Ikki's Devil Life 2

By JaeZInsane

41.7K 402 149

This will take Ikki Kurogane into the 2nd season of DXD More

The Holy Sword Users
Devils vs Church
Sword Vengance and a rematch with Freed
The General Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Team Gremory Vs Cerberus and The Holy Swords
Ikki's True Power Unleashed Ikki Kurogane vs The Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Fun at the pool
Open House
Ikki Kurogane meets Gasper the Vampire
Ikki's New Sword and Akeno's True Self Revealed
New Powers Unleashed!!! Ikki Kurogane and Issei Hyoudou vs The White Dragon Vali

The Leader Summons Meeting

1.9K 25 4
By JaeZInsane

The time has come for the leaders summon meeting.A protective barrier forms around the school once again

Rias:Well time to go


Rias:And Gasper behave yourself while we're gone


Rias:I don't mean to scold but if you activate your power it'll stall negotiations and we don't want that I hope you understand

Gasper:Yes ma'am

Rias:But Koneko is going to stay here and take care of you isn't that right Koneko

Koneko:Yes of course

Ikki:Hey Gasper go easy on Koneko okay and you can have this

Ikki gives Gasper a Nintendo Switch and it's fine he has another one

Gasper:Awesome thanks alot Ikki I'll try not to let you down

Ikki:Oh and I got snacks for you guys

Ikki hands Koneko a box of snacks that he and his mother made and he gives Gasper the paper bag to put on his head and they leave for the meeting

The group enters the room where the meeting is being held they are greeted by Sirzechs, Serafall, Michael, Azazel, Vali, and......Irina!!

Irina smiled at Ikki and waved. She honestly thought she'd never see him again However, Irina's happy expression hardened when she saw her former comrade Xenovia, who tried to say hello to her friend, but Irina turned away in disgust.

Sirzechs:Everyone's here this is my sister Rias and her retainers they're the ones who fought against Kokabiel during his surprise attack a few days ago

Michael:That is a rather impressive feat I thank each one of you for all of your hard work

Azazel:Once again I apologize it seems one of my boys caused you a bit of trouble

Ikki:(I've got a bad feeling about this)

Sirzechs:Now that all of the participants are represented let this summon commence!

Rias:Rest of the details regarding the incident between Kokabiel and my household can be found in my official report

Sona:As a witness I Sona Sitri confirm the veracity of the report given by lady gremory

Sirzechs:That will be all thank you very much

Serafall:Great job ladies you make me so proud Sona

Sirzechs:Perhaps the Governor General of the fallen angels would care to share his opinion of their report?

Azazel:Kokabiel went rogue and therefore my thoughts on the incident are irrelevant

Michael:So he acted entirely on his own.

Azazel:Well he never had my permission if that's what you're asking but something tells me the damn fool wouldn't have tried to destroy the whole town if he knew I was staying here I grown quite fond of quiet little place

Issei growls in anger

Ikki:Issei keep it together

Sirzechs:Try and stay on topic if you please

Azazel:I sent The White Dragon Emperor in to resolve the issue but I was told when he arrived Kokabiel was already defeated and now the culprit is frozen stiff in the lowest level of hell me won't bother you again

Ikki:(So that's what happened to Kokabiel)

Michael:What I find most troubling about the attack itself is his motivation it seems that he was rather dissatisfied with the status quo

Azazel:Yeah the war ending halfway through really stuck in his cra what he wanted was perpetual combat but at this late stage in the game I have no interest in a war

Serafall:The seeds of discontent

Azazel:That behavior isn't exculsive to my faction

Sirzechs:Again I ask that we stay focused on the matter at hand after all that is why we convened here

Azazel:Spare the brovosity won't you let's just make peace and be done with it that's the purpose of this grand summon isn't it

With Gasper and Koneko

Gasper:I'm worried I hope they're okay what if the summon turns chaotic and war breaks out and....and then everyone dies I can't take it!!

Koneko continues to eat until she sees a magic circle and several hooded figures outside the clubroom


Koneko:Don't move a muscle Gaspy

The door gets destroyed and several hooded figures step inside the room


Woman 1:Yes that's right we are indeed humans but we're somewhat different and we utilize magic by rebuilding the structure of Devil magic we're known as magicians if it helps you understand a bit better we're on the same level as what you devils call mid ranking devils it would be best if you did what you are told hand the half vampire over to us we already confrimed he is here

They fire magic blasts at Koneko but she dodges while holding Gasper in the box until they reach Gasper's room but it doesn't last long until Koneko gets shot in the back from one of the magicians hanging from the ceilling

Magician 1:That magic Square will render all physical power on possesses useless there's no use struggling

Gasper:Please you have to stop what are you ever trying to do

Koneko:Gaspy I'm sorry



At the meeting

Michael:God and The Devil King are gone both of our war generals have been annihilated

