A New Life

By gamergirl0409

85.7K 2.1K 1.1K

Dick left the young justice and the bats a while ago and now has a new life with a new team and some challeng... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Ao3 account
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
A slight break
A Little Update
Happy New year

Chapter 9

3.8K 89 31
By gamergirl0409

(Dicks prov)

Surprisingly there is no commotion with the villains, its like they all banded together and decided not to cause anything today. So far the girls have all been playing together and hanging out, John is now awake and playing with Will. Starfire and me were starting to make supper, cyborg and Jinx were talking in their room, BB and Raven were in the living watching tv and reading a book

The girls suddenly came running into the room 

"Whoa slow down there, your going to hit something" I said 

"Question" Mar'i said 

"Answer" I said 

"Can we go outside and show Lian what we have been learning. Please" Arella asked 

I thought about and then turned to everyone else who was in the room

"As long as someone goes with you, Im fine with it" Raven said 

"If Raven is ok with I am to" BB said 

"I will finish dinner, you and Will take the kids outside" Star said 

"Ok, lets go then" I said 

The girls cheered and then Lian ran up to Will

"Daddy can I show them my shooting skills" 

"Did you even bring your bow" Will asked 

"Of course I did, you take yours everywhere you go" 

I laughed at that, of course she would do what he does

"'Sigh' yes you can show them, ill be out there so its fine by me" 

"What you dont trust me to watch her and her bow" I asked faked offended

"Do you even know how to shoot a bow and arrow, of all my time knowing you I have never seen you pick one up"

"Oh I know how to shoot a bow and arrow" 

"Sure you do Dick, now lets head out side while we still have some day light" Will said

The girls ran a head. Lian went and grabbed her bow and arrows and then they waited by the door for us. Will picked up John and we all walked outside. We walked, the girls ran, over to where we trained earlier today

"Who wants to go first" I asked 

All of their hands shot up

"Ok guess a number 1-10 and who ever is closest to the one im thinking of goes first"

"8" Arella said

"3" Lian said 

"5" Mar'i said 

"Lian gets to go first, the number was 2"

I pressed the button that makes everything come up but this time only targets come up. Lian stepped up to the white line and got into position. She took a deep breath and then pulled the string and arrow back. When she let go of it the arrow went flying and almost hit the bullseye 

"Whoa, you almost hit the middle" Mar'i said amazed 

"That so cool, youve gotten really good" Arella said 

"Thanks guys, Daddys been showing me how to aim better now. One day I hope to be able to aim like him" 

"You will get there one day" Will said 

"Ok Mar'i you next" I said 

Mar'i stepped up to the white line while Lian went and stood by Arella. Mar'i put out her hand and made it into a fist and then concentrated really hard. Her fist started to glow green, the glow kept getting bigger and bigger. Then she shot it at the target, the blast hit the target but it was more up on the target so the bottom part was just fine

"You learned how to make big blast!!" Lian yelled 

"Yeah I just learned today, it takes alot of contrasting though"

"Its still cool. Your hand was glowing so much" Lian said 

"Thanks, Arella your turn" Mar'i said 

Arella went past the white line and stood there for a minuet

"I told you guys I didnt learn much of anything new" 

"We dont care, its always cool when you shapshift" Lian said 

Arella sighed and then did what she learned how to do in training which was turning from one animal to another fastly. She went from a tiger to a elephant to a butterfly to a panda and then back to her human form

"See that was cool and you did learn something new. You changed so much faster this time" Mar'i said

"I guess, but that all I learned" 

"Ok our turn, since you think you know how to shoot a bow lets have a competition" Will said 

"Oh, well this is sure to be interesting" I said 

"Each of us will shoot the targets and who ever gets most bullseyes wins" Will said 

"Moving targets or just regular" I asked 

"You pick" 

"Moving it is"

I pressed another button. A wall full of weapons came up from the ground, I walked over and grabbed the bow and arrows. Will was directing the girls to where they could stand and then put John down with them. Mar'i grabbed the hand he didnt have in his mouth so that he wouldnt run out in front of us

"Wheres your bow and arrows" I asked smugly

Will just smirked at me and then pulled two tiny things out of his back pocket. Once they were in his hand they became bigger and was his bow and quiver full of arrows

"So that how you always have it" I said 

"You never know when you need it, and plus easy transportation" Will said 

"Ok you ready then" I asked 

"You know I am"

The moment the new targets came up we started to shoot arrows. There was moving targets to so there were arrows flying everywhere. Since it was clear we were both hitting bullseyes Will started to pull out different tricks like shooting from behind his back or with his eyes closed

