My Pirate Academia

By Tsrcih

393K 11K 6.2K

After the decisive battle in Onigashima, Luffy, Robin and Law decided to head to the Poneglyph that Kaido hid... More

The Other World
All Might
Class 1-A
Display of Power
Luffy and Law's First Day
Side Story: Lunch Time
Looming Evil
Training Camp
Side Story: Eri
Approaching Evil
Uncanny Encounter
Straw Hat Luffy and The Surgeon of Death
Side Story: Luffy's Great U.A Adventure
Origin of Evil
A Cry for Help
Interlude: Christmas
Toga and Twice
Side Story: Settling In
A Discovery
Heroes vs Villain
Pirate vs Villain
Interlude: A Way Back Home
After the Talk
The Internships
The Internship's Conclusion
Side Story: A Test of their Strength
The Final Test I
The Final Test II
The Calm Before the Storm
Wavering Mind
The Truth Untold
Upheaval of Peace
The Missing Peace
Boy Meets Evil
The Darkness the Evil bears

Unknown Whereabouts

5.3K 160 39
By Tsrcih

I do not own One Piece and BNHA! ALSO! this is my first story so criticisms are fine uwu

"Luffy best boi" - Talking

"Luffy best boi" - Thoughts

Luffy best boi - Sentences

"LUFFY BEST BOI" - All Might Muscle Form, Anger

Police Force HQ

All Might was exhausted.

After a very busy day after the first day of Internships, he's finally done for the day as he made his way Inside the Police Force HQ to attend the meeting he had arranged with the Decaying Villain with the help of his Friends on the Police Force and with the use his Authority as the Former Number 1 Hero, he was given the opportunity to have a meet the Grandchild of his Master

All Might soon arrived at the Prison Cell of his Master's Grandchild, All Might saw the state he's in, he was covered in Bandages with visible bruises and burn marks all over his body after his encounter and fight with the Three Students and Luffy

"Tenk-" All Might was about to call out for the Villain but he was Interrupted by the Villain's feral scream

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Shigaraki Tomura venomously shouted as he glared murderously at the Former Symbol of Peace

"I betrayed my Teacher and the only people who cared for me, I've lost everything... I... Have nothing anymore... And the very least I could do... is to Treasure the name my Sensei... the person who saved me... had given to me..." Shigaraki quietly said to All Might before turning his back on him

"I see..." that was the only thing that All Might could say to him as he dejectedly clenched his fists tight, Heroes are people who Help others but there are times where they couldn't help others and that was one of the most frustrating thing about the Hero's line of work "So All for One Impacted your life that much huh..." All Might thought as he looked at the Grandchild of his Master with pity before walking away, leaving his Master's Grandchild turned Villain alone in his dark, bleak Prison Cell...

It was already the Second Day of the Internships and Izuku, Bakugou and Todoroki was doing fairly well under the tutelage of The Flame Hero Endeavor, who had finally accepted the other Two as his Interns after the Events that happened yesterday, Endeavor and The Three Students were currently on their Patrol to maintain the peace in the city, along with them was Luffy and the Wing Hero: Hawks who decided to come along with them

"I can't believe you're still here..." Endeavor said to Hawks who looked at the Winged Hero with his piercing eyes, Hawks just chuckled at this before he replied

"Ehhhh, I wanna come with your Patrols too Endeavor-san, I wanna learn from the Current Number 1 Hero too!" Hawks cheerfully said, Endeavor could only sigh in defeat as he let the Winged Hero go with them, The Three Students could only silently listen to their conversation as they continued to look around the city to see if there was a disturbance in peace, Izuku while looking around decided to strike a conversation with Endeavor

"So, Endeavor after our Patrol for the day what are we going to do later?" Izuku curiously asked to the Flame Hero who looked at him sternly before answering

"I will personally Train you Kids and give you some Training Regime I made for each of you in the afternoon and after that we'll go on a Patrol again!" Endeavor merely said to Izuku who determinedly nodded at him with a smile

"CAN WE HURRY UP AND FINISH THIS PATROL ALREADY?! NOTHIN'S HAPPENING HERE!" Bakugou angrily whined as he continued to look to see if there's some trouble brewing but saw that there's nothing happening which disappointed him