Azazel:We have a complication once again it's not even our 3 powers but these forces are equally if not more destructive The Red and White Dragon Emperors so I'd like to hear their thoughts as well as the so called Mortal who defeated Kokabiel

Vali:What I want is to fight someone who's as strong as me

Azazel:Yes but you could still find alot of powerful opponents without having a war

Vali:I suppose

Azazel:And you Red Dragon Emperor and Mortal who defeated Kokabiel

Issei:Im not really good at this so I'll sit this one out

Ikki:Don't worry I'll talk for both of us

Ikki clears his throat

Ikki:Well,After what I've heard from the fight with Kokabiel to now about signs of another potential war I would say it would be the best for everyone if you all make peace with each other because as you said during the first war all 3 factions were almost ruined beyond repair and many lives were lost even God and The Devil King have died and I can tell most of you have lost those you cared for but you all still have those you care for and to be honest I don't see the point of having another war where you lose more than you gain.So yeah Issei and I won't be use our powers unless it's for Rias or anyone else that needs our help sound good

Rias just smiles at her boyfriend after what he just said

Michael:Ikki Kurogane did you still have a question you wanted to ask me?

Ikki:Oh yes I do I thought you forgot

Michael:I made a promise

Ikki:Okay then why did you kick Asia out of the church see loves God more than anyone I know

Rias:Ikki stop

Michael:After God was destroyed only the system remained the only thing we had to keep the faith was our power to administer divine protection mercy and miracles even with me as the center the church is barely functioning right now consequently there was a need to destory anything that could negatively affect our system

Ikki:So you had to Asia's power can heal Devils and Fallen Angels as well as humans

Michael:Yes indeed the faith of believers is the reason those of us in heaven exist a threat to our system is a threat to our survival therefore anything that can negatively affect it had to be removed

Xenovia:Of course that's why I suffered Asia's fate too along with others who found out the truth

Michael:Exactly it was unfair you were hardly heretics we should've discovered another way I ask your forgiveness

Irina:(Then she didn't betray us)

Xenovia:Apology accepted Chief Michael it's interesting I grew up in the church so I must admit I do have a few regrets but to perfectly honest I am more than satisfied with my life as a devil although I'm sad though for the other believers

Asia:As am I and I'm so much happier as a devil too I've met people I cherish who also care about me

Michael:Both of you have forgiving spirits and I am grateful for that

Azazel:Oh right I've heard of her wasn't one of my underlings responsible for killing you

Issei:Yeah and you should be apologizing you wanna know why that fallen angel bitch killed her because she wanted to be like you you stupid asshole! You're lucky that Ikki let her live!

Azazel:Naturally I take full responsibility so to atone I will satisfy you in a way that only I can


Ikki:Issei calm down

Suddenly everyone in the room froze except for Ikki, Rias Issei, Kiba, Xenovia, Irina,Vali and the superior devils and angels

Kiba:They're frozen

Issei:Is it just me or did time stop

Azazel:It appears so fortunately those of us with superior power weren't affected

Vali:Thank our dragons they protected us the heavenly bunch over there were sheilded by there holy swords

Irina:What I don't understand

Rias:Issei Ikki thank you you've done it again

Issei:Sure no problem

Ikki:Guys you need to take a look at this

Everyone looks out the window to find a giant orange magic circle in the sky and many hooded figures drop out of the circle

Issei:Who are those freaks?

Serafall:They're magicians


Serafall:And they're so rude I'm a real life magic girl and they're flat out ignoring me!

Micheal:But what is this power

Azazel:It's the half vampire boy he must have been coerced into creating Balance Breaker conditions for them

Ikki:You mean Gasper?!

Sirzechs:He has the power to stop time I think it's safe to say yes it is him Gasper has fallen into enemy hands

Kiba:Oh no

Rias:Terrorist magicians dare to kidnap a member of my household they will pay for this disrespect!

Micheal:Our guards are disappearing teleportation magic that can only mean someone's connected to the gate within this barrier

Grayfia:And unfortunately our magical transport troops are completely sealed off from us

Azazel:So we've been cornered

Michael:Yes their timing with their use of lady gremory's bishop could not have been more perfect

Irina:We've been betrayed.

Sirzechs:I recommend we take action soon if they somehow find a way to make Gasper even stronger none of us would survive

Ikki:No one is strong enough to beat Gasper how does he have so much power?

Kiba:Because he is a mutation piece

Ikki:What is a mutation piece?

Rias:Its something that causes many strange phenomena the bishop I used to turn Gasper into a devil should have required survival of my chess pieces however only one ended up being used it was a mutation piece

Ikki:I'm guessing that means he's very powerful

Rias:Powerful and that his potential is utterly incalculable that's the reason he was sealed away

Azazel:If we don't do something about this half vampire kid now it'll be far too dangerous to fight back

Rias:Sirzechs I have an unused rook in storage where my household usually holds meetings

Sirzechs:A rook? Castiling could work

Ikki:What's castiling ?

