother. Alexander." The high priest motions them to be seated on the chairs in the room, and the girl shoots them both a confused look. "It would be best if you spoke to Litos."


"Father's previous high priest to Apollo. Priam had him cast out because of a prophecy concerning Alexander." A knot of dread formed in the princess's abdomen.

"What prophecy?" She asked, looking between the two priests.

Kaloam stands up, shaking his head. "It would be best not to dwell on it as of now. The Fates only know where this will lead." He stills for a minute, listening. "It is best if you go, princess. You will be missed at the palace if you stay any longer."

His tone made it clear that the discussion was over.

The two siblings stand, but before they can leave, the high priest speaks once more.

"Cassandra, it would be wise to remember the Maxim. Lord Apollo is not one to anger or run afoul of. He can be quite vengeful when angered."

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