Naruto x Male Reader

By Haruki_Samurai

55.5K 873 538

This is about M/N being a jinchuriki but he is the 11th tailed beast he is not from the leaf village and he i... More

Back story of [M/N]
The Village Hidden in the leafs
Class mates?
Kakashi sensei
you all pass
hold up
First mission
To The Land Of Waves!!
Just Yell
Background Info Pt.1
Hey hey remake
ill just..

Team 7

3.6K 72 40
By Haruki_Samurai

My search history when making this story bc I'm to lazy to go to naruto anime a look at it I did watch the anime but it's been a long time and I kinda forgot .
Ok before we start can we just except the fact that suga is the team mom Now bye because it true on with this crappy story 😶


Naruto: Why do you get all the girls like sasuke what your secret

Naruto was pushing his hand on M/N chest

M/N: well to be honest here

Naruto: Naruto

M/N: Well to be honest Naruto I do not control the feeling these girls have over me..

Naruto:...Yeah your right

Wait is was that easy...Damn this kid a dumbie

i think your right but this kid look like the teen with orange hair Frome bleach-


Naruto: Say, I walked all around this village and I never saw you here before

M/N: Well that because I don't live here

Naruto: Then where do you live if you do-

Naruto was cut of by our teacher iruka Sensei he was talking abou the chūnin exams and stuff blah blah blah (Before we cary on I just gotta say M/N mostly used water and lighting but he can still user others but anyways bye bye) and iruka was say we had make 3 shadow clones, I heard most of people name like choji sasuke sakura ino hinata shikamaru, kiba and etc, They all performed there shadow clones and they where very weak it's was normal for me to be able to tell if some one is strong or not it's not power it's B/N power

Iruka: Alright naruto your up

M/N: How is this guy-...I just know he's gonna fail he's already low on Chakara and I can sense he don't know how to use karuama Chakara yet

M/N just thought to him self it just make him want to beat the living shit out of people if they fail so he put his hand under his desk and did some hand signs to transfer some of B/N Chaka to naruto because B/N has a tone of Chakara...The rest of the class was whispering of how naruto was gonna fail


Sasuke: Dobe

Naruto Then stuck his tongue out

He then did hand signs that wasn't the shadow clone...I was kinda interested of what he was doing


Then three girls come out that look like a fem naruto every one had nose bleeds exsept the girls and me I then I got up from my seat

M/N: That's pethetic people like you are like the first ones to die

He's not gonna die that easy because of karuama-

Shut up and let me talk

Naruto: So I'm trying to live life and make sure it's fun for some people

M/N: if you ever live a life like your getting jelouse of how guys get girls easily or Doing that sexy jutsu thing when you get older you are not gonna make a living and just be a horrible nobody.

That's harsh-

The classroom was quite for a little

Sakura: Yeah that right naruto-

M/N: You have no place to talk, You only chosein a guy over look he could be 67 years old or he could be surprisedly weak

M/N just kept saying every thing he said with his blanked face and his dull E/C eyes he then felt a tiny breeze in the classroom moving his H/C H/L (Hair length) back a little then iruka stepped up and said something

Iruka:..Ah ok uhm not that over M/N would you please come peform your jutusu

Naruto: tsk

I hope he pass we can be on the same team the 2 girls where thinking

Iruka: Ok M/N you can go ahead

Is was about 10 seconds and M/N did nothing

Iruka: um M/N is there something wrong?

M/N: oh yeah I was waiting for you to either say create A water clone or a lighting clone those are one of my best ones

Iruka was surprised at the boy already know how to create water and lighting clones

Iruka: It's alright just creat the regular Chakara ones

M/N: Eh ok if you say so

M/N make 4 shadow clones so that mean there are 5 M/N ;-;

Iruka:..M-M/N you passed you maybe choose you head band

M/N choosed a F/C (Favorite color) Head band and sat back down

Iruka: Ok class come back tommorow and see what team you have


M/N was just in his seat when he saw naruto walk in with a head ban

I don't see him grab a head band how did he get one more like HOW THE FREAK DID HE PASS

I don't know but something seem off about his Chakara it till like he gotten better some how


M/N: I can you passed but I think they had extra head bands and just gave you one

The whole class started to laugh exsep naruto and M/N Naruto stared there while his angrey face and M/N sat there with his expressionless face

Naruto: You got some real nerves to-

Naruto was cut off by iruka again

Iruka: ok every one seddle down

Iruka: Ok I start tell every one's team

Iruka started tell every there 3 man team

Iruka: team 10 ino shikamaru and choji

Ino: awe I don't get sasuke or M/N

Iruka: last team 7 naruto and sakura

Sakura: I'm doomed

Naruto: alright

Iruka: and sasuke

Sakura: Alright!!!

Naruto: HUH!?

Iruka: And M/N


sakura: HAH take that ino pig I got M/N and Sasuke

Ino: but that big forehead not gonna get you anywhere

Did he say your with


Hah though I wouldn't update but wrong it's still sat UwU

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