Kiba:It's a special rule in chess where you can switch the places of the King with a Rook in one move

Sirzechs:But I'd rather not send you in alone

Rias:Gasper is a member of my household I take responsibility for him I'll steal him back

Grayfia:I'd recommend using some of Sirzech's power then another person will be able to escape with you

Ikki:Then I'll be that person I promise to protect her!

Sirzechs:You can go with her

Ikki:Thank you sir!!

Vali:Wouldn't it be easier to go ahead an take out the half vampire with the terrorists if you'd like I can just do it for you

Issei:You're such a dick!!

Azazel:Vali try to be a little more considerate okay after all we're trying to make peace here

Vali:Sorry it's hard for me to do nothing like this

Azazel:Fair enough then why you go welcome those magicians upset their ring some seeing The White Dragon Emperor should help

Vali:Of course

Vali leaves and takes care of the magicians

Ikki:Don't worry guys were going to get Gasper back I promise!!

Azazel:Here take these with you

Azazel gives Ikki a bracelet

Azazel:You should be able to use that braclet as compensation instead of your body

Ikki:Thank you with this I can control my power

Azazel:Only as a last resort it can't regulate how fast your strength is used put the other one on the half vampire it can bring him back under control now pay attention to what I'm about to say luck is the only reason you've survived your not even a devil and thats a compliment to your strength keep refusing to accept others help and you'll be dead.

Ikki:Alright I'm ready let's go

Sirzechs:I'm leaving Rias in your hands understood

Ikki:Yes sir!

The two teleport to the research club building

Ikki:Gasper! Koneko!

The two continue to search until they see Azazel in the air fighting with a woman

Ikki:Who is she?

Rias:Katerea Leviathan you know when the four devil kings were killed in the war and they were replaced with devils that earned instead of inherited those titles right?

Ikki:Yeah that's how your older brother and Sona's older sister became devil kings

Rias:Through the long years of fighting the devils were almost completely desimated if the new devil kings hadn't ended the war when they did we probably wouldn't be here right now but the direct descended of the four devil kings still retaliated they declared themselves to be the rightful successors but they were chased to the farthest ends of Hell.


Rias:Katerea was apart of the resistance she is a descended of the leviathan family come with me

Ikki:What about the others?

Rias:We can't worry about them right now there are other things to take care of first I want you with me

Ikki:I'm on it!!

The door crashes open a Ikki knocks out one of the Magicians

Rias:Don't worry we're here

Gasper:Rias I'm so sorry this whole thing is my fault!!

Koneko:Please forgive me Rias

The magicians point daggers at Gasper and Koneko

Magician-1:How stupid you should've taken the time to brainwash such a dangerous creature so that you could then use him as your own personal weapon

Rias:I know this is most likely beyond your understanding but my servants are actually cared for

Magician-2:Disrespectful bitch I'll turn that pretty face into one deceiving the name devil!!

She fires a magical blast at Rias but Ikki deflects it away

Ikki:Try that again......

Ikki:I..DARE YOU!!!

Rias:Listen to me now would be the right time to cause major problems I promise if you do I'll scold you over and over for being so naughty Gasper then I will hold you and never let go.

Ikki:Hey Gasper!


Ikki:Remember what I said never give up!! GO ASCALON!!

Ikki then summons Ascalon and proceeds to cut the palm of his hand revealing his blood

Rias:Ikki stop what are you doing!!

Ikki:Gasper don't move and you'll be okay ASCALON EXTEND!!

Ascalon extends towards Gasper's face and some of his blood gets spills on his face.


Gasper licks some of Ikki's blood and Koneko appears next to Rias.A swarm of bats surround the magicians and drinking their blood


Rias:This is just a small dose of Gasper's power

Ikki:No way your kidding me

Rias:No im not kidding you his power was released when he tasted your blood but Ikki how did you ever come up with that idea?

Ikki:I had....a little assistance

A magician goes for a sneak attack but Gasper stops the attack and freezes the magicians in time

Gasper:Ikki now your up!!

Ikki:You got Ittou shura!!

Ikki dashes and slashes at the magicians defeating them all

Ikki:Nice one look Gasper! Look at what we can accomplish when we work together

Gasper:Yeah we can do anything!!

Rias:Nice work Ikki

Koneko:Thank you for saving us Ikki

Ikki pats her head

Ikki:No problem Koneko and Gasper

Ikki puts the bracelet on Gasper's arm

Ikki:This should help keep your power in control

Gasper:Wow thank you

Rias:Alright let's get out of here


Ikki,Rias,Koneko,and Gasper leave the buliding to return to the battle.

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