"Bakugou be patient..." Todoroki simply said to the whining Bakugou monotonously which annoyed the angry pomeranian

"DON'T GIVE ME ORDERS ICY-HOT!" Bakugou yelled at Todoroki as he started to glare at the Dual Quirked teen who just ignored him

"Hahaha! you Kids sure are Energertic! seeing you guys kinda reminds me of my days as a Hero-in-Training!" Hawks said while chuckling as he reminisced at the days when he was a Student

"I wanna go on an Adventure again later!" Luffy cheerfully said while he excitedly looked around the City

Izuku could only tiredly sigh as he looked at the clear sky with a weary expression

"This is going to be a long day..." Izuku thought 

After their Patrol, Endeavor and his Three Interns soon started their Training at Endeavor's very own Training Dojo that was built in his Agency, Hawks and Luffy meanwhile watched over the them with Interest, relaxing at the sides while drinking some Tea and eating some Onigiri that was given to them by Endeavor's Sidekicks 

The Three Student's Training with Endeavor soon ended as they gasp for breath and panted heavily while laying on the wooden floor of the Dojo

"T-This Training is too much..." Izuku managed to utter as he laid on the floor completely worn out

"I... for once agree with you... fuckin Deku..." Bakugou said to Izuku, Bakugou then turned to look at Todoroki who he noticed was actually the one who's not the most tired of them

"Half n Half, are you used to this kind of fucking Training or something?" Bakugou said while panting hard, Todoroki could only look at him as he wiped the sweat that littered his body with a towel before nodding at him

"Yeah... My Father used to Train me like this ever since I was young..." Todoroki monotonously said to Bakugou as he then began to remember some bad memories regarding his Father, he then turned to look at Endeavor who saw him looking at him too with an apologetic eyes

The atmosphere became very awkward as they heard Todoroki say that but the tense atmosphere soon dissipated as they were all startled when they heard a energetic yell

"YOSH! NOW THAT YOUR TRAINING'S OVER, LET'S GO OUT TO LOOK AROUND THE CITY AGAIN!" Luffy excitedly said as he quickly sprang up to stand

"No, we'll take a break first after that we'll go out to Patrol again!" Endeavor declared as they all soon left the Dojo to head towards the Agency Lounge to get food and to take a break 

Endeavor's Agency's Lounge

Law was peacefully killing time reading while slumped at the couch at Endeavor Agency's Lounge, he was at bliss since there's only a few people currently in the Agency so it was quiet and Law was able to spend his time reading peacefully and got some time to be alone   

"You're reading books again? don't you have other things to do to pass the time other than reading?" Law soon heard a feminine voice, he turned to the direction of voice and saw someone he recently acquainted with

"I'm Reading to expand my knowledge, and there's nothing else left to do since I'm done with all of my chores here, Kamiji-ya" Law simply said to Endeavor's Sidekick Burnin, who's also known as Moe Kamiji

"Look here... this Isn't a place to relax you know?" Burnin exasperated said to Law who's still immersed at what he's reading

"But this is the Lounge..." Law blankly said to her, Burnin just tiredly sighed at the unreasonable man in front of him before taking a sit next to him

"You... do you even know the reason behind this Internship?" Burnin Irritated at the Fur Hat wearing man's sarcasm asked to him Incredulously, Law just sighed before closing the Book he's reading and turned to her before speaking

"I am well aware of It, Kamiji-ya and I'm gathering Information to find 'them' I'm just taking a break right now" Law said to Burning who only nodded at his reason, soon the two of them heard multiple footsteps nearby and turned to look at the direction of it and Endeavor and the Wing Hero: Hawks, along with them was Endeavor's Three Interns and Luffy

"Oh! Torao! so this is where you are! I was looking for you from everywhere you know? this building is pretty big I almost got lost!" Luffy excitedly said to Law 

"Straw Hat-ya, I deliberately avoided you so you don't annoy me on my only Break!" Law said to Luffy while pinching his cheeks that stretched at a Inhumane lengths which surprised both Endeavor and Hawks

"Hoh, so his Quirk lets him stretch huh..." Endeavor uttered which was heard by all of them except Law and Luffy "his Quirk looks pretty weak but I've always sensed that this man is no ordinary man... and also... that Guy he's a pretty new Pro-Hero and I heard that he and that guy took down a Rampaging Giant Villain in the City... just who on earth are they? Endeavor deeply thought as he continued to look at the two men who's currently arguing

"So, Boss are you finished with your Training? what are you gonna do now?" Burnin asked to Endeavor, Endeavor was snapped out of his train of thoughts before he looked at Burnin to reply to her

"We're going to take a Break and after that we'll 'Patrol'" Endeavor coolly said to Burnin who understood what he's Implying

"I see, can I come too?" Burnin enthusiastically said as she asked Endeavor for permission to be able to come with them

"No Burnin, you'll stay here to keep things around here under control, since all of my Sidekicks but you are total Blockheads." Endeavor said to her, Burnin's eyes widen at his answer before snapping out of her trance as she began to speak again

"Yes Boss! I'll make sure to keep the Agency in a perfect condition when you're back!" Burnin delightedly said while saluting, she was disappointed that she couldn't come but was happy that she's being relied on by her Boss so she didn't mind Endeavor not giving her permission from coming with them, Endeavor nodded at satisfaction at her answer before he went to the Cafeteria to get his own food

After a chaotic lunch fight that transpired because of Luffy, Endeavor, Hawks and The Three Interns soon left the Agency to go on to their 'Patrol' along with them was Luffy and Law who for some reason said that he wanted to come with them, Endeavor had no reason to decline so he agreed for him to come, as they were currently walking around the City, Endeavor soon tried to break the silence as he turned to look to Luffy and ask him a very simple Question

"So, what kind of Hero you want to be?" Endeavor asked to the Straw Hat wearing man, this Question caught the attention of all of them as they all turned to look at Luffy who only looked back at them with a confused expression, this action from the Man confused Endeavor and Hawks

"Hero? I don't wanna be a Hero! I think Heroes are cool but I don't wanna be one!" Luffy said to him which confused the Flame Hero even more, Hawks could only chuckle at Luffy's answer

"What? Aren't you a U.A Student? Why are you even enrolled there when you don't want to be a Hero?" Endeavor asked to Luffy who began to think 

"Well... One reason is that Heroes share their Meat to others but I wanna eat the Meat by myself!" Luffy said to Endeavor who was confused by the Straw Hat wearing man's logic

"What?" Endeavor Incredulously uttered as he continued to stare at the Straw Hat wearing man who wore a huge proud grin on his face

"HAHAHAHAHA! You're one Interesting Individual, Luffy!" Hawks merrily said as he wiped the tears on his eyes for laughing to hard

"Don't mind him Enji-ya, you'll only lose your Brain cells the more you talk to him" Law tiredly said to him with a hint of annoyance on his voice, Izuku had a comical sweat drop on him while Bakugou and Todoroki was silent as they listened to the whole conversation

"Of course he won't be a Hero, he's a friggin Pirate goddammit!" Bakugou thought irritated before sighing

"So, where will we start our Patrol?" Bakugou asked to Endeavor, who turned to him before he was again in deep thought, Endeavor suddenly had an Idea as he turned to look at all of them before speaking

"Let's split up Into two groups, I'll take Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugou with me, Hawks take those guys with you" Endeavor said as he then took Todoroki, Izuku and Bakugou to go on a Patrol with him

Hawks could only gaze at Endeavor's retreating back before chuckling at The Flame Heroes' self contained act, he turned around to look at Luffy and Law before speaking

"So, you guys wanna have fun?" Hawks asked to the two men with a smirk

With Endeavor and The Three 

"Uhm, Endeavor aren't we going to far just for a Patrol? we're basically out of the City!" Izuku said as he looked around him and saw that they were now In a lush forest

"I agree, there's nothing in here..." Todoroki monotonously said as he continued to look around but there's nothing but Greenery everywhere

"I'VE BEEN QUIET ALL THIS TIME BUT WHERE THE HELL ARE WE? WHAT ARE WE EVEN PATROL THIS FAR FOR? THERE'S NOTHING IN HERE BUT TREES, NO ONES EVEN HERE BUT US!" Bakugou loudly yelled as his loud voice echoed through the lush forest, Endeavor could only tiredly sighed as he turned to look at his Three Interns in the eye before speaking

"Do you Kids know what's the whole purpose of this 'Internship'?" Endeavor asked to the two of them with a raised brow

"N-No..." Izuku was the only one who managed to reply as the two of his classmates only shook their heads, Endeavor nodded before taking a deep breath as he prepared himself before speaking 

"This Internship was mandated by The Public Safety Commissions only as an excuse and the real purpose of this Internship is for The Hero Class Students to help us find a way to find the Hideout of the League!" Endeavor pensively said to them, The Three Students eyes widened as they heard the real reason behind the sudden Internships

"Don't tell anyone I told you this alright, I trust you Kids enough to share this Information with you, The Government forbid Pro-Heroes like me to share Confidential Information to their Interns after all..." Endeavor added, Izuku could only slowly nod at this while Bakugou and Todoroki meanwhile was unmoving as they heard the sudden revelation

"I'm glad you're all understanding, Let's keep moving then" Endeavor said as he then started to use his Quirk to blast himself in the sky to look from above, The Three was still frozen in place as they silently processed what the Flame Hero had just said

It was already Night when they finished their Patrol as Endeavor along with his Three Interns soon arrived back at Endeavor's Agency, visibly exhausted and frustrated

"There you guys are, Welcome back!" Endeavor and the Three Students then turned and saw Burnin greeting them, they casually returned her greeting and soon Burnin quietly approached Endeavor and started to talk to him

"So Boss how did it go? did you find anything?" Burnin quietly asked as she approached the Flame Hero who only looked at her and shook his head in disappointment

"I-I see... that's too bad" Burnin said to Endeavor with dismay in her voice

"It's fine Burnin, I thank you for keeping things under control here" Endeavor said as he thanked his Sidekick, Endeavor could only look at his Agency's Glass Window and stared at the Full Moon with a grim expression

"League of Villains... be prepared, I swear as the now Number 1 Hero, I will capture you all!" Endeavor Internally vowed, his Determination burning hotter than his Quirk

Endeavor soon told his Izuku and Bakugou that they could now go home and told them to be prepared as tomorrow is their Last Day Interning with him

Bakugou and Izuku soon left the Agency and Endeavour along with Shoto and Burnin were the only ones remained at the Agency Lounge

"By the way Burnin, did Law and that Straw Hat wearing man come here?" Endeavor asked to his Sidekick who turned to him before speaking 

"Oh you mean those Two? they never came back here after you guys left" Burnin answered to Endeavor who's eyes slowly widen as he realize just who the person Law and Luffy was with...

"Don't tell me... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWKS!" Endeavor hollered out as his loud angry shout was heard through out the Night

U.A Principal's Office

"Principal, I'm here" All Might tiredly said as he quietly entered Nezu's Office

"Oh, Toshinori you're finally here, you must be tired because you've been busy since yesterday so why don't you take a sit?" Nezu politely offered to the Former Symbol of Peace, All Might then thanked the Principal and nodded as he took a sit across the Furry Principal in the couch

"So Toshinori... have you found any Leads?" Nezu asked to the Former Number 1 Hero, All Might's natural grin soon turned into a frown as he shook his head slowly, indicating that he didn't

"Tenk- I mean... Shigaraki Tomura refused to divulge and say anything about them sir, I'm very sorry for my uselessness..." All Might dejectedly said as he bowed his head to the Principal

"It's fine Toshinori, we just have to be patient, we'll stumble upon them sooner or later, 'he' won't be able to hide forever after all, he'll soon make a move and we must be prepared and anticipate it..." Nezu quietly uttered as he gravely looked at All Might who nodded at him

"Yes Principal! I will work my hardest to find him and the League!" All Might said as he clenched his fist tight

"All for One, this time I will not hesitate... I will use all of my Power to put a stop to your Tyranny!" 

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