"Oh I see that how you want to do this" I said 

I got into a handstand and started to shoot arrows using my feet

"Getting a little cocky there arent you" 

"You got cocky first" 

Eventually we ran out of arrows and stopped shooting. Once we got all of the arrows back we figured out that each of us hit the bullseye on all of them so it was a tie 

"That was so cool" all the girls yelled 

"Hey guys supper is ready" Raven said in my head

"Supper is ready guys" I said

The girls cheered and ran inside leaving John to try and catch up with them. Me and Will were walking behind them all

"You know that still creepy" Will said 

"What is" I asked 

"The way you and Raven can talk to each other in your heads. Hey since Arella is Ravens daughter can you also talk to her in your heads" Will asked 

I thought about for a minuet

"I actually dont know. Her powers just became active last year, when she has more of a handle over her powers we will see then" I said 

We got to the dinning room and everyone was already seated and eating. We joined in and had a good dinner which consisted of fighting over the last piece of something and laughter. Since it was the weekend and so far no one was attacking we allowed the girls to stay up later than usual

The girls decided to build a fort to watch the anime in, John was also in the fort playing with toys and also watching the show, the rest of us were on the couch. We got through about 10 episodes of MHA before all the kids were passed out, BB, raven, jinx, and cyborg were also passed out. Will shifted Lian so that she was more comfy and then he fell asleep also. I turned off the TV, put blankets on everyone, made sure that everything was locked, and turned off the lights  before climbing back on the couch and falling asleep with Starfire in my arms

(Young Justice when the 6 came outside)

"Look guys look someone is coming out of the tower" Megan said 

The team saw the three girls smiling and running over to where they did training. Nightwing and 'Roy' (they dont know he changed his name) came out, 'Roy' was carrying the baby. Nightwing pressed the button and targets came up from the ground. Megan was able to take what Conner was hearing and make it so all of them could hear so they heard what they were talking about

"He lets a 8 year old shoot a bow and arrow" Artemis asked surprised 

"The other two girls are using their powers" Zatanna pointed out

"Well yeah but that makes sense, you dont want them to not be able to control their powers. But a eight year old has no reason to need to know how to shoot a bow"

"In this day n age I would say that its a good skill to have, plus she is the daughter of Red Arrow after all" Kaldur said 

"I guess but still. Also it seems that she has been getting trained for a while, her aim is good for a 8 year old" 

The team went back to watching them. When Nightwing and 'Roy' started to shoot arrows they were surprised. Not by 'Roy' but by Nightwing, everything that he is seen in he is never holding a bow 

"So he is also skilled in shooting a bow" Wally said

"Is there anything he isnt good at" Conner asked 

"No clue my friend, we still know pretty much nothing on all of the Titans, they know how to keep to themselves and their lives in the dark" Kaldur said 

"How do they do that, I mean like we step one foot outside in our hero forms and we get bombarded with reporters or people wanting pictures. But they go to the park and there is no people wanting pictures, or reporters wanting to ask questions. And its not like they can hid that well, one dude is have metal, one girl full pink, and a dude fully green" Wally asked 

"That is a good question. Maybe the city just doesnt want to bother them on their days off" Megan suggested"

"It is a possiblity, but you would think that at least one kid would go up to them" Artemis said 

"We have only been here for what a week now and they have only had one day off. We dont know what its really like just off of that" Zatanna said 

"She makes a point, and its been 4-5 days since we have arrived here" Conner said 

That was the end of that conversation. The Titans that were outside went back inside and the YJ were getting tired 

"Whos turn is it to keep a look out now" Wally asked 

"Conners I think" Artemis said 

"I stayed up yesterday" Conner said

"Its my turn" Zatanna said 

Everyone nodded and then megan made the ship transform the seats into beds all but Zatannas

"Wake us if they go out or something happens" Kaldur said 

With that everyone went to sleep while Zatanna watched to make sure nothing happened


This one was kinda a filler but its still goes with the story so it works

I will also be posting a new book probably soon after posting this, im just working out the kinks of the first chapter. It will be another Young Justice book, but no Titans in it. Its called The Betrayal so check that out when it comes out if you like YJ

Also I would like to address the fact that this book is also at 1K veiws which I find insane!! Thank you to everyone who is reading this book, it means alot to me to see that people like something that I do. Thank you to everyone who comments, they are fun to respond to and to read. Once again thank you for reading this